54 research outputs found

    Optimization of heating of glass during quenching

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    In summary, variation of the parameters of the technological process makes it possible to increase the output from the heating furnace of the quenching line, without violating the constraints on the temperature gradient along the thickness of the glass and reduces the waste by increasing the speed at which the sheets travel in the softened stat

    Innovation activity staffing of production plant

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    The article is focused on the deficiency of highly skilled team that can effectively reach a decision about the complex innovative development problems of production plant in modern Russia. The authors propose the use of the target team work training of staff a decision to the current problem situation. Innovative activities, staffing management, further vocational education, teamwork training, team buildingye

    Theoretical analysis of electromagnetic field electric tension distribution in the seeds of cereals

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    In this paper, based on the developed model of seeds, theoretical research are performed concerning the distribution of the electric intensity within low-energy (information) electromagnetic field of millimeter range wave lengths (frequency, power flow density, exposure, amplitude modulation), which may affect the biophysical processes in seed

    Decision algorithm of near-field microwave sounding

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    Some aspects of the new approach to the study of bidimensional reverse problems of the resonant near-field microwave sounding are discussed in this work. This approach is based on integral epresentations of the diffraction field using the "equivalent sources" and method of Lavrentiev regularizatio

    Numerical Solution of Rare Metal Leaching Problem

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    It is well known that a lot of chemical and physical processes take place on the surfaces of interaction between solid and li quid substances. These processes include a very important technological process of uranium, nickel, copper, precious metal and other solid compound extraction - in-situ leaching. In this article we will rely on the mathematical description of these complex systems proposed by A.M. Meirmanov, where the main idea is the presence of new conditions on a free (unknown) boundary between liquid and solid phase

    Information support system for regional human resource development

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    In paper suggest a concept of information support system for human resource management at a regional level. We identify the main factors that affect quantitative and qualitative characteristics of regional human resource, including educational system, demographic and migration processes, and present a concept of the Program for its development. As a tool for information support of the Program propose a distributed information system with interfaces for various groups of users: regional administration, population and organization

    Information support control by human resources construction cluster region

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    In the present paper, effective factors in the imbalance between labor markets and educational services in the construction industry were identified on the basis of expert assessments. A model was developed as a system of equations that made it possible to determine the direction of influence of selected factors with subsequent graphic interpretatio

    Creation of automated control system of environmental safety of an industrial complex

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    This article presents the methodological approaches to the creation of modern automated control systems of environmental safety of an industrial complex, endowed with the property of rapid response in real time on the dynamics of the current environmental situatio

    The modular structure of the adaptive machine learning system

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    Machine learning system based on the modular structure can tune to particular subject area flexibly and form the optimal individual educational trajector

    Simulating budget system in the agent model of the Russian Federation spatial development

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    In this paper we present methods, data and algorithms for simulating budget system in the model of the Russian Federation spatial development. We show the place of this task in methodology of our research and give a brief overview of the background results. We determine revenues and expenditures of the budgets and funds on the basis of federal laws, Budget and Tax codes of the Russian Federation. For validation of the budget system algorithms in the model we conduct retrospective modeling for the federal budget and the budget of Belgorod region in 201