1,117 research outputs found

    The frequency of English loanwords in written Polish

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    On the basis of the examination of several Polish dictionaries of frequency and one recent lexicon of foreign words used in the mass media it is concluded that though the influence of English on Polish in considerable, there is no danger that Polish will be submerged by English as some scholars claim


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    Insight into Biochemical Characterization of Plant Sesquiterpene Synthases

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    A fast and reproducible protocol was established for enzymatic characterization of plant sesquiterpene synthases that can incorporate radioactivity in their products. The method utilizes the 96-well format in conjunction with cluster tubes and enables processing of >200 samples a day. Along with reduced reagent usage, it allows further reduction in the use of radioactive isotopes and flammable organic solvents. The sesquiterpene synthases previously characterized were expressed in yeast, and the plant-derived Thapsia garganica kunzeaol synthase TgTPS2 was tested in this method. K M for TgTPS2 was found to be 0.55 μM; the turnover number, k cat , was found to be 0.29 s −1 , k cat for TgTPS2 is in agreement with that of terpene synthases of other plants, and k cat / K M was found to be 0.53 s −1 μM −1 for TgTPS2. The kinetic parameters were in agreement with previously published data

    Estimulador galvânico vestibular para fMRI

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    This work presents the development of a galvanic vestibular stimulator to be used in functional magnetic resonance imaging experiments (fMRI). In fMRI experiments it is required the production of somatosensory stimuli in the patient must be sincronized with the fMRI pulse sequence. The stimulator circuits were divided in analog circuits (placed within the magnet room) and digital circuits (placed in the MRI command room). The communication between the circuits is made through optical fiber. fMRI experiments performed with volunteers demonstrated that the proposed stimulator is able to keep the sincronization with the MRI system and can be used to locate the brain areas that are activated by the vestibular system.Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um estimulador galvânico vestibular para ser usado em experimentos de imageamento por ressonância magnética funcional (fMRI). Em experiências de fMRI é necessário a produção de estímulos somatossensoriais no paciente. Os estímulos devem ser sincronizados com a sequência de pulsos da fMRI. O estimulador foi dividido em circuitos analógicos (colocados dentro da sala do magneto) e circuitos digitais (sala de comando do sistema de MRI). A comunicação entre os circuitos é feita através de fibra óptica. Experimentos de fMRI realizados com voluntários demonstraram que o estimulador proposto é capaz de manter a sincronização com sistema de fMRI e pode ser usado para localizar as áreas do cérebro que são ativados pelo sistema vestibular

    Search for Neutrino Non-Standard Interactions with the KM3NET/ORCA 6 Lines Detector

