633 research outputs found

    Speech-evoked ABR: Effects of age and simulated neural temporal jitter

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    The speech-evoked auditory brainstem response (sABR) provides a measure of encoding complex stimuli in the brainstem, and this study employed the sABR to better understand the role of neural temporal jitter in the response patterns from older adults. In experiment 1, sABR recordings were used to investigate age-related differences in periodicity encoding of the temporal envelope and fine structure components of the response to a /da/speech token. A group of younger and a group of older adults (n = 22 per group) participated. The results demonstrated reduced amplitude of the fundamental frequency and harmonic components in the spectral domain of the recorded response of the older listeners. In experiment 2, a model of neural temporal jitter was employed to simulate in a group of young adults (n = 22) the response patterns measured from older adults. A small group of older adults (n = 7) were also tested under the jitter simulation conditions. In the young adults, the results showed a systematic reduction in the response amplitude of the most robust response components as the degree of applied jitter increased. In contrast, the older adults did not demonstrate significant response reduction when tested under jitter conditions. The overall pattern of results suggests that older adults have reduced neural synchrony for encoding periodic, complex signals at the level of the brainstem, and that this reduced synchrony can be modeled by simulating neural jitter via disruption of the temporal waveform of the stimulus

    Amino acids in the uterine luminal fluid reflects the temporal changes in transporter expression in the endometrium and conceptus during early pregnancy in cattle

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    In cattle, conceptus-maternal interactions are critical for the establishment and maintenance of pregnancy. A major component of this early interaction involves the transport of nutrients and secretion of key molecules by uterine epithelial cells to help support conceptus development during the peri-implantation period of pregnancy. Objectives were to: 1) analyze temporal changes in the amino acid (AA) content of uterine luminal fluid (ULF) during the bovine estrous cycle; 2) understand conceptus-induced alterations in AA content; 3) determine expression of AA transporters in the endometrium and conceptus; and 4) determine how these transporters are modulated by (Progesterone) P4. Concentrations of aspartic acid, arginine, glutamine, histidine, lysine, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine and tyrosine decreased on Day 16 of the estrous cycle but increased on Day 19 in pregnant heifers (P < 0.05). Glutamic acid only increased in pregnant heifers on Day 19 (P,0.001). Asparagine concentrations were greater in ULF of cyclic compared to pregnant heifers on Day 7 (P < 0.05) while valine concentrations were higher in pregnant heifers on Day 16 (P < 0.05). Temporal changes in expression of the cationic AA transporters SLC7A1 SLC7A4 and SLC7A6 occurred in the endometrium during the estrous cycle/early pregnancy coordinate with changes in conceptus expression of SLC7A4, SLC7A2 and SLC7A1 (P < 0.05). Only one acidic AA transporter (SLC1A5) increased in the endometrium while conceptus expression of SLC1A4 increased (P < 0.05). The neutral AA transporters SLC38A2 and SLC7A5 increased in the endometrium in a temporal manner while conceptus expression of SLC38A7, SLC43A2, SLC38A11 and SLC7A8 also increased (P < 0.05). P4 modified the expression of SLC1A1, -1A4, -1A5, -38A2 , -38A4, -38A7, -43A2, -6A14, -7A1, -7A5 and -7A7 in the endometrium. Results demonstrate that temporal changes in AA in the ULF reflect changes in transporter expression in the endometrium and conceptus during early pregnancy in cattle, some of which are modified by P4. © 2014 Forde et al

    Electrophysiological Measurement of Binaural Beats: Effects of Primary Tone Frequency and Observer Age

