20 research outputs found

    Adolescent Health Promotion Work Carried out by BGS World School, Chickballapur, Karnataka Since 2015: A Report

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    The Karnataka Chapter of Indian Association for Adolescent Health (IAAH-K) was established on November 22, 2015. The Principal of BGS World School, Chickballapur, Karnataka Wg Cdr Ranjit Kumar Mandal joined the association as its founding Joint Secretary. Immediately after this on November 24, 2015 the BGS World School, Chickballapur launched its ‘School Health Programme’ through a ceremony in which the Secretary General of the association Dr Jugal Kishore and also the Director Professor, Vardhaman Mahavir Medical College, New Delhi was present as it chief guest and the chief speaker. Since the day of launching the programme the school has carried out several activities in the school as per guidelines provided by the Indian Association for Adolescent Health, New Delhi. The school programmes incorporated all students and staff members in its coverage as their beneficiaries. A summary of the work is being presented in this report for the period from the beginning up to August 2018 i.e., a period of 2 years 9 months

    Effect of Creativity on Achievement in English of The Students of Secondary School

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    The present study was conducted with a view to assess the effect of Creativity on achievement in English of secondary students studying in X standard. The purpose of the study was to explore the effect the level of creativity of secondary students, if any, in terms of gender and locality in achievement in English. A sample of 715 students who were studying in X standard of different schools were randomly selected from urban and rural areas of Chickballpur and Kolar district of Karnataka. Both boys and girls were included in the study. The result showed that the students with creativity achieved better in English than the students who had less creativity; and there was no significance correlation between creativity and achievementscores among the boys and girls of urban and rural area

    Effect of Interest on Achievement In English of The Students of Secondary School

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    The present study was conducted with a view to assess the effect of Interest on achievement in English of secondary students studying in X standard. The purpose of the study was to explore the effect the level of interest of secondary students, if any, in terms of gender and locality. A sample of 715 students who were studying in X standard of different schools were randomly selected from urban and rural areas of Chickballpur and Kolar district of Karnataka. Both boys and girls were included in the study. The result showed that the students with higher level of interest achieved better in English than the students who had less interest; and there was no significance correlation between interest and achievement scores among the boys and girls of urban and rural area

    Common Problems of Middle and Late School going Adolescents in a Rural Area of Bangalore

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    Introduction: Adolescence is a transitional stage of physical, psychological and social development from puberty to legal adulthood.Objectives: To compare the perceived common problems between middle and late adolescents; and to find out the association between common problems of middle and late adolescents, and gender.Material & Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in two private schools of rural Bangalore in November 2015. It included High School children aged 14-19 yrs. A pre-tested self reported open-ended questionnaire was administered to the study subjects after getting informed consent from principal and their parents.Statistical Analysis: Data was entered in MS-Excel. Data was analyzed using SPSS software. Association between two proportions was accepted as significant when p value was less than 5% using chi-square test.Results: A total of 481 students aged 14 to19 years participated in the present study. There were 51% males and 49% females. Most of the students were in late adolescence (69.23%). Nearly 30.77% study subjects were in middle adolescent phase. Educational problems were present in most (61.12%) of the students. Psychological problems were found in 18.30% of students. About 16.63% of study subjects were having any one of the health problems. During mid adolescence, educational problems were present in most (43.24%) of the males followed by health problems (33.78%). While females had more health problems (54.69%) than educational problems (26.56%), it was also statistically significant.Conclusion: Counseling and support services with academic assistance should be given to adolescents. Screening of adolescents for common health problems on regular basis could be an effective tool to control the existing disease and to update occurrence of any new disease

    Mechanistic insight into functionally different human islet polypeptide (hIAPP) amyloid: the intrinsic role of the C-terminal structural motifs

