82 research outputs found

    Exploratory Data Analysis of Exact Science and Social Science Learning Content on Digital Platform

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    Data is one of the essential aspects in providing new information and new knowledge so that the data exploration process can provide policies on a decision for many sectors. Exploratory Data Analysis in this paper begins with collecting datasets contained on the Youtube digital platform. The dataset used was 30 samples found on the top page of youtube in each keyword. After conducting the Exploratory Data Analysis process, we found new learning content on the digital youtube platform. From the Exploratory Data Analysis that has been carried out, we also find different variations of the analysis's variables. The duration variable shows the result that the total duration of the overall duration in mathematics learning content that includes the Exact Science field is less than the psychology learning content included in the Social Science field. Meanwhile, the overall number of views on mathematics learning content is more than the number of views on psychology learning content. From the collecting dataset that we have made, showing a considerable number of views is undoubtedly the key to equitable distribution of information and knowledge for all users. More innovation and creating learning content are expected to encourage increased human development

    Exploratory Data Analysis of Exact Science and Social Science Learning Content on Digital Platform

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    Data is one of the essential aspects in providing new information and new knowledge so that the data exploration process can provide policies on a decision for many sectors. Exploratory Data Analysis in this paper begins with collecting datasets contained on the Youtube digital platform. The dataset used was 30 samples found on the top page of youtube in each keyword. After conducting the Exploratory Data Analysis process, we found new learning content on the digital youtube platform. From the Exploratory Data Analysis that has been carried out, we also find different variations of the analysis's variables. The duration variable shows the result that the total duration of the overall duration in mathematics learning content that includes the Exact Science field is less than the psychology learning content included in the Social Science field. Meanwhile, the overall number of views on mathematics learning content is more than the number of views on psychology learning content. From the collecting dataset that we have made, showing a considerable number of views is undoubtedly the key to equitable distribution of information and knowledge for all users. More innovation and creating learning content are expected to encourage increased human development

    Partisipasi Politik Masyarakat Pada Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah dan Wakil Kepala Daerah di Kabupaten Katingan

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    This study aims to find out, describe, and analyze the community's political participation in the Regional Head General Elections in Katingan Regency. The research method used is qualitative descriptive. The researcher wanted to describe the form of community political participation and the implementation of socialization in the general election of the Regional Head and Deputy Regional Head in Katingan District. Data sources are Katingan Regency KPU commissioner, Katingan Hilir PKK, and Community who have the right to vote in the Katingan Regency Election. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the community was very enthusiastic in participating in the campaign, but was less enthusiastic in giving voting rights. This condition is influenced by socio-economic conditions that cause transactional politics and still lack of public political awareness. Based on the results of this study, it was suggested that the Katingan Regency KPU together with the Katingan District Government continue to carry out socialization and political education for the community so that knowledge, political awareness, and political participation in the community increased. In addition, it should involve community leaders and religious leaders in the implementation of socialization and political education so that it is more effective and efficient, and it is expected that the active participation of the community to play an active role in the Katingan Regency election as a form of the five-year democratic part


