26 research outputs found

    Mass spectrometry based metabolomics of volume-restricted in-vivo brain samples: actual status and the way forward

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    Brain metabolomics is gaining interest because of the aging of the population, resulting in more central nervous system disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Most often these diseases are studied in vivo, such as for example by analysing cerebrospinal fluid or brain extracellular fluid. These sample types are often considered in pre-clinical studies using animal models. However, the scarce availability of both matrices results in some challenges related to sampling, sample preparation and normalization. Much effort has been made towards the development of alternative, less invasive sampling techniques for collecting small sample volumes (pL till mid mL range) over the past years. Despite recent advances, the analysis of low volumes is still a tremendous challenge. Therefore, proper pre-concentration and sample pretreatment strategies are necessary together with sensitive analysis and detection techniques suitable for low-volume samples. In this review, an overview is given of the stateof-the-art mass spectrometry-based analytical workflows for probing (endogenous) metabolites in volume-restricted in-vivo brain samples. In this context, special attention is devoted to challenges related to sampling, sample preparation and preconcentration strategies. Finally, some general conclusions and perspectives are provided. (C) 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.Analytical BioScience

    CE-MS metabolic profiling of volume-restricted plasma samples from an acute mouse model for epileptic seizures to discover potentially involved metabolomic features

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    Currently, a high variety of analytical techniques to perform metabolomics is available. One of these techniques is capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry (CE-MS), which has emerged as a rather strong analytical technique for profiling polar and charged compounds. This work aims to discover with CE-MS potential metabolic consequences of evoked seizures in plasma by using a 6Hz acute corneal seizure mouse model. CE-MS is an appealing technique because of its capability to handle very small sample volumes, such as the 10 mu L plasma samples obtained using capillary microsampling in this study. After liquid-liquid extraction, the samples were analyzed with CE-MS using low-pH separation conditions, followed by data analysis and biomarker identification. Both electrically induced seizures showed decreased values of methionine, lysine, glycine, phenylalanine, citrulline, 3-methyladenine and histidine in mice plasma. However, a second provoked seizure, 13 days later, showed a less pronounced decrease of the mean concentrations of these plasma metabolites, demonstrated by higher fold change ratios. Other obtained markers that can be related to seizure activities based on literature data, are isoleucine, serine, proline, tryptophan, alanine, arginine, valine and asparagine. Most amino acids showed relatively stable plasma concentrations between the basal levels (Time point 1) and after the 13-day wash-out period (Time point 3), which suggests its effectiveness. Overall, this work clearly demonstrated the possibility of profiling metabolite consequences related to seizure activities of an intrinsically low amount of body fluid using CE-MS. It would be useful to investigate and validate, in the future, the known and unknown metabolites in different animal models as well as in humans.Analytical BioScience

    50th Anniversary Commemorative Issue

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    Assessing the suitability of capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry for biomarker discovery in plasma-based metabolomics

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    The actual utility of capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (CE-MS) for biomarker discovery using metabolomics still needs to be assessed. Therefore, a simulated comparative metabolic profiling study for biomarker discovery by CE-MS was performed, using pooled human plasma samples with spiked biomarkers. Two studies have been carried out in this work. Focus of study I was on comparing two sets of plasma samples, in which one set (class I) was spiked with five isotope-labeled compounds, whereas another set (class II) was spiked with six different isotope-labeled compounds. In study II, focus was also on comparing two sets of plasma samples, however, the isotope-labeled compounds were spiked to both class I and class II samples but with concentrations which differ by a factor two between both classes (with one compound absent in each class). The aim was to determine whether CEMS-based metabolomics could reveal the spiked biomarkers as the main classifiers, applying two different data analysis software tools (MetaboAnalyst and Matlab). Unsupervised analysis of the recorded metabolic profiles revealed a clear distinction between class I and class II plasma samples in both studies. This classification was mainly attributed to the spiked isotope-labeled compounds, thereby emphasizing the utility of CE-MS for biomarker discovery.Analytical BioScience