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    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability of the electrophysiological binaural beat steady state response as a gauge of temporal fine structure coding, particularly as it relates to the aging auditory system. The hypothesis was that the response would be more robust in a lower, than in a higher, frequency region and in younger, than in older, adults. DESIGN: Two experiments were undertaken. The first measured the 40 Hz binaural beat steady state response elicited by tone pairs in two frequency regions: lower (390 and 430 Hz tone pair) and higher (810 and 850 Hz tone pair). Frequency following responses (FFRs) evoked by the tones were also recorded. Ten young adults with normal hearing participated. The second experiment measured the binaural beat and FFRs in older adults but only in the lower frequency region. Fourteen older adults with relatively normal hearing participated. Response metrics in both experiments included response component signal-to-noise ratio (F statistic) and magnitude-squared coherence. RESULTS: Experiment 1 showed that FFRs were elicited in both frequency regions but were more robust in the lower frequency region. Binaural beat responses elicited by the lower frequency pair of tones showed greater amplitude fluctuation within a participant than the respective FFRs. Experiment 2 showed that older adults exhibited similar FFRs to younger adults, but proportionally fewer older participants showed binaural beat responses. Age differences in onset responses were also observed. CONCLUSIONS: The lower prevalence of the binaural beat response in older adults, despite the presence of FFRs, provides tentative support for the sensitivity of this measure to age-related deficits in temporal processing. However, the lability of the binaural beat response advocates caution in its use as an objective measure of fine structure coding

    Processing of Temporal Fine Structure as a Function of Age

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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether the processing of temporal fine structure diminishes with age, even in the presence of relatively normal audiometric hearing. Temporal fine structure processing was assessed by measuring the discrimination of inter-aural phase differences (IPDs). The hypothesis was that IPD discrimination is more acute in middle-aged observers than in older observers but that acuity in middle-aged observers is nevertheless poorer than in young adults

    Frequency modulation detection as a measure of temporal processing: Age-related monaural and binaural effects

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    The detection of low-rate frequency modulation (FM) carried by a low-frequency tone has been employed as a means of assessing the fidelity of temporal fine structure coding. Detection of low-rate FM can be made more acute, relative to the monaural case, by the addition of a pure tone to the contralateral ear. This study examined whether FM detection in the 500-Hz region could be further improved by using a binaural stimulation mode where the modulator was antiphasic across the two ears. The study also sought to determine whether these dichotic FM conditions were beneficial in identifying the emergence of a temporal fine structure processing deficiency relatively early in the aging process. Young, mid-aged, and older listeners (n = 12 per group) were tested. The results demonstrated better FM acuity in the dichotic task irrespective of listener age. Dichotic FM detection also differentiated between age groups more definitively than diotic detection, especially in terms of distinguishing mid-aged from older listeners. In the group of older listeners, dichotic FM detection was weakly associated with absolute sensitivity to the carrier. In addition, this group failed to show a dichotic benefit in the presence of a marked asymmetry in sensation level across ears. The overall pattern of results suggests that dichotic FM measurements have advantages over monaural measurements for the purposes of assessing age-related temporal processing effects, although a marked asymmetry in absolute thresholds across ears could undermine these advantages

    Age Effects in Temporal Envelope Processing: Speech Unmasking and Auditory Steady State Responses

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    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine whether temporal envelope processing is reduced in older listeners. Experiment 1 tested the hypothesis that older listeners exhibit reduced speech unmasking at higher modulation rates. Experiment 2 tested the hypothesis that auditory steady state response (ASSR) amplitudes are reduced in older listeners at high modulation rates. DESIGN: Two groups of observers with relatively normal hearing (younger, mean age = 25.0 years and older, mean age = 68.7 years) participated in two experiments. Experiment 1 examined speech unmasking in modulated noise as a function of masker modulation rate (16 and 32 Hz) and target speech rate (normal and 33% time compressed). Experiment 2 measured ASSR amplitudes as a function of modulation rate (32 and 128 Hz) and carrier frequency (500 and 2000 Hz). RESULTS: Experiment 1 indicated that older listeners show reduced speech unmasking for normal-rate speech and reduced recognition of rapid speech in steady noise. However, for rapid speech, there is no age effect for speech unmasking and no difference in the magnitude of masking release as a function of modulation rate. In general, effects of listener age and masker modulation rate on the magnitude of masking release are observed only for normal-rate speech. Experiment 2 showed that the ASSR amplitudes of older listeners are reduced for a 128-Hz modulation rate but not for a 32-Hz modulation rate, irrespective of carrier frequency. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that the reduced speech unmasking seen in older listeners for relatively slow modulation rates is not caused by deficits in envelope processing but rather is associated with the more constrained redundancy of the speech material available during the masker minima. Deficits in temporal envelope processing are evident in advanced age but only for relatively high envelope frequencies

