343 research outputs found

    The Use of Low-Cost Technologies for the Promotion of Cultural Heritage Sites. The Case Study of Veleia

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    In the Cultural Heritage field, thanks to the recent development of digital technologies, a large variety of sites and artifacts could benefit from their free access and promotion through the web. But despite these achievements, the high costs that are generally connected with their use often limit their widespread. As a consequence, during the last two decades, scientific research is developing new tools and methodologies aimed at overcoming this problem. In particular, for example, researches in the field of image-based technologies and the development of open-source algorithms and software aimed at helping the processing, management and visualization of 3d data through the web represent remarkable attempts to extend the use of digital technologies in the Cultural Heritage field. This contribution shows the main steps of a project aimed at testing low-cost technologies within the multi-scalar digitization process of sites and artifacts. Thus these technologies still cannot provide analogous results in terms of definition and accuracy that it is possible to achieve using more expensive technologies (e.g. range-based technologies), they can supply low-resolution reality-based 3d models and effective representations that can be easily accessed through the web, with evident benefits in cultural contents sharing and promotion. Within a multi-scalar approach, the building of these kinds of models represents the first step of a process that, starting from low-resolution acquisitions, can improve the detail and definition of 3d digital models of artifacts by gradually adopting different methodologies and technologies. As a consequence, this approach can provide evident benefits on the achievement of different communication purposes, ranging from simple visualizations for popular aims to accurate and faithful digital replicas that can be fruited by different and changing users. Moreover, the adoption of this approach is particularly important within education processes aimed at training expert operators able to speed and therefore to further reduce costs connected with the digitization of Cultural Heritage

    A Methodology for the Promotion of Cultural Heritage Sites Through the Use of Low-Cost Technologies and Procedures

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    none1noThe purpose of this contribution is to show a methodology aimed at easing the work of Institutions called to promote their heritage by documenting and virtually reconstructing sites and artifacts using low-cost procedures and existing technologies that can be adopted and easily used by operators who do not have specific computer skills, with consequent benefits in reduction in times and costs and in knowledge sharing.mixedA.M. ManferdiniA.M. Manferdin

    Dal rilievo alle rappresentazioni ad alta risoluzione dello spazio architettonico continuo. Il caso di studio del complesso dell’Abbazia di Pomposa.

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    Il progetto di rilievo e rappresentazione ad alta risoluzione dell’Abbazia di Santa Maria di Pomposa nasce con l’obiettivo di mettere a confronto differenti metodologie di rilievo e rappresentazione, valutare le prestazioni e le soluzioni più idonee finalizzate ad ottenere un rilievo e una rappresentazione complessiva dell’intero complesso abbaziale, che consenta restituzioni e analisi multi-scalari. Il presente contributo presenta alcuni dei risultati ottenuti dall’utilizzo integrato di tecniche di rilievo 3D e illustra alcune tipologie di analisi e rappresentazioni grafiche che possono essere condotte e riprodotte a partire dal dato complesso e multi-scalare acquisito. Il contributo mostra come tale approccio non sia destinato ad un singolo caso studio, ma partendo da esso possa essere esteso ad altri contesti che presentino simili criticità e potenzialità comunicative, spesso ricorrenti nel campo del rilievo e della rappresentazione dei Beni Culturali

    Dal rilievo alle rappresentazioni ad alta risoluzione dello spazio architettonico continuo. Il caso di studio del complesso dell’Abbazia di Pomposa.

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    Il progetto di rilievo e rappresentazione ad alta risoluzione dell’Abbazia di Santa Maria di Pomposa nasce con l’obiettivo di mettere a confronto differenti metodologie di rilievo e rappresentazione, valutare le prestazioni e le soluzioni più idonee finalizzate ad ottenere un rilievo e una rappresentazione complessiva dell’intero complesso abbaziale, che consenta restituzioni e analisi multi-scalari. Il presente contributo presenta alcuni dei risultati ottenuti dall’utilizzo integrato di tecniche di rilievo 3D e illustra alcune tipologie di analisi e rappresentazioni grafiche che possono essere condotte e riprodotte a partire dal dato complesso e multi-scalare acquisito. Il contributo mostra come tale approccio non sia destinato ad un singolo caso studio, ma partendo da esso possa essere esteso ad altri contesti che presentino simili criticità e potenzialità comunicative, spesso ricorrenti nel campo del rilievo e della rappresentazione dei Beni Culturali

    Virtual and augmented reality applications for Cultural Heritage

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    Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to show the results of a research aimed at investigating the potential of digital technologies in order to provide instruments that allow to share information about the Cultural Heritage, which Museums and Institutions are called to preserve and promote. Our project's aim is finding the most suitable procedure to acquire archaeological artefacts, build their digital replica together with 3D printed prototypes and derive simplified models to be visualized through stereoscopic devices, allowing the simultaneous viewing of real and digital 3D data through an augmented reality environment, portable to mobile devices as well

    2010 Ruby Yearbook

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    A digitized copy of the 2010 Ruby, the Ursinus College yearbook.https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/ruby/1113/thumbnail.jp
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