7 research outputs found

    Foraminifera On The Beach Of Malalayang Dua

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    Beach as one on the landform that reflects the work of hydro-oceanographic factors, generally in the form of loose sedimentary material. Loose sediment is a collection of organic and inorganic particles that accumulate widely and are irregular in shape. One example of organism in marine waters that contributes to the availability of organic particles in the beach landform is foraminifera. Foraminifera is a single-celled organism that has the ability to form shells from substances of CaCO3 which originate from itself or from the surrounding environment. This study was aimed to classify physical sediments on the Malalayang Dua beach according to the points of sediment sampling, and see how the composition of foraminifera in the beach area and analyze the presence of foraminifera in relation to the granulometry of beach sediments. From the result of the study, it is found that the composition of grain size of sediment on the beach of Malalayang Dua is different, in stasion 1A, 1B, 2A, and 2B the sediment were mostly composed by fine grains while in station 3A and 3B were of coarse-grained sediment. A number of a species of foraminifera (dead test) was found in the study, and the number of tests was highes in fine sediments compared to coarse sediment.Keywords : Beach Landform, Malalayang Dua Coast, Foraminifera ABSTRAKGisik sebagai salah satu bentuklahan yang merefleksikan kerja faktor-faktor hidro-oseanografi, umumnya berwujud material sedimen lepas. Sedimen lepas adalah kumpulan partikel organik dan anorganik yang terakumulasi secara luas dan bentuknya tidak beraturan. Salah satu organisme di perairan laut yang berkontribusi terhadap ketersediaan partikel organik di gisik adalah foraminifera. Foraminifera merupakan organisme bersel tunggal yang mempunyai kemampuan membentuk cangkang dari zat-zat CaCO3yang berasal dari dirinya sendiri atau dari lingkungan sekitarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengelompokkan sedimen gisik di pantai Malalayang Dua menurut titik-titik pengambilan sampel sedimen, dan melihat bagaimana komposisi foraminifera di kawasan gisik serta menganalisis keberadaan foraminifera dalam kaitannya dengan granulometri sedimen gisik. Dari hasil penelitian komposisi ukuran butir sedimen pada lahan gisik di pantai Malalayang Dua berbeda menurut stasiun yang ditetapkan, di ruang pantai ke arah Timur yaitu stasiun 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B komposisi sedimennya berukuran halus, sedangkan di ruang pantai ke arah Barat yaitu stasiun 3A dan 3B komposisi sedimennya berukuran kasar, komposisi sedimen di setiap stasiun gisik litoral dan sublitoral menampilkan adanya perbedaan tingkat kekasaran partikel sedimen. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan 9 cangkang foraminifera. Pada komposisi sedimen gisik yang berukuran halus ditemukan jumlah cangkang foraminifera yang lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan gisik yang komposisi sedimen berukuran kasar.Kata kunci : Lahan Gisik, Pantai Malalalayang Dua, Foraminifer


