439 research outputs found

    Corner radius effect in thin-walled square section columns on the local buckling of walls under axial compression.

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    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Think Pair and Share (Tps) Dimodifikasi Contextual Teaching and Learning (Ctl), Think Pair and Share (Tps) Dan Konvensional Pada Bab Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar Ditinjau Dari Gaya Belajar Peserta Didik

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    The objectives of this research were to investigate: (1) which learning model of the TPS modified with CTL, the TPS, and the conventional learning; (2) which students of those with the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles have a better learning achievement in Mathematics; (3) in each learning style, which learning model of the TPS modified with CTL, the TPS, and the conventional learning results in a better learning achievement in Mathematics; and (4) in each learning model, which learning style of the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles results in a better learning achievement in Mathematics. This research used the quasi experimental research method with the factorial design of 3 x 3. The population of the research was the students of Islamic Junior Secondary Schools in Tulungagung regency. The samples of the research were taken by using the stratified cluster random sampling technique. The samples of the research consisten of 294 students; 95 students belonged to experiment class one, 93 students belonged to experiment class two, and 106 students belonged to control class. The data of the research were gathered through multiple choice test of learning achievement and questionnaire of learning style. The data of the research were analyzed by using the unbalanced two-way analysis of variance. The results of the research are as follows. 1) The students instructed with TPS modified with CTL have the same learning achievement in Mathematics as those instructed with the TPS. Both the TPS modified with CTL and TPS have a better learning achievement than those instructed with the conventional learning. 2) The students with the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles have an equal learning achievement in Mathematics. 3) In each learning style, the students instructed with TPS modified with CTL have the same learning achievement in Mathematics as those instructed with the TPS. Both the TPS modified with CTL and TPS have a better learning achievement than those instructed with the conventional learning. 4) In each category of the learning models, the students with the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles have an equal learning achievement in Mathematics

    Evaluasi Proses Pembelajaran Matematika Kelompok Belajar Paket C Harapan Kecamatan Gemolong Kabupaten Sragen

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi dan mendiskripsikan 1) Proses pembelajaran matematika di Kejar Paket C PKBM Harapan Kecamatan Gemolong, 2) Pelaksanaan kurikulum di Kejar Paket C PKBM Harapan Kecamatan Gemolong, 3) Kendala-kendala dalam proses pembelajaran matematika di Kejar Paket C PKBM Harapan Kecamatan Gemolong, 4) Untuk memberikan rekomendasi solusi terhadap kendala yang muncul pada proses pembelajaran matematika Kejar Paket C PKBM Harapan Kecamatan Gemolong.Penelitian ini adalah penelitian evaluatif dengan pendekatan deskritif kualitatif. Sumber informasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Kepala Sekolah, siswa atau warga belajar, guru atau tutor Kejar Paket C Harapan Kecamatan Gemolong Kabupaten Sragen. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik wawancara, observasi kelas dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik alur yang meliputi pengumpulan data, penyajian data, reduksi data dan penarikan kesimpulan.Dari hasil analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1) proses pembelajaran matematika di kelas Kejar Paket C Harapan Kecamatan Gemolong belum berlangsung kondusif, guru atau tutor menggunakan metode yang monoton sehingga siswa merasa jenuh, 2) pelaksanaan kurikulum di Kejar Paket C Harapan telah sesuai dengan ketentuan Kurikulum Pendidikan Kesetaraan, 3) kendala-kendala yang dihadapi dalam proses pembelajaran antara lain kebanyakan siswa membawa anak-anak mereka ke dalam kelas, guru jarang mengikuti workshop model pembelajaran, tidak tersedia buku pegangan siswa.Rekomendasi atas kendala yang dihadapi dalam proses pembelajaran adalah: 1) menganjurkan siswa agar tidak membawa anak-anak ke dalam kelas, 2) mengikutkan guru dalam workshop model pembelajaran, 3) pengadaan buku pegangan siswa secara bertahap

    Cognitive transfer of spatial awareness states from immersive virtual environments to reality.

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    An individual's prior experience will influence how new visual information in a scene is perceived and remembered. Accuracy of memory performance per se is an imperfect reflection of the cognitive activity (awareness states) that underlies performance in memory tasks. The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of varied visual fidelity of training environments on the transfer of training to the real-world after exposure to immersive simulations representing a real-world scene. A between groups experiment was carried out to explore the effect of rendering quality on measurements of location-based recognition memory for objects and associated states of awareness. The immersive simulation, consisted of one room that was either rendered flat-shaded or using radiosity rendering. The simulation was displayed on a stereo head-tracked Head Mounted Display. Post exposure to the synthetic simulation, participants completed a memory recognition task conducted in a real-world scene by physically arranging objects in their physical form in a real world room. Participants also reported one of four states of awareness following object recognition. They were given several options of awareness states that reflected the level of visual mental imagery involved during retrieval, the familiarity of the recollection and related guesses. The scene incorporated objects that 'fitted' into the specific context of the real-world scene, referred to as consistent objects, and objects which were not related to the specific context of the real-world scene, referred to as inconsistent objects. A follow-up study was conducted a week after the initial test. Interestingly, results revealed a higher proportion of correct object recognition associated with mental imagery when participants were exposed to low fidelity flat-shaded training scenes rather than the radiosity rendered ones. Memory psychology indicates that awareness states based on visual imagery require stronger attentional processing in the first instance than those based on familiarity. A tentative claim would therefore be that those immersive environments that are distinctive because of their variation from 'real', such as flat-shaded environments, recruit stronger attentional resources. This additional attentional processing may bring about a change in participants' subjective experiences of 'remembering' when they later transfer the training from that environment into a real-world situation

