161 research outputs found

    Genetic Characterization of smg-8 Mutants Reveals No Role in C. elegans Nonsense Mediated Decay

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    The nonsense mediated decay (NMD) pathway degrades mRNAs bearing premature translation termination codons. In mammals, SMG-8 has been implicated in the NMD pathway, in part by its association with SMG-1 kinase. Here we use four independent assays to show that C. elegans smg-8 is not required to degrade nonsense-containing mRNAs. We examine the genetic requirement for smg-8 to destabilize the endogenous, natural NMD targets produced by alternative splicing of rpl-7a and rpl-12. We test smg-8 for degradation of the endogenous, NMD target generated by unc-54(r293), which lacks a normal polyadenylation site. We probe the effect of smg-8 on the exogenous NMD target produced by myo-3::GFP, which carries a long 3′ untranslated region that destabilizes mRNAs. None of these known NMD targets is influenced by smg-8 mutations. In addition, smg-8 animals lack classical Smg mutant phenotypes such as a reduced brood size or abnormal vulva. We conclude that smg-8 is unlikely to encode a component critical for NMD.Molecular and Cellular Biolog

    Chromosome organization in 4D: insights from C. elegans development

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    Eukaryotic genome organization is ordered and multilayered, from the nucleosome to chromosomal scales. These layers are not static during development, but are remodeled over time and between tissues. Thus, animal model studies with high spatiotemporal resolution are necessary to understand the various forms and functions of genome organization in vivo. In C. elegans, sequencing- and imaging-based advances have provided insight on how histone modifications, regulatory elements, and large-scale chromosome conformations are established and changed. Recent observations include unexpected physiological roles for topologically associating domains, different roles for the nuclear lamina at different chromatin scales, cell-type-specific enhancer and promoter regulatory grammars, and prevalent compartment variability in early development. Here, we summarize these and other recent findings in C. elegans, and suggest future avenues of research to enrich our in vivo knowledge of the forms and functions of nuclear organization

    Wormnet: a crystal ball for Caenorhabditis elegans

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    An integrated gene network for Caenorhabditis elegans encompasses most protein-coding genes

    Multiplex DNA fluorescence in situ hybridization to analyze maternal vs. paternal C. elegans chromosomes

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    Recent advances in high-throughput microscopy have paved the way to study chromosome organization at the single-molecule level and have led to a better understanding of genome organization in space and time. During development, distinct maternal and paternal contributions ensure the formation of an embryo proper, yet little is known about the organization of chromosomes inherited from mothers versus fathers. To tackle this question, we have modified single-molecule chromosome tracing to distinguish between the chromosomes of two well-studied strains of C. elegans called Bristol and Hawai'ian. We find that chromosomes from these two strains have similar folding patterns in homozygous hermaphrodites. However, crosses between Bristol and Hawai'ian animals reveal that the paternal chromosome adopts the folding parameters of the maternal chromosome in embryos. This is accomplished by an increase in the polymer step size and decompaction of the chromosome. The data indicate that factors from the mother impact chromosome folding in trans. We also characterize the degree of intermixing between homologues within the chromosome territories. Sister chromosomes overlap frequently in C. elegans embryos, but pairing between homologues is rare, suggesting that transvection is unlikely to occur. This method constitutes a powerful tool to investigate chromosome architecture from mothers and fathers

    Dynein Regulates Epithelial Polarity and the Apical Localization of stardust A mRNA

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    Intense investigation has identified an elaborate protein network controlling epithelial polarity. Although precise subcellular targeting of apical and basolateral determinants is required for epithelial architecture, little is known about how the individual determinant proteins become localized within the cell. Through a genetic screen for epithelial defects in the Drosophila follicle cells, we have found that the cytoplasmic Dynein motor is an essential regulator of apico–basal polarity. Our data suggest that Dynein acts through the cytoplasmic scaffolding protein Stardust (Sdt) to localize the transmembrane protein Crumbs, in part through the apical targeting of specific sdt mRNA isoforms. We have mapped the sdt mRNA localization signal to an alternatively spliced coding exon. Intriguingly, the presence or absence of this exon corresponds to a developmental switch in sdt mRNA localization in which apical transcripts are only found during early stages of epithelial development, while unlocalized transcripts predominate in mature epithelia. This work represents the first demonstration that Dynein is required for epithelial polarity and suggests that mRNA localization may have a functional role in the regulation of apico–basal organization. Moreover, we introduce a unique mechanism in which alternative splicing of a coding exon is used to control mRNA localization during development

    The PHA-4 Gene is Required to Generate the Pharyngeal Primordium of Caenorhabditis-Elegans

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    In the 4-cell Caenorhabditis elegans embryo, two blastomeres are destined to generate pharyngeal cells, each by a distinct developmental strategy: one pathway is inductive, while the other is autonomous. Here, we identify the pha-4 locus. In animals lacking pha-4 activity, an early step in pharyngeal organogenesis is blocked: no pharyngeal primordium is formed and differentiated pharyngeal cells are absent. Most other tissues are generated normally in pha-4 mutants, including cells related to pharyngeal cells by cell lineage and position. Thus, pha-4 activity is required to form the pharyngeal primordium. We propose that pha-4 marks a convergence of the inductive and autonomous pathways of pharyngeal development and suggest that establishment of pharyngeal organ identity is a crucial step for pharyngeal organogenesis

