19 research outputs found


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    L’objectif de cet article est de déterminer la compétitivité des produits transformés localement et l’avantage comparatif des unités de transformation de fruits en Casamance. Cette recherche utilise la Matrice d’Analyse des Politiques (MAP). Les résultats montrent que la transformation de la mangue en nectar et celle de la noix d’anacarde en amande entière ne sont pas financièrement rentables. Aussi, les résultats montrent que la transformation de la noix d’anacarde en amande entière est économiquement rentable et présente un avantage comparatif statique. En d’autres termes, il est plus intéressant pour les producteurs de transformer localement la noix d’anacarde que de l’exporter.

    Consommation d’énergie et la croissance économique : cas de six pays de la CEDEAO

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    L’objectif de cet article est d’analyser la relation entre la croissance économique et la consommation d’énergie (électricité). Cet article utilise le test de cointégration de Kao et le modèle à correction d’erreur. Les résultats montrent, à court terme, l’existence d’une relation de causalité bidirectionnelle entre la consommation d’énergie et la croissance économique dans l’espace CEDEAO comme dans l’UEMOA. Cependant, à long terme, la causalité est unidirectionnelle de la croissance économique vers la consommation d’électricité uniquement dans les pays de la CEDEAO non membres de l’UEMOA

    Violation of women's reproductive health rights : experiences of disrespect and abuse in family planning services in four health centers in Dakar, Senegal

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    Meeting: International Conference on Family Planning, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, November 12-15, 2013The study examines the extent and types of disrespect and abuse (D&A) in reproductive health services and various perceptions on this subject, to formulate recommendations to engage stakeholders to address issues in D&A. The poster includes a table of the most common forms that D&A takes (verbal aggression; non-assistance in the form of providing only minimal information). As the Government of Senegal aims to boost contraceptive prevalence from 12% to 27% between 2012 and 2015, addressing D&A in family planning services may contribute to increased use of services, continued contraceptive use, and thus higher contraceptive prevalence

    Introducing the Progesterone Vaginal Ring (PVR) as a new option for postpartum family planning in sub-Saharan Africa: insights from engagements with stakeholders

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    The progesterone vaginal ring (PVR) is a ring-shaped device designed for use by women in the postpartum period to regulate fertility by complementing and extending the contraceptive effectiveness of lactational amenorrhea to suppress ovulation.1 It is available in eight Latin American countries for use by breastfeeding women who want more effective modern contraceptives in addition to contraceptive benefits provided by lactational amenorrhea alone.1 The PVR is a method that can be suitable to women in sub-Saharan Africa, given the near-universal practice of breastfeeding and the current level of unmet need for contraception in the postpartum period. Efforts are currently underway to introduce the PVR in Africa and south Asia. To ensure a seamless introduction, scale up and sustainability of the PVR in the region, the Population Council conducted pre-introductory activities with stakeholders in Kenya, Nigeria and Senegal to determine the level of interest in the ring, potential facilitating and mitigating factors and identify solutions to address challenges. The research team combined three approaches: in-depth interviews with family planning stakeholders; desk review of reports and policy guidelines; and in-group meetings. The stakeholders reached included public sector officials including policy makers and program managers, implementing partners, regulators, women and religious networks. All three countries had a promising policy and programmatic context that was supportive to PVR introduction. The exercise provided insights on socio-cultural and religious factors that could potentially impact how the PVR is perceived within communities and identified possible remedies to address misperceptions. It also paved the way for the conduct of an acceptability study of the PVR among breastfeeding women in these countries. The high acceptability rate in each country and the support expressed by government and other stakeholders have provided impetus for registration of the product in each country. Learning from this process could also direct how other family planning and reproductive health commodities would be introduced in the future.Keywords: Progesterone Vaginal Ring, postpartum family planning, sub-Saharan Afric

    Schistosomiasis control in Senegal: results from community data analysis for optimizing preventive chemotherapy intervention with praziquantel

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    Abstract Background Over the past two decades, preventive chemotherapy (PC) with praziquantel (PZQ) is the major strategy for controlling schistosomiasis in Senegal. The objective of this analysis was to update the endemicity of schistosomiasis at community level for better targeting mass treatment with PZQ in Senegal. Methods Demographic and epidemiological data from 1610 community health areas were analyzed using the schistosomiasis community data analysis tool of Expanded Special Project for Elimination of Neglected Tropical Diseases which developed by World Health Organization/Africa Office (WHO/AFRO). The tool uses a WHO/AFRO decision tree for areas without epidemiological data to determine whether mass treatment should be continued at community level. Descriptive analysis was performed. Results Overall, the endemicity of 1610 community health areas were updated based on the data from the district endemicity (33.5%) and the form of Join request for selected PC medicine (40.5%). Up to 282 (17.5%) and 398 (24.7%) of community health areas were classified as moderate and high endemicity. 41.1% of communities were non endemic. High endemicity was more important in Tambacounda, Saint Louis, Matam, Louga and Kedougou. A change in endemicity category was observed when data was disagregted from district level to community level. Implementation units classified non endemic were more important at community level (n = 666) compared to district level (n = 324). Among 540 areas previously classified high endemic at district level, 392 (72.6%) remained high prevalence category, while 92 (17.0%) became moderate, 43 (8.0%) low and 13 (2.4%) non-endemics at community level. Number of implementation units requiring PC was more important at district level (1286) compared to community level (944). Number of school aged children requiring treatment was also more important at district level compared to community level. Conclusions The analysis to disaggregate data from district level to community level using the WHO/AFRO schistosomiasis sub-district data optimization tool provide an update of schistosomiasis endemicity at community level. This study has allowed to better target schistosomiasis interventions, optimize use of available PZQ and exposed data gaps

