17 research outputs found

    The Influence of Leadership and Motivation Against Compensation and Employee Performance Favor Hotel Makassar

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    Every leader can exert influence towards his subordinates. This research aims to know the influence of leadership and compensation of employee motivation and performance against the Favor hotel Makassar. This research approach is quantitative, and this type of research is the causality. There are 2 types of data, namely data qualitative and quantitative data, whereas data source using primary data and secondary data. This research used 4 methods of data collection method, the method of observation questionnaire (question form), interviews, and method of study documentation. Qualitative analysis is a method that aims to transform a collection of raw data into a form that is easy to understand, in the form of a concise information, where research results and their analysis are outlined in a scientific writings which of the analysis It will be formed a conclusion. The results showed that (1) the variable compensation effect on leadership and employee motivation variables Hotel Makassar\u27s Favor. (2) The compensation and leadership Variables have no effect against variable employee performance Hotel Makassar\u27s Favor. (3) the motivational and leadership Variables take effect directly against variable employee performance through motivation variables Hotel Makassar\u27s Favor. (4) Variable compensation effect indirectly against variable employee performance through motivation variables Hotel Makassar\u27s Favor

    Heavy Metal Concentrations of Chromium (Cr) and Copper (Cu) Based on Particle Size and Sediment Depth Variation in Paotere Port Waters, Makassar

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    Analisis kandungan logam berat Cr dan Cu berbagai ukuran partikel sedimen di perairan Pelabuhan Poatere Makassar telah dilakukan. Sampel sedimen diambil dengan menggunakan pipa polietilen yang panjangnya 30 cm. Sampel diayak menggunakan ayakan mekanik ukuran 1000, 250 dan 63 µm. metode analisis yang digunakan adalah AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy) yang diawali dengan penambahan HNO3 lalu didestruksi menggunakan microwave. Sebaran ukuran partikel sedimen permukaan pada perairan Pelabuhan Paotere yaitu untuk ukuran partikel 250 – 1000, 63 – 250 dan 63 µm berturut-turut adalah 36,04%; 29,51% dan 10,07%. Ukuran partikel sedimen berbanding terbalik dengan konsentrasi logam berat. Konsentrasi Cu dalam sedimen berukuran 63 µm adalah 141,55 mg/kg; 250 µm adalah 56,52 mg/kg dan 1000 µm adalah 51,50 mg/kg. Konsentrasi Cr dalam sedimen berukuran 63 µm adalah 36,68 mg/kg; 250 µm adalah 18,65 mg/kg dan 1000 µm adalah 8,78 mg/kg. Konsentrasi logam semakin kecil seiring dengan bertambahnya kedalaman sedimen. Konsentrasi Cu dalam sedimen kedalaman 0 - 10 cm adalah 93,46 mg/kg; 10 - 20 cm adalah 77,51 mg/kg dan 20 - 30 cm adalah 76,28 mg/kg. Konsentrasi Cr dalam sedimen kedalaman 0 - 10 cm adalah 22,04 mg/kg; 10 - 20 cm adalah 21,68 mg/kg dan 20 - 30 cm adalah 20,87 mg/kg

    Comparison of Mea, Dea and Tea as Co2 Absorbents For

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    Comparison of MEA, DEA and TEA as CO2 absorbent to measure carbon-14 activity of coral sample has been performed. This research aimed to Determine the age of coral reef sample of Spermonde Islands by measuring the activity of carbon-14 using the method Liquid Scintillation Counting (LSC). The sample of coral reef were collected in Langkai Island. The research were conducted by following steps of sample preparation, the CO2 absorption using the solutions of MEA, DEA and TEA. The measurement of the carbon-14 activities was performed using the Liquid Scintillation Counter (LSC) Hidex 300 SL. The research results indicated that the absorption capacities of MEA, DEA and TEA were 0.5180, 0.5903 and the absorbents of MEA, DEA and TEA were 14.44, 14.59, and 14.42 DPM/g C respectively. The age of the coral reef sample, which was calculated based on the specific activity values using the absorbents of MEA, DEA and TEA were 480.15 ± 37; 390.11 ± 60 and 488.22 ± 87 years respectively

    Karakteristik Fisika Kimia Madu Hutan Desa Terasa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas madu hutan desa Terasa berdasarkan karakteristik fisika-kimia dan kandungan mineral. Karakteristik fisika-kimia seperti kadar air, kadar abu, daya hantar listrik, keasaman, pH dilakukan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kadar air, kadar abu, daya hantar listrik, keasaman dan pH dari madu Terasa berturut - turut adalah 22,7%, 0,59%, 0,592mS/cm, 28,026 meq/kg dan 4,85.Kata kunci : madu Terasa, karakteristik fisika-kimia This Research aimed to investigate the quality of the honey from the Terasa Village based on the physico-chemical characteristics and the mineral content. Physico-chemical characterization, such as the water level, ash level, electrical conductivity, acidity, pH was carried out. Result showedthat the water level, the ash level, the electrical conductivity, acidity and the pH were were 22.7%, 0,59%, 0.592 mS/cm, 28.026 meq/kg and 4.85,respectivel


