4 research outputs found

    Evaluation de l’utilisation du protocole national de prise en charge du paludisme simple des enfants à Matam, Guinée Conakry

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    L'objectif était d'évaluer l'usage du nouveau protocole national de prise en charge du paludisme simple. Il s'agit d'une étude transversale de type descriptif menée du 01 octobre au 31 Décembre 2013. L'enquête a été faite dans les six services de santé de la commune de Matam et a intéressé tous les patients de 0-15 ans venant en consultation dans ces centres de santé d'une part et les prestataires de soins de ces dits centres d'autre part. Nous avons enregistré 545 patients dont 52,1% de sexe féminin, l'âge moyen était de 5,62±5. Plus de la moitié (60,2%) des prescriptions étaient conformes au protocole mais aucun prestataire ne s'en servait parce qu'inaccessible. Seulement 72% savaient de l'existence de ce protocole. La disponibilité et l'utilisation du protocole national de prise en charge du paludisme simple restent faibles. La formation continue du personnel semble nécessaire.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 2

    Peoples’ attitude toward COVID-19 vaccine, acceptance, and social trust among African and Middle East countries

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    Background: To end the COVID-19 pandemic, a large part of the world must be immune to the virus by vaccination. Therefore, this study aimed to gauge intent to be vaccinated against COVID-19 among ordinary people and to identify attitudes towards vaccines and barriers for vaccine acceptance. Methods: The study population comprises 1880 people residing in different countries that answer a prepared questionnaire. The questionnaire topics are demographics, historical issues, participants’ attitudes and beliefs regarding vaccines, concerns, and vaccine hesitancy. Results: Attitudes and beliefs relating to vaccines in general, and the COVID-19 vaccine, were ascertained. Overall, 66.81% of the contributors would like to be vaccinated against COVID-19, while %33.19 did not intend to be vaccinated. Reasons for COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy included concern regarding vaccine side effects, fear of getting sick from the uptake of the vaccine, and the absence of accurate vaccine promotion news. Individuals with higher education believe that India (68.6%) produces the best vaccine (P<0.001), while healthcare workers think the Chinese vaccine (44.2%) is the best (P=0.020). Individuals with higher education have not been vaccinated, not be healthcare workers, and females were the most contributors to effective of the vaccine in reducing mortality from COVID-19 disease. Conclusion: Given the degree of hesitancy against COVID-19 vaccination, a multifaceted approach to facilitate vaccine uptake that includes vaccine education, behavioral change strategies, and health promotion, is paramount

    Tuberculose multifocale associée à une toxoplasmose cérébrale sur terrain immunodéprimé à VIH chez un patient immigré africain au Centre Hospitalier de Soissons, France

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    Dans les pays industrialisés et notamment en France, vu les moyens de prévention, dépistage précoce et prise en charge immédiate de l'infection à VIH, la survenue d'infections opportunistes ne se voit presque chez les immigrés et certaines couches socio-professionnelles défavorisées. Nous rapportons donc le cas d'un homme de 42 ans, immigré africain, hospitalisé pour syndrome infectieux dans un contexte d'altération de l'état général, VIH1 positif sous antirétroviraux depuis deux ans, arrêtés depuis quatre mois, une tuberculose pulmonaire traitée et déclarée guérie en février 2017 avec, à l'examen une lenteur à l'idéation, une fièvre à 39,6°C et un amaigrissement. Le nadir CD4 à 12/mm3, une charge virale VIH1 à 5,80log. Le scanner thoraco-abdominal et l'IRM cérébrale ont permis de visualiser des lésions intra-abdomino-thoraciques et cérébrales avant la confirmation diagnostique de la tuberculose et de la toxoplasmose. Le patient fut mis sous trithérapie antirétrovirale à quinze jours du traitement antituberculeux, puis au traitement antitoxoplasmique avec une évolution favorable

    Fighting COVID-19 in the West Africa after experiencing the Ebola epidemic

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) dissemination occurred from December 2019 and quickly spread to all countries. Infected patients with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms, ranging from mild to severe illness. The most mortality was observed in patients with underlying disease and over 45 years. World statistics have shown that the COVID-19 outbreak is most expanded in Middle Eastern, West Asian, European, North, and South American countries, and is least expanded in African countries. Therefore, the aim of the paper was the evaluation of six African countries including Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Guinea, Togo, and Djibouti to find why this disease is least expanded in African countries. Study was conducted by Questioner for countries health organizers to define their different aspect exposure and fight with COVID-19 including epidemiology, clinical aspects of the disease, case definitions, diagnosis laboratory confirmation, and referral of cases by the portal of entry, ease management, and disease prevention in these countries. According to this opinion review, due to the low international flights and low domestic travel, the spread, and prevalence of COVID-19 was low and the return of the immigrants of these countries has caused the spread of COVID-19 among these countries. Experience, preparation, and impact of previous infections epidemic such as the Ebola virus epidemic would have beneficial, which have promoted certain reflexes among people that cause low dissemination in these countries