10,741 research outputs found

    Parity Nonconservation in Odd-isotopes of Single Trapped Atomic Ions

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    We have estimated the size of the light-shifts due to parity nonconservation (PNC) interactions in different isotopes of Ba+ and Ra+ ions based on the work of Fortson [Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 2383 (1993)]. We have used the nuclear spin independent (NSI) amplitudes calculated earlier by us [Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 163003 (2006); Phys. Rev. A 78, 050501(R) (2008)] and we have employed the third order many-body perturbation theory (MBPT(3)) in this work to estimate the nuclear spin dependent (NSD) amplitudes in these ions. Ra+ is found to be more favourable than Ba+ for measuring both the NSI and NSD PNC observables.Comment: 5 pages, 1 tabl

    Drell-Yan, ZZ, W+W- production in SM & ADD model to NLO+PS accuracy at the LHC

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    In this paper, we present the next-to-leading order QCD corrections for di-lepton, di-electroweak boson (ZZ, W+W-) production in both the SM and the ADD model, matched to the HERWIG parton-shower using the aMC@NLO framework. A selection of results at the 8 TeV LHC, which exhibits deviation from the SM as a result of the large extra-dimension scenario are presented.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, search sensitivity for the 14 TeV LHC discussed, version to appear in Eur. Phys. J.

    Impact of initial condition on prediction of Bay of Bengal Cyclone 'Viyaru’ - A case study

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    Accurate prediction of track and intensity of land-falling tropical cyclones is of the great importance in weather prediction in making an effective tropical cyclone warning. This study examines the impact of initial condition on real time prediction of Bay of Bengal cyclone Viyaru. For this purpose, the customized version of Advanced Research core of Weather Research and Forecasting (ARW-WRF) model with two-way interactive double nested model at 27 km and 9 km resolutions is used to predict the storm. The model initial conditions are derived from the FNL analysis and Global Forecasting System (GFS) analysis and the lateral boundary condition is provided every 3 hourly from GFS forecast. The model predicted track and intensity of the storm are compared with the India Meteorological Department (IMD) best-fit track. Results indicate that the track of the storm is reasonably well predicted by the model with both FNL and GFS initial condition. The track of the storm is better predicted by the model with FNL initial condition. It is found that in reference to the track predicted errors with GFS initial condition, the use of FNL initial analysis as condition resulted in 41%, 8%, 5% and 19% improvement respectively in 24 h, 48 h, 72 h and 96 h forecast. This is due to less initial positional error in FNL analysis. The landfall time and location of the storm is also better predicted by the model with FNL initial condition. The trend of intensification and dissipation of the storm is also better predicted with FNL as the initial condition. The intensity of the storm in term of Central Sea Level Pressure (CSLP) and Maximum Surface Wind (MSW) is over-predicted by the model with both initial conditions. The 24 hours accumulated precipitation around the landfall time is also better predicted by the model with FNL initial condition

    Diagnostic Dilemma with Interval Death in a Road-Traffic Accident Victim

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    Background: The cause of death is difficult to interpret in a road-traffic accident (RTA) victim, because multiple injuries make it difficult to decide on the most fatal lesion, particularly when death is delayed by prompt medical intervention; and secondary haemorrhage, renal failure, fat embolism, systemic infections, myocardial or cerebral infarction – all comes under the potential differential threats.Case Report: A 20 year-old RTA victim was hospitalized in a comatose state and died after surviving 21 days on intermittent positive pressure ventilation. Post-mortem examination of different organs revealed pneumonic consolidation in lung, fatty changes in liver and acute tubular necrosis in kidney; in addition to haemorrhage and congestion in these organs and brain.Conclusion: Acute contusions of various internal organs, compounded by hospital-acquired infection and medical interventions turn the overall diagnostic scenario messy in a resuscitated RTA victim. In such condition notification about all lethal organic defects, instead of mentioning mere ‘multiorgan failure’, is the best way to sign out an ‘autopsy report.

    Control of postharvest grape rots caused by Aspergillus niger and Botryodiplodia theobromae

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    Die Bekämpfung der durch Aspergillus niger und Botryodiplodia theobromae an geernteten Trauben verursachten FäulnisTrauben der Sorten Thompson Seedless, Anab-e-Shahi und Kishmish wurden nach der Ernte mit A. niger und B. theobromae - sowohl rein als auch gemischt - infiziert. Die Wirksamkeit verschiedener Nahrungskonservierungsmittel, Pflanzenöle, Wachstumsregulatoren, homoeopathischer Drogen, Antibiotika und Fungizide, vor und nach der Inokulation angewandt, wurde gepriift. Durch die Behandlung der geernteten Trauben mit Bavistin (0,1 % ) + Kaliummetabisulfit (5 % ) könnten hohe wirtschaftliche Verluste vermieden werden

    Humoral and cytokine response elicited during immunisation with recombinant Immune Mapped protein-1 (EtIMP-1) and oocysts of Eimeria tenella

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    Eimeria tenella, the causative agent of caecal coccidiosis, is a pathogenic gut dwelling protozoan which can cause severe morbidity and mortality in farmed chickens. Immune mapped protein-1 (IMP-1) has been identified as an anticoccidial vaccine candidate; in the present study allelic polymorphism was assessed across the IMP-1 coding sequence in E. tenella isolates from four countries and compared with the UK reference Houghton strain. Nucleotide diversity was low, limited to expansion/contraction of a CAG triplet repeat and five substitutions, three of which were non-synonymous. The EtIMP-1 coding sequence from a cloned Indian E. tenella isolate was expressed in E. coli and purified as a His-tagged thioredoxin fusion protein. An in-vivo vaccination and challenge trial was conducted to test the vaccine potential of recombinant EtIMP-1 (rEtIMP-1) and to compare post-vaccination immune responses of chickens to those stimulated by live oocyst infection. Following challenge, parasite replication measured using quantitative PCR was significantly reduced in chickens that had been vaccinated with rEtIMP-1 (rIC group; 67% reduction compared to UC or unimmunised controls; 79% reduction compared to rTC group or recombinant thioredoxin mock-immunised controls, p < 0.05), or the birds vaccinated by infection with oocysts (OC group, 90% compared to unimmunised controls). Chickens vaccinated with oocysts (OC) had significantly higher levels of interferon gamma in their serum post-challenge, compared to rEtIMP-1 vaccinated birds (rIC). Conversely rEtIMP-1 (rIC) vaccinated birds had significantly higher antigen specific serum IgY responses, correlating with higher serum IL-4 (both p < 0.05)
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