1,330 research outputs found

    One approach to the analytical solution of a two-dimensional nonstationary problem of heat conduction in regions with moving boundaries on the model of a half-space

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    With the use of the solution of the Dirichlet nonstationary problem with discontinuous unmixed boundary conditions on the surface of an isotropic half-space a two-dimensional model of the problem with a moving phase boundary is considered. The problem models, for example, the processes of freezing of moist ground or the processes of formation of ice in stagnant water if a temperature lower than the freezing temperature is prescribed on the boundary surface in a circular region of finite radius. The classical one-dimensional result follows as a particular case from solution of this problem for an infinite radius of the circle

    A method of paired integral equations in the region of laplace transforms for solving nonstationary heat conduction problems with mixed discontinuous boundary conditions

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    On the basis of the method developed, the solutions of four problems of mathematical physics are obtained for an infinite plate (a plane layer of thickness z = h) with assignment of mixed discontinuous boundary conditions (BC) on one of the surfaces z = 0 of the plate and unmixed BC on the other surface z = 17

    Radiation-balanced lasing and amplification

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    Quantum statistical theory of radiation-balanced laser is constructed within method of nonequilibrium statistical operator. System of equations is derived for number of phonons and collective population difference. Their numerical solutions are obtained and discussed

    CW and Q-switched diode-pumped laser operation of Yb 3+:NaLa(MoO4)2

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    Continuous wave (CW) and Q-switched diode-pumped laser operation of Yb3+:NaLa(MoO4)2 single crystal was to our knowledge, demonstrated for the first time. A CW output power of 220 mW and slope efficiency of 46% were obtained. Q-switched laser operation was achieved with a pulse duration of 60 ns average output power of 70mW and slope efficiency of 22%

    Spectral kinetic properties of Yb3+:Na4Y 6F22 and Yb3+:LiLuF4 crystals

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    Yb3+ (2.7 at.%):Na4Y6F22 and Yb3+(1 at.%):LiLuF4 crystals were grown by the Bridgman-Stockbarger method. We measured the temperature dependences of the thermal conductivity of the crystals and the absorption spectra. We determined the radiative lifetime of the Yb3+ ion in these crystals (1.94 msec and 2.13 msec) and calculated the stimulated emission cross section spectra. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc


