478 research outputs found

    Jahn-Teller Spectral Fingerprint in Molecular Photoemission: C60

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    The h_u hole spectral intensity for C60 -> C60+ molecular photoemission is calculated at finite temperature by a parameter-free Lanczos diagonalization of the electron-vibration Hamiltonian, including the full 8 H_g, 6 G_g, and 2 A_g mode couplings. The computed spectrum at 800 K is in striking agreement with gas-phase data. The energy separation of the first main shoulder from the main photoemission peak, 230 meV in C60, is shown to measure directly and rather generally the strength of the final-state Jahn-Teller coupling.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Low-energy excitations of a linearly Jahn-Teller coupled orbital quintet

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    The low-energy spectra of the single-mode h x (G+H) linear Jahn-Teller model is studied by means of exact diagonalization. Both eigenenergies and photoemission spectral intensities are computed. These spectra are useful to understand the vibronic dynamics of icosahedral clusters with partly filled orbital quintet molecular shells, for example C60 positive ions.Comment: 14 pages revte

    Exact zero-point energy shift in the e(n E)e\otimes (n~E), t(n H)t\otimes (n~H) many modes dynamic Jahn-Teller systems at strong coupling

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    We find the exact semiclassical (strong coupling) zero-point energy shifts applicable to the e(nE)e\otimes (n E) and t(nH)t\otimes (n H) dynamic Jahn-Teller problems, for an arbitrary number nn of discrete vibrational modes simultaneously coupled to one single electronic level. We also obtain an analytical formula for the frequency of the resulting normal modes, which has an attractive and apparently general Slater-Koster form. The limits of validity of this approach are assessed by comparison with O'Brien's previous effective-mode approach, and with accurate numerical diagonalizations. Numerical values obtained for t(nH)t\otimes (n H) with n=8n =8 and coupling constants appropriate to C60_{60}^- are used for this purpose, and are discussed in the context of fullerene.Comment: 20 pages, 4 ps figure

    Mapping host-related correlates of influenza vaccine-induced immune response: An umbrella review of the available systematic reviews and meta-analyses

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    Seasonal influenza is the leading infectious disease in terms of its health and socioeconomic impact. Annual immunization is the most efficient way to reduce this burden. Several correlates of influenza vaccine-induced protection are commonly used, owing to their ready availability and cheapness. Influenza vaccine-induced immunogenicity is a function of host-, virus-and vaccine-related factors. Host-related factors constitute the most heterogeneous group. The objective of this study was to analyze the available systematic evidence on the host factors able to modify influenza vaccine-induced immunogenicity. An umbrella review approach was undertaken. A total of 28 systematic reviews/meta-analyses were analyzed—these covered the following domains: intravenous drug use, psychological stress, acute and chronic physical exercise, genetic polymorphisms, use of pre-/pro-/symbiotics, previous Bacillus Calmette–Guérin vaccination, diabetes mellitus, vitamin D supplementation/deficiency, latent cytomegalovirus infection and various forms of immunosuppression. In order to present effect sizes on the same scale, all possible meta-analyses were re-performed and cumulative evidence synthesis ranking was carried out. The meta-analysis was conducted separately on each health condition category and virus (sub)type. A total of 97 pooled estimates were used in order to construct an evidence-based stakeholder-friendly map. The principal public health implications are discussed

    Valence-bond states in dynamical Jahn-Teller molecular systems

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    We discuss a hopping model of electrons between idealized molecular sites with local orbital degeneracy and dynamical Jahn-Teller effect, for crystal field environments of sufficiently high symmetry. For the Mott-insulating case (one electron per site and large Coulomb repulsions), in the simplest two-fold degenerate situation, we are led to consider a particular exchange hamiltonian, describing two isotropic spin-1/2 Heisenberg problems coupled by a quartic term on equivalent bonds. This twin-exchange hamiltonian applies to a physical regime in which the inter-orbital singlet is the lowest-energy intermediate state available for hopping. This regime is favored by a relatively strong electron-phonon coupling. Using variational arguments, a large-N limit, and exact diagonalization data, we find that the ground state, in the one dimensional case, is a solid valence bond state. The situation in the two dimensional case is less clear. Finally, the behavior of the system upon hole doping is studied in one dimension.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    The role of the Berry Phase in Dynamical Jahn-Teller Systems

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    The presence/absence of a Berry phase depends on the topology of the manifold of dynamical Jahn-Teller potential minima. We describe in detail the relation between these topological properties and the way the lowest two adiabatic potential surfaces get locally degenerate. We illustrate our arguments through spherical generalizations of the linear T x h and H x h cases, relevant for the physics of fullerene ions. Our analysis allows us to classify all the spherical Jahn-Teller systems with respect to the Berry phase. Its absence can, but does not necessarily, lead to a nondegenerate ground state.Comment: revtex 7 pages, 2 eps figures include

    Immunogenicity measures of influenza vaccines: A study of 1164 registered clinical trials

