719 research outputs found

    Comparing different commercial fenugreek galactomannans for the production of emulsions with high intensity sonication. Effect on physical stability and rheological properties.

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    Galactomannans are considered very effective thickening agents and stabilizers for the food industry. Moreover, guar, locust bean and fenugreek gum present emulsification activity that depends on molecular weight and the mannose/galactose ratio (M/G). In addition, fenugreek gum is known to form a relatively thick layer on the oil interface and is able to produce emulsions with a much smaller droplet size in comparison to various other gums. This ability is often related to the presence of residual protein, depending the removal method enzymatic or chemical. From a dietary point of view, the viscous property has been proved to reduce in vitro the absorption of glucose and the plasma levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in vivo

    Pengaruh Demografi Dan Stimuli Internal Toko Terhadap Emosi Positif Dan Impulse Buying Pada Supermarket Tiara Dewata

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    Bali khususnya di kota Denpasar. Fenomena tersebut telah mengeser sedikit demi sedikit pasar tradisonal, persaingan saling berlomba untuk menarik konsumen berbelanja. Strategi pemasaran yang dilakukan untuk menarik konsumen yang seperti potongan harga, point belanja untuk menarik konsumen untuk datang melakukan Impulse buying. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji faktor demografi dan stimuli internal toko terhadap emosi positif dan impulse buying. Penelitian ini dilakukan di supermarket Tiara Dewata Kota Denpasar. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 120 orang, diambil dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Metode pengumpulan data dengan kuesioner dan teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor demografi, stimuli internal toko, emosi positif memliki hubungan positif signifikan terhadap impulse buying, menujukan bahwa faktor-faktor tersebut dapat mendorong konsimen untuk melakukan kegiatan impulse buying

    Early Interferon-γ Production in Human Lymphocyte Subsets in Response to Nontyphoidal Salmonella Demonstrates Inherent Capacity in Innate Cells

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    Background Nontyphoidal Salmonellae frequently cause life-threatening bacteremia in sub-Saharan Africa. Young children and HIV-infected adults are particularly susceptible. High case-fatality rates and increasing antibiotic resistance require new approaches to the management of this disease. Impaired cellular immunity caused by defects in the T helper 1 pathway lead to intracellular disease with Salmonella that can be countered by IFNγ administration. This report identifies the lymphocyte subsets that produce IFNγ early in Salmonella infection. Methodology Intracellular cytokine staining was used to identify IFNγ production in blood lymphocyte subsets of ten healthy adults with antibodies to Salmonella (as evidence of immunity to Salmonella), in response to stimulation with live and heat-killed preparations of the D23580 invasive African isolate of Salmonella Typhimurium. The absolute number of IFNγ-producing cells in innate, innate-like and adaptive lymphocyte subpopulations was determined. Principal Findings Early IFNγ production was found in the innate/innate-like lymphocyte subsets: γδ-T cells, NK cells and NK-like T cells. Significantly higher percentages of such cells produced IFNγ compared to adaptive αβ-T cells (Student's t test, P<0.001 and ≤0.02 for each innate subset compared, respectively, with CD4+- and CD8+-T cells). The absolute numbers of IFNγ-producing cells showed similar differences. The proportion of IFNγ-producing γδ-T cells, but not other lymphocytes, was significantly higher when stimulated with live compared with heat-killed bacteria (P<0.0001). Conclusion/Significance Our findings indicate an inherent capacity of innate/innate-like lymphocyte subsets to produce IFNγ early in the response to Salmonella infection. This may serve to control intracellular infection and reduce the threat of extracellular spread of disease with bacteremia which becomes life-threatening in the absence of protective antibody. These innate cells may also help mitigate against the effect on IFNγ production of depletion of Salmonella-specific CD4+-T lymphocytes in HIV infection

    Influence of Ultrasonication Parameters on Physical Characteristics of Olive Oil Model Emulsions Containing Xanthan

