18 research outputs found

    Characterization of IHF Binding to DNA Four-Way Junctions and Forks

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    The objective of the study is to characterise the mechanical properties of Ti-15Zr binary alloy dental implants and to describe their biomechanical behaviour as well as their osseointegration capacity compared with the conventional Ti-6Al-4V (TAV) alloy implants. The mechanical properties of Ti-15Zr binary alloy were characterised using Roxoli

    Propuesta de un nuevo modelo microquirúrgico para el estudio de la endometriosis inducida en rata Wistar. Resultados preliminares

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    The current knowledge status on the patogenesis of endometriosis as well as devastating consequences of disease evolution in women's reproductive health, have promoted researchers advances in a great manner during last years. The immunologic and neangiogenesis systems implication have opened new ways of knowledge over classic theories from the beginning of the xx century. The experimental resesearch, using animal induction models. Below we explain the first steps a new induction model ("PGR1-HotDog"), based on Wistar rats using a new disease autogeneration system, created for te study of the early stages of the endometriosis

    Transgenic tomato plants alter quorum sensing in plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria.

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    Two Gram-negative, plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPRs), denominated as M12 and M14, were classified by 16S rDNA sequencing as Burkholderia graminis species. Both strains were shown to produce a variety of N-acyl-homoserine lactone (AHL) quorum sensing (QS) signalling molecules. The involvement of these molecules in plant growth promotion and the induction of protection against salt stress was examined. AHL production was evaluated in vitro by thin-layer chromatography using AHL biosensors, and the identity of the AHLs produced was determined by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The in situ production of AHLs by M12 and M14 in the rhizosphere of Arabidopsis thaliana plants was detected by co-inoculation with green fluorescent protein-based biosensor strains and confocal laser scanning microscopy. To determine whether plant growth promotion and protection against salt stress were mediated by QS, these PGPRs were assayed on wild-type tomato plants, as well as their corresponding transgenics expressing YenI (short-chain AHL producers) and LasI (long-chain AHL producers). In wild-type tomato plants, only M12 promoted plant growth, and this effect disappeared in both transgenic lines. In contrast, M14 did not promote growth in wild-type tomatoes, but did so in the LasI transgenic line. Resistance to salt stress was induced by M14 in wild-type tomato, but this effect disappeared in both transgenic lines. The strain M12, however, did not induce salt resistance in wild-type tomato, but did so in LasI tomato plants. These results reveal that AHL QS signalling molecules mediate the ability of both PGPR strains M12 and M14 to promote plant growth and to induce protection against salt stress

    Mejora de la resistencia al desgaste de titanio y sus aleaciones utilizados para prótesis articulares

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    Se han estudiado los endurecimientos superficiales que se producen en la aleación Ti 6Al 4V, mediante los procesos de anodización electroquímica y mediante diferentes tratamientos térmicos a distintas microestructuras de dicha aleación, así como los procesos de nitruración mediante difusión gaseosa.. Los resultados de la combinación de la anodización y los tratamientos térmicos producen endurecimientos superiores a 1000 HV lo que mejorará la resistencia al desgaste de estas aleaciones en sus aplicaciones para prótesis articulares. Mejores resultados ofrecen los valores de nitruración que pueden alcanzar las 1400 unidades Vickers

    Caracterización mecánica y microestructural de nuevas aleaciones multifuncionales de Titanio B libres de Ni para aplicaciones biomédicas

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es diseñar, obtener y caracterizar, mecánica y microestructuralmente, aleaciones de Ti en fase B , libre de Níquel, con memoria de forma y/o bajo módulo elástico para aplicaciones médicas. Con este propósito se utilizaron elementos aleantes biocompatibles, no tóxicos como Ta, Nb y Zr. Para el diseño de las aleaciones se uso uso de método teórico basado en orbitales moleculares resultando las aleaciones Ti-8Zr-19Nb y Ti-2Ta-11Nb. Las aleaciones fueron fabricadas en horno de arco eléctrico, favoreciendo su homogenización re-fundiendo 5 veces, y por último, encapsuladas en tubos de cuarzo para ser tratadas a 1100ºC por 1.5 horas y enfriamiento en agua con hielo. Las técnicas utilizadas para su caracterización fueron fluorescencia y difracción de rayos X, microscopía óptica, calorimetría diferencial de barrido y ultrasonidos. En estas condiciones, los resultados confirman la presencia de granos B-prior «en ambas aleaciones y la presencia de a» ortorrómbica con temperaturas Ms de 46ºC y 137ºC, con módulos elásticos de 74 y 86 GPa para las aleaciones Ti-8Zr-19Nb y Ti-2Ta-11Nb, respectivamente