26 research outputs found

    Prikupljanje statističkih podataka međunarodnog turističkog prometa na otvorenom prostoru: metodologija i primjena - slučaj Regije Veneto

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    It is now generally acknowledged the need of collecting information on the expenditure behaviour of inbound tourists, which is crucial for estimating the macro-economic impact of tourism in an area (open or closed) in terms of GDP, employment and balance of payments. The survey on inbound tourist expenditure in the Veneto region here described represents the first step towards the development of a Regional Tourism Information System, useful not only for researchers but also for all public and private operators involved in tourism management, marketing and planning. The paper describes objectives, methodology and organisation of this survey, by providing the analytical framework for the systematic collection of data on characteristics and consumption behaviour of inbound tourists.Danas je opće poznata potreba za prikupljanjem informacija o potrošnji stranih turista, što je ključno za ocjenjivanje makroekonomskog utjecaja turizma na GDP, zaposlenost i bilancu plaćanja u jednom području (otvorenom ili zatvorenom). Prikaz istraživanja o potrošnji stranih turista u Regiji Veneto, koje je u radu prezentirano, predstavlja prvi korak prema razvoju informacijskog sustava same regije, koji ne samo daje koristan istraživačima i znanstvenicima nego i svim javnim i privatnim poduzetnicima turističkog menadžmenta, marketinga i planiranja. U radu su opisani ciljevi, metodologija i organizacija tog istraživanja, koje je dalo odgovarajući analitički okvir za sustavno prikupljanje podataka o karakteristikama i potrošnji stranih turista

    Isabelle De Crousaz, Ur Shlonsky, The Distribution of a Subject Clitic Pronoun in a Franco-Provençal Dialect and the Licensing of Pro

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    Dans leur article The Distribution of a Subject Clitic Pronoun in a Franco-Provençal Dialect and the Licensing of Pro, Isabelle De Crousaz et Ur Shlonsky abordent, sous une perspective générativiste, le phénomène du sujet nul (pro) dans une variété de français parlé aux alentours de Gruyère, village situé dans le canton de Fribourg en Suisse. Le domaine de leur recherche est restreint à un pronom sujet clitique dont la prononciation est [i] et qui est employé à la première et à la deuxième pe..

    Michael Herslund, Irène Baron (ed.), Le génie de la langue française. Perspectives typologiques et contrastives

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    Autour du vaste thème: Le génie de la langue française, les auteurs ont regroupé six contributions qui, à partir d’une analyse lexicale contrastive des langues, arrivent à toucher aussi les domaines de la syntaxe et du discours dans une optique générale de typologie linguistique. Sur la base d’une analyse contrastive, Peter Koch, (Aspects cognitifs d’une typologie lexicale synchronique. Les hiérarchies conceptuelles en français et dans d’autres langues, pp. 11-34) étudie les hiérarchies conce..

    Aa. Vv., Le français parmi les langues romanes

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    C’est à Mario Barra Jover qu’a été confiée la composition du numéro 141 de cette revue, consacré au thème suivant: Le français parmi les langues romanes. Les contributions regroupées dans ce volume traitent de la spécificité du français dans différents domaines de l’analyse linguistique. Certaines d’entre elles analysent la spécificité du français par rapport à d’autres langues romanes. Patrick Sauzet analyse dans les détails deux phénomènes bien connus de la phonologie du français, notamment..

    Identification of protein-protein interactions of human HtrA1.

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    The human heat shock protein HtrA1, a member of the HtrA family of serine proteases, is a evolutionarily highly conserved factor which displays a widespread pattern of expression. The yeast two-hybrid technique was employed to identify new cellular proteins physically interacting with HtrA1, and thus potential targets of this serine protease. An enzymatically inactive HtrA1 point mutant, HtrA1-S328A, was generated and used as bait in a yeast two-hybrid system. Fifty-two plasmids were isolated from primary positive yeast clones. Subsequent sequencing and BLAST analysis revealed cDNAs encoding for 13 different proteins. These putative binding partners of HtrA1 appeared to be a) components of extracellular matrix; b) factors related to signal pathways, and c) unknown proteins. Among the 13 positive clones identified and reported here, it is worth of note that the interaction of HtrA1 with tubulin and collagen (extracellular matrix proteins) and with tuberin (cytoplasmic protein) is confirmed by other studies, and this further supports previous findings in which HtrA1 can be found active as an intracytoplasmic protein or as secreted protein as well

    Econometric modelling of international tourist flows: some methodological remarks

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    This paper analyses some reasons that may be behind the unsatisfactory performance of many international tourism flows forecasts. Two main issues are addressed. The low quality of available statistical information, above all the shortness of tourism time series, and the lack of an adequate theoretical and econometric framework which represents a tourist's decision process. The paper proposes some new approaches and methodologies that may help improving the forecast efficiency in the presence of short time series and discusses theoretical models that may better capture the dynamics of international tourist flows

    STREP: un modello di previsione dei flussi turistici internazionali per regione

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    This paper presents the STREP model, which estimates the ability of each region to compete with others in attracting the largest number of international tourists from each main market of origin, who have chosen Italy as their holiday destination. Once the region to be studied has been chosen, the mechanism of competitiveness is explained by carrying out the analysis for the group of competing regions offering substitute tourist products, instead of for the region alone. So, the word "Sliding" means that the group of competing regions changes according to the specific area to be analysed. The word "Panel" means that the equations for the chosen group of regions are estimated simultaneously. The methodology has been applied to the case of the Veneto Region, in the North-East part of Italy, and good estimation results have been achieved using both the W-STREP (World to Region) model of the total international flows to the region, and the M-STREP (Multi-origin to Region) model of the tourist flows from each of the 21 main countries of origin of tourism demand to the Veneto region. The goal of the above models is twofold. Firstly, to implement at a regional level an appropriate mathematical and econometric analysis of international tourism demand. Secondly, to produce a reliable forecasting tool - to be used to obtain short- and medium-term estimates of international inbound tourism at a local level - that improves upon existing models and time-series techniques, both from a theoretical and an empirical viewpoint