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    Ultrasonic emulsification of 20-wt.% o/w emulsions (pH 3.8) containing a food-grade emulsifier (whey protein isolate, WPI, 2.7 wt.%) and xanthan gum (XG, 0.25 wt.%) was performed. Time and amplitude of ultrasonic treatment changed in order to evaluate their influence on emulsion droplet size, viscosity, and stability (by multiple light scattering (MLS) profiles) during cold storage (10 days at 5 °C). Ultrasonic treatment duration changed from 1 to 4 min at constant amplitude of 70 %. Considering the amplitude, intervals of 40, 60, 80, and 100 % were chosen, for a constant time of 1 min. Similarly, time and amplitude conditions were used to treat solutions of XG of 1 wt.% and evaluate their influence on viscosity and how that was related to the stability of the emulsion. Increase in sonication time from 1 to 4 min led to a significant oil droplet size decrease from 1.14 to 0.89 μm (median droplet diameter). The viscosity of emulsions and XG solutions was highly influenced and considerably decreased with sonication time applied. At those conditions, an increase of backscattering was observed from 58.9 to 72.7 % after 10 days of storage, meaning that more stable emulsions, thinner and of smaller oil droplet size were produced. A similar trend was observed when the amplitude was increased, but droplet size and creaming were always greater than those noticed by changing the sonication time. However, the rate of viscosity, droplet size, and stability change was greater by increasing the amplitude rather than by changing the sonication time. © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    The effect of olive oil and fenugreek gum content on the stability and oxidation of o/w macro-and submicron-nanoemulsions

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    Within the last few years numerous polysaccharide extracts have been proposed as emulsion stabilizing agents. This increased interest arises from the fact that commonly used food polysaccharides like guar gum are used in non-food applications, mainly in petroleum refining and pharmaceuticals(Vaughnaetal). Along with the lower global production this has resulted in price fluctuations, consequently severe price increase and supply shortage(Bahamdanetal, Baratietal, Anonetal). From a dietary point of view, the viscous property of fenugreek gum (Trigonella foenum graecum L.)has been proved to reduce in vitro the absorption of glucose and the plasma levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in vivo and could be used when designing low - at emulsified products. Ultrasonic emulsification is a cost effective technique and the interest for scale- up is increasing,as it is considered a “Green Processing” technology for the manufacture of nanoemulsions

    Ultrasonic energy input influence on the production of sub-micron o/w emulsions containing whey protein and common stabilizers

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    Ultrasonication may be a cost-effective emulsion formation technique, but its impact on emulsion final structure and droplet size needs to be further investigated. Olive oil emulsions (20 wt%) were formulated (pH 7) using whey protein (3 wt%), three kinds of hydrocolloids (0.1–0.5 wt%) and two different emulsification energy inputs (single- and two-stage, methods A and B, respectively). Formula and energy input effects on emulsion performance are discussed. Emulsions stability was evaluated over a 10-day storage period at 5 C recording the turbidity profiles of the emulsions. Optical micrographs, droplet size and viscosity values were also obtained. A differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) multiple cool–heat cyclic method (40 to 40 C) was performed to examine stability via crystallization phenomena of the dispersed phase. Ultrasonication energy input duplication from 11 kJ to 25 kJ (method B) resulted in stable emulsions production (reduction of back scattering values, dBS 1% after 10 days of storage) at 0.5 wt% concentration of any of the stabilizers used. At lower gum amount samples became unstable due to depletion flocculation phenomena, regardless of emulsification energy input used. High energy input during ultrasonic emulsification also resulted in sub-micron oil-droplets emulsions (D50 = 0.615 lm compared to D50 = 1.3 lm using method A) with narrower particle size distribution and in viscosity reduction. DSC experiments revealed no presence of bulk oil formation, suggesting stability for XG 0.5 wt% emulsions prepared by both methods. Reduced enthalpy values found when method B was applied suggesting structural modifications produced by extensive ultrasonication. Change of ultrasonication conditions results in significant changes of oil droplet size and stability of the produced emulsions