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    Targeting amyloidosis requires high-resolution insight into the underlying mechanisms of amyloid aggregation. The sequence-specific intrinsic properties of a peptide or protein largely govern the amyloidogenic propensity. Thus, it is essential to delineate the structural motifs that define the subsequent downstream amyloidogenic cascade of events. Additionally, it is important to understand the role played by extrinsic factors, such as temperature or sample agitation, in modulating the overall energy barrier that prompts divergent nucleation events. Consequently, these changes can affect the fibrillation kinetics, resulting in structurally and functionally distinct amyloidogenic conformers associated with disease pathogenesis. Here, we have focused on human Islet Polypeptide (hIAPP) amyloidogenesis for the full-length peptide along with its N- and C-terminal fragments, under different temperatures and sample agitation conditions. This helped us to gain a comprehensive understanding of the intrinsic role of specific functional epitopes in the primary structure of the peptide that regulates amyloidogenesis and subsequent cytotoxicity. Intriguingly, our study involving an array of biophysical experiments and ex vivo data suggests a direct influence of external changes on the C-terminal fibrillating sequence. Furthermore, the observations indicate a possible collaborative role of this segment in nucleating hIAPP amyloidogenesis in a physiological scenario, thus making it a potential target for future therapeutic interventions

    Khan Chowdhuri Amanatulla Ahmed A Pioneering Historian of Eastern and North Eastern India

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    Khan Chwodhuri Amanatulla Ahmed was a renowned administrator, litterateur and a social activist in Cooch Behar, a major princely state in North Eastern India which ruled from the fourteenth to the twentieth century India. But what brought him the highest and unparalleled glory is that of a historian. His book on history titled - Cooch Beharer Itihas i.e., The History of Cooch Behar - has virtually made him an immortal personality. He was one of the very few indigenous historians of North Eastern India who made marks by their historiography up till now. The acumen he has displayed as a historian, without being from the field of academics, has been outstanding. It is my firm belief that he would always be remembered for this noble work.Amanatulla Ahmed was born on 2nd January 1873 in Cooch Behar district of West Bengal in India. Located in the south western part of Cooch Behar district, his village bordered Rangpur district of present Bangladesh. Amanatulla’s father was Md Amirulla Ahmed who was an established and respectable Jotdar (landlord) of the area and was also known as the Patoari – a noble man of the village (Ray Sarkar, 2015, P-3). About the ancestral roots of Amanatulla, it is quite possible that his parents were off springs of the Muslim warriors who came along with Hussain Shah to invade Kamatapur, an ancient kingdom existed then, and settled down there. However, Amanatullah’s family had completely adapted the life style, culture and language of their chosen home land Cooch Behar by the time Amanatulla was born. They had become an inseparable part of Cooch Behar in all respects as a Deshi Musalman (Mulsims who adopted culture of Cooch Bear) family.During Amanatulla’s time, facilities of education were not available in remote villages of Cooch Behar other than having some Islamic Madarsa and Muktabs. Amanatulla’s village Baramaricha was not an exception. The people of the villages at large used to be deprived of minimum level of education. Only the socially conscious, forward looking and well to do families of some villages used to send their children to the towns for their secondary and higher education, as an exceptional case. Amanatulla was a brilliant student and had the fortune of receiving the elementary education in his village. Thereafter, Patoari Amirulla Ahmed sent the little boy Amanatulla to the capital town Cooch Behar for his higher education. In Cooch Behar town he used to live in Ranibagan area  where Amirulla had his own shelter.8 Though not much of details are available about Amantulla’s academic achievements, but it has been established through his works that he was well versed in languages like Rajbanshi, Bengali, English, Assamese, Hindi, Urdu, Arabic, Parsee and Sanskrit and the mastery of which had helped him in compiling history and pursuing the literary work of higher degree that he did. It is also estimated that Amanatulla must have been highly educated and knowledgeable; and without which he would not have been assigned with the administrative responsibilities in the court of Cooch Behar emperor. Besides his passionate administration involvement, the three major passions that Amanatulla had pursued vigorously were the study of history and literature and association with the social activism for the benefit of the common people

