1,187 research outputs found
New moduli spaces of pointed curves and pencils of flat connections
It is well known that formal solutions to the Associativity Equations are the
same as cyclic algebras over the homology operad of
the moduli spaces of --pointed stable curves of genus zero. In this paper we
establish a similar relationship between the pencils of formal flat connections
(or solutions to the Commutativity Equations) and homology of a new series
of pointed stable curves of genus zero. Whereas
parametrizes trees of 's with pairwise distinct nonsingular marked
points, parametrizes strings of 's stabilized by marked
points of two types. The union of all 's forms a semigroup rather
than operad, and the role of operadic algebras is taken over by the
representations of the appropriately twisted homology algebra of this union.Comment: 37 pages, AMSTex. Several typos corrected, a reference added,
subsection 3.2.2 revised, subsection 3.2.4 adde
Gromov-Witten classes, quantum cohomology, and enumerative geometry
The paper is devoted to the mathematical aspects of topological quantum field
theory and its applications to enumerative problems of algebraic geometry. In
particular, it contains an axiomatic treatment of Gromov-Witten classes, and a
discussion of their properties for Fano varieties. Cohomological Field Theories
are defined, and it is proved that tree level theories are determined by their
correlation functions. Applications to counting rational curves on del Pezzo
surfaces and projective spaces are given.Comment: 44 p, amste
Noncommutative differential geometry with higher order derivatives
We build a toy model of differential geometry on the real line, which
includes derivatives of the second order. Such construction is possible only
within the framework of noncommutative geometry. We introduce the metric and
briefly discuss two simple physical models of scalar field theory and gauge
theory in this geometry.Comment: 10 page
Quantum Thetas on Noncommutative T^4 from Embeddings into Lattice
In this paper we investigate the theta vector and quantum theta function over
noncommutative T^4 from the embedding of R x Z^2. Manin has constructed the
quantum theta functions from the lattice embedding into vector space (x finite
group). We extend Manin's construction of the quantum theta function to the
embedding of vector space x lattice case. We find that the holomorphic theta
vector exists only over the vector space part of the embedding, and over the
lattice part we can only impose the condition for Schwartz function. The
quantum theta function built on this partial theta vector satisfies the
requirement of the quantum theta function. However, two subsequent quantum
translations from the embedding into the lattice part are non-additive,
contrary to the additivity of those from the vector space part.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX, version to appear in J. Phys.
Quantum group covariant noncommutative geometry
The algebraic formulation of the quantum group covariant noncommutative
geometry in the framework of the -matrix approach to the theory of quantum
groups is given. We consider structure groups taking values in the quantum
groups and introduce the notion of the noncommutative connections and
curvatures transformed as comodules under the "local" coaction of the structure
group which is exterior extension of . These noncommutative
connections and curvatures generate -covariant quantum algebras.
For such algebras we find combinations of the generators which are invariants
under the coaction of the "local" quantum group and one can formally consider
these invariants as the noncommutative images of the Lagrangians for the
topological Chern-Simons models, non-abelian gauge theories and the Einstein
gravity. We present also an explicit realization of such covariant quantum
algebras via the investigation of the coset construction
.Comment: 21 pages, improved versio
Theta Vectors and Quantum Theta Functions
In this paper, we clarify the relation between Manin's quantum theta function
and Schwarz's theta vector in comparison with the kq representation, which is
equivalent to the classical theta function, and the corresponding coordinate
space wavefunction. We first explain the equivalence relation between the
classical theta function and the kq representation in which the translation
operators of the phase space are commuting. When the translation operators of
the phase space are not commuting, then the kq representation is no more
meaningful. We explain why Manin's quantum theta function obtained via algebra
(quantum tori) valued inner product of the theta vector is a natural choice for
quantum version of the classical theta function (kq representation). We then
show that this approach holds for a more general theta vector with constant
obtained from a holomorphic connection of constant curvature than the simple
Gaussian one used in the Manin's construction. We further discuss the
properties of the theta vector and of the quantum theta function, both of which
have similar symmetry properties under translation.Comment: LaTeX 21 pages, give more explicit explanations for notions given in
the tex
Non-rationality of some fibrations associated to Klein surfaces
We study the polynomial fibration induced by the equation of the Klein
surfaces obtained as quotient of finite linear groups of automorphisms of the
plane; this surfaces are of type A, D, E, corresponding to their singularities.
The generic fibre of the polynomial fibration is a surface defined over the
function field of the line. We proved that it is not rational in cases D, E,
although it is obviously rational in the case A.
The group of automorphisms of the Klein surfaces is also described, and is
linear and of finite dimension in cases D, E; this result being obviously false
in case A.Comment: 18 page
Mirror symmetry and quantization of abelian varieties
The paper consists of two sections. The first section provides a new
definition of mirror symmetry of abelian varieties making sense also over
-adic fields. The second section introduces and studies quantized
theta-functions with two-sided multipliers, which are functions on
non-commutative tori. This is an extension of an earlier work by the author. In
the Introduction and in the Appendix the constructions of this paper are put
into a wider context.Comment: 24 pp., amstex file, no figure
Field Theory on Quantum Plane
We build the defomation of plane on a product of two copies of
algebras of functions on the plane. This algebra constains a subalgebra of
functions on the plane. We present general scheme (which could be used as well
to construct quaternion from pairs of complex numbers) and we use it to derive
differential structures, metric and discuss sample field theoretical models.Comment: LaTeX, 10 page
The anticommutator spin algebra, its representations and quantum group invariance
We define a 3-generator algebra obtained by replacing the commutators by
anticommutators in the defining relations of the angular momentum algebra. We
show that integer spin representations are in one to one correspondence with
those of the angular momentum algebra. The half-integer spin representations,
on the other hand, split into two representations of dimension j + 1/2. The
anticommutator spin algebra is invariant under the action of the quantum group
SO_q(3) with q=-1.Comment: 7 A4 page
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