    Expert System for Diagnosing Hemophilia in Children Using Case Based Reasoning

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    Many people who have children do not know about hemophilia, because this disease is one of the rare diseases. Hemophilia is a genetic disorder in the blood caused by a lack of blood clotting factors. Therefore there is a need for information for the public to be able to find out about this disease, so that when there is an unnatural bleeding, early treatment can be done properly.Therefore an expert system was designed to diagnose early hemophilia in children.The method used in this expert system is the Case Based Reasoning method. The Case Based Reasoning method is a method used to solve a new case by adapting the symptoms found in previous cases that are similar to the new case.This expert system can provide solutions / early prevention of the diagnostic process carried out. Expert system applications are designed based on websites using the PHP programming language

    Ecg-based prediction algorithm for imminent malignant ventricular arrhythmias using decision tree

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    Spontaneous prediction of malignant ventricular arrhythmia (MVA) is useful to avoid delay in rescue operations. Recently, researchers have developed several algorithms to predict MVA using various features derived from electrocardiogram (ECG). However, there are several unresolved issues regarding MVA prediction such as the effect of number of ECG features on a prediction remaining unclear, possibility that an alert for occurring MVA may arrive very late and uncertainty in the performance of the algorithm predicting MVA minutes before onset. To overcome the aforementioned problems, this research conducts an in-depth study on the number and types of ECG features that are implemented in a decision tree classifier. In addition, this research also investigates an algorithm’s execution time before the occurrence of MVA to minimize delays in warnings for MVA. Lastly, this research aims to study both the sensitivity and specificity of an algorithm to reveal the performance of MVA prediction algorithms from time to time. To strengthen the results of analysis, several classifiers such as support vector machine and naive Bayes are also examined for the purpose of comparison study. There are three phases required to achieve the objectives. The first phase is literature review on existing relevant studies. The second phase deals with design and development of four modules for predicting MVA. Rigorous experiments are performed in the feature selection and classification modules. The results show that eight ECG features with decision tree classifier achieved good prediction performance in terms of execution time and sensitivity. In addition, the results show that the highest percentage for sensitivity and specificity is 95% and 90% respectively, in the fourth 5-minute interval (15.1 minutes–20 minutes) that preceded the onset of an arrhythmia event. Such results imply that the fourth 5-minute interval would be the best time to perform prediction

    Penormaan Pengawasan Izin Lingkungan dalam Pencegahan Pencemaran dan Kerusakan Lingkungan Hidup dalam Eksploitasi Sumber Daya Alam

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    In environmental protection and management, the main effort is to prevent pollution and damage on environment instead of repressing the damages occurred. Permit is one of preventive measures and becomes a principle in Administrative Law. Permits can be seen as government\u27s tool as judicial preventive and used as an administrative instrument to control people\u27s behavior. Environmental permit can be seen as preventive measure, because it always related to orders and obligations that must be obeyed by the holder. On the other hand, environmental permit also function as repressive instrument to counter environmental problems due to human activities, including mining. The norm\u27s obscurity on the supervision of environmental permits in in Law No. 32 Year 2009 on Environmental Protection and Management (hereafter will refer as UUPPLH) is an indicator for the lack of the objective results.Based on type, this research focuses the study on the Environmental permit as an absolute requirement. Normatively, the principle of environmental permit as stipulated in Environmental Law regulates that every business and/or activity which required an Environmental Impact Analysis document or UKL-UPL should also hold an environmental permit. The purpose of Environmental permits is to maintain the preservation of environmental functions while also prevent and counter environmental pollution and damage due to human activities. Based on this construction, permits plays a very important role in environmental activity. Exploitation of natural resources has a significant impact on the environment, thus based on Article 22 paragraph (1) of Environmental Law these activities requires an Environment Impact Analysis. Important impacts as detailed in Article 22 paragraph (2) at empirical level still occurs so the goal of preventing pollution and damage as the objective of environmental permits still has not been achieved