8 research outputs found

    Design through research: Handpicking tools case study as facilitator to collaborative product development / Azmir Mamat Nawi and Wan Zaiyana Mohd Yusof

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    Collaboration between research and design is believed by many design theorists to offer new originality, insight and specialist expertise for product design. In practice, however, there exists a discrepancy between this ideal and a reality of unreconcilable cultural and methodological differences. This project has proven that the collaboration between research and design fuels creativity. This study documents and discusses such a collaboration as an example of practice with implications for educators, designers and students. It identifies a new role with the appropriate knowledge and experience to act as bridges within companies, facilitating the adoption of design methodologies appropriate to changing priorities in the design industries

    Talent screening identification instrument: prospective art & design students / Syahrini Shawalludin...[et al.]

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    The Faculty of Art & Design, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) offers programs for Diploma, Undergraduate and Post Graduate wishing to pursue art and design studies. A total of nine programs are offered; Fine Arts, Graphic & Digital Media, Fashion, Industrial Design, Textile Design, Fine Metal, Ceramics, Fine Art and Printing Technology. To date, the student selection process will be selected through a screening process inclusive of an interview session, drawing test, and colour-blind test that is compulsory for entry into the following Diploma programs. The study argues how the current and past practice on screening traces and identifies the talent in art and design since the candidates have limited knowledge and exposure in the ten areas offered. Consequently, this also affects the interest, learning process, potential skills, and limits the career development if the wrong programs are offered to them. This study identifies a solution in identifying the relevant talent and aptitude in art and design. A total of 148 candidates were involved in this study. An instrument in a form of questionnaire were given to the candidates which provides a systematic criterion in determining if the candidate has interest and talent in the nine areas provided. This study focuses on the importance of the talent identification screening instrument to assess talent for potential students who plans to embark their studies under the Faculty of Art & Design in Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). The study suggests and define the talent screening instrument is an added value to the talent identification process which has been justified relevant and beneficial to be implemented to the student selection process

    The Development of Golden Apple Snail Eggs Picker

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    Several potential benefits of Golden Apple Snail, or GAS have been reported, including its use as a source of food, use in the trade of aquariums, biological control of plants, as a source of protein for fish, ducks and crocodiles, and as a liquid biofertilizer. However, its physiological adaptability and capacity to travel a long distance within a water system has become an invader of new habitats. Thus, GAS is now a major pest in the cultivation of rice. Numerous research have shown that GAS can be managed at various stages of cultivation by combining chemical, mechanical, and biological steps. Nevertheless, GAS eradication has become a laborious and expensive task. This study aims to design the biological tool or prototype to eradicate this major pest. More particularly, the invention relates to a tool that adapts hand-picking method in controlling and eradicating the eggs of these pests. This study provides a society implication for paddy farmers, in which the creation of this tool is effective and important to drive the farmers to better productivity with the eradication of GAS eggs

    Identification instrument of talent screening toward prospective art & design students / Syahrini Shawalludin...[et al.]

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    Candidate from SPM (Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia), who’s wishing to pursue in art and design studies will apply for courses under Faculty Art & Design. The Faculty of Art & Design, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) offers programs for Diploma, Undergraduate and Post Graduate and its has a total of nine programs are offered; Fine Arts, Graphic & Digital Media, Fashion, Industrial Design, Textile Design, Fine Metal, Ceramics, Fine Art and Printing Technology. Due to the interview, the selection process will be selected through a screening process inclusive of an interview session, drawing test, and the color-blind test that is compulsory for Diploma intake. The study argues how the current and past practice on screening traces and identifies the talent in art and design since the candidates have limited knowledge and exposure in the ten areas offered. The knowledge of the past practice is given by the lecturer or in charge person in simple explanation either in academic mission conducted by UiTM secretariat or during an interview session. Consequently, this also affects the interest, learning process, potential skills, and limits career development if the wrong programs are offered to them. This study identifies a solution in identifying the relevant talent and aptitude in art and design. A total of 148 candidates were involved in this study. An instrument in a form of the questionnaire was given to the candidates, which provide a systematic criterion in determining if the candidate has interest and talent in the nine areas provided. This study focuses on the importance of the talent identificationscreening instrument to assess talent for potential students who plan to embark their studies under the Faculty of Art & Design in Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). The study suggests and defines the talent screening instrument is an added value to the talent identification process which has been justified relevant and beneficial to be implemented to the student selection process

    A market study on the effectiveness of Diploma Of Art And Design, Industrial Design (DIDE) programme towards students’ early academic and career development / Nurul ‘Ayn Ahmad Sayuti...[et al.]