    The Necessity for Inclusion of Adolescent Health Education in B. Ed. Curriculum

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    Having good health is the prerequisite for students for their satisfactory academic achievement, and it is more so during the early age of the children i.e., when they pursue their elementary education. This is the time when the foundation of their life is laid. Whereas we find that globally more than about 80% of our adolescent (children between the age of 10 and 19 years) are unhealthy today. Due to lack of promotion of good health in their adolescent they underperform in academics and many of them develop chronic health problems and many even lose their lives. In a recent survey in one of the public schools in Karnataka it was found that the children had educational problems about their concentration in study (61.12%); poor memory (13.51%); stress while attending classes and writing examination (6.65%) and poor performance in academics (1.70%). The types of psychological problems they had were anxiety (9.98%), depression (5.41%) and excessive concern about physical appearance (2.91%). The health problems that came into surface were headache (8.31%), eye problems like low vision, watering and irritation (3.71%) etc. The skin and hair related problems were acne, whitening of hair and hair fall (2.91%). The types of sleeping disorder found among the students were - feeling very sleepy, having less sleep and disturbed sleep (1.66%). The study detected fear and concern about future and surrounding world (2.70%) among the students too. Several other studies have also revealed similar health state of adolescent of India. In our academic system the teachers play a pivotal role and the teacher of elementary education are prepared for the professional work through the university designed B. Ed. (Bachelor of Education) curriculum.  It would be a positive step forward if the adolescent health programme is included in the B. Ed. Curriculum and school educational professionals are prepared to look after the health of the adolescent in India.

    Not Available

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    Not AvailableThe Society of Statistics, Computer and Applications (SSCA) was founded in 1998 with a goal to provide a platform for promotion and dissemination of research in Statistics, blended with information technology, among both theoretical and applied statisticians, who have keen interest in the applications of Statistics to varied fields like agriculture, biological sciences, medical sciences, financial statistics, and industrial statistics. Since then, the Society has been performing several activities and promoting development of theoretical and applied research work in Statistics and Informatics. One of the major activities of SSCA is to organize national/international conferences annually across the length and breadth of the country. SSCA also brings out a journal called Statistics and Applications. This is an open access journal and is available at the website of the Society (www.ssca.org.in). The full-length papers can be viewed and downloaded free of cost. Besides bringing out regular volumes of the journal, special volumes on emerging thematic areas of global/national importance are also brought out. The twenty-third Annual Conference of the SSCA was organized during 24-28 February 2021 at the ICAR National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad, Telangana. This was the first web conference organized online to observe appropriate COVID – 19 protocols. The theme of the conference was Visionary Innovations in Statistical Theory and Applications (VISTA 2021). The conference was academically enriching with important and significant presentations made by scientists of international repute and eminence. Many technical sessions organized during the conference were participated by renowned international and national statisticians and a session on Financial Statistics, in which renowned statisticians and leading practitioners from National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies, Pune, Savitri Phule Pune University and Reserve Bank of India made presentations. Two special memorial sessions were organized in the memory of Late Professor Aloke Dey. The speakers in this session were close associates, collaborators, friends and students of Late Prof Aloke Dey. The Executive Council of the SSCA decided to bring out Special Proceedings of the conference covering some important selected talks including those presented in the Financial Statistics session. The selection of authors was made based upon the contents as presented during the conference. The Guest Editors finalized the names of authors to be invited to submit their full paper, based upon their presentation during the conference, for the Special Proceedings. Distinguished speakers shortlisted for making contributions to the special proceedings were invited to submit their research papers for possible inclusion in the special proceedings. After the usual review process, 16 research papers were accepted for iv publication and are included in the special proceedings. We would like to express our sincere thanks to all the authors for responding to our request and submitting their research for publication in these special proceedings in time. The reviewers have also made a very big contribution by way of finishing the review process in a short span of time and it is a pleasure to thank each one of them individually.Not Availabl