51 research outputs found

    In-between forest expansion and cropland decline: A revised USLE model for soil erosion risk under land-use change in a Mediterranean region

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    The present study illustrates an original approach for the long-term assessment of soil erosion risk under land-use changes in a Mediterranean region (Matera, southern Italy). The study has been focused on the implementation of a modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) model at three time points (1960, 1990, 2010) with the objective to evaluate the contribution of each component to model's performance and model outcomes’ reliability. A modified USLE model was proposed for the assessment of soil erosion risk, based on the simplification of model's parameters and the use of high spatial resolution datasets. Spatio-temporal variability in the model's outcomes was analyzed for basic land-use classes. Our approach has improved model's flexibility with the use of high spatial resolution layers, producing reliable long-term estimates of soil loss for the study area

    Conceptualizing and measuring the economic issues in the evaluation of socio-ecological resilience : a commentary

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    Resilience is the capacity of an ecosystem to tolerate disturbance without collapsing into a state controlled by a different set of environmental conditions and processes. Despite the growing importance of socioeconomic resilience, this concept has not been yet carefully defined or satisfactory measured within the more general issue of socio-ecological resilience of both natural (forest) and anthropogenic (agricultural) systems. Investigating socioeconomic resilience in a rapidly changing landscape is important for sustainable land management under intense and increasing human pressure, like observed in the Mediterranean region. This paper presents an overview of definitions and indicators of the socioeconomic resilience and comments on some possible measurements of the concept taken from the parallel ecological literature. The study is intended to contribute to this deserving issue in the light of the (increasingly complex) relationships between the environment, the economic systems, and the social sphere.peer-reviewe

    ACE2 expression is related to the interferon response in airway epithelial cells but is that functional for SARS-CoV-2 entry?

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    In vitro interferon (IFN)α treatment of primary human upper airway basal cells has been shown to drive ACE2 expression, the receptor of SARS-CoV-2. The protease furin is also involved in mediating SARS‐CoV‐2 and other viral infections, although its association with early IFN response has not been evaluated yet. In order to assess the in vivo relationship between ACE2 and furin expression and the IFN response in nasopharyngeal cells, we first examined ACE2 and furin levels and their correlation with the well-known marker of IFNs’ activation, ISG15, in children (n = 59) and adults (n = 48), during respiratory diseases not caused by SARS-CoV-2. A strong positive correlation was found between ACE2 expression, but not of furin, and ISG15 in all patients analyzed. In addition, type I and III IFN stimulation experiments were performed to examine the IFN-mediated activation of ACE2 isoforms (full-length and truncated) and furin in epithelial cell lines. Following all the IFNs treatments, only the truncated ACE2 levels, were upregulated significantly in the A549 and Calu3 cells, in particular by type I IFNs. If confirmed in vivo following IFNs’ activation, the induction of the truncated ACE2 isoform only would not enhance the risk of SARS‐CoV‐2 infection in the respiratory tract

    An Italian Multicenter Study on the Epidemiology of Respiratory Syncytial Virus During SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic in Hospitalized Children

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    Since the beginning of 2020, a remarkably low incidence of respiratory virus hospitalizations has been reported worldwide. We prospectively evaluated 587 children, aged <12 years, admitted for respiratory tract infections from 1 September 2021 to 15 March 2022 in four Italian pediatric hospitals to assess the burden of respiratory viruses during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy. At admission, a Clinical Respiratory Score was assigned and nasopharyngeal or nasal washing samples were collected and tested for respiratory viruses. Total admissions increased from the second half of October 2021 to the first half of December 2021 with a peak in early November 2021. The respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) incidence curve coincided with the total hospitalizations curve, occurred earlier than in the pre-pandemic years, and showed an opposite trend with respect to the incidence rate of SARS-CoV-2. Our results demonstrated an early peak in pediatric hospitalizations for RSV. SARS-CoV-2 may exhibit a competitive pressure on other respiratory viruses, most notably RSV

    A Systematic Review and International Web-Based Survey of Randomized Controlled Trials in the Perioperative and Critical Care Setting: Interventions Reducing Mortality

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    The authors aimed to identify interventions documented by randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that reduce mortality in adult critically ill and perioperative patients, followed by a survey of clinicians’ opinions and routine practices to understand the clinicians’ response to such evidence. The authors performed a comprehensive literature review to identify all topics reported to reduce mortality in perioperative and critical care settings according to at least 2 RCTs or to a multicenter RCT or to a single-center RCT plus guidelines. The authors generated position statements that were voted on online by physicians worldwide for agreement, use, and willingness to include in international guidelines. From 262 RCT manuscripts reporting mortality differences in the perioperative and critically ill settings, the authors selected 27 drugs, techniques, and strategies (66 RCTs, most frequently published by the New England Journal of Medicine [13 papers], Lancet [7], and Journal of the American Medical Association [5]) with an agreement ≥67% from over 250 physicians (46 countries). Noninvasive ventilation was the intervention supported by the largest number of RCTs (n = 13). The concordance between agreement and use (a positive answer both to “do you agree” and “do you use”) showed differences between Western and other countries and between anesthesiologists and intensive care unit physicians. The authors identified 27 clinical interventions with randomized evidence of survival benefit and strong clinician support in support of their potential life-saving properties in perioperative and critically ill patients with noninvasive ventilation having the highest level of support. However, clinician views appear affected by specialty and geographical location

