58 research outputs found

    Reconseptulaize Physical Activity Policy in Saudi Arabia Educational Curricula

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    This paper explains the current implementations of physical activity (PA) policies in Saudi Arabian schools beginning in early childhood and childcare settings. The paper explores the reasons for the new policy adopted by the Saudi Ministry of Education and the perspective of the Saudi society. Both the effectiveness of physical activity (PA) in preventing childhood obesity and its impact on children’s health, development, and academic performance. An analysis of the recent steps taken by the Ministry of Education was conducted in this analysis paper. The Ministry of Education agreed on the change of the physical curriculum and the need to have a specific physical education/activity policy to accommodate every level of development, health, and the positive impact that children/students will have. The Saudi Ministry of Education shows promises in working toward the development. The Saudi society is also ready to change, and the Ministry of Education will continue to work to enhance the educational system as a part of the Saudi Vision 2030 initiative. The Ministry is still working on this approach and policy of physical education, and more research is needed in the area. Keywords: physical education (PE), physical activity (PA), Saudi school, curriculum, policy, ministry of education. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/12-3-18 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Nonverbal Context Effects on Bilingual Translations

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    This study tested the predictions of the Revised Hierarchical Model (RHM) proposed by Kroll and Stewart (1994) and a subsequent model proposed by La Heij et al. (1996). The RHM claims that; a) backward translation is faster than forward translation b) forward translation is conceptually mediated whereas forward translation is less conceptually mediated c) as proficiency increases, conceptual links map L2 lexicon to concept develops. La Heij et al (1996) claim that backward and forward translation is conceptually mediated regardless learners’ proficiency level and the time it takes to translate from L1 to L2 (forward translation) and from L2 to L1 (backward translation) is almost identical. To test the predictions of the two models, we tested the performance of less and more proficient bilinguals on a bilingual translation task and observed the effect of nonverbal semantic contexts on the translation performance. The logic of the study is that if backward translation is conceptually mediated, then we would expect to find nonverbal context effect on the performance of the two groups of participants. If, however, backward translation is lexically mediated then it should not be affected by the existence of nonverbal context. Results showed that forward translation was faster than backward translation. The magnitude of semantic context effect did not differ for backward translation and forward translation. Backward translation and forward translation were conceptually mediated regardless subjects’ proficiency level. We considered the implication of these findings as evidence in support of the model proposed by La Heij et al. (1996)

    Asthma attack prediction based on weather factors

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    Asthma is a chronic disease which concern public health over all the world. Predicting overabundant need for healthcare services is helpful for healthcare suppliers, as it allows them to adequately plan and provide the resources that deliver services easier and suitably. Several researches have linked asthma triggers with weather and environmental changes. In this study, ‘linear regression model (LRM)‘ and ‘quantile regression model (QRM)’ are used to predict overabundant need for healthcare services for asthma monthly admissions in Polk, using backdated data from 2010 to 2017. Five weather variables were examined: maximum temperature, minimum temperature, precipitation level, humidity and thunderstorms. LRM and QRM models of asthma monthly admissions are fitted in two ways: the first way is the base model which using all the weather variables, and the second way is the reduced model which using a subset of these variables according to the pseudo R2. Models were cross-validated using the mean absolute percentage error and the level of accuracy. The base QRM predictive model with the 45th percentile of the distribution was the best fit and it detect utmost number of monthly asthma admissions at accuracy of 87.55 %, followed by base LRM with an accuracy of 87.13 %. The reduced LRM and QRM models give lower results with an accuracy of 86% and 85.9% respectively. The finding suggest that the weather variables are giving better results for the predictive model even if they have a low correlation relationship. The combination between weather variables and asthma, taking in temperature, precipitation level, humidity and thunderstorms can be utilized in predicting future asthma admission patients

    Requirements of Employing Digital Skills Based on the Professional Standards for Teachers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from the Point of View of General Education Teachers in Bisha City

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    This study aimed to identify the requirements for using digital skills based on professional standards for teachers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from the perspective of general education teachers in Bisha City. The researchers conducted a survey of 371 male and female teachers randomly selected from all grades for the academic year 2022-2023G. The study found that the requirements for using digital skills had a high-level evaluation, while the field related to the standard of digital skills that can be applied based on professional standards had an average evaluation. The study also found statistically significant differences in responses to the first and fourth fields, attributed to gender, academic qualification, and training courses in education technologies. Based on these results, the study recommends the development of a tool to measure digital skills and the creation of a proposed framework to improve teaching performance based on professional standards. The study also recommends the development of mechanisms and standards to regulate workflow in schools and the preparation of a guide book on digital skills and professional standards for teachers

    Knowledge and Skills of Hands-only Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training among Secondary School Students: An Interventional Study