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    Ardunino uno sendiri merupakan sebuah perangkat purwarupa yang open source yang digunakan untuk perangkat elektronik karena software ini mudah untuk digunakan. Arduino uno ini memiliki 14 pin I/O digital dan 6 pin analog sedangkan untuk peprogramannya sendiri menggunakan koneksi USB type A to type B. Untuk Merancang sistem kontrol sepeda motor menggunakan perintah suara pada smartphone. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam pengerjaan penelitian ini adalah studi literature dan eksperimen, pembuatan prototype otomatisasi main switch dan pelacakan posisi sepeda motor yang menggunakan Arduino uno dan GPS(Global Positioning Sistem). Berdasarkan penelitian hasil Otomatisasi main switch dan tracking sepeda motor menggunakan aplikasi android berbasis Arduino uno untuk mempermudah pengguna sepeda motor yang kehilangan kunci dan melacak posisi sepeda motor. Dalam penelitian diatas tidak di implementasikan ke sepeda motor malainkan berbentuk prototype. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diharapan agar dapat mengembangkan lebih baik lagi terkait dengan otomatisasi main switch dan tracking sepeda motor menggunakan aplikasi android berbasis arduino unoArdunino uno sendiri merupakan sebuah perangkat purwarupa yang open source yang digunakan untuk perangkat elektronik karena software ini mudah untuk digunakan. Arduino uno ini memiliki 14 pin I/O digital dan 6 pin analog sedangkan untuk peprogramannya sendiri menggunakan koneksi USB type A to type B. Untuk Merancang sistem kontrol sepeda motor menggunakan perintah suara pada smartphone. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam pengerjaan penelitian ini adalah studi literature dan eksperimen, pembuatan prototype otomatisasi main switch dan pelacakan posisi sepeda motor yang menggunakan Arduino uno dan GPS(Global Positioning System). Berdasarkan penelitian hasil Otomatisasi main switch dan tracking sepeda motor menggunakan aplikasi android berbasis Arduino uno untuk mempermudah pengguna sepeda motor yang kehilangan kunci dan melacak posisi sepeda motor. Dalam penelitian diatas tidak di implementasikan ke sepeda motor malainkan berbentuk prototype. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diharapan agar dapat mengembangkan lebih baik lagi terkait dengan otomatisasi main switch dan tracking sepeda motor menggunakan aplikasi android berbasis arduino uno

    Pengaruh Budaya Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai di Kantor Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Gunung Mas Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah

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    This research aims to determine the influence of work culture on the performance of employees in the Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Gunung Mas Regency of Central Kalimantan, by applying hypothesis as follows: "There is a real positive influence or influence Working culture to employees ' performance. " The method used in this study is quantitative. The samples in this study amounted to 45 people, using a total sampling technique. Technical data collection using questionnaires that are distributed to the employees of the Ministry of Religious Affairs at Gunung Mas District office. The data analysis technique in this study uses the simple linear Regret metho

    Analisis Pengelola Barang Milik Daerah Pada Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur

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    This research is agreed to explore and analyze the management of regional goods in the financial report of the East Kotawarwant regency. This is to find out how the Kotim regional government has received an unexempted WTP or reasonable opinion from 2013 to 2018. The type of research used is a type of qualitative research, namely; Describe aspects related to the research object in depth. The location of this research is conducted on Regional device Unit (SKPD) in the government of East Kotawarwants regency. The results of this research show the management of assets/property goods carried out by the area of assets on the body of financial management and regional assets as the manager's assistant has done with the maximum and according to the system and procedure cycle Management of regional goods as stipulated in PERMENDAGRI number 19 year 2016 about the guidelines for management of local goods, and East Kotawaringin PERDA number 4 year 2010, but not all carried out with maximum, especially To the regional head policy on the HR management of goods. Some obstacles or inhibitory factors encountered in the implementation of the management cycle of regional property is the HR factor because of the need for knowledge and understanding of human resources in asset management

    Kualitas Layanan Informasi Di Kantor Pusat Informasi Pengembangan Permukiman Dan Bangunan (PIP2B) Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah

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    The Residential and Building Development Information Center (PIP2B) is an innovative institution that is targeted to become a public institution that supports the implementation of housing and settlements. Which in its establishment is facilitated by the Central Government and belongs to the Provincial Public Works Department of Central Kalimantan. In support of housing and settlement operations, the Settlement and Building Development Information Center (PIP2B) provides ease of services and access to information on various elements: planners, implementers, building materials entrepreneurs, government, communities and academics. This research is motivated by the many complaints from Palangka Raya City community about Information Service in Information Center of Settlement and Building Development (PIP2B) still can not be felt by society evenly. Type of research used is descriptive qualitative research. Research that aims to describe and describe events and phenomena that occur in the field and presents data in a systematic, factual, and accurate about the facts or phenomena that occur in the field. Data collection techniques in this study using observation techniques, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that based on the results of interviews and research documentation with Tangible indicator, realibility, Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy as well as related to service indicators, it can be drawn some conclusions as seen from the many research findings in the field either due to inadequate facilities and infrastructure the lack of facilities provided, and the lack of communication between the Office of Information Development Information Settlement and Building (PIP2B) with the Ministry of PUPR
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