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    Analysis of the Seasonal Impact on Isotopic Baselines of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (Dic) in Coastal Waters Spermonde, South Sulawesi

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    Stable carbon isotopes have been commonly used as indicators for assessing environmental changes in aquatic ecosystems. They can be used to study the dynamics of organic matter as for understanding the overall functioning of the ecosystem, the connectivity of estuaries with terrestrial and marine coastal habitats. The objective of this study is determining the seasonal natural effects over isotopic (13C/12C) baselines in monitoring CO2 storage in dissolved inorganic materials in Spermonde waters on the west coast of South Sulawesi to some outermost island. The results show that the stable carbon isotopic of DIC (d13C-DIC) in the wet season varied between -5.36 ‰ and -7.74 ‰. These value are higher than on dry season (-4.34 ‰ to -6.82 ‰). Likewise, DIC concentration in the rainy season ranged between 9.5 mg C/L and 11.7 mg C/L, while in the dry season it varied from 8.5 mg C/L to 9.3 mg C/L. The d13C-DIC and DIC concentrations decreased towards offshore, up to some of the outer islands. Increasing in the d13C-DIC in Spermonde waters indicate that the DIC is most likely enriched by atmospheric CO2(g), which is outnumbered those of aquatic photosynthesis. This study shows that different levels and composition of d13C-DIC stretch along different rivers are attributable to the varying landscapes and quality of organic matters

    Air Pollution and Lung Capacity of People Living Around the Cement Industry

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    Backgrounds: A cement industry is one of anthropogenic sources of air pollution. In polluting the air, the industry creates some dust particles, nitrogen oxide (NO2), sulfur oxide (SO2), and carbon monoxide (CO).Research Purpose: The research aims at finding out the ambient air quality around a cement industry and relating it with the lung capacity of people living around the area.Methodology: This research uses cross sectional studies by measuring the ambient air quality in the morning, noon, and evening in four different settlements within 3 km from the cement industry. The measurement is then correlated with the FEV1 and FVC of lung capacity of people living around the area.Result: Of all four locations, three have ambient air quality (PM2.5 = 109.47 µg/Nm3, TSP = 454.7 µg/Nm3) that surpass the quality standard (PM2.5 = 65 µg/Nm3, TSP = 230 µg/Nm3). Of 241 respondents, the average level of FVC and FEV1 is respectively 1.9352 liter (SD: 0.45578) and 1.7486 liter (SD: 0.43874). Furthermore, the level of PM2.5 in the morning and at noon is respectively p=0.009 and p=0.003; the level of TSP in the morning and at noon is respectively p=0.003 and p=0.01; the level of NO2 in the morning is p=0.006; the level of SO2 in the morning, at noon and in the evening is respectively p=0.000, p=0.022, and p=0.000; and the level of CO in the morning, at noon and in the evening is respectively p=0.003, p=0.015, and p=0.024. Those levels are associated with the level of respondents' FEV1. Moreover, the level of TSP in the morning is p=0.024; the level of SO2 in the morning and in the evening is p=0.007. These levels relate to the level of respondents' FVC

    The Internal Factors Affecting Lung Capacity of People Living in Areas Around the Cement Industry, Indonesia

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    Background: Some internal factors have both positive and negative effects to people's health, especially those who live in a polluted area. The area around the cement industry is an example of polluted area in which the lung capacity will be harmed.Aim: This research aimed at finding out internal factors affecting lung capacity of people living in the area around the cement industry.Methods: This research used a cross sectional study plan by measuring lung capacity (FEV1 and FVC) of people living in four different locations. The locations were based on wind directions and within 3 km from the cement industry. The study plan was also done by connecting the measurement with other factors, such as age, physical activities, nutrition status and passive smoking or environmental tobacco smoke (ETS).Results: Based on the calculation of lung capacity 241 respondents obtained 123 respondents (51%) had a normal lung capacity, 105 respondents (43.6%) had a restricted lung capacity, 4 respondents (1.7%) had an obstructed lung capacity and 9 respondents (3.7%) had a combination of a restricted and obstructed lung capacity. The age (p=0.977) and physical activities (p=0.087) of respondents had no effect on the lung capacity. However, nutrition status (p=0.011) and passive smoking or ETS (p=0.003) do.Conclusion: The nutrition status and the presence of a passive smoker were the internal factors affecting people's lung capacity, especially for those who live around the cement industry. Thus, in order to avoid the impairment of lung capacity, people need to improve their nutrition and to avoid people smoking around them