625 research outputs found

    Making the Impractical, Practical: A Modest and Overdue Approach to Reforming Fourth Amendment Consent Search Doctrine

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    At some point in your life, you may have a personal encounter with a police officer. During that moment, you may feel utterly powerless, especially if you do not know your rights. One important right that police are not required to inform people of is their right to deny an officer’s request to search their property. Forty-eight years ago, the Supreme Court made its position clear in Schneckloth v. Bustamonte that requiring law enforcement to provide citizens with this warning would be “thoroughly impractical.” Since then, the relationship between law enforcement and society—especially communities of color—has gradually deteriorated, and states have slowly turned away from Schneckloth’s rationale. As such, this Note revisits Schneckloth and takes a closer look at the inconsistencies within the Court’s current consent search doctrine. This Note also explores the Court’s problematic and unrealistic “totality of the circumstances” approach and the realities of consenting as a person of color. Ultimately, this Note proposes that all states adopt a modest approach to consent searches by requiring all police officers to provide warnings before requesting consent

    Formation of Box Canyon, Idaho, by megaflood: implications for seepage erosion on Earth and Mars

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    Amphitheater- headed canyons have been used as diagnostic indicators of erosion by groundwater seepage, which has important implications for landscape evolution on Earth and astrobiology on Mars. Of perhaps any canyon studied, Box Canyon, Idaho, most strongly meets the proposed morphologic criteria for groundwater sapping because it is incised into a basaltic plain with no drainage network upstream, and approximately 10 cubic meters per second of seepage emanates from its vertical headwall. However, sediment transport constraints, ^4He and ^14C dates, plunge pools, and scoured rock indicate that a megaflood (greater than 220 cubic meters per second) carved the canyon about 45,000 years ago. These results add to a growing recognition of Quaternary catastrophic flooding in the American northwest, and may imply that similar features on Mars also formed by floods rather than seepage erosion


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    Esta tese versa acerca da compreensão dos aspectos concernentes à formação docente continuada da professora de Educação Especial e a situação de inclusão escolar e social do aluno cego, regularmente matriculado no 6º ano do Ensino Fundamental. A escola campo onde se deu o estudo pertence ao sistema municipal de ensino de Vila Velha, no Estado do Espírito Santo. A pesquisa realizada é de natureza qualitativa e seu delineamento está fundamentado em um estudo de caso. Os procedimentos utilizados para a coleta de dados foram entrevistas semiestruturadas (com captação de áudio), observações espontâneas (com escrita de diário pela pesquisadora e registros fotográficos), levantamento bibliográfico e documental compatível com a temática estudada. Os sujeitos participantes deste estudo foram: a professora de Educação Especial (sujeito principal), o aluno cego, a pedagoga e a diretora. A pesquisa avançou no intuito de permear as questões referentes ao processo de formação continuada da professora de Educação Especial e suas possíveis implicações para a escolarização do aluno cego, na perspectiva de identificação e análise da rotina de aulas (principalmente no âmbito do atendimento educacional especializado), das metodologias aplicadas para o ensino do aluno, assim como sobre as relações interpessoais vivenciadas no ambiente escolar; além de questões acerca do processo avaliativo ao qual o educando é submetido e a respeito de sua orientação e mobilidade. As análises desenvolvidas pautaram-se na perspectiva sócio-histórica, essencialmente vigotskiana, na tentativa de compreender, à guisa das experiências sociais, a percepção dos sujeitos deste estudo acerca da formação docente continuada e a escolarização do aluno cego, na perspectiva da inclusão, o que propiciou a constituição de reflexões que corroboram a importância da formação docente (inicial e continuada) para o processo instrucional de crianças cegas, compreendendo-se a indissociação dos perfis pessoal-profissional