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    Primal problem of vegetable growing is constant supply of the population with all types of vegetables, including green cultures. Green cultures are vegetables that have high nutritional value and precocity. However they often are infected by phytopathogenic microorganisms already at initial stages of ontogenesis at cultivation in closed soil conditions. It leads to emergence of disjointed shoots, deterioration of growth and development of plants and loss of quality. Now in the Republic of Belarus a number of biological substances on the basis of bacteria Bacillus was developed. They are used against diseases of plants of mushroom and bacterial etiology. However there is not information about influence of bacteria on quality of products of green cultures. The aim of the work was studying of influence of two strains of bacteria Bacillus that were introduced in peat substrate on efficiency and quality of lettuce. Two strains of bacteria Bacillus were used in the work. They were selected from the soil. The strains are Bacillus subtilis M9/6 and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 23TM that have high antagonistic activity to a wide range of phytopathogens. Cultivation of plants carried out in containers of 250 ml under light installations with illuminating intensity 13-15 thousand luxury and lasting irradiating of 14 hours before technical ripeness of lettuce. It was established that the application of strain Bacillus subtilis M9/6 (in concentration 106 cells/ml, 10 ml/l of substrate) and the strain Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 23TM (5 ml/l of substrate) in substrate before sowing increased nutrition value of lettuce. Dry matter content, water-soluble carbohydrates (mono - and disaccharides) content and vitamin C content increased. The bacterial strain B. amyloliquefaciens 23TM also promoted accumulation of vitamin B2. The content of nitrates in lettuce leaves decreased on 50,3% and 39,1%, respectively. It was shown that the application of bacteria in substrate before sowing of crop has a greater influence on quality of lettuce, than watering of shoots.Основной задачей овощеводства является постоянное снабжение населения всеми видами овощей, в том числе зеленными культурами. Зеленные культуры относятся к листостебельным овощам, обладают высокой питательной ценностью и скороспелостью. Однако при выращивании в условиях защищенного грунта они часто поражаются фитопатогенными микроорганизмами уже на начальных этапах онтогенеза, что приводит к появлению недружных всходов, ухудшению роста и развития растений и потере товарного вида. В настоящее время в Республике Беларусь против болезней растений грибной и бактериальной этиологии разработан ряд биологических препаратов на основе бактерий рода Bacillus. Однако практически отсутствует информация о влиянии бактериальных препаратов на качество продукции зеленных культур. Целью работы являлось изучение влияния вносимых в торфяной субстрат двух штаммов бактерий рода Bacillus на продуктивность и качество продукции салата листового. В работе использовали выделенные из почвы штаммы спорообразующих бактерий Bacillus subtilis М9/6 и Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 23ТМ, проявляющие высокую антагонистическую активность к широкому спектру фитопатогенов. Выращивание растений проводили в контейнерах объемом 250 мл под световыми установками с освещенностью 13-15 тыс. люкс и продолжительностью освещения 14 часов до наступления технической спелости салата. Установлено, что внесение в субстрат при его подготовке к посеву бактериального штамма Bacillus subtilis М9/6 в концентрации 106 клеток/мл в объеме 10 мл/л субстрата, а также штамма Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 23ТМ в количестве 5 мл/л субстрата повышало пищевую ценность данной культуры: увеличивалось содержание сухого вещества, водорастворимых углеводов (моно- и дисахаридов), витамина С. Бактериальный штамм B. amyloliquefaciens 23ТМ в том числе способствовал накоплению листьями салата рутина. Наряду с этим содержание нитратов в готовой продукции снижалось на 50,3% и 39,1%, соответственно. Показано, что внесение бактерий изучаемых штаммов в субстрат перед посевом оказывает большее влияние на качество продукции, чем полив всходов

    Impact of hypoglycemia on daily life of type 2 diabetes patients in Ukraine

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    This study evaluates the impact of hypoglycemia on the lives of Ukrainian patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The secondary objective was to explore patient-physician relationships and the attitudes of patients towards various informational resources on diabetes management. Three focus groups with 26 patients were conducted. Qualitative information was evaluated using content analysis. The results show that patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Ukraine are adapting to potential attacks of hypoglycemia; however, they still experience periodic manifestations of hypoglycemia that significantly affect their psychological well-being. This result is similar to observations made in other countries. Ukrainian patients >40 years old mainly receive information on disease management from endocrinologists, and rarely use internet resources on diabetes management. Information provision was especially important at the early stage of the disease, when patients lack information on hypoglycemia manifestations and could therefore fail to identify and manage it properly

    Predictive capability of Cys112Arg single nucleotide polymorphisms of the apolipoprotein E gene in assessing the risk of immediate and early post-traumatic seizures

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    This study is aimed at investigating epileptic seizures, one of the consequences of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Immediate and early post-traumatic seizures, as well as late post-traumatic epileptic seizures or post-traumatic epilepsy, can have different pathogenetic bases. The following key risk factors associated with post-traumatic epilepsy are known: duration of unconsciousness, gunshot wounds, intracranial hemorrhage, diffuse axonal injury, prolonged (more than 3 days) post-traumatic amnesia, acute subdural hematoma with surgical evacuation, immediate and early post-traumatic epileptic seizures, fracture of the skull bones. The role of genetic factors in post-traumatic seizures is poorly understood due to the complexity and multiple causal mechanisms. This paper addresses the role of genetic factors in the occurrence and severity of epileptic events in patients with TBI. In particular, we investigated the role of the Cys112Arg single nucleotide polymorphism of the apolipoprotein E gene. Apolipoprotein E is known for its role in the transport and metabolism of lipids and, therefore, the development of cardiovascular diseases; it is also associated with Alzheimer's disease and has recently been studied in the context of association with epilepsy. The study shows an association between this polymorphism and the risk of immediate and early epileptic seizures in patients with severe TBI