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    Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of a Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)Training program (hands only) on retention of knowledge and skills among secondary school female students in Riyadh city. Methodology: An intervention study was conducted. The sample was recruited by multistage sampling to elaborate the targeted schools for research implementation. The allocated school was in Riyadh city, with 92 Female Secondary School. The capacity of this school was 508 students, and 117 students who met the inclusion criteria were included in the study. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire and checklist skills evaluation sheet. Results: In light of the current study findings, the majority of the students were between 17 and 19 years. The present study showed that almost 100% of students were willing to learn CPR; 81.2% and 76.9% of students felt comfortable and confident to perform CPR when needed directly after training and a 4-month follow up, respectively. All students reported that they benefitted from the program. In general, it was found that BLS knowledge was very poor before training while students’ retention of the knowledge and skills ranged from fair to poor after 4-month follow up. Conclusion: Although the current study has only examined female students in secondary schools which limit the generalizability of the result, it provides additional evidence with respect to the Ministry of Education and health care service sector to collaborate and introduce the basic life support program into the school curriculum. National programs are needed by well-equipped nurses for teachers and students in schools regarding basic life support and emergency first aid through the Saudi Ministry of Health in cooperation with nongovernmental societies

    CARD15/NOD2, CD14 and Toll-like 4 Receptor Gene Polymorphisms in Saudi Patients with Crohn’s Disease

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    Crohn’s disease (CD) is a multifactorial disease with a genetic component and an observed association with genes related to the innate immune response. Polymorphisms in the CARD15/NOD2 gene, in addition to functional variants of the toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4) and CD14 genes, have been associated with the development of Crohn’s disease. There is no information about the frequency of these polymorphisms in the Saudi population. We examined the frequency of the three major CARD15/NOD2 risk alleles (Leu1007fsinsC, Arg702Trp, and Gly908Arg) and the TLR4 (Thr399Il) polymorphism as well as a functional polymorphism in the promoter of the CD14–159C/T in 46 Saudi CD patients and 50 matched controls. Genotyping was performed by allele-specific PCR or by restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis. The mutant genotype frequencies of the Leu1007fsinsC, Arg702Trp and Gly908Arg in the patient group were 6.5, 21.7 and 6.5%, respectively, compared with frequencies of 0, 4 and 2%, respectively, in the control group. There were 15 patients who carried the mutant alleles for all three CARD15/NOD2 variants, Leu1007fsinsC, Arg702Trp and Gly908Arg, while none of the control candidates carried the three alleles. This genetic study provides evidence that the three major CARD15/NOD2 variant alleles and the CD14 –159C/T polymorphism are associated with Crohn’s disease (CD) susceptibility in the Saudi population; however, there is no evidence that the TLR4 (Thr399Il) or CARD15/NOD2 polymorphisms can be considered risk factors for Crohn’s disease

    Knowledge and attitude toward transcranial magnetic stimulation among rehabilitation specialists in Saudi Arabia

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    Research has demonstrated the benefits of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in rehabilitation. TMS has been widely used in clinical and research settings for individuals with and without neurological dysfunctions. Therefore, understanding the knowledge and attitudes of rehabilitation specialists regarding TMS is crucial for its application. To our knowledge, no such studies have previously been conducted in the rehabilitation field. Therefore, this study is the first to assess rehabilitation specialists’ knowledge of and attitudes toward TMS. An observational cross-sectional study using a self-administered online survey was conducted among 102 rehabilitation specialists to assess their knowledge and attitudes regarding TMS application in rehabilitation sciences. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to describe the knowledge and attitudes of rehabilitation specialists toward TMS and examine the impact of different factors such as gender, education level, acceptability, and practice on these outcomes. Rehabilitation specialists who participated in this study showed a limited level of general knowledge of TMS in rehabilitation (7.81 ± 6.20, 37.19%). However, a significant association between educational levels and knowledge was found. Higher knowledge scores were observed for specialists with post-graduate degrees compared to those with only a bachelor’s degree. Moreover, knowledge level, experience, and availability of TMS equipment in the workplace led to a positive attitude toward TMS among rehabilitation specialists. A low knowledge level among rehabilitation specialists was attributed to their level of education. Nevertheless, specialists showed an overall positive attitude toward TMS. Therefore, customized medical education is necessary to incorporate TMS theory and applications into neuroscience and rehabilitation courses for rehabilitation specialists as it holds significant promise as a therapeutic tool

    Role of L- glutamine and crizanlizumab in sickle cell anaemia painful crisis reduction

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    BackgroundPatients with sickle cell disease, frequently ‎ suffer from intense painful episodes. Till recently hydroxyurea was the only available medical therapy that approved for reduction of painful episodes.AimsTo summarize the available data from randomized controlled trials that aim to evaluate the efficacy of newly approved L-‎glutamine‎ (alters redox state of red blood cells ‎‎[RBCs]) ‎and ‎crizanlizumab (‎(anti-P-selectin)‎)‎ ‎on vaso-occlusive episodes in Sickle cell disease ‎ patients.Methods PubMed, ‎Google Scholar, and EBSCO ‎ databases were ‎‎systematically search for relevant articles. The terms ‎ ‎ ‎ L-glutamine, sickle cell disease, sickle cell ‎anaemia,‎ ‎‎crizanlizumab ‎and vaso-occlusive episodes‎ were used.Results Out of Four-hundred seventy-two records, only three fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Two trials were aimed to evaluate the efficacy of L-glutamine therapy on the frequency of painful crises in sickle cell anaemia patients. Both studies showed that L-glutamine therapy significantly reduce the frequency of VOEs. Only one trial examined the ability of crizanlizumab on VOEs reduction, and showed crizanlizumab successful reduce the occurrence of VOEs.‎ConclusionNewer agent ‎with different mechanism of action, such as ‎L-glutamine, ‎and crizanlizumab may consider if ‎hydroxyurea not effective or not ‎tolerable
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