    Types of albinism in the black Southern Africa population

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    Background: Oculocutaneous albinism (OCA) is the most common inherited disorder in Southern African blacks and several types have been described. Molecular techniques, where available, can be used to confirm a clinical diagnosis and the type of OCA, if necessary, and for prenatal diagnosis.Objectives: To investigate and classify the different types of albinism commonly found and to determine the clinical implications for each type.Design: A descriptive survey.Setting: Gauteng province, South Africa, and Lesotho.Subjects: Three groups of subjects with OCA (96 from a genetics clinic, 62 from a dermatology clinic, and 31 from community surveys) from the black African population participated.Main outcome measures: Subjects underwent clinical and/or dermatological examinations and were then classified according to type of OCA.Results: Four forms of OCA were identified: most (82%) subjects had OCA2 (a tyrosinasepositive type) with three sub-types: those without large freckles (ephelides) on exposed areas (named OCA 2a in this study), those with such freckles (named OCA 2b), and those with brown albinism (BOCA); the remainder had red/ rufous albinism, ROCA (OCA 3). The four forms could be distinguished from each other clinically without using molecular genetic testing.Conclusion: The most common types of albinism found in the black population of Southern Africa are OCA 2 and OCA 3. Given the high prevalence of the disorder, together with the high risk of skin cancer, and the recent persecution of affected individuals in certain East African countries, these findings and their clinical implications have significance in terms of both education and awareness for health professionals andlay people caring for those with albinism

    Prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus and perinatal outcome: a rural tertiary teaching hospital based study

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    Background: Gestational diabetes mellitus is the commonest medical disorder in pregnancy. Women with GDM are at increased risk for adverse obstetric and perinatal outcome. Prevalence of GDM is known to vary widely depending on region of the country, dietary habits and socio-economic status. This study was undertaken to evaluate the prevalence of GDM and risk factors associated with it among women delivered in a rural tertiary teaching hospital in Telangana and further assess its impact on feto-maternal outcome.Methods: A retrospective study was conducted at Mediciti Institute of Medical Sciences on GDM cases delivered from May 2015 to April 2017. GDM was diagnosed using 2 step procedure of screening with glucose challenge test followed by confirmation with oral glucose tolerance test using Carpenter and Couston criteria. Demographic data and details about perinatal outcome were obtained from medical records and analyzed.Results: The prevalence was low (1.83%) compared to other studies. Majority of the women did not have risk factors. Preeclampsia is the commonest maternal complication seen (18%). Hypothyroidism is more often associated with GDM (15%). Caesarean section rate was high (62%). Though the NICU admission rate was high (76%), neonatal outcome was found to be satisfactory.Conclusions: The low prevalence of GDM seen highlights the importance of carrying out studies in different population groups of India to know the exact prevalence of GDM in the country. Pregnancies in women with GDM continue to be at increased risk of maternal and perinatal complications

    Prevalence and determinants of caesarean section in a rural tertiary teaching hospital: a 6-year retrospective study

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    Background: Caesarean section is the most commonly performed surgery in obstetrics and there is a rise in caesarean section rates in recent times. This study was undertaken to know the changing trends in caesarean section rate in a rural hospital and to examine the indications contributing to it. The objective of the present study was to know the prevalence and changing trends in caesarean section over the last 6 years (April 2012-March 2018).Methods: Demographic data for all the deliveries, mode of delivery and indications of caesarean sections performed from April 2012 to March 2018 that occurred at MIMS were collected in a retrospective manner.Results: Among a total of 12,522 women delivered during the study period of 6 years, 44.93%, 48.49%, 48.41%, 50.9%, 45.48% and 49.62% were delivered by caesarean section during 2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 respectively. Increase in repeat caesarean section is the primary reason for these increased rates followed by fetal distress. There is a rise in the repeat caesarean section from 44.36% in 2012-2013 to 55.67% in 2016-2017 and 47% in 2017-2018. Whereas primary caesarean section rate reduced from 55.63% in 2012-2013 to 44.32% in 2016-2017 and 53% in 2017-2018.Conclusions: As repeat caesarean section and fetal distress are the most common causes of caesarean section we need to address these to bring down the caesarean section rate

    Alloantibodies, Anti-D, Childbearing age, Women, Cameroon

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    We conducted a cross sectional retrospective study to determine anti-D and D-negative phenotype rates among Cameroonian women of reproductive age (15 – 44 years), in order to evaluate the importance ofD alloimmunization. Analysis of the haematology laboratory records from January 2006 to December 2007 harvested 225 results for red blood cell alloantibody screening and 2460 D phenotypes. Anti-D rate was found to be high at 4% and not linked to women’s parity. Three hundred and fifty two (14.3%) women were found to be D-negative. Anti-D rates significantly decreased with age from 18.8% among teenagers (15-19) to 7.8% among older women (35-44) (p = 0.001). The number of women submitted to both irregular antibody screening and type D phenotype determination was not strong enough (50) to analyse the link between anti-D rate and antigen D distribution in our study (Afr J Reprod Health 2009; 13[3]:47-52)