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    Influenza carries an enormous burden each year. Annual influenza vaccination is the best means of reducing this burden. To be clinically effective, influenza vaccines must be immunogenic, and several immunological assays to test their immunogenicity have been developed. This study aimed to describe the patterns of use of the various immunological assays available to measure the influenza vaccine-induced adaptive immune response and to determine its correlates of protection. A total of 76.5% of the studies included in our analysis measured only the humoral immune response. Among these, the hemagglutination-inhibition assay was by far the most widely used. Other, less common, humoral immune response assays were: virus neutralization (21.7%), enzyme-linked immunosorbent (10.1%), single radial hemolysis (4.6%), and assays able to quantify anti-neuraminidase antibodies (1.7%). By contrast, cell-mediated immunity was quantified in only 23.5% of studies. Several variables were significantly associated with the use of single assays. Specifically, some influenza vaccine types (e.g., adjuvanted, live attenuated and cell culture-derived or recombinant), study phase and study sponsorship pattern were usually found to be statistically significant predictors. We discuss the principal findings and make some suggestions from the point of view of the various stakeholders

    Role of Microenvironment in Glioma Invasion. What We Learned from In Vitro Models

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    The invasion properties of glioblastoma hamper a radical surgery and are responsible for its recurrence. Understanding the invasion mechanisms is thus critical to devise new therapeutic strategies. Therefore, the creation of in vitro models that enable these mechanisms to be studied represents a crucial step. Since in vitro models represent an over-simplification of the in vivo system, in these years it has been attempted to increase the level of complexity of in vitro assays to create models that could better mimic the behaviour of the cells in vivo. These levels of complexity involved: 1. The dimension of the system, moving from two-dimensional to three-dimensional models; 2. The use of microfluidic systems; 3. The use of mixed cultures of tumour cells and cells of the tumour micro-environment in order to mimic the complex cross-talk between tumour cells and their micro-environment; 4. And the source of cells used in an attempt to move from commercial lines to patient-based models. In this review, we will summarize the evidence obtained exploring these different levels of complexity and highlighting advantages and limitations of each system used

    The Role of Epigenetics in the Progression of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma and the Basis for Future Epigenetic Treatments

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    Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) is curable when diagnosed at an early stage, but when disease is non-confined it is the urologic cancer with worst prognosis. Antiangiogenic treatment and immune checkpoint inhibition therapy constitute a very promising combined therapy for advanced and metastatic disease. Many exploratory studies have identified epigenetic markers based on DNA methylation, histone modification, and ncRNA expression that epigenetically regulate gene expression in ccRCC. Additionally, epigenetic modifiers genes have been proposed as promising biomarkers for ccRCC. We review and discuss the current understanding of how epigenetic changes determine the main molecular pathways of ccRCC initiation and progression, and also its clinical implications. Despite the extensive research performed, candidate epigenetic biomarkers are not used in clinical practice for several reasons. However, the accumulated body of evidence of developing epigenetically-based biomarkers will likely allow the identification of ccRCC at a higher risk of progression. That will facilitate the establishment of firmer therapeutic decisions in a changing landscape and also monitor active surveillance in the aging population. What is more, a better knowledge of the activities of chromatin modifiers may serve to develop new therapeutic opportunities. Interesting clinical trials on epigenetic treatments for ccRCC associated with well established antiangiogenic treatments and immune checkpoint inhibitors are revisited.Instituto de Salud Carlos IIIComisión Europe

    Relative effectiveness of the adjuvanted vs non-adjuvanted seasonal influenza vaccines against severe laboratory-confirmed influenza among hospitalized Italian older adults

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    Objectives: In this study, we aimed to investigate the relative vaccine effectiveness (rVE) of the MF59-adjuvanted trivalent (aTIV) and non-adjuvanted quadrivalent (QIVe) egg-based standard-dose vaccines against severe laboratory-confirmed influenza. Methods: This test-negative case-control study was conducted in a hospital setting during four recent Italian influenza seasons (from 2018/19 to 2021/22). The clinical outcome was severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) with laboratory confirmation diagnosed among subjects aged ≥65 years. rVE of aTIV versus QIVe was estimated through propensity score matching followed by logistic regression. Results: The influenza virus circulated to a significant extent only during the 2018/19 and 2019/20 seasons. The final population included 512 vaccinated older adults, of which 83 were cases and 429 were test-negative controls. aTIV and QIVe users differed substantially from the point of view of several baseline characteristics. The propensity score adjusted rVE of aTIV vs QIVe was 59.2% (95% CI: 14.6%, 80.5%), 54.7% (95% CI: -28.7%, 84.0%) and 56.9% (95% CI: -7.8%, 82.8%) against any influenza, A(H1N1)pdm09 and A(H3N2), respectively. Conclusion: aTIV was more effective than QIVe in preventing laboratory-confirmed SARI. The benefits of aTIV may be obscured by confounding indication