11 research outputs found

    Considerations Regarding the Research for the Conservation of Heritage Textiles in Romania

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    Textiles are valuable elements that make up Romania’s cultural heritage, being unique through the production techniques, materials used and their significance for the Romanian population. Heritage textiles represent bridges between past and present, kept in collections from different types of buildings. Many of them are preserved and exposed in heritage buildings that are open for public viewing and do not benefit from internal microclimate monitoring systems. These things can have serious repercussions on the integrity and conservation status of these fragile materials. The chapter proposes to analyze the approaches used in different studies to evaluate the risks to which the historical textile collections from Romania are exposed, depending on the place and the way in which they are kept. All these approaches aim to determine the degree of conservation of the materials and their implications on the health of the people with whom they come into contact. Based on the methodology applied in the studies already published, examined in the first part of the chapter, in the second part, a case study was performed on a different sample of historical textiles from Romania. This comes to complete the sphere of knowledge in the field

    Reconfiguration Reconfigurations spatiales du tourisme sur la Petite Côte (Sénégal) : vers un ancrage territorial diffusé ?

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    This study analyses the complex territorial issues of the touristic boom in Saly. Indeed, it is more interested in the saturation of the coastal space, hence the strong expansion of recreational activities. One of the most direct consequences is the massive development of seaside recreational facilities that create conflicts with other coastal use functions. Therefore, from a comparative and interdisplinary perspective of tourism systems, we first of all carried out a review of the tourism literature on spacial reconfigurations of tourism, after that, we carried out a qualitative survey combining semi-structured interviews with institutional actors and private tourism promoters from the Petite Cote (Saly).The data resulting from these field interviews lead to reconsidering the specific strategies implemented in terms of spacial management models and of tourist supervision and animation devices of the Petite Cote in order to stimulate the coastal tourism economy. Cette Ă©tude analyse les enjeux territoriaux complexes de l’explosion touristique Ă  Saly. Elle s’intĂ©resse plus Ă  la saturation de l’espace cĂ´tier rĂ©sultant de la forte expansion des activitĂ©s de plaisance. L’une des consĂ©quences majeures directes est le dĂ©veloppement massif des installations rĂ©crĂ©atives en bordure de mer qui crĂ©e des conflits avec d’autres fonctions et usages du littoral. Dès lors, dans une perspective comparative et interdisciplinaire des systèmes touristiques, nous avons d’abord fait une revue de la littĂ©rature touristique concernant les reconfigurations spatiales du tourisme, puis nous avons rĂ©alisĂ© une enquĂŞte qualitative combinant des entretiens semi-directifs avec des acteurs institutionnels et des promoteurs touristiques privĂ©s de la Petite CĂ´te (Saly). Les donnĂ©es issues de ces entretiens de terrain conduisent Ă  reconsidĂ©rer les stratĂ©gies spĂ©cifiques mises en Ĺ“uvre en termes de modèles de gestion spatiale et de dispositifs d’encadrement et d’animation touristique de la Petite CĂ´te afin de stimuler l’économie touristique littorale.

    Le développement touristique et l’occupation des espaces littoraux : quelles enjeux pour les territoires de la Petite Côte sénégalaise ?

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    This article focuses on new uses and users of the coast of Senegal’s Petite Côte. It aims to show the current dynamics of the resort of Saly and analyse the socio-economic changes and environmental all-out occupation of the coastal space guided by new principles of seaside tourism development.The study is based on a survey conducted in three coastal towns like Saly Portudal, Somone and Nianing. From fifteen semi-structured interviews with various stakeholders and users of the coast, a questionnaire was built around the socio-demographic characteristics of users, practices and perceptions of coastal risks. It shows that the different coastal areas of the uses are related to the different experiences of the populations concerned. Therefore, the question arises as to assess the consequences of the expansion of Saly on the surrounding traditional neighbourhoods to understand the multiple dimensions of conflicts of use resulting therefrom in order to resolve them

    Dynamique territoriale et développement touristique : quelles stratégies environnementales durables à Saly (Petite Côte, Sénégal) ?

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    La présente recherche s’intéresse aux incidences environnementales liées à la dynamique de l’utilisation de l’espace littoral consécutive à l’émergence du tourisme balnéaire international à Saly sur la Petite Côte sénégalaise. Elle vise à cerner et à analyser de façon globale les difficultés strictement liées aux dysfonctionnements en termes d’aménagement et de gestion des territoires touristiques du littoral, d’une part, et d’autre part, elle propose une nouvelle orientation dans la gestion de l’environnement de l’espace littoral à Saly Portudal.La mise en tourisme de Saly est portée par l’État, et ceci s’accentue de manière considérable. Actuellement, cet espace représente un milieu physiquement et biologiquement instable ; cependant, en tant qu’écosystème à équilibre fragile, celui-ci bénéficie peu de mesures de protection efficace et d’aménagement spécifique durable. En s’appuyant sur des observations qualitatives liées aux pratiques et aux modes de gestion de ces espaces littoraux, des entretiens semi-directifs ont été menés lors de rencontres organisées avec les acteurs territoriaux, à savoir les institutions publiques, les entreprises touristiques, les autorités et communautés locales, les ONG et les touristes. Ces enquêtes ont permis de mieux comprendre pourquoi et comment la question de la préservation et de la conservation des ressources naturelles et l’environnement littoral mérite une étude approfondie et prospective.This research is interested in the environmental impacts linked to the dynamics of the use of coastal space following the emergence of international seaside tourism in Saly on the Senegalese Little Coast. It aims to identify and comprehensively analyze the difficulties strictly linked to dysfunctions in terms of development and management of coastal tourist areas, on the one hand, and on the other hand, it proposes a new orientation in the management of the environment of the coastal area in Saly Portudal.Indeed, the tourism development of Saly is supported by the State and this is accentuated considerably. Currently, this space represents a physically and biologically unstable environment, however as an ecosystem with a fragile equilibrium, it benefits few from effective protection measures and specific sustainable development. Based on qualitative observations related to the practices and modes of management of these coastal areas, semi-structured interviews with meetings organized with territorial actors, namely public institutions, tourism companies, authorities and local communities, NGOs and tourists were conducted. These surveys have helped to better understand why and how the issue of preservation and conservation of natural resources and the coastal environment deserves depth and prospective study