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    Large benthic foraminifera are unicellular organisms that live at the surface of the sediments and have the ability to form shells of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). This research was conducted with the aim of describing and analyzing the composition of the large benthic foraminifera found in the coastal mangrove areas of Tasik Ria and Tongkeina. Sampling activities were carried out by taking sediment samples from mangrove areasTasik Ria and Tongkeina. The large benthic foraminifera identified were 3,680 specimens. Foraminifera species and genera obtained were 28 species from 15 genera in the mangrove sediments of Tasik Ria Beach and 23 species from 11 genera in the mangrove sediments of Tongkeina Beach. The dominant foraminifera genera with a proportion of more than 5% at both study sites were Ammonia, Amphistegina, Calcarina, Elphidium and Neorotalia. Based on the type of shells, foraminifera with light shells were more commonly found in the mangrove area of Tasik Ria than in Tongkeina. In contrast, more sandy-shelled foraminifera were found in the mangrove area of Tongkeina than in Tasik Ria. Furthermore, the Diversity Index for large benthic foraminifera obtained at both locations was in the medium category with values indicating the diversity of foraminifera species obtained in the mangrove area of the Tasik Ria coast was higher than the foraminifera obtained in the mangrove area of the Tongkeina coast. Keywords: Large Benthic Foraminifera, Mangrove Area, Tasik Ria Beach, Tongkeina BeachABSTRAKForaminifera bentik besar merupakan organisme uniseluler yang hidup di dasar perairan dan memiliki kemampuan membentuk cangkang dari zat kapur kalsium karbonat (CaCO3). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis komposisi foraminifera bentik besar yang terdapat pada area mangrove pantai Tasik Ria dan Tongkeina. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi kegiatan pengambilan sampel hingga tahap identifikasi foraminifera bentik berukuran besar yang ditemukan pada sedimen mangrove pantai Tasik Ria dan pantai Tongkeina. Foraminifera bentik berukuran besar yang teridentifikasi adalah sebanyak 3.680 spesimen. Sejumlah 28 spesies dari 15 genus ditemukan pada sedimen mangrove Pantai Tasik Ria dan 23 spesies dari 11 genus pada sedimen mangrove Pantai Tongkeina. Genus foraminifera yang dominan dengan proporsi lebih dari 5% yang diperoleh pada lokasi penelitian adalahAmmonia, Amphistegina, Calcarina, Elphidium dan Neorotalia. Berdasarkan tipe cangkang, foraminifera bercangkang gampingan lebih banyak ditemukan di kawasan mangrove pantai Tasik Ria daripada di Tongkeina. Sebaliknya, foraminifera bercangkang pasiran lebih banyak ditemukan di kawasan mangrove pantai Tongkeina daripada Tasik Ria. Selanjutnya Indeks Keanekaragaman foraminifera bentik berukuran besar yang diperoleh pada kedua lokasi dikategorikan sedang dengan nilai yang diperoleh pada kawasan mangrove pantai Tasik Ria lebih tinggi dibandingkan kawasan mangrove pantai Tongkeina.Kata Kunci: Foraminifera Bentik Besar, Kawasan Mangrove, Pantai Tasik Ria, Pantai Tongkein


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    Benthic foraminifera lives on the seaflor and some of them are attached to plant stem. This organisms use pseudopodia to move. The study aims to describe the groups of foraminifera that live on leaves and seagrass sediments and provide information on the comparison of the number of benthic foraminifera genera in seagrass beds. The study was performed in Bunaken Island and during the study a number of 4593 specimens of benthic foraminifera has been identified and they are divided into specimen that lives on seagrass leaves (1097 specimens) and specimens that live on sediments (3496 specimens). The specimen was grouped in 16 genera and they were scattered in 2 stations within four sampling points. These genera are: Amphistegina, Calcarina, Coscinospira, Elphidium, Eponides, Lachlanela, Marginophora, Neorotalia, Operculina, Cleroplis, Planorbulina, Pseudorotalia, Quinqueloculina, Sorites, Spiroluculina, and Triloculina. Benthic foraminifera in seagrass leaves consist of 16 genera which are characterized by the genus Marginophora and Amphistegina and those live in substratum consist of 14 genera which was characterized by the genus Amphistegina.Keywords : Benthic Foraminifera, Seagrass beds, Bunaken Islan

    Effect Of Lead Acetate (Pb(Ch3coo)2) On The Growth Of Marine Microalgae Porphyridium cruentum