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    undergraduates and postgraduates study in Malaysia. In 2000, UiTM introduced the Diploma Programmes offering to ‘Sijil Peperiksaan Malaysia’ SPM holders. The Diploma Programmes served as a platform for Bumiputera students to further their higher academic education and prepare them for the professional careers in the field of science and technology, social sciences and humanities, and business and management. The academic programme of Industrial Design is one of the areas introduced under the Faculty of Art and Design since the early development of ITM before UiTM. This programme is offered for almost 50 years, in line with the industries demand. In search of the relevancy of the programme offered, a market survey and interviews were conducted involving alumni and industry expertise in this study. The results indicated the current DIDE programme curriculum is relevant and matches with the industrial needs. This study suggests for the DIDE programme to be updated with the current needs and the results lend further weight, will improve and strengthen the curriculum design

    Literacy Fun Box / Amirul Aswad Rusli... [et al.]

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    This writing report is on a theoretical and empirical investigation of learning process of dyslexic children with a particular reference for students to understand the learning process in P&P session in context of educational factor. This understanding is found to be relate to the educational thinking as reflected in dyslexic responses towards the observation and product testing. By follow systematically of solution to solve, a common problem that held under similar conditions in respective learning process from the dyslexic children. How they perceive or understand progressively what is involved in the different phrase of the learning process in their academic factor. To draw the related comparisons and to identify the differences between learning process and co-current academic system for dyslexic children

    EMOSurv (utilizing visual emotion techniques survey in teaching and learning as an innovative approaches using moble applications) / Juaini Jamaludin…[et al.]

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    EMOSurv Apps is a mobile application proposed as a survey instrument to conduct a survey during academic session. A traditional survey session usually will be conducted using a set of questionnaires using papers. Questionnaires are a research instruments consisting of series of questions develop for the purpose of gathering data information or feedback on some issues or opinion from respondent. The problem encountered during the survey session usually related to time constraint and to compile and arrange the data before the data can be analyse. The problem adze in traditional method includes within the use of paper questionnaires, difficulties in analysis process and its limitation for fieldwork. These problems can be reduces by using the proposed survey conducted during the academic semester and potential to be includes as one of the method in teaching and learning activity

    LEDLIDI ( coconut leaf stick lighting ) / Asrol Hasan…[et al.]

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    Craft Industry has been developed as part of the Creative Industry Policy in Malaysia (DIKN) which was launched in 2009. The creative industries have become a focused policy area for the Malaysian government which is in Line with the Vision 2020. The Malaysian craft industry used to focus on weaving products such as basket or other daily use craft products from rattan and bamboo rather than exploring other natural materials. Although other handmade craft products which are created using natural resources (from the coconut tree, banana trunk. eggshells, etc.) are seen to have commercial values, some of these materials are still undervalued and not fully recognised in the craft industries. One of the most undervalued natural material is coconut leaf stick which has not been seriously considered as a core substance in the craft industries in Malaysia. Opnsidei ing this. this study is carried out to explore the potential use of coconut sticks in product design. The LEDLIDI is designed to give new dimensions in the development of creative products in Malaysia which focuses more on lighting design or home interior decoration products that are made from coconut leaf sticks. This project focuses on the development process. ideas generation and material exploration where coconut stick is identified to have aesthetical commercial values. diverse usage and durable features. The LEDLIDI is uniquely designed to be multifunctional and can be converted into a table light. a freestanding light and a pendant light. The silhouette which is projected from the arrangement of the coconut sticks will not only illuminate but create an ambience for modern contemporary living spaces. One of the significant impacts of this project is to give ideas and be an exponent for cottage industries to explore more natural materials for craft production in their designs. It is hoped that the use of coconut leaf sticks can help the craft industries' entrepreneurs to develop and produce more home interior craft products which are able to compete in the global market