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    En el Modelo Estándar, que es la teoría establecida de las interacciones fundamentales, no se contempla que los neutrinos tengan masa. La mayoría de las extensiones teóricas postuladas del Modelo Estándar dirigidas a la inclusión de masas de neutrinos requieren la existencia de un nuevo tipo de interacciones que aún no se ha observado. Desde el punto de vista fenomenológico, estas interacciones se pueden agrupar bajo el concepto de interacciones no estándar de neutrinos (INE o NSIs por sus siglas en inglés) que afectarían la oscilación de neutrinos a un nivel secundario. El experimento KM3NeT/ORCA es un telescopio de neutrinos de próxima generación destinado a medir las oscilaciones de los neutrinos atmosféricos. Uno de sus objetivos científicos es la búsqueda de fenómenos más allá del Modelo Estándar, que pueden manifestarse en la modificación de los patrones de oscilación de neutrinos. Las interacciones no estándar de neutrinos son uno de los fenómenos dentro de la definición anterior. La primera etapa del detector ORCA, llamada ORCA6, comprende solo seis de las 115 unidades de detección planificadas, pero ha demostrado ser capaz de observar oscilaciones de neutrinos. Esta tesis presenta el primer intento de medir interacciones no estándar de neutrinos con los datos recopilados por el detector ORCA6. Se explota la misma muestra de datos que la utilizada para el estudio de las oscilaciones estándar de los neutrinos atmosféricos. El período de toma de datos abarca más de un año desde enero de 2020 hasta marzo de 2021. Efectivamente, el análisis busca efectos secundarios en las oscilaciones de neutrinos atmosféricos en la materia terrestre. Se informa que los límites de un orden de magnitud similar a las mediciones actuales líderes en el mundo brindan perspectivas prometedoras para la investigación futura con el detector KM3NeT/ORCA. La confiabilidad de los resultados obtenidos se prueba a fondo utilizando varios métodos estadísticos y verificando las suposiciones comúnmente hechas en el campo de investigación explorado.In the Standard Model, which is the established theory of fundamental interactions, neutrinos are not considered to have mass. Most of the postulated theoretical extensions of the Standard Model directed to the inclusion of neutrino masses require the existence of a new type of interactions that have not yet been observed. From the phenomenological point of view, these interactions can be grouped under the concept of neutrino non-standard interactions (NSIs) that would affect the neutrino oscillation at a secondary level. The KM3NeT/ORCA experiment is a next-generation neutrino telescope aimed at measuring the oscillations of atmospheric neutrinos. One of its scientific objectives is the search for phenomena beyond the Standard Model, which can manifest themselves in the modification of neutrino oscillation patterns. Neutrino non-standard interactions are one of the phenomena within the above definition. The first stage of the ORCA detector, called ORCA6, comprises only six of the 115 planned detection units, but it has proven capable of observing neutrino oscillations. This thesis presents the first attempt to measure neutrino non-standard interactions with the data collected by the ORCA6 detector. The same data sample is used as the one used for the study of the standard oscillations of atmospheric neutrinos. The data collection period covers more than a year from January 2020 to March 2021. Indeed, the analysis looks for secondary effects in the oscillations of atmospheric neutrinos in terrestrial matter. Limits of a similar order of magnitude to the current world-leading measurements are reported to hold promising prospects for future research with the KM3NeT/ORCA detector. The reliability of the obtained results is thoroughly tested using various statistical methods and verifying the assumptions commonly made in the explored research field

    Children Seek Historical Traces of Owned Objects

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/141553/1/cdev12453.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/141553/2/cdev12453_am.pd


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    The aim of this article is to identify ways in which young people can be involved in the prosumption. It presents own research results of diagnostic survey. The study was conducted in May–June 2017. Its participants were 610 students of the University of Economics in Cracow who studied in different faculties of the university. The article highlights the key characteristics of prosumption. The methodology of own research has been outlined, including the characteristics of examining group. The empirical part of the article presents the opinions of respondents on the prosumption. The study ends with conclusions of a synthetic nature.Key words: prosumption, consumer behaviour, young consumersJEL: M310Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja sposobów angażowania się młodzieży w prosumpcję. Podjęta dyskusja stanowi rodzaj prezentacji wyników badań własnych. Jako metodę badawczą zastosowano sondaż diagnostyczny. Badanie zostało zrealizowane w maju oraz czerwcu 2017 roku. Jego uczestnikami byli studenci Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie. Łącznie przebadano 610 osób studiujących na rożnych kierunkach ww. uczelni. W artykule wskazano na kluczowe charakterystyki prosumpcji. Zarysowano metodykę badań własnych, w tym scharakteryzowano badaną zbiorowość. W ostatniej części artykułu zaprezentowano opinie respondentów na temat działań z obszaru prosumpcji. Opracowanie kończą wnioski o charakterze syntetycznym.Słowa kluczowe: prosumpcja, zachowania konsumenckie, młodzi konsumenc

    Tourist mobile applications: Evaluation of the VisitMalopolska app

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    The aim of the article is to evaluate the functionality of the VisitMalopolska mobile application developed for tourists. An attempt is made to outline ideas that allow tourists to explore Małopolska on their own, as well as to facilitate access to information about the region. The study focuses on the diverse use of mobile applications in tourism and in addition discusses the objectives and research method used. The main part of the discussion concerns the characteristics and evaluation of the most important functionalities of the new VisitMalopolska tourist application. In the main part of the article the most important functionalities available are evaluated and to do this, the point method was use