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    Microalgae are a group of phytoplankton that live in waters and in damp places; Microscopic in size and can only be seen with a microscope. The stages of microalgae growth are started with the lag phase, the exponential phase, the growth rate decreasing phase, the stationary phase, and the death phase. Porphyridium cruentum is a single-celled microalgae, belonging to the class Rhodophyceae, free-living or in colonies bound in mucilago. The purpose of this study was to observe the growth of the marine microalgae Porphyridium cruentum in culture media treated with lead acetate at different concentrations, namely 30 ppm, 50 ppm, 80 ppm, and control. Observation of cell growth was carried out by counting the number of cells every day, at the same time until Porphyridum cruentum entered the death phase. The cell density of Porphyridium cruentum marine microalgae showed a good growth pattern where until day 11 the average number of microalgae cells was 9.8 x104. Furthermore, the culture media was treated with lead acetate in different concentrations. Cell density with lead acetate treatment can affect the growth of Porphyridium cruentum. Keywords : Microalgae; Porphyridium cruentum; Lead Acetate Abstrak Mikroalga adalah kelompok fitoplankton yang hidup di perairan dan di tempat yang lembab; berukuran mikroskopis dan hanya bisa dilihat menggunakan mikroskop. Tahapan pertumbuhan mikroalga adalah dimulai dari fase lag, fase eksponensial, fase penurunan laju pertumbuhan, fase stasioner dan fase kematian. Porphyridium cruentum merupakan mikroalga bersel tunggal, termasuk kelas Rhodophyceae, hidup bebas atau berkoloni yang terikat dalam mucilago. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengamati pertumbuhan dari mikroalga laut Porphyridium cruentum pada media kultur dengan perlakuan timbal asetat pada konsentrasi berbeda yaitu 30 ppm, 50 ppm, 80 ppm dan kontrol. Pengamatan pertumbuhan sel dilakukan dengan menghitung jumlah sel setiap hari, pada waktu yang sama sampai Porphyridum cruentum memasuki fase kematian. Kepadatan sel mikroalga laut Porphyridium cruentum menunjukkan pola pertumbuhan yang baik dimana sampai hari ke 11 jumlah rata-rata sel mikroalga 9,8 x104. Selanjutnya media kultur diberi perlakuan timbal asetat dengan konsentrasi berbeda. Kepadatan sel dengan perlakuan timbal asetat dapat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan Porphyridium cruentum. Kata kunci: Mikroalga;  Porphyridium cruentum; Timbal Aseta


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    Seagrasses are flowering plants (angiosperms) that live on a substrate of sand, muddy sand, and sand mixed with coral fragments. Seagrass beds have an important role both for supports the life of various types of marine biota as well as protein source for the coastal community. The purposes of this study were to find out the types of seagrasses and to assess seagrass bed conditions around Lantung village waters. The line transect quadrat method was using for data collection. Four transects were laid perpendicular from the sea to the shoreline. A 50 x 50 cm frame was used to asstimet seagrass percent cover and laid every ten meters along the transect line. This study found 7 species of seagrass namely Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, Syringodium isoetifolium, Halodule pinifolia, Halophila decipiens, and Halophila ovalis. The average value of seagrass percent cover at the location was 66.44% and it was categorized as ‘healthy’. The environmental parameters values were 29.86°C, 29.05‰ and 8.45 for temperature, salinity and pH respectively.Keywords: Lantung, seagrass, health condition, percent coverABSTRAK Lamun adalah tumbuh-tumbuhan berbunga (angiospermae) yang hidup pada substrat pasir, pasir berlumpur, dan pasir bercampur pecahan karang. Padang lamun memiliki peran penting dalam suatu ekosistem perairan dangkal yang menunjang kehidupan beragam jenis biota laut dan lumbung protein bagi masyarakat. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah mengetahui jenis-jenis lamun yang ada di lokasi penelitian dan mengkaji kondisi kesehatan padang lamun dengan teknik pengumpulan data mengunakan metode transek kuadran yang ditarik tegak lurus garis pantai, dengan ukuran frame 50x 50 cm. Hasil penelitian di Perairan Lantung, Kecamatan Wori, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, Sulawesi Utara ditemukan 7 jenis lamun yaitu Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Cymodocea rotundata, Syringodium isoetifolium, Halodule pinifolia, Halophila decipiens, dan Halophila ovalis. Nilai rata- rata penutupan lamun pada lokasi penelitian sebesar 66,44% dan di kategorikan sehat. Parameter di Perairan Lantung yaitu suhu, salinitas, pH, dan substrat tergolong baik dengan nilai rata- rata parameter tergolong optimun dan berada pada kisaran baku mutu air laut dan dapat di toleransi lamun dengan nilai suhu 29,86°C, nilai salinitas 29,05‰ dan nilai pH 8,45.Kata kunci: Lantung, lamun, kondisi kesehatan, penutupa

