14 research outputs found

    Cirugía bariátrica

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    La cirugía de la obesidad ha tenido un impresionante desarrollo en los últimos 20 años, debido a la necesidad de tratamiento efectivo y duradero para esta enfermedad crónica epidémica. La introducción de la técnica laparoscópica a las cirugías bariátricas contribuyó en forma importante a disminuir sus complicaciones y mortalidad. Las operaciones más frecuentes en el mundo son el bypass gástrico, la gastrectomía vertical, la banda gástrica ajustable y la derivación biliopancreática, aunque en la actualidad en nuestro país se utilizan solo las dos primeras. Se describen estas cirugías bariátricas, su técnica, complicaciones y resultados. El tratamiento quirúrgico de la obesidad logra bajas de peso y control de las comorbilidades muy superiores a las logradas por el tratamiento médico y terapia farmacológica. Por ello, el tratamiento quirúrgico es la terapia estándar para pacientes con obesidad

    Curso de AutoCAD para arquitectos: planos, presentaciones y trabajo en equipo

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    Ensayo metodológico sobre el dibujo arquitectónico a través de un programa de diseño asistido por ordenador. Este libro está escrito usando una receta infalible para el fracaso: contentar a todos los que desean usar bien AutoCAD. Para los que empiezan, presenta el eficaz método de los tutoriales: una entrada rápida, por inmersión, en el manejo del programa.Sin financiaciónNo data (2007)UE

    Aspectos quirúrgicos del cáncer de vesícula biliar

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    Results of laparoscopic antireflux surgery in patients with gastroesophageal reflux Evaluación subjetiva y objetiva de los resultados de la cirugía antireflujo por video laparoscopía en pacientes con reflujo gastroesofágico

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    Background: Laparoscopic antireflux surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that should have similar results than classical surgical treatment. Aim: To report the results of a prospective study of laparoscopic antireflux surgery in patients with gastroesophageal reflux. Patients and methods: Thirty two patients with gastroesophageal reflux and without Barret's esophagus, were subjected to endoscopy, manometry and measurement of intraesophageal pH before and after laparoscopic surgery. Results: There were no postoperative deaths or complications. Gastroesophageal sphincter pressure and abdominal sphincter length increased from 9.1 ± 3.9 to 13.0 ± 3.5 mm Hg and from 8.1 ± 6.2 to 13.5 ± 5.4 cm after surgery (p<0.01). There was a decrease in acid reflux in 82% of patients. Conclusions: laparoscopic antireflux surgery reproduces exactly the results of open surgical procedures

    Results of gastric bypass plus resection of the distal excluded gastric segment in patients with morbid obesity

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    Surgical treatment is the procedure of choice for morbidly obese patients. Gastric bypass with a long limb Roux-en-Y anastomosis is the "gold standard" technique for these patients. We sought to determine the early and late results of open gastric bypass with resection of the distal excluded stomach in patients with morbid obesity. We included in this prospective study 400 patients who were seen from September 1999 through August 2003 (311 women and 89 men; mean age, 38.5 years). The mean body mass index of the patients was 46 kg/m(2). All underwent 95% distal gastrectomy, with resection of the bypassed stomach, leaving a small gastric pouch