    Understanding Postprandial Inflammation and Its Relationship to Lifestyle Behaviour and Metabolic Diseases

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    Postprandial hyperlipidemia with accumulation of remnant lipoproteins is a common metabolic disturbance associated with atherosclerosis and vascular dysfunction, particularly during chronic disease states such as obesity, the metabolic syndrome and, diabetes. Remnant lipoproteins become attached to the vascular wall, where they can penetrate intact endothelium causing foam cell formation. Postprandial remnant lipoproteins can activate circulating leukocytes, upregulate the expression of endothelial adhesion molecules, facilitate adhesion and migration of inflammatory cells into the subendothelial space, and activate the complement system. Since humans are postprandial most of the day, the continuous generation of remnants after each meal may be one of the triggers for the development of atherosclerosis. Modulation of postprandial lipemia by lifestyle changes and pharmacological interventions could result in a further decrease of cardiovascular mortality and morbidity. This paper will provide an update on current concepts concerning the relationship between postprandial lipemia, inflammation, vascular function, and therapeutic options

    Differentiating the Cognitive Profile of Schizophrenia from That of Alzheimer Disease and Depression in Late Life

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    To compare the cognitive profile of older patients with schizophrenia to those with other neuropsychiatric disorders assessed in a hospital-based memory clinic.Demographic, clinical, and cognitive data of all patients referred to the memory clinic at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health between April 1, 2006 and August 15, 2008 were reviewed. We then identified four groups of older patients with: (1) late-life schizophrenia (LLS) and no dementia or depression (DEP); (2) Alzheimer's disease (AD); (3) DEP and no dementia or LLS; (4) normal cognition (NC) and no DEP or LLS.The four groups did not differ in demographic data except that patients with AD were about 12 years older than those with LLS. However, they differed on cognitive tests even after controlling for age. Patients with LLS were impaired on most cognitive tests in comparison with patients with NC but not on recalling newly learned verbal information at a short delay. They experienced equivalent performance on learning new verbal information in comparison with patients with AD, but better performance on all other tests of memory, including the ability to recall newly learned verbal information. Finally, they were more impaired than patients with DEP in overall memory.Patients with LLS have a different cognitive profile than patients with AD or DEP. Particularly, memory impairment in LLS seems to be more pronounced in learning than recall. These findings suggest that cognitive and psychosocial interventions designed to compensate for learning deficits may be beneficial in LLS

    Novel approaches toward the development of an oral post-exposure DNA vaccine for latent tuberculosis using Salmonella typhimurium ΔaroA vector

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    Tuberculosis remains one of the major causes of global public health problems. There is no effective vaccine for the disease until now. Many reports show that DNA vaccines are promising to induce protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tb); however, the efficiency of DNA vaccine is limited due to inadequate delivery systems. Among others, live attenuated bacterial vectors such as Salmonella enterica typhimurium (S. typhimurium) have significant promise as efficient mucosal delivery vehicles for DNA vaccines. In this study, we constructed recombinant attenuated S. typhimurium DNA vaccines carrying genes encoding resuscitation promoting factor (Rpf)-like proteins of M. tb on eukaryotic expression plasmid agianst latent tuberculosis and evaluated the plasmid stability and growth curve assays of the recombinant Salmonella vaccine constructs in vitro. Four Rpf gene fragments (RpfB, RpfC, RpfD, RpfE) associated with latency were amplified from genomic DNA of the H37Rv strain of M. tb, cloned into eukaryotic expression plasmid (pVR1020) and verified by sequencing. In later studies, we will demonstrate the potential use of the Salmonella-mediated DNA constructs as candidate post-exposure vaccines against tuberculosis through testing their immunogenicity and effectiveness for oral delivery in eukaryotic systems.Key words: Latent tuberculosis, resuscitation promoting factor (Rpf), DNA vaccine, recombinant Salmonella typhimurium