    Le comportement d'un systÚme hydrologique en climat méditerranéen par l'analyse corrélatoire et spectrale des débits et des pluies. Cas de trois sous bassins sud-méditerranéens : (oued Sebdou, Moulah et Isser - Tafna - NW Algérie)

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    Les analyses corrĂ©latoire et spectrale des chroniques de la pluie (entrĂ©e) et de dĂ©bits (sortie) journaliers enregistrĂ©s au niveau des trois bassins sud mĂ©diterranĂ©ens Sebdou, Mouilah et Isser durant un seul cycle hydrologique nous ont permis d’obtenir des informations sur le fonctionnement de ces systĂšmes hydrologiques. Bien que la structure du signal « pluie » semble prĂ©senter les mĂȘmes caractĂ©ristiques pour les trois bassins, le signal de sortie « dĂ©bit » indique que l’oued Sebdou rĂ©agit diffĂ©remment par rapport aux oueds Mouilah et Isser.The aim of this work was to show that correlation and spectral analyses can be used to understand the functioning of hydrological systems. Accordingly, a study was carried out on three southern Mediterranean basins: Sebdou; Mouilah and Isser; located in the north western of Algeria. (Figure 1). Correlation and spectral analyses of daily rainfall and discharge rates for one hydrological cycle were carried out.Simple analysisSimple analysis of rainfall showed that the correlograms (Figure 2) decreased rapidly for the three basins, reaching a value of 0.2 within 1-2 days. This result indicated that rainfall was a quasi-random phenomenon. The variance density spectrum (Figure 3) showed that the rainfall distribution was not monotonous and presented a “Leigh” signal structure.The simple analysis of discharge rates indicated that the Sebdou system was different. The correlogram (Figure 4a) decreased quickly, characterising independent events without memory and with non-significant amounts of water. However, the Mouilah and Isser correlograms (Figure 4 b,c) decreased slowly. They represent important memory effects with regulation of significant amounts of water. The spectral band (Figure 5) confirmed that the Sebdou system did not modify the input information. The regulation time was about 5 d for Sebdou, 21 and 43 d respectively for Mouilah and Isser.Cross analysisThe correlograms (Figure 6) show that the Mouilah and Isser rivers have a great buffering ability. The Sebdou River was characterised by a composite response of the surface flow and an important groundwater flow. The amplitude function (Figure 7) indicated that the Sebdou system had good inertia. The lag time (Figure 8) was 9, 2 and 5 days respectively for the Sebdou, Mouilah and Isser rivers. The amplification and attenuation of the input signal (Figure 10) show that the Sebdou basin is the most karstified system. The non-linearity of the relationship between rainfall and discharge was expressed by the coherence coefficient (Figure 9), which was lower than 1

    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Stad Dengan Autograph Ditinjau Dari Sikap Percaya Diri Dan Kreativitas Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Di Kabupaten Magetan Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014

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    The aim of this study was to determine and compare cooperative learning model of STAD by AutoGraph and STAD viewed of self-confidence and creativity. This study was a quasi experimental research with 2x2x2 factorial design. The population of this study was all students of junior high school in Magetan Regency in academic year 2012/2013. Sampling was done by stratified cluster random technique. The total of sample was 172 students, with details of 86 students for first experiment class and 86 students for second experiment class. The instruments used to collect data were test of prior knowledge in mathematics, self-confidence questionnaire, creativity questionnaire and mathematics achievement test. The balance test of students prior knowledge in mathematics data used t-test and concluded that two of experimental classes have balance prior knowledge in mathematics. The testing of hypothesis used three-way analysis of variance with unballanced cell. The testing of hypothesis concluded as follows. (1) The students who taught by cooperative learning model of STAD by AutoGraph type have same mathematics achievement than students who taught by cooperative learning model of STAD type. (2) The students who have high self-confidence have better mathematics achievement than students who have low self-confidence. (3) Students who have high creativity have better mathematics achievement than students who have low creativity. (4) There was an interaction between learning model and self-confidence toward mathematics achievement. The students taught by cooperative learning model of STAD by AutoGraph type and who have high self-confidence have better mathematics achievement than the students who have low self-confidence. (5) There was no an interaction between learning model and creativity toward mathematics achievement. (6) There was no an interaction between self-confidence and creativity toward mathematics achievement. (7) There was an interaction between learning model, self-confidence and creativity toward mathematics achievement. The students taught by cooperative learning model of STAD type and who have low self-confidence and high creativity have better mathematics achievement than the students who have low creativity