    Study of Sea Water Quality in Malalayang Beach Walk Area

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    The city of Manado is famous for its fishery products, but human activities also cause problems of seawater pollution and a decrease in water quality. This study aims to examine the water quality around Malalayang Beach Walk in Manado City with a focus on physical and chemical parameters. The study was conducted at five stations with three repetitions at high and low tide. The results showed that the water temperature was relatively homogeneous, with a range of 30.02-30.29oC at high tide and 30.39-30.81oC at low tide. Turbidity is in the range of 20.1-22.5 NTU at high tide and 16.0-21.7 NTU at low tide, exceeding the quality standard. DO values conform to quality standards (5.46-8.07 mg/L at high tide and 5.69-6.32 mg/L at low tide), but TDS reaches 23900-28600 mg. L at high tide and 26600-28600 mg/L at low tide, far from the common values of 1500 mg/L. Salinity values range from 25.02-30.29 ppt at high tide and 30.35-30.50 ppt at low tide. Pollution and degradation need to be better controlled and monitored. Keywords: Water quality, Temperature, Turbidity, Dissolved oxygen (DO), Total dissolved solids (TDS), Salinity. Abstrak Kota Manado terkenal dengan hasil perikanannya, namun aktivitas manusia juga menyebabkan masalah pencemaran air laut dan penurunan kualitas perairan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kualitas perairan di sekitar Malalayang Beach Walk Kota Manado dengan fokus pada parameter fisika dan kimia. Penelitian dilakukan di lima stasiun dengan tiga kali pengulangan  pada saat air pasang dan surut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suhu perairan relatif homogen, dengan rentang nilai 30,02-30,29oC saat pasang dan 30,39-30,81oC saat surut Kekeruhan berada pada rentang 20,1-22,5 NTU saat pasang dan 16,0-21,7 NTU saat surut, melebihi standar baku mutu. Nilai DO sesuai dengan standar baku mutu (5,46-8,07 mg/L saat pasang dan 5,69-6,32 mg/L saat surut), namun TDS mencapai 23900-28600 mg/L saat pasang dan 26600-28600 mg/L saat surut, jauh dari nilai umum 1500 mg/L. Nilai salinitas berkisar antara 25,02-30,29 ppt saat pasang dan 30,35-30,50 ppt saat surut. Pencemaran dan penurunan kualitas perlu dikendalikan dan dipantau secara lebih baik. Kata Kunci: Kualitas air, Suhu, Kekeruhan, Dissolved oxygen (DO), Total dissolved solid

    Bioaccumulation of mercury and other trace elements in the edible holothurian Holothuria (Halodeima) atra in relation to gold mining activities in North Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Artisanal and small-scale gold mines (ASGMs) have been accompanied by widespread usage of mercury amalgamation to extract gold from ores, putting Indonesia among the top three global emitters of this pollutant and posing potential risks to the marine ecosystem and human health. Although the use of mercury has been largely eliminated following the signature of the Minamata Convention on Mercury, the practice of mercury amalgamation in ASGM has persisted in several regions, including the North Sulawesi. This study assesses how on the contamination of mercury and other trace elements coming from both industrial mines and ASGMs affects marine sediments and their bioaccumulation in two tissues (body wall and guts) of the edible holothurian Holothuria (Halodeima) atra, by comparing samples collected downstream of four mining areas to four control sites in the North Sulawesi province, Indonesia. In sediments, mean concentrations of arsenic, gold, cobalt, chromium, copper, mercury, nickel, lead, antimony, and zinc were significantly higher at sites receiving mine discharges than at control sites. Downstream to gold mines, compared to control sites, significant higher concentrations of As, Au, Cr, Hg, and Ni in holothurians body walls and of As, Au, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, Sb, Sn, and Zn in holothurians guts were found. In general, higher contaminations in sediments and tissues were found at the site near the oldest artisanal mine. Trace element levels in H. atra specimens in North Sulawesi were generally higher than those reported in other regions. In the study area, these holothurians significantly bioaccumulate Hg, As, Zn, Cd, Cu, Sn, and biota-sediment accumulation factors were higher in guts than in body walls. From an environmental and human health perspective, Hg is resulted the most concerning element in surface sediment and H. atra specimens. Based on this evidence, further studies are urgently needed to understand better the effect of mercury and other potentially toxic trace elements in marine ecosystems and food webs in mining areas both in North Sulawesi and in many still poorly investigated southeast Pacific areas