1,081 research outputs found

    Modelling evapotranspiration of soilless cut roses "Red Naomi" based on climatic and crop predictors

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    Original PaperThis study aimed to estimate the daily crop evapotranspiration (ETc) of soilless cut ‘Red Naomi’ roses, cultivated in a commercial glass greenhouse, using climatic and crop predictors. A multiple stepwise regression technique was applied for estimating ETc using the daily relative humidity, stem leaf area and number of leaves of the bended stems. The model explained 90% of the daily ETc variability (R2 = 0.90, n = 33, P < 0.0001) measured by weighing lysimeters. The mean relative difference between the observed and the estimated daily ETc was 9.1%. The methodology revealed a high accuracy and precision in the estimation of daily ETcinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Trajtimi i Tregtisë në Shërbime sipas Marrëveshjes së Tregtisë së Lirë Kosovë-Turqi

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    Qeveria e KosovĂ«s ka nĂ«nshkruar njĂ« marrĂ«veshje tĂ« tregtisĂ« sĂ« lirĂ« tĂ« mallrave me TurqinĂ«, nĂ« Shtator tĂ« vitit 2013. MegjithatĂ«, negociatat pĂ«r nĂ«nshkrimin e njĂ« marrĂ«veshjeje tĂ« tregtisĂ« sĂ« lirĂ« nĂ« shĂ«rbime janĂ« ende nĂ« vazhdim e sipĂ«r. Kjo Ă«shtĂ« hera e parĂ« qĂ« kur Kosova u bĂ« e pavarur nĂ« vitin 2008, se Qeveria e KosovĂ«s ka qenĂ« e angazhuar nĂ« negociatat tregtare. MarrĂ«veshja e CEFTA-s Ă«shtĂ« marrĂ«veshja e vetme e deritanishme nĂ« KosovĂ«, e cila Ă«shtĂ« negociuar nga UNMIK-u. Mungesa e pĂ«rvojĂ«s nĂ« negociatat tregtare krijon sfida pĂ«r qeverinĂ«, gjatĂ« negocimeve me TurqinĂ« pĂ«r çështje komplekse, siç Ă«shtĂ« liberalizimi i tregtisĂ« nĂ« shĂ«rbime. SfidĂ« tjetĂ«r prezentĂ« Ă«shtĂ« krijuar nga negociatat paralele me partnerĂ«t e CEFTA-s (pĂ«r liberalizimin e shĂ«rbimeve) dhe Bashkimit Evropian (pĂ«r krijimin e tregtisĂ« sĂ« lirĂ« nĂ« mallra). QĂ«llimi i kĂ«tij studimi Ă«shtĂ« t’u ofrojĂ« informacione negociatorĂ«ve mbi tregtinĂ« e lirĂ« tĂ« shĂ«rbimeve me TurqinĂ«, pĂ«r tĂ« formuluar qĂ«ndrimin e duhur pĂ«r negociatat e ardhshme. Punimi fokusohet nĂ« aspektet ligjore tĂ« masave liberalizuese nĂ« mes tĂ« KosovĂ«s dhe Turqis

    Quem foi que? - Um Desafio à Estatística: QuestÔes de Autoria em "Novas Cartas Portuguesas"

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    O livro "Novas Cartas Portuguesas" Ă© constituĂ­do por uma sĂ©rie de poemas e cartas baseados na histĂłria da freira Mariana Alcoforado. Para o estudo efectuado foram escolhidos treze textos em prosa, tendo a escolha destes ficado a dever-se ao facto de ser necessĂĄrio comparar textos de autoria "desconhecida" com textos de autoria conhecida, para deste modo se estabelecerem comparaçÔes e assim se chegar a alguma conclusĂŁo sobre os autores dos textos desconhecidos. Como das trĂȘs autoras em causa apenas Maria Teresa Horta tem poesia publicada, tal facto levou-nos a supor que os poemas que figuram nas Novas Cartas sĂŁo de sua autoria, eliminando-se assim do estudo os poemas. Na escolha dos textos a estudar tambĂ©m se teve em consideração a hipĂłtese, por nĂłs assumida, de que as trĂȘs autoras se apresentaram e se despediram; como tal, foram incluĂ­das no estudo as trĂȘs "Primeiras Cartas" e as trĂȘs "Cartas Últimas"; note-se que a "Primeira Carta Última" Ă© constituĂ­da por trĂȘs partes distintas que se supĂŽs serem da mesma autora

    The Contribution of Universities to Growth: Empirical Evidence for Italy

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    New entrepreneurial ventures may represent a viable and effective mechanism to transform academic knowledge into regional economic growth. We test this notion for the Italian provinces between 2001 and 2006. We evaluate three outputs of academic activities: teaching, research and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) activities management. New ventures may be able to transform the mentioned outputs into improved economic performance. The findings show that the effects of academic outputs on provincial economic growth (all sectors) are appreciable when they are associated with sustained entrepreneurial activities in the province. It suggests that academic inquiry may provide new ventures with valuable commercial opportunities overseen by established companies.