    Paper Session II-B - Shuttle- MIR a KSC Perspective

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    Last summer the world witnessed an event that was over two years in the making, but twenty years overdue--the docking of the American space shuttle Atlantis to the Russian space station Mir. A poll conducted by Space News ranked it as the number one news story of the year. Other newspapers printed excavated time capsules of the Apollo-Soyuz mission. What caused these two nations to awake from their “Rip Van Winkle” state of sleep and more importantly, how will the current Shuttle-Mir program build foundations for future joint programs into the 21st century? The wake-up calls were a product of disarmament and economics. The Cold War was over and space exploration had become too expensive for any one nation to go it alone. Russia had an operational space station, but limited funds to go further. The United States had tentative funding, but no space station. A joint program based on solid technical advances became good scientific and foreign policy. Kennedy Space Center (KSC) has become the center of implementation for a major portion of the Shuttle-Mir program. All the hardware, modification, manifest changes and flight acceptance testing come together at KSC and are implemented prior to the launch of each successful mission

    Temporal Regulation of Foregut Development by HTZ-1/H2A.Z and PHA-4/FoxA

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    The histone variant H2A.Z is evolutionarily conserved and plays an essential role in mice, Drosophila, and Tetrahymena. The essential function of H2A.Z is unknown, with some studies suggesting a role in transcriptional repression and others in activation. Here we show that Caenorhabditis elegans HTZ-1/H2A.Z and the remodeling complex MYS-1/ESA1–SSL-1/SWR1 synergize with the FoxA transcription factor PHA-4 to coordinate temporal gene expression during foregut development. We observe dramatic genetic interactions between pha-4 and htz-1, mys-1, and ssl-1. A survey of transcription factors reveals that this interaction is specific, and thus pha-4 is acutely sensitive to reductions in these three proteins. Using a nuclear spot assay to visualize HTZ-1 in living embryos as organogenesis proceeds, we show that HTZ-1 is recruited to foregut promoters at the time of transcriptional onset, and this recruitment requires PHA-4. Loss of htz-1 by RNAi is lethal and leads to delayed expression of a subset of foregut genes. Thus, the effects of PHA-4 on temporal regulation can be explained in part by recruitment of HTZ-1 to target promoters. We suggest PHA-4 and HTZ-1 coordinate temporal gene expression by modulating the chromatin environment

    Diverse Chromatin Remodeling Genes Antagonize the Rb-Involved SynMuv Pathways in C. elegans

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    In Caenorhabditis elegans, vulval cell-fate specification involves the activities of multiple signal transduction and regulatory pathways that include a receptor tyrosine kinase/Ras/mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway and synthetic multivulva (SynMuv) pathways. Many genes in the SynMuv pathways encode transcription factors including the homologs of mammalian Rb, E2F, and components of the nucleosome-remodeling deacetylase complex. To further elucidate the functions of the SynMuv genes, we performed a genome-wide RNA interference (RNAi) screen to search for genes that antagonize the SynMuv gene activities. Among those that displayed a varying degree of suppression of the SynMuv phenotype, 32 genes are potentially involved in chromatin remodeling (called SynMuv suppressor genes herein). Genetic mutations of two representative genes (zfp-1 and mes-4) were used to further characterize their positive roles in vulval induction and relationships with Ras function. Our analysis revealed antagonistic roles of the SynMuv suppressor genes and the SynMuv B genes in germline-soma distinction, RNAi, somatic transgene silencing, and tissue specific expression of pgl-1 and the lag-2/Delta genes. The opposite roles of these SynMuv B and SynMuv suppressor genes on transcriptional regulation were confirmed in somatic transgene silencing. We also report the identifications of ten new genes in the RNAi pathway and six new genes in germline silencing. Among the ten new RNAi genes, three encode homologs of proteins involved in both protein degradation and chromatin remodeling. Our findings suggest that multiple chromatin remodeling complexes are involved in regulating the expression of specific genes that play critical roles in developmental decisions

    Two Membrane-Associated Tyrosine Phosphatase Homologs Potentiate C. elegans AKT-1/PKB Signaling

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    Akt/protein kinase B (PKB) functions in conserved signaling cascades that regulate growth and metabolism. In humans, Akt/PKB is dysregulated in diabetes and cancer; in Caenorhabditis elegans, Akt/PKB functions in an insulin-like signaling pathway to regulate larval development. To identify molecules that modulate C. elegans Akt/PKB signaling, we performed a genetic screen for enhancers of the akt-1 mutant phenotype (eak). We report the analysis of three eak genes. eak-6 and eak-5/sdf-9 encode protein tyrosine phosphatase homologs; eak-4 encodes a novel protein with an N-myristoylation signal. All three genes are expressed primarily in the two endocrine XXX cells, and their predicted gene products localize to the plasma membrane. Genetic evidence indicates that these proteins function in parallel to AKT-1 to inhibit the FoxO transcription factor DAF-16. These results define two membrane-associated protein tyrosine phosphatase homologs that may potentiate C. elegans Akt/PKB signaling by cell autonomous and cell nonautonomous mechanisms. Similar molecules may modulate Akt/PKB signaling in human endocrine tissues