28 research outputs found

    Menghitung Kebutuhan Pengering Gabah Di Kecamatan Ciomas Bogor Dengan Metode Monte Carlo

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    Sun drying is the traditional method for drying and still preferred in Asia because cheap compared to mechanical drying. Since it uses the sun as heat source it is friendly to the environment, many farmers, grain collectors, traders and millersoften dry their paddy on pavements that specifically constructed for drying. Sundrying pavements have the advantages of high capacity and thus economics of scale, but the weakness is very dependent on the weather. The amount of paddy that can be dried with a drying depends on the number of sunny days, so it is important to know the probabilities of rainy day based on the historical climate data in a region. From these, simulations can be done to calculate how many dryer machines should be provided to overcome the lack of drying capacity. This methodis known as Monte Carlo. This paper presents a study to determine the amount mechanical dryer needed based on the failure probability of sun drying pavements using monte carlo simulation methods in the District of Ciomas, Bogor.The study results based on 10 years daily rainfall data the probability of rainy days in March (0.62) was greater than in September (0,37), so that the total capacity of dryer machine to be prepared is 110 tons/ day. That was equal to 11 units dryerswith 10 tons / unit in capacity

    Penentuan Sifat Termofisik Mahkota Dewa (Thermal Properties of Phaleria Macrocarpha)

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    Of information on their thermal properties. Although a lot of experimental data can be found, the variety of products and the differences in measurement method make limitation on the value of the available data, especially for Indonesia's products. These data are needed to get information about temperature change when a product was processed by heating or cooling. The data are important for optimizing the efficiency of energy used in the process. The objective of this study is to determine thermal diffusivity and conductivity of mahkota dewa or crown of god (Phaleria macrocarpha). The values were determined numerically with indirect methods. The result shows that thermal conductivity of mahkota dewa is 0.1359 W/moC, while its thermal diffusivity is 4.11x10-8 m2/s

    Penentuan sifat termofisik (Thermophysic Properties) temu lawak dan temu putih

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    The most important limitation in process design for agricultural products is the lack of information on their thermal properties. Although a lot of experimental data can be found, the variety of products and the differences in measurement method make limitation on the value of the available data, especially for Indonesia’s products. These data are needed to get information about temperature change when product was processed like heating or cooling. It is worth due to optimizing the efficiency of energy. The objective of this study isto determine thermal diffusivity and conductivity of java turmeric and zedoary herbs. The values were determined numerically with indirect methods. The result shows that thermal conductivity of java turmeric and zedoary are 0.2797 W/moC and 0.1359 W/moC, respectively, while thermal diffusivity are 9.34x10-8 m2/s and 1.00x10-7 m2/s, respectively.Keywords : thermal properties, java turmeric, zrdoary, thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity AbstrakDalam merancang suatu sistem proses dan peralatan pengolaan hasil pertaniandiperlukan pengetahuan tentang sifat-sifat panas suatu bahan diantaranya panas jenis, konduktivitas dan difusivitas panas. Nilai-nilai tersebut untuk produk pertanian lokal sangat jarang ditemukan, sehingga dalam aplikasinya sering digunakan data sifat panas dari literatur luar yang belum tentu sesuai dan tepat dengan produk dalam negeri, hal ini dapat menyebabkan terjadinya bias dalam perhitungan dan perancangan. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menentukan sifat-sifat/properti panas dari tanaman obat temu lawak dan temu putih. Hasil studi mendapatkan bahwa nilai panas konduktivitas panas temu lawak dan temuputih masing-masing adalah 0.2797 W/moC dan 0.1359 W/moC, sedangkan nilai difusivitas panasnya masing-masing adalah 9.34x10-8 m2/detik dan 1.00x10-7 m2/detik.Kata Kunci : sifat panas, temu lawak, temu putih jenis, konduktivitas, difusivitas pana


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    The effects of drying conditions on shrinkage of zedoary were studied. A thin-layer dryer with machine vision 2D system and image analysis software was used. Zedoary slices were dried at temperatures of 50, 60 and 70oC (at constant RH) and relative humidities of 20%, 30% and 40% (at constant temperature). The falling drying rate data were used to calculate the effective diffusion coefficients from the Fick’s equation. Changes in area of the slice were measured every 5 minute during drying. Shrinkage showed almost linear relation with moisture content. It was found that air temperature and relative humidity had no significant effect on shrinkage. Drying took place entirely in the falling rate period. Slices dried at 70oC showed more bend than slices dried at 50 and 60oC. Effective diffusivity values by considering the shrinkage were estimated in the range of 4.74-6.19×10-9 m2/s for studied drying temperatures.Keywords: drying, shrinkage, moisture, diffusivity, image analysis, zedoar

    Performance of Pepper Post Harvest Machines

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    The purpose of this study was to learn technical performance and financial feasibility of a unit of mechanical post-harvest processing of pepper. The equipment used in such a process is thresher, peeler and dryer. The equipment was tested to learn its technical performances. It was found that the threshing efficiency of the thresher was 98% with a capacity of 269 kg fresh pepper spikes per hour and damaged berries of 5.3%. The peeling efficiency of the peeler was 98% with an optimum capacity (in term of fresh pepper spikes) of 224 kg per hour.The financial analysis showed that a unit of mechanical post-harvest processing of pepper with a capacity of 30,000 kg per year needs an investment of Rp. 82,060,000.00. This investment wi/l give an NPV of Rp. 141,605,144; net BIC of 2.37 and IRR value of 81.33%. An intensive and local specific study must be carried out to get appropriate conclusions of such an analysis