    Institutional Change and Academic Patenting: French Universities and the Innovation Act of the 1999.

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    Recent empirical work in the field of university-industry technology transfer has stressed the importance of IPR-related reforms and university patenting has major forces behind the success of US high-tech industry. European policy-makers have been tempted to explain the poorer technological performance of their countries with the lower propensity of their academic institutions to get engaged in patenting and commercializing their research results. As a consequence, a number of measures have been taken to promote academic awareness of IPRs, as part of more comprehensive policies in favour of academic commercialization and entrepreneurship. This paper explores university patenting, and the related policies, in France. We provide evidence that university patenting in that countries has been underestimated by policy-makers’ perceptions: French academic scientists are in fact responsible for no less than 3% of patents by French inventors at the European Patent Office. However, only 10% of academic-invented patents are owned by domestic universities, with the remainder assigned both to firms and to Public Research Organizations (PROs). We then explore the impact of the Innovation Act, passed in France in 1999. We find that the Act has significantly increased the likelihood an academic patent to be assigned to a university rather than to a business company. We also find, that the opening of a technology transfer office in a university appears to have a stronger and more significant impact than the Act on the decision of universities to retain IPRs over their scientists’ discoveries.

    DomĂ­nios de Atracção e Velocidades de ConvergĂȘncia

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    Gomes e Pestana (Nonstandard domains of attraction and rates of convergence. New perspectives in theoretical and applied statistics, Wiley Ser. Prob. Math. Statistics, 1987) mostraram que o comportamento pré-assintótico, em valores extremos ocorre em grande variedade de situaçÔes e encontraram uma explicação: o domínio de atracção de uma lei eståvel pode ser particionado num ''domínio de atracção standard`` - em que as constantes de atracção são da forma A n^(1/alpha), onde alpha, é o índice de atracção da eståvel -, e num domínio de atracção não-standard, em que as constantes de atracção são necessariamente da forma L(n)n^(1/alpha) com L(n), de variação lenta, convergindo para 0, ou infinito. Neste trabalho exploramos a questão da qualidade da aproximação nas caudas no domínio de atracção não standard de uma eståvel simétrica, impondo um controle extra na sua variação, com um parùmetro de segunda ordem.FCT/POCTI/FEDER, Projecto VEXTRE e programa PRODEP, Acção 5.

    Effects of Chronis Consumption of Caffeine on Memory for Prose in Young and Elderly Adults

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    Caffeine is one of society\u27s most widely used central nervous system stimulants. Most studies involving caffeine and memory have tested the recall of young subjects following acute administration of caffeine. This study was designed to determine the effects of chronic use of caffeine on memory for prose in young and elderly adults. Forty-nine young and forty-nine elderly subjects read four expository prose passages from the computer screen and orally recalled each story Recalls were tape recorded and later scored for presence of idea units Chronic consumption of caffeine had no significant effect on recall of prose passages. It is speculated that this result may be due to tolerance effects which develop with habitual caffeine consumption

    Theory and Practice of Feminist Literary Criticism, edited by Gabriela Mora and Karen S. Van Hooft

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    Effects of Pre- and Post- Trial Caffeine Treatment on Memory for Prose

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    Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant which is considered part of the normal diet. One approach to understanding whether ingestion of caffeine influences human cognition is to examine the effects of caffeine on memory. This study examined the effects of caffeine ingested both before and after a prose learning task. Two hundred-forty-five subjects (121 males, 124 females) were divided into two groups. One group received 0, 2, or 4 mg/kg of caffeine before hearing three narrative prose passages. The second group received 0, 2, or 4 mg/kg of caffeine after hearing the prose passages. All subjects returned 24 hours later and wrote their recalls. Caffeine, ingested either before or after the presentation of prose passages, enhanced recall of these passages in females. In males, ingestion of caffeine after presentation of prose passages was detrimental to recall. The present results provided no clear evidence as to the reason for the observed gender differences. Speculation as to possible explanations for gender differences is included in the discussion
