22 research outputs found

    Inclusión en la diversidad, tutorías en la FCNYM, UNLP

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    La presente ponencia tiene como objetivo dar a conocer el trabajo que se viene realizando desde que se inició el programa de tutorías en la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo (FCNyM), Universidad Nacional de la Plata (UNLP), con la finalidad de orientar y acompañar a los ingresantes durante su recorrido por el primer año de la carrera. Desde el inicio de nuestro trabajo hemos partido de la idea de que la inclusión y permanencia de los estudiantes en la universidad no depende solo de las intenciones individuales y de las metas elaboradas por los individuos, sino también de procesos sociales e intelectuales relacionados con la integración al ambiente intelectual y social de la institución universitaria. En este sentido, consideramos que los estímulos intelectuales y sociales generados por la institución constituyen un componente fundamental del proceso por medio del cual los sujetos son capaces de alcanzar sus metas educativas (Tinto, 1989). Dando cuenta de esta postura, desde el año 2009 la Facultad, cuenta con un equipo de tutores destinados exclusivamente, al menos en un principio, a los alumnos que se encuentran en el trayecto comprendido entre su ingreso hasta la culminación de su primer año de estudios.Secretaría de Asuntos Académico

    Primary Xenografts of Human Prostate Tissue as a Model to Study Angiogenesis Induced by Reactive Stroma

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    Characterization of the mechanism(s) of androgen-driven human angiogenesis could have significant implications for modeling new forms of anti-angiogenic therapies for CaP and for developing targeted adjuvant therapies to improve efficacy of androgen-deprivation therapy. However, models of angiogenesis by human endothelial cells localized within an intact human prostate tissue architecture are until now extremely limited. This report characterizes the burst of angiogenesis by endogenous human blood vessels in primary xenografts of fresh surgical specimens of benign prostate or prostate cancer (CaP) tissue that occurs between Days 6–14 after transplantation into SCID mice pre-implanted with testosterone pellets. The wave of human angiogenesis was preceded by androgen-mediated up-regulation of VEGF-A expression in the stromal compartment. The neo-vessel network anastomosed to the host mouse vascular system between Days 6–10 post-transplantation, the angiogenic response ceased by Day 15, and by Day 30 the vasculature had matured and stabilized, as indicated by a lack of leakage of serum components into the interstitial tissue space and by association of nascent endothelial cells with mural cells/pericytes. The angiogenic wave was concurrent with the appearance of a reactive stroma phenotype, as determined by staining for α-SMA, Vimentin, Tenascin, Calponin, Desmin and Masson's trichrome, but the reactive stroma phenotype appeared to be largely independent of androgen availability. Transplantation-induced angiogenesis by endogenous human endothelial cells present in primary xenografts of benign and malignant human prostate tissue was preceded by induction of androgen-driven expression of VEGF by the prostate stroma, and was concurrent with and the appearance of a reactive stroma phenotype. Androgen-modulated expression of VEGF-A appeared to be a causal regulator of angiogenesis, and possibly of stromal activation, in human prostate xenografts

    Understanding Factors Associated With Psychomotor Subtypes of Delirium in Older Inpatients With Dementia

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    Proceedings of the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2018

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    On behalf of the Program Committee, a very warm welcome to the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-­‐it 2018). This edition of the conference is held in Torino. The conference is locally organised by the University of Torino and hosted into its prestigious main lecture hall “Cavallerizza Reale”. The CLiC-­‐it conference series is an initiative of the Italian Association for Computational Linguistics (AILC) which, after five years of activity, has clearly established itself as the premier national forum for research and development in the fields of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing, where leading researchers and practitioners from academia and industry meet to share their research results, experiences, and challenges

    Upstream rheotaxis of catalytic Janus spheres

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    Fluid flow is ubiquitous in many environments that form habitats for microorganisms. Therefore, it is not surprising that both biological and artificial microswimmers show responses to flows that are determined by the interplay of chemical and physical factors. In particular, to deepen the understanding of how different systems respond to flows, it is crucial to comprehend the influence played by swimming pattern. The tendency of organisms to navigate up or down the flow is termed rheotaxis. Early theoretical studies predicted a positive rheotactic response for puller-type spherical Janus micromotors. However, recent experimental studies have focused on pusher-type Janus particles, finding that they exhibit cross-stream migration in externally applied flows. To study the response to the flow of swimmers with a qualitatively different flow pattern, we introduce Cu@SiO2micromotors that swim toward their catalytic cap. On the basis of experimental observations, and supported by flow field calculations using a model for self-electrophoresis, we hypothesize that they behave effectively as a puller-type system. We investigate the effect of externally imposed flow on these spherically symmetrical Cu@SiO2active Janus colloids, and we indeed observe a steady upstream directional response. Through a simple squirmer model for a puller, we recover the major experimental observations. Additionally, the model predicts a "jumping" behavior for puller-type micromotors at high flow speeds. Performing additional experiments at high flow speeds, we capture this phenomenon, in which the particles "roll" with their swimming axes aligned to the shear plane, in addition to being dragged downstream by the fluid flow

