376 research outputs found

    Land Surface Evaluation Using Unit Hydrograph Methods at Way Besai Watershed, Sumberjaya, West Lampung, Indonesia

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    Sumber Jaya is an important water resource area for Lampung Province; therefore the local government protects this area, especially from clearing the forest for coffee plantation. However, the efforts in protecting the forest area had created conflict with the local farmers. The objective of this research was to evaluate catchments hydrological function from different land cover condition. The method using for this purpose was by investigating the unit hydrograph of each land cover which were observed from several rain events. The results showed that soil cover on each sub-catchment were relatively able to hold the input water. When rain falls, water was infiltrated into the soil before flow to the streams and water level increased slowly. When rain stops, water still flowed from the soil surface that water level did not decrease quickly. It can be concluded that the watershed surface was still in a good condition; however, watershed managements to prevent it from future destruction was necessary. The rest of forest area (12%) should be protected and no further coffee plantation in this area was allowed

    Analisis Deret Waktu Curah Hujan Untuk Mengkaji Perubahan Iklim Di Daerah Tangkapan Air Propinsi Lampung TIME Series Analysis of Rainfall to Study Climate Change in Watershed Area, Lampung Province

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    One important climate factor for tropical area is rainfall. Changes in rainfall pattern will cause numerous problems especially in agricultural activities. Rainfall pattern could also lead to either flood or drought; problems which will not only affect agricultural activities but also socio-economic situation of broad community. Therefore, study of local climate variability focusing on rainfall related to the global warming is important. Time series analysis ( correlogram and periodogram) of daily rainfall was chosen to investigate the phenomena of global warming in local scale. Data (1974-2004) was collected from Sumberjaya, Air Hitam and Fajar Bulan; three stations located inside one of the important watershed in Lampung Province. From the collelogram, in general daily rainfall in this upland and forest area shows independency up to the year of 1990. No seasonal pattern could be an indicator that rains in this area are controlled more by local topography and land cover condition then by larger scale of climate system such as monsoon. After 1990 there were some weak sign of seasonal pattern. This could be interpreted as a sign that larger climate system started influence the local rainfall and as the global warming increases, it could be predicted that local rainfall pattern will be controlled more by the larger climate system. The periodogram shows that rainfall in this area has weak annual periodic. Data from Sumberjaya on 1990-1994 and 1999-2006 showed that annual periodic were getting stronger; a sign that larger climate system started dominating the area

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah, Budaya Organisasi dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Kinerja Guru pada SMP Negeri 3 Rancaekek

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of school Principal Leadership and Organizational Culture on Performance Motivation of Teachers in Junior High School 3 Rancaekek. The research was done by taking the entire population of teachers in Junior High School 3 Rancaekek. The method used is descriptive method aanalisis, the number of respondents 70 teachers (population). Analysis of the results of this study using path analysis. The results of the research are: Overview Principal leadership is achieving an average score of 3.92. The average score is consistent with the interpretation criteria table includes both good categories. Overview Organizational Culture, reaching an average score of 3.60. The average score is consistent with the interpretation criteria including both good categories. Overview of work motivation of achieving an average score of 4.00. The average score is consistent with the interpretation criteria including both good categories. Picture of teacher performance, reaching an average of 3.86. The average score is consistent with the interpretation criteria including both good categories. Principal leadership influence on teacher performance, namely the direct effect of 7.90%. Indirect effect through Organizational Culture of 2.50%, and through the work motivation at 12.50%. Thus the effect totaled 22.90% .. Influence of Organizational Culture on teacher performance, namely the direct effect of 3.00%. Indirect effect through the leadership of Principal of 2.50%, and through the work motivation of 6.90%. Thus the effect of a total of 12.40%. Influence motivation to work on teacher performance, namely the direct effect of 32.30%. Indirect effect through the leadership of Principal at 12.50% and thus the effect of a total of 51.70%. The influence of school leadership, organizational culture, and motivation to work on teacher performance in Junior High School 3 Rancaekek simultaneously by 87.00%. It shows that there is a significant effect. Keywords: leadership principals; organizational culture; work motivation; teacher performanc
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