    Prevalence of teenage pregnancy and pregnancy outcome at a rural teaching hospital in India

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    Background: Teenage pregnancy accounts for 11% of births worldwide and 95% of these occur in low middle income countries. Pregnancy and its complications are leading cause of death among these girls. This study was done to know the prevalence and to determine whether teenage mothers are at risk of adverse pregnancy outcome.Methods: A retrospective study was conducted at a tertiary teaching hospital, India between July 2015 to Dec, 2017. All teenage mothers delivered after 28 weeks of gestation were included. Women with Diabetes mellitus, renal disease, thyroid disorders were excluded. Demographic data, maternal complications like anaemia, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, preterm birth, mode of delivery, low birth weight, NICU admissions, stillbirth and early neonatal death were recorded.Results: In the present study, the prevalence was 7% which is less than that of other studies. Incidence of caesarean-Section in the present study was 31%. Amongst the complications oligohydramnious was found to be significantly associated with teenage pregnancy. NICU admissions were needed for 43% of the cases and 31% were LBW.Conclusions: High NICU admission and high LBW in newborns of teenage mothers were noted in the current study. Hence, there is urgent need to focus on the teenage pregnancy

    Phenolic content and heritability of resistance in four hybrid populations of Theobroma cacao L. after leaves inoculation with Phytophthora megakarya Bras. et Grif

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    Cocoa is cultivated in Cameroon for its broad beans. The commercialization of cocoa seeds constitutes a major source of income to farmers. Nevertheless, cacao black pod disease caused by Phytophthora megakarya is responsible of about 80% of cocoa production loss in Cameroon without any protection method. To assess the resistance of cocoa plants against this pathogen, necrotic lesions and phenolic content were conducted on 3 clones (SNK16, ICS40, Sca12) and their progenies (families F40, F12, F20 and F25) after leaves inoculation. The existence of strong hybrid vigour has been shown. All hybrid genotypes manifested a positive heterosis effect for this symptom suggesting the existence of hybrid vigour. Some hybrids like F40.6, F40.7, F40.8, F40.9, F40.10, F12.10, F12.15, F20.7, F20.10, F25.2, F25.5 and F25.7 were characterized by localized lesions. A negative correlation between the size of necrotic lesions and the total phenolic compound was demonstrated. Three genotypes of the F40 family (F40.8, F40.9 and F40.13), one of the F12 (F12.15) and two of the F25 (F25.2 and F25.8) had small lesions and high concentrations of phenols. These six genotypes can be considered as elite clones with high tolerance to P. megakarya. The values of the heritability of lesion size and the total phenolic content in offsprings don’t show the maternal effect.Keywords: Cocoa, Phytophthora megakarya, heterosis, heritability, necrosis, phenol

    Epilepsy in rural South African children prevalence, associated disability and management

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    Objective. To determine the prevalence of epilepsy and its associated disabilities in rural South African children aged 2 - 9 years.Setting. Eight villages in the district of Bushbuckridge, Northern Province, South Africa_Design. A two-phase design was used_ The first phase involved screening children on a house-to-house baSis by interviewing mothers or caregivers using an internationally validated questionnaire for detecting childhood disability in developing countries. The second phase consisted of a paediatric/ neurodevelopmental assessment of the children who screened positive.Results. A total of 6692 children were screened; 722 (10.8%) had a paediatric evaluation and 49 (0.73%) had epilepsy. The· lifetime and active prevalences of epilepsy in these children were 7.3/1 000 and 6.7/1 000 respectively. Associated developmental disability was recorded in 35 affected children (71.4%), including 8 (16.3%) in whom this was moderate to severe. More than a half of the children with epilepsy (57.1%) did not receive anticonvulsant medication.Conclusion. The prevalence of epilepsy in the rural childhood population investigated is higher than that recorded in most similar studies from sub-Saharan Africa, and the poor utilisation of 'appropriate anticonvulsant treatment is cause for concern. This study highlights the paucity of relevant information on the epidemiology of epilepsy in South Africa and that the system available for its management, especially in rural areas, appears to have functional deficiencies. Appropriate research is needed to identify the problems in service delivery and to enable the planning and implementation of an appropriate primary health care-based system for the diagnosis and management of epilepsy in children