    L’hyperthyroïdie de l’enfant au centre hospitalier universitaire de Dakar (Sénégal)

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    Introduction: L'hyperthyroïdie de l'enfant semble rare et constitue un problème de par son retentissement psychosomatique. L’objectif était defaire le point sur ses aspects épidémiologiques et diagnostiques chez l’enfant à Dakar.Méthodes: Il s'agissait d'une étude multicentrique, descriptive sur 15 ans. Etaient analysés les aspects épidémiologiques, cliniques et étiologiques. Résultats: 239 patients sélectionnés avec une prévalence de 2.4%, un sex ratio (H/F) de 0.36, un âge moyen de 10.8 ans. À l'inclusion, il s'agissait d'un ainé de famille (26.3%), d'une croissance avancée (36.9%), retardée (12.5%), d'une corpulence insuffisante (40.1%). L'étiologie était la maladie de Basedow dans 90.3% avec un facteur psychoaffectif dans 22.1%. Sur le plan clinique, prédominaient la tachycardie (92.4%), le goitre (91.1%), l'exophtalmie (81.8%), l'amaigrissement (69.8%) avec cependant une énurésie (30.2%) et des manifestations psychiques (3.1%). Les manifestations cardiovasculaires et cutanées étaient positivement associées avec l'âge (p < 0.05). Le goitre était associé au sexe féminin (p = 0.005), aux signes cardiovasculaires (p = 0.02), neuropsychiques (p = 0.03), cutanées (p = 0.03) et à la diarrhée (p = 0.03). La T4 libre était corrélée à l'âge (p = 0.007), la diarrhée (p = 0.021), l'anxiété (p = 0.024), la fréquence cardiaque (p = 0.00) et la maladie de Basedow (p = 0.04). Plus le goitre était volumineux, plus était augmentée la T4 libre (p = 0.007). Conclusion: L'hyperthyroïdie de l'enfant se différencie de celle de l'adulte par les facteurs d'induction, les perturbations sur la croissance et l'énurésie. L’âge et le sexe semble favoriser le tableau clinique de thyrotoxicose et les signes associés.Mots clés: Hyperthyroïdie, enfant, Sénéga

    Feasibility of utilizing the SD BIOLINE Onchocerciasis IgG4 rapid test in onchocerciasis surveillance in Senegal

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    <div><p>As effective onchocerciasis control efforts in Africa transition to elimination efforts, different diagnostic tools are required to support country programs. Senegal, with its long standing, successful control program, is transitioning to using the SD BIOLINE Onchocerciasis IgG4 (Ov16) rapid test over traditional skin snip microscopy. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the feasibility of integrating the Ov16 rapid test into onchocerciasis surveillance activities in Senegal, based on the following attributes of acceptability, usability, and cost. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 13 villages in southeastern Senegal in May 2016. Individuals 5 years and older were invited to participate in a demographic questionnaire, an Ov16 rapid test, a skin snip biopsy, and an acceptability interview. Rapid test technicians were interviewed and a costing analysis was conducted. Of 1,173 participants, 1,169 (99.7%) agreed to the rapid test while 383 (32.7%) agreed to skin snip microscopy. The sero-positivity rate of the rapid test among those tested was 2.6% with zero positives 10 years and younger. None of the 383 skin snips were positive for Ov microfilaria. Community members appreciated that the rapid test was performed quickly, was not painful, and provided reliable results. The total costs for this surveillance activity was 22,272.83,withacostpertestconductedat22,272.83, with a cost per test conducted at 3.14 for rapid test, 7.58forskinsnipmicroscopy,and7.58 for skin snip microscopy, and 13.43 for shared costs. If no participants had refused skin snip microscopy, the total cost per method with shared costs would have been around $16 per person tested. In this area with low onchocerciasis sero-positivity, there was high acceptability and perceived value of the rapid test by community members and technicians. This study provides evidence of the feasibility of implementing the Ov16 rapid test in Senegal and may be informative to other country programs transitioning to Ov16 serologic tools.</p></div