    Shock emorragico nelle vittime di guerra: analisi della mortalità presso l'Emergency surgical centre for war victims di Kabul

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    L'Emergency surgical centre for war victims in Kabul tratta vittime di guerra sin dal 2001. Grazie ad una rete di First Aid Points in grado di offrire cure sanitarie di base ed un sistema di trasferimento dei politraumatizzati via terra da località remote a Kabul, il centro riceve una media di circa 250 pazienti al mese. Molti di questi sono vittime di trauma penetrante: le ferite da arma da fuoco sono le più frequenti, seguite da altri meccanismi (frammenti di esplosivi, mine, ferite da arma bianca). Una piccola percentuale di questi pazienti si presenta ipotesa all'ammissione in ospedale, e richiede un adeguato rimpiazzo volemico prima del trattamento chirurgico e dell'ammissione in terapia intensiva. I dati, raccolti in Afghanistan da agosto 2015 a gennaio 2016, descrivono questa popolazione, con particolare attenzione alle caratteristiche demografiche, al meccanismo del trauma, al rimpiazzo volemico, alla terapia chirurgica ed alle cure intensive postoperatorie. Scopo ultimo dello studio è stato quello di analizzare i fattori in grado di condizionare lo sviluppo di complicanze e la mortalità nella tipologia di pazienti trattati. Emergency surgical centre for war victims in Kabul has been treating war wounded patients since 2001. With a network of First Aid Points offering basic healthcare and a referral system of trauma patients by ambulance from remote locations, an average of 250 patients are admitted to the centre monthly. Many of them have suffered penetrating multiple trauma injuries, with bullets accounting for the most common cause, followed by other mechanisms of injury. A small percentage of them are hypotensive on arrival, requiring intravenous fluid resuscitation in OPD before surgical treatment and postoperative intensive care admission. This population will be described, and data regarding preoperative fluid resuscitation, surgical treatment and postoperative care will be recorded. Aim of the study is to describe the characteristics of the patients who presented in our OPD between June 2015 and January 2016 in haemorrhagic shock following penetrating trauma and point out factors who might predict their outcome. A systolic blood pressure of 90 mmHg will be used as a cut-off for defining patients in shock (CIT), being aware that this finding on arrival in OPD is well known to be linked with increased morbidity and mortality (CIT). A significant number of patients were referred to our OPD by ambulance trough the First Aid Points located in provinces surrounding Kabul, this accounting for an amount of patients in extremely critical conditions we might otherwise have not received. Data points will include demographic information, mechanism of injury (shell, bullet, mine or knife), injury severity score (ISS) (6, 7), number of organ injuries, referral from FAP, timing (time injury-OPD, OPD- OT and duration of surgery), body temperature, damage control surgery procedures, amount of fluids received for resuscitation (in the preoperative period and during surgery), units of blood transfused, use of dopamine (alpha doses), ventilator days, ICU stay, length of stay and development of major complications (coagulopathy, acute respiratory distress syndrome, septic shock). Additional data points to be collected will include (when available) postoperative pH, BE and lactates. The number of organ injuries will be determined by reviewing the patient`s chart, and the operative report. The specific organs assessed will be: lung, diaphragm, liver, gallbladder, spleen, duodenum, ileum/jejunum, colon, pancreas, major artery, major vein, and GU (kidney, ureter, or bladder). An organ will be considered injured if it was described as injured in the operative report or discharge summary. Statistical analysis will be performed in order to identify potential predictors of outcome among our patients and to possibly compare our population with the one described in other studies