    Upstream rheotaxis of catalytic Janus spheres

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    Fluid flow is ubiquitous in many environments that form habitats for microorganisms. The tendency of organisms to navigate towards or away from flow is termed rheotaxis. Therefore, it is not surprising that both biological and artificial microswimmers show responses to flows that are determined by the interplay of chemical and physical factors. In particular, to deepen understanding of how different systems respond to flows, it is crucial to comprehend the influence played by swimming pattern. In recent studies, pusher-type Janus particles exhibited cross-stream migration in externally applied flows. Earlier, theoretical studies predicted a positive rheotactic response for puller-type spherical Janus micromotors. To compare to a different swimmer, we introduce Cu@SiO2 micromotors that swim towards their catalytic cap. Based on experimental observations, and supported by flow field calculations using a model for self-electrophoresis, we hypothesize that they behave effectively as a puller-type system. We investigate the effect of externally imposed flow on these spherically symmetrical Cu@SiO2 active Janus colloids, and we indeedobserve a steady upstream directional response. Through a simple squirmer model for a puller, we recover the major experimental observations. Additionally, the model predicts a unique “jumping” behaviour for puller-type micro- motors at high flow speeds. Performing additional experiments at high flow speeds, we capture this phenomenon, in which the particles “roll” with their swimming axes aligned to the shear plane, in addition to being dragged down- stream by the fluid flow

    Sensory and microbiological evaluation of traditional ovine ricotta cheese in modified atmosphere packaging

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    Ovine ricotta cheese is a traditional Sicilian dairy product characterised by high humidity and a short shelf life (2-4 days when refrigerated). The increasing demand for fresh food has prompted manufacturers to develop special packaging techniques, such as modified atmosphere packaging (MAP), that can extend the shelf life and maintain the organoleptic characteristics of ovine ricotta cheese. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the shelf life of fresh MAP-packed ovine ricotta cheese by monitoring the microbiological, chemical, physical and organoleptic characteristics of the product. Samples of a single batch were packed in MAP or vacuum packed and stored at 4°C for 24 and 7 days, respectively. Water activity, pH, physicochemical parameters and microbiological characteristics were examined. A sensory panel rated the product’s main organoleptic characteristics (colour, odour, flavour and texture). Results showed that MAP controlled the development of any unwanted microflora, but did not affect the development of intrinsic lactic floras or chemical parameters. Sensory analysis revealed that overall the MAP-packed ricotta remained acceptable for up to 15 days of storage. The vacuum-packed ricotta cheese, however, showed a progressive deterioration in organoleptic characteristics from day 5 onward and therefore had a shorter shelf life. In conclusion, the ability of MAP to extend the shelf life of a traditional regional product (such as fresh ovine ricotta cheese) guarantees consumers a quality product and provides opportunities for manufacturers to expand their markets beyond national boundaries

    An integrated approach for the benthic habitat mapping based on innovative surveying technologies and ecosystem functioning measurements

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    Abstract Among marine ecosystems globally, those in the Mediterranean Sea, are facing many threats. New technologies are crucial for enhancing our understanding of marine habitats and ecosystems, which can be complex and resource-intensive to analyse using traditional techniques. We tested, for the first time, an integrated multi-platform approach for mapping the coastal benthic habitat in the Civitavecchia (northern Latium, Italy) coastal area. This approach includes the use of an Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV), a Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV), and in situ measurements of ecosystem functionality. The echosounder data allowed us to reconstruct the distribution of bottom types, as well as the canopy height and coverage of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Our study further involved assessing the respiration (Rd) and net primary production (NCP) rates of P. oceanica and its associated community through in situ benthic chamber incubation. By combining these findings with the results of USV surveys, we were able to develop a preliminary spatial distribution model for P. oceanica primary production (PP-SDM). The P. oceanica PP-SDM was applied between the depths of 8 and 10 m in the studied area and the obtained results showed similarities with other sites in the Mediterranean Sea. Though in the early stages, our results highlight the significance of multi-platform observation data for a thorough exploration of marine ecosystems, emphasizing their utility in forecasting biogeochemical processes in the marine environment