126 research outputs found

    A homozygous missense variant in laminin subunit beta 1 as candidate causal mutation of hemifacial microsomia in Romagnola cattle

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    Hemifacial microsomia (HFM) was diagnosed in a 9-day-old Romagnola calf. The condition was characterized by microtia of the left ear, anotia of the right ear, asymmetry of the face, and deafness. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed agenesis of the right pinna and both tympanic bullae, asymmetry of the temporal bones and temporomandibular joints, and right pontine meningocele. Brainstem auditory evoked responses confirmed the impaired auditory capacity. At gross post mortem examination, there was agenesis and hypoplasia of the right and the left external ear, respectively. No histological abnormalities were detected in the inner ears. A trio whole-genome sequencing approach was carried out and identified a private homozygous missense variant in LAMB1 affecting a conserved residue (p.Arg668Cys). Genotyping of 221 Romagnola bulls revealed a carrier prevalence <2%. This represents a report of a LAMB1-related autosomal recessive inherited disorder in domestic animals and adds LAMB1 to the candidate genes for HFM

    Acceptability of malaria rapid diagnostic tests administered by village health workers in Pangani District, North eastern Tanzania.

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    BACKGROUND: Malaria continues to top the list of the ten most threatening diseases to child survival in Tanzania. The country has a functional policy for appropriate case management of malaria with rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) from hospital level all the way to dispensaries, which are the first points of healthcare services in the national referral system. However, access to these health services in Tanzania is limited, especially in rural areas. Formalization of trained village health workers (VHWs) can strengthen and extend the scope of public health services, including diagnosis and management of uncomplicated malaria in resource-constrained settings. Despite long experience with VHWs in various health interventions, Tanzania has not yet formalized its involvement in malaria case management. This study presents evidence on acceptability of RDTs used by VHWs in rural northeastern Tanzania. METHODS: A cross-sectional study using quantitative and qualitative approaches was conducted between March and May 2012 in Pangani district, northeastern Tanzania, on community perceptions, practices and acceptance of RDTs used by VHWs. RESULTS: Among 346 caregivers of children under 5 years old, no evidence was found of differences in awareness of HIV rapid diagnostic tests and RDTs (54 vs. 46 %, p = 0.134). Of all respondents, 92 % expressed trust in RDT results, 96 % reported readiness to accept RDTs by VHWs, while 92 % expressed willingness to contribute towards the cost of RDTs used by VHWs. Qualitative results matched positive perceptions, attitudes and acceptance of mothers towards the use of RDTs by VHWs reported in the household surveys. Appropriate training, reliable supplies, affordability and close supervision emerged as important recommendations for implementation of RDTs by VHWs. CONCLUSION: RDTs implemented by VHWs are acceptable to rural communities in northeastern Tanzania. While families are willing to contribute towards costs of sustaining these services, policy decisions for scaling-up will need to consider the available and innovative lessons for successful universally accessible and acceptable services in keeping with national health policy and sustainable development goals

    Potential opportunities and challenges of deploying next generation sequencing and CRISPR-cas systems to support diagnostics and surveillance towards malaria control and elimination in Africa

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    Recent developments in molecular biology and genomics have revolutionized biology and medicine mainly in the developed world. The application of next generation sequencing (NGS) and CRISPR-Cas tools is now poised to support endemic countries in the detection, monitoring and control of endemic diseases and future epidemics, as well as with emerging and re-emerging pathogens. Most low and middle income countries (LMICs) with the highest burden of infectious diseases still largely lack the capacity to generate and perform bioinformatic analysis of genomic data. These countries have also not deployed tools based on CRISPR-Cas technologies. For LMICs including Tanzania, it is critical to focus not only on the process of generation and analysis of data generated using such tools, but also on the utilization of the findings for policy and decision making. Here we discuss the promise and challenges of NGS and CRISPR-Cas in the context of malaria as Africa moves towards malaria elimination. These innovative tools are urgently needed to strengthen the current diagnostic and surveillance systems. We discuss ongoing efforts to deploy these tools for malaria detection and molecular surveillance highlighting potential opportunities presented by these innovative technologies as well as challenges in adopting them. Their deployment will also offer an opportunity to broadly build in-country capacity in pathogen genomics and bioinformatics, and to effectively engage with multiple stakeholders as well as policy makers, overcoming current workforce and infrastructure challenges. Overall, these ongoing initiatives will build the malaria molecular surveillance capacity of African researchers and their institutions, and allow them to generate genomics data and perform bioinformatics analysis in-country in order to provide critical information that will be used for real-time policy and decision-making to support malaria elimination on the continent

