7 research outputs found


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    Integrated health post (posbindu) is a place for the elderly to obtain various health services to improve their quality of life.  The satisfaction of the health care volunteers (cadres) has an important role in the success of the posbindu. The higher the cadre’s satisfaction, the higher the performance in managing the posbindu. According to Herzberg, two factors that contributed to the work satisfaction, namely motivator factor and hygiene factor. Identifying these factors is important, so that cadres can remain active and satisfy in doing their work in the posbindu. The purpose of this study was to explore the components of cadres’ satisfaction in providing health services in the posbindu based on Herzberg’s factors A qualitative phenomenological study was conducted on 12 active and 6 inactive cadres in 16 posbindu, Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia. A purposive sampling was performed to select the posbindu and the cadres. Data collection was carried out by an in-depth interview to explore the work satisfaction factors based on the concept of the Herzberg theory. Triangulation was based on the result of active and inactive cadres interviews, as well as observation of the activities during the posbindu. This study discovered practicing religious teachings and social relations as two new components that can influence satisfaction in the workplace

    Comparison of health education with videos and leaflets on the knowledge of young women about early detection of breast cancer In SMP Negeri 15 Bandung

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    Background: Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the breast tissue and is the most common cancer disease affecting women in Indonesia with an incidence of 42.1 per 100.000 population and an average death rate of 17 per 100.000 population. The increasing incidence of breast cancer in women as adolescents and young adults is due to several factors such as parity at a young age, family history, gene mutations, and poor lifestyle factors. Early detection of breast cancer through education on causative factors and how to prevent breast cancer and  breast self-examination technique will be very useful to reduce the incidence. Purpose: This study aimed to determine the comparison of breast cancer early detection health education with video and leaflets on the knowledge of young women about early detection of breast cancer. Methods: This study used a quasi experiment method with two control group design. Samples collected with consecutive sampling techniques. This study conducted for 7 days in December 2019 on young women at SMP Negeri 15 Bandung with 40 subjects in each group. The technique used to collect the data is questionnaire. The experimental group is given with Video and the control group is given with Leaflet. The bivariate data analysis used Paired T-Test and Non-paired T-test. Results: The results of this study showed that there was an increase in the knowledge before and after being given video (p = 0.000) and leaflet (0,003) with significant difference in young women who were given video compared to those given leaflets (p=0,000).Conclusion: there were differences in health education with videos and leaflets on the knowledge of young women about early detection of breast cancer


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    ABSTRAKPengetahuan remaja tentang seks pranikah masih kurang karena sumber informasi yang didapatkan tidak benar, tepat, dan terpercaya sehingga akan mempengaruhi pemahaman menjadi menyimpang. Pengetahuan remaja yang minim akan berpegaruh terhadap perilaku seksual pranikah. Perilaku seksual pranikah berisiko terjadi kehamilan di luar nikah, aborsi, dan dapat meningkatkan kasus kekerasan dan perceraian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengetahuan remaja putri tentang bahaya perilaku seksual pranikah di Desa Kalisari dan Desa Kalijaya Kabupaten Karawang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan juli 2018 dengan populasi dua desa sebayak 403 orang. Besar sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 80 remaja putri di Desa Kalisari dan Desa Kalijaya. Instrument penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner. Cara pengolahan dan analisis data menggunakan spss versi 15. Hasil penelitian pada kuesioner pengetahuan menunjukkan 47,8% berpengetahuan cukup. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah masih terdapat remaja yang berpengetahuan cukup tentang bahaya perilaku seksual pranikah.Kata Kunci: Pengetahuan, Perilaku Seksual Pranikah, Remaja PutriABSTRACTAdolescent girls' knowledge about premarital sex is still lacking due to the incorrect, inaccurate, and untrustworthy source of information obtained, which affects their understanding to be distorted. Lack of adolescent girls' knowledge will affect the premarital sexual behavior. Premarital sexual behavior presents risks of an extramarital pregnancy, abortion, and can increase cases of violence and divorce. This study aimed to determine the adolescent girls' knowledge about the dangers of premarital sexual behavior in Kalisari and Kalijaya Villages, Karawang District. The research method used was descriptive research with cross-sectional approach and the sampling used purposive sampling technique. This study was conducted in July 2018 with a population of two villages consisting of 403 people. The sample size in this study was 80 adolescent girls in Kalisari and Kalijaya Villages. Instrument of this study used a questionnaire. Furthermore, data processing and analyzing used SPSS version 15. The results of the study from questionnaire on knowledge showed that 47.8% were knowledgeable enough. The conclusion of this study is that there are still adolescent girls who have sufficient knowledge about the dangers of premarital sexual behavior.Keywords: knowledge, premarital sexual behavior, adolescent girl

    Relationship between Nutrition Intake and Hemoglobin Levels in Toddlers Aged 12-24 Months

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    Background: The toddler period is a crucial life period and needs special attention. Toddlers need to have a proper amount and good quality of nutrition from daily food to prevent anemia. This study aimed to explore the relationship between nutritional intake and Hb level in toddlers aged 12-24 months in Sumedang District, West Java, IndonesiaMethods: This was a cross-sectional quantitative conducted in August-November 2019 on 96 toddlers aged 12-24 months. Toddlers were recruited using proportioned simple random sampling method. The mothers of these toddlers were asked to complete a food record for three consecutive days for their toddlers. Data were then processed using the Nutrisurvey application while the hemoglobin (Hb) level was measured using a Digital Hb tool. All data were analyzed using a Pearson Correlation Test.Results: Most mothers of these toddlers graduated from senior high school (45.8%) and were housewives (78.1%). The iron requirement was met 61 toddlers (63.5%). Most toddlers were not anemic (56.3%) with a mean Hb of 10.99 gr/dl. A relationship was established between iron intake and Hb level (p=0.000).Conclusion: Low iron intake is associated with Hb level in toddlers aged 12-24 months in Sumedang District, West Java Province, Indonesia. A nutrition program needs to be well set-up for toddlers in this area


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    ABSTRACT Background Antenatal  care is the name of a compulsory learning module for midwife students in order to create competent midwives. However, the Covid-19 pandemic presents a challenge in changing the learning system for Antenatal  care. The learning system is carried out remotely using information technology or e-learning. Teaching is given without reducing the quality of teaching. The challenges faced in such conditions include assessing student motivation in learning, especially in the antenatal care module to achieve learning goalsPurpose to determine the learning motivation of midwifery students towards e-learning-based pregnancy care modules in the covid-19 pandemic era.Methods The research method used descriptive research with cross sectional approach. This research was conducted in February until April 2020 in the D4 Midwifery Study Program FK Unpad. The population in this study were midwifery 1 semester 2 students. The sample in this study was a population of 33 people. The sampling technique uses total sampling.Data collection was carried out by providing a questionnaire before lecturing the pregnancy care module. While, the learning evaluation questionnaire was given after the pregnancy care module was finished.Data analysis used univariate data presented in the form of a frequency distribution table.The results of this study found that midwifery students stated strongly agree on intrinsic motivational factors and personal relevance of 21 people and on career motivation factors of 19 people. Thus, there were 28 midwifery students who understood the material for pregnancy care modules using the e-learning-based blended learning method.The conclusion of this study is that there are motivational factors, namely intrinsic motivation factors and personal relevance as well as career motivation factors possessed by midwifery students on the e-learning based blended learning method in the pregnancy care module.Suggestions in this study to conduct further research analysis about the effectiveness of e-learning learning in the new normal period towards the learning outcomes of midwifery students. Key word:learning motivation, pregnancy care modules, e-learning ABSTRAK Latar Belakang Asuhan kehamilan merupakan nama modul pembelajaran wajib bagi mahasiswa bidan agar tercipta bidan yang kompeten. Namun, pandemi covid-19 memberikan tantangan dalam merubah sisitem pembelajaran asuhan kehamilan. Sistem pembelajaran dilakukan dengan jarak jauh dengan menggunakan teknologi informasi atau e-learning, Pengajaran diberikan tanpa mengurangi kualitas pengajaran.Tantangan yang dihadapi dalam kondisi seperti ini salah satunya menilai motivasi mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran terutama pada modul asuhan kehamilan untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui motivasi belajar mahasiswi kebidanan terhadap modul asuhan kehamilan berbasis e-learning di era pandemi covid-19.Metode penelitianyang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Februari s.d April 2020 di Program Studi D4 Kebidanan FK Unpad. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah mahasiswi kebidanan tahun 1 semester 2. Sampel dalam penelitian ini merupakan populasi sebanyak 33 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan total sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan memberikan kuesioner motivasi sebelum perkuliahan modul asuhan kehamilan. Sedangkan kuesioner evaluasi pembelajaran diberikan setelah selesai perkuliahan modul asuhan kehamilan. Analisis data menggunakan data univariat yang disajikan dalam bentul tabel distribusi frekuensi.Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa mahasiswi kebidanan menyatakan sangat setuju pada faktor motivasi intrinsik dan relevansi pribadi sebanyak 21 orang dan pada faktor motivasi karir sebanyak 19 orang. Dengan demikian, mahasiswi kebidanan yang memahami materi modul asuhan kehamilan dengan metode pembelajaranblended learning berbasise-learning sebanyak 28 orang.Simpulan pada penelitian ini bahwa terdapat faktor motivasi, yaitu faktor motivasi intrinsik dan relevansi pribadi serta faktor motivasi karir yang dimiliki oleh mahasiswi kebidanan terhadap metode pembelajaranblended learning berbasise-learning pada modul asuhan kehamilan.Saran pada penelitian ini untuk dilakukan analisis penelitian lebih lanjut tentang efektifitas pembelajaran e-learningdi masa new normal terhadap hasil belajar mahasiswi kebidanan. Kata Kunci: motivasi belajar, modul asuhan kehamilan, e-learnin

    Asuhan ibu dalam masa kehamilan

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    xviii, 284 hl

    Asuhan ibu dalam masa kehamilan

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    xviii, 284 hlm. : ilus. ; tab. ; 24 cm