    Dynamique territoriale et développement touristique : quelles stratégies environnementales durables à Saly (Petite Côte, Sénégal) ?

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    This research is interested in the environmental impacts linked to the dynamics of the use of coastal space following the emergence of international seaside tourism in Saly on the Senegalese Little Coast. It aims to identify and comprehensively analyze the difficulties strictly linked to dysfunctions in terms of development and management of coastal tourist areas, on the one hand, and on the other hand, it proposes a new orientation in the management of the environment of the coastal area in Saly Portudal.Indeed, the tourism development of Saly is supported by the State and this is accentuated considerably. Currently, this space represents a physically and biologically unstable environment, however as an ecosystem with a fragile equilibrium, it benefits few from effective protection measures and specific sustainable development. Based on qualitative observations related to the practices and modes of management of these coastal areas, semi-structured interviews with meetings organized with territorial actors, namely public institutions, tourism companies, authorities and local communities, NGOs and tourists were conducted. These surveys have helped to better understand why and how the issue of preservation and conservation of natural resources and the coastal environment deserves depth and prospective study

    Tourisme et développement local : vers une redéfinition des relations au niveau de la Petite-Côte sénégalaise ?

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    This article puts the problem of the processes of tourist development at the level of the Senegalese Little-coast and their consequences on the sociocultural and economic background of the local populations. We observed an anarchy occupation of coastal environments, very desired for their tourist and economic interests, while they constitute fragile ecosystems, sensitive to the action of the anthropological agents. This is the way we made at first a current situation to see the stakes at the level of the planning and of the tourist development of the Little-coast. We analyzed then the consequences to propose strategies for a sustainable development by taking into account the peculiarities of the territory at the local, regional and national level in a globalized context. Besides, it is a question in this article of describing and deciphering the relationship, certainly, narrow but extremely feeder between tourism and local development by analyzing how the tourism impacts on the process of development and vice versa

    Les impacts socioéconomiques de la COVID-19 sur le tourisme littoral : le cas de la station de Saly Portudal (Sénégal)

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    This article analyzes the issue of the development processes of the COVID-19 pandemic and its dramatic impact on the tourist economy in Saly (Senegal). It aims to establish an inventory of the economic and social impact of the coronavirus health crisis on the Senegalese tourism industry in general, and in Saly in particular. In this regard, about sixty institutional and private tourism actors, and indigenous peoples made up of fishermen, farmers, artisans, traders and workers in the tourism sector were interviewed. The results of this work through questionnaire and interview guide show overall that the coronavirus health crisis has severely affected tourist operators and host communities. In addition to the context overwhelmed by the slowdown in seaside activities in Saly, which has been growing steadily to exacerbate over the past ten years, the multiple negative consequences of the coronavirus pandemic have been added. It is in this context that the study examines the possibility to better promote domestic tourism and the digital transformation of tourism products in Saly. To this end, we first made an inventory identify the socio-economic implications of COVID-19 on the tourism sector in Saly. Then, we analyzed these in order to identify ways for reflection and action for sustainable alternative solutions as part of the strategy of resilience and competitiveness of the post-Covid tourism activity in Saly

    Le tourisme durable comme outil au service de la réduction de la pauvreté : le cas du tourisme rural intégré en Basse-Casamance 

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    This article raises the issue of sustainable touristic development empowered by rural integrated tourism in Basse-Casamance. It appears as an economic model which reduces poverty through the creation of direct or indirect employments. It is based on responsible tourism that promotes the protection of nature, the preservation and development of customs’ authenticity of local populations. It appears through two forms of tourism that match the principles of sustainable development, i.e ecotourism and inclusive rural tourism. Firstly, we have outlined the evolution of tourism and the concept of sustainable development through many proposed definitions provided by the precursors of sustainable development. Thus, we have pointed out how inclusive rural tourism and ecotourism contribute to the protection of nature, the spreading and preservation of the traditional culture of local populations from those villages in Basse-Casamance. Finally, we have estimated the value of economic profits from villages’ camps, whose equitable distribution benefits local populations. We have also highlighted that facing the current challenges of the world, tourism remains one of the alternatives to reduce poverty and safeguard weakened ecosystems. That’s why the actors of tourism in Basse-Casamance are committed to make sustainable tourism an unquestionable economic model and allow the destination to be more competitive.