    Effetti infiammatori della manovra di reclutamento alveolare

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    Premessa: l'insufficienza respiratoria acuta è una causa frequente di ammissione in terapia intensiva: l'assistenza ventilatoria infatti, è spesso un presidio irrinunciabile in molti pazienti critici, perchè consente di ricavare un margine di azione per l'adozione di altre eventuali strategie terapeutiche, in grado di migliorare effettivamente la prognosi del malato. Le tecniche di ventilazione meccanica convenzionali, basate sull'utilizzo di alti volumi correnti ed alte pressioni, si sono tuttavia rivelate dannose, provocando un paradossale aumento della mortalità. Si sono così affermate nuove strategie di ventilazione protettiva che, mediante l'utilizzo di bassi volumi e basse pressioni, consentono di ridurre lo stress di parete; allo stesso tempo, però si rendono responsabili del periodico dereclutamento delle zone più declivi del polmone. Il continuo ripetersi di questi cicli di apertura e chiusura potrebbe avere numerosi effetti, compresi quelli del danno endoteliale, epiteliale, e del danno cellulare infiammatorio con rilascio di citochine. Le manovre di reclutamento alveolare, costituite da transitorie insufflazioni del polmone ad alte pressioni, sono state dunque promosse come aggiunta alla ventilazione meccanica nelle strategie di ventilazione protettiva per prevenire il collasso di alcune aree del polmone. Esse infatti, consentono di aprire gli alveoli, migliorando così l'ossigenazione; resta però da chiarire se esse stesse possano provocare un aumento significativo dei livelli sistemici di citochine proinfiammatorie, peraltro già elevati nei pazienti sottoposti a ventilazione meccanica invasiva, contribuendo in tal modo al verificarsi del Ventilator Induced Lung Injury e peggiorando la prognosi del paziente. Materiali e metodi: lo studio clinico, approvato dal comitato etico locale di Pisa, ha previsto l'arruolamento sequenziale di 10 pazienti ricoverati presso la U.O. IV Anestesia e Rianimazione Universitaria da dicembre 2009 a giugno 2010 per insufficienza respiratoria acuta e ARDS. Dopo almeno 24 ore di ventilazione protettiva, essi sono stati sottoposti ad una manovra di reclutamento alveolare, effettuata impostando il ventilatore in modalità Continuos Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) e la Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) a 40 cmH20 per 30 secondi. Prima e dopo l'esecuzione di tale manovra sono stati registrati i dati riguardanti la meccanica polmonare, gli scambi gassosi, l'emodinamica e le concentrazioni plasmatiche di IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNF-α e NO. E' stato inoltre calcolato un punteggio ecografico, definito a partire dal grado di aerazione dei campi polmonari superiori e inferiori studiati tramite finestre ecografiche sulla parete toracica anteriore e laterale. In un sottogruppo di pazienti si è proceduto al dosaggio dei mediatori dell'infiammazione anche nel liquido di lavaggio broncoalveolare prima e dopo la manovra. Nei pazienti non sottoposti a broncoscopia, le stesse informazioni sono state ottenute dal liquido d'aspirazione tracheale. Obiettivi: scopo dello studio era dimostrare che l'adozione di una strategia di ventilazione protettiva con l'aggiunta di manovre di reclutamento migliora gli scambi gassosi, senza provocare e/o aggravare una reazione infiammatoria sistemica clinicamente significativa. Risultati: la manovra di reclutamento alveolare ha provocato un lieve e transitorio aumento aumento del rapporto PaO2/FiO2 dal valore medio basale di 207 ± 78 mmHg al valore di 220 ± 83 a T30'' (p=.8272), senza provocare variazioni significative per quanto riguarda i parametri emodinamici e quelli concernenti la meccanica polmonare. Essa inoltre non ha provocato una modificazione statisticamente significativa della concentrazione plasmatica delle citochine pro ed antiinfiammatorie a 3 e a 12 ore. E' stato osservato tuttavia un aumento significativo del rapporto TNF-α/IL-10 a 3 ore (7,76 ± 7,46 vs 6,22 ±5,80, p<.05) ed una riduzione dei livelli plasmatici di NO a 24 ore dalla manovra (12,3 ± 6,6 μmol/l vs 18,7 ± 8,5 μmol/l, p<0,05). Conclusioni: la manovra di reclutamento alveolare effettuata impostando la PEEP a 40 cm H2O per 30 secondi ha provocato uno sbilanciamento del profilo citochinico a favore delle citochine proinfiammatorie: tale effetto era evidente a 3 ore, ma non più riscontrabile a 12. La presenza di un effetto immunologico della manovra è confermato dalla diminuzione dei livelli plasmatici di NO

    Localization Strategies for Multiple Point-like Radar Targets

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    In this correspondence, we focus on the design and the analysis of schemes aimed at estimating the position of multiple point-like targets that fall among three adjacent samples of the matched filter output (typically present in the processing chain of a radar). To this end, we exploit spillover of targets’ energy to adjacent range cells. The number of targets (and the corresponding Doppler frequency shifts) is assumed to be known. Moreover, we suppose that received useful signals can be modeled in terms of vectors known up to deterministic parameters and that they are embedded in correlated Gaussian noise with unknown covariance matrix. For estimation purposes we assume that a set of secondary data, free of signal components, but sharing the same covariance matrix of the noise in the cells containing signal returns, is available. The analysis, also in comparison to a possible competitor, proves the superiority of multitarget schemes with respect to single target ones, even under reasonably mismatched scenarios