    Performance of Pepper Post Harvest Machines

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    The purpose of this study was to learn technical performance and financial feasibility of a unit of mechanical post-harvest processing of pepper. The equipment used in such a process is thresher, peeler and dryer. The equipment was tested to learn its technical performances. It was found that the threshing efficiency of the thresher was 98% with a capacity of 269 kg fresh pepper spikes per hour and damaged berries of 5.3%. The peeling efficiency of the peeler was 98% with an optimum capacity (in term of fresh pepper spikes) of 224 kg per hour.The financial analysis showed that a unit of mechanical post-harvest processing of pepper with a capacity of 30,000 kg per year needs an investment of Rp. 82,060,000.00. This investment wi/l give an NPV of Rp. 141,605,144; net BIC of 2.37 and IRR value of 81.33%. An intensive and local specific study must be carried out to get appropriate conclusions of such an analysis

    Analisis Eksergi Pengeringan Irisan Temulawak

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    Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) merupakan tanaman obat yang simplisianya digunakan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan jamu atau obat tradisional. Pengeringan merupakan proses utama dalam memproduksi simplisia. Untuk menganalisis efisiensi energi suatu proses pengeringan umumnya digunakan hukum termodinamika pertama yang menjelaskan tentang prinsip kekekalan energi. Akan tetapi teori ini mempunyai keterbatasan dalam mengukur penurunan kualitas energi. Untuk mengetahui apakah energi yang digunakan pada proses pengeringan sudah digunakan secara optimal dari sisi kualitas, digunakan hukum termodinamika kedua atau yang dikenal dengan analisis eksergi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan efisiensi proses pengeringan lapisan tipis irisan temulawak dengan metode analisis energi dan eksergi. Dalam studi ini, metode analisis energi dan eksergi berdasarkan hukum termodinamika pertama dan kedua telah digunakan untuk menghitung rasio penggunaan energi dan besaran eksergi yang musnah (exergy loss). sehingga efisiensi proses pengeringan irisan temulawak dapat ditentukan secara akurat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi proses pengeringan mempengaruhi rasio penggunaan energi dan efisiensi eksergi pengeringan. Semakin tinggi suhu dan RH pengeringan maka rasio penggunaan energi semakin rendah dan efisiensi eksergi semakin tinggi. Efisiensi eksergi pengeringan temulawak bervariasi antara 96,5%-100% untuk selang suhu 50 oC hingga 70 oC pada RH 40% serta 82,3% - 100% untuk selang RH 20% hingga 40% pada suhu 50 oC

    The more important limitation in process design for agricultural products is the lack of information on their thermal properties. Although a lot of experimental data can be found, the variety of product and the differences ij measurement method make limitation on the value of the available data, especially for indonesia'a products. These data are needed to get information about temperature change when product was processed like hetaing or cooling. It is worth to optimize efficiency of energy. The objective of his study is to predict thermal diffusivity and conductivity of carrot. The value was determined numerically with direct and indirect methods. The result shows that thermal conductivity is 0.626 W/moC while thermal diffusivity are 2.51 x 10- m2/s (indirect method) and 2.08 x 10- 7 m2/s (direct method)

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    The more important limitation in process design for agricultural products is the lack of information on their thermal properties. Although a lot of experimental data can be found, the variety of product and the differences ij measurement method make limitation on the value of the available data, especially for indonesia'a products. These data are needed to get information about temperature change when product was processed like hetaing or cooling. It is worth to optimize efficiency of energy. The objective of his study is to predict thermal diffusivity and conductivity of carrot. The value was determined numerically with direct and indirect methods. The result shows that thermal conductivity is 0.626 W/moC while thermal diffusivity are 2.51 x 10- m2/s (indirect method) and 2.08 x 10- 7 m2/s (direct method

    Prediction of Thermal Diffusivity and Conductivity of Carrot

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    The more important limitation in process design for agricultural products is the lack of information on their thermal properties. Although a lot of experimental data can be found, the variety of product and the differences ij measurement method make limitation on the value of the available data, especially for Indonesiaa products. These data are needed to get information about temperature change when product was processed like hetaing or cooling. It is worth to optimize efficiency of energy. The objective of his study is to predict thermal diffusivity and conductivity of carrot. The value was determined numerically with direct and indirect methods. The result shows that thermal conductivity is 0.626 W/moC while thermal diffusivity are 2.51 x 10- m2/s (indirect method) and 2.08 x 10- 7 m2/s (direct method


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    The effects of drying conditions on shrinkage of zedoary were studied. A thin-layer dryer with machine vision 2D system and image analysis software was used. Zedoary slices were dried at temperatures of 50, 60 and 70oC (at constant RH) and relative humidities of 20%, 30% and 40% (at constant temperature). The falling drying rate data were used to calculate the effective diffusion coefficients from the Fick’s equation. Changes in area of the slice were measured every 5 minute during drying. Shrinkage showed almost linear relation with moisture content. It was found that air temperature and relative humidity had no significant effect on shrinkage. Drying took place entirely in the falling rate period. Slices dried at 70oC showed more bend than slices dried at 50 and 60oC. Effective diffusivity values by considering the shrinkage were estimated in the range of 4.74-6.19×10-9 m2/s for studied drying temperatures.Keywords: drying, shrinkage, moisture, diffusivity, image analysis, zedoar