    Supply chain management of laboratory supportive services and its potential implications on the quality of HIV diagnostic services in Tanzania

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    Background: Reliable supply of laboratory supportive services contributes significantly to the quality of HIV diagnostic services. This study assessed the status of supply chain management of laboratory supportive services and its potential implications on the quality of HIV diagnostic services in selected districts of Tanzania.Methods: The study was conducted in 39 health facilities (HFs) from eight districts in four regions of Tanzania, namely Iringa, Mtwara, Tabora and Tanga. Facilities with care and treatment centres for HIV/AIDS patients were purposively selected for the study. The study utilized a quantitative method of data collection. A questionnaire was administered to heads of laboratories to obtain information on laboratory supply chain management.Results:  A total of 39 health facilities (HF) were included in the study. This included 23 public and 16 private facilities. In 82% of the HFs, ordering of supplies was performed by the laboratory departments. The information commonly used to forecast requirements of the laboratories included the number of tests done (74.4%; n=29), current stock levels (69.2%; n=27), average monthly consumption (64.1%, n=25) and minimum and maximum stock levels (10.2%, n=4). Emergency orders were significantly common in public than private facilities (73.9% vs. 56.3%, p=0.004).  Delivery of ordered supplies took 1 to 180 days with a significantly longer period for public than private facilities (32.5 vs. 13.1 days, p=0.044). Most of the public HFs ordered supplies from diverse sources compared to private facilities (68.2% vs. 31.8%).Conclusion: There was a weak inventory management system and delays in delivery of supplies in the majority of HFs, which are likely to impede quality of HIV care and treatment. Strengthening capacity for data management and ensure constant supply will potentially improve the quality of HIV diagnostic services

    Implementation research of a cluster randomized trial evaluating the implementation and effectiveness of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria using dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine on reducing malaria burden in school-aged children in Tanzania: methodology, challenges, and mitigation

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    BACKGROUND: It has been more than 20 years since the malaria epidemiologic shift to school-aged children was noted. In the meantime, school-aged children (5-15 years) have become increasingly more vulnerable with asymptomatic malaria prevalence reaching up to 70%, making them reservoirs for subsequent transmission of malaria in the endemic communities. Intermittent Preventive Treatment of malaria in schoolchildren (IPTsc) has proven to be an effective tool to shrink this reservoir. As of 3(rd) June 2022, the World Health Organization recommends IPTsc in moderate and high endemic areas. Even so, for decision-makers, the adoption of scientific research recommendations has been stifled by real-world implementation challenges. This study presents methodology, challenges faced, and mitigations used in the evaluation of the implementation of IPTsc using dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine (DP) in three councils (Handeni District Council (DC), Handeni Town Council (TC) and Kilindi DC) of Tanga Region, Tanzania so as to understand the operational feasibility and effectiveness of IPTsc on malaria parasitaemia and clinical malaria incidence. METHODS: The study deployed an effectiveness-implementation hybrid design to assess feasibility and effectiveness of IPTsc using DP, the interventional drug, against standard of care (control). Wards in the three study councils were the randomization unit (clusters). Each ward was randomized to implement IPTsc or not (control). In all wards in the IPTsc arm, DP was given to schoolchildren three times a year in four-month intervals. In each council, 24 randomly selected wards (12 per study arm, one school per ward) were chosen as representatives for intervention impact evaluation. Mixed design methods were used to assess the feasibility and acceptability of implementing IPTsc as part of a more comprehensive health package for schoolchildren. The study reimagined an existing school health programme for Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD) control include IPTsc implementation. RESULTS: The study shows IPTsc can feasibly be implemented by integrating it into existing school health and education systems, paving the way for sustainable programme adoption in a cost-effective manner. CONCLUSIONS: Through this article other interested countries may realise a feasible plan for IPTsc implementation. Mitigation to any challenge can be customized based on local circumstances without jeopardising the gains expected from an IPTsc programme. Trial registration clinicaltrials.gov, NCT04245033. Registered 28 January 2020, https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04245033

    Trajectories of Delinquency and Parenting Styles

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    We investigated trajectories of adolescent delinquent development using data from the Pittsburgh Youth Study and examined the extent to which these different trajectories are differentially predicted by childhood parenting styles. Based on self-reported and official delinquency seriousness, covering ages 10–19, we identified five distinct delinquency trajectories differing in both level and change in seriousness over time: a nondelinquent, minor persisting, moderate desisting, serious persisting, and serious desisting trajectory. More serious delinquents tended to more frequently engage in delinquency, and to report a higher proportion of theft. Proportionally, serious persistent delinquents were the most violent of all trajectory groups. Using cluster analysis we identified three parenting styles: authoritative, authoritarian (moderately supportive), and neglectful (punishing). Controlling for demographic characteristics and childhood delinquency, neglectful parenting was more frequent in moderate desisters, serious persisters, and serious desisters, suggesting that parenting styles differentiate non- or minor delinquents from more serious delinquents

    Typologies of post-divorce coparenting and parental well-being, parenting quality and children’s psychological adjustment

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    First published online: 30 October 2015The aim of this study was to identify post-divorce coparenting profiles and examine whether these profiles differentiate between levels of parents’ well-being, parenting practices, and children’s psychological problems. Cluster analysis was conducted with Portuguese heterosexual divorced parents (N = 314) to yield distinct postdivorce coparenting patterns. Clusters were based on parents’ self-reported coparenting relationship assessed along four dimensions: agreement, exposure to conflict, undermining/support, and division of labor. A three cluster solution was found and replicated. Parents in the highconflict coparenting group exhibited significantly lower life satisfaction, as well as significantly higher divorce-related negative affect and inconsistent parenting than parents in undermining and cooperative coparenting clusters. The cooperative coparenting group reported higher levels of positive family functioning and lower externalizing and internalizing problems in their children. These results suggested that a positive coparenting alliance may be a protective factor for individual and family outcomes after parental divorce

    Ethnic differences in the mother-son relationship of incarcerated and non-incarcerated male adolescents in the Netherlands

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the Netherlands, youths of Moroccan origin account for a disproportionately large percentage of the population in juvenile justice institutions. Previous research showed that Moroccan adolescents in pre-trial arrest are characterized by less serious offending behavior (i.e., primarily property-based) and lower levels of mental health problems than native Dutch adolescents in pre-trial arrest. To date, little is known about the parent-child relationship of these adolescents. This study examines the mother-son relationships of Moroccan and native Dutch delinquent adolescents and their association with adolescent delinquency.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In the present study, differences in the mother-son relationship characteristics between families of incarcerated <it>(N = 129) </it>and non-incarcerated <it>(N = 324) </it>adolescents were examined, and it was analyzed if these differences between incarcerated and non-incarcerated adolescents were the same for Moroccans and native Dutch. Data collection for the incarcerated sample took place from 2006 to 2008. Comparison data were used of interviews conducted with mothers originating from former larger studies in the general Dutch population. Latent Class Analysis was performed in order to identify types of mother-son relationship. Logistic regression analyses were used to identify the relationships between mother-son relationship types, incarceration and ethnicity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A three class model of mother-son relationship types was found: a low-conflict mother-son relationship type, a high-conflict mother-son relationship type, and a neglectful mother-son relationship type. Compared to the native Dutch adolescents, Moroccans (both in the incarcerated and non-incarcerated population) more often showed a neglectful mother-son relationship type. For Moroccans, no differences in mother-son relationship types were found between the incarcerated and non-incarcerated adolescents, whereas considerable differences occurred between the native Dutch incarcerated and non-incarcerated adolescents.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our findings indicate that mother-son relationship types of incarcerated Moroccan adolescents and non-incarcerated Moroccan adolescents are rather comparable. These findings are in line with previous studies which revealed the less problematic profile of Moroccan adolescents in pre-trial arrest in the Netherlands compared to native Dutch adolescents in pre-trial arrest.</p

    Cluster Analysis of Symptoms Among Patients with Upper Extremity Musculoskeletal Disorders

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    Introduction Some musculoskeletal disorders of the upper extremity are not readily classified. The study objective was to determine if there were symptom patterns in self-identified repetitive strain injury (RSI) patients. Methods Members (n = 700) of the Dutch RSI Patients Association filled out a detailed symptom questionnaire. Factor analysis followed by cluster analysis grouped correlated symptoms. Results Eight clusters, based largely on symptom severity and quality were formulated. All but one cluster showed diffuse symptoms; the exception was characterized by bilateral symptoms of stiffness and aching pain in the shoulder/neck. Conclusions Case definitions which localize upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders to a specific anatomical area may be incomplete. Future clustering studies should rely on both signs and symptoms. Data could be collected from health care providers prospectively to determine the possible prognostic value of the identified clusters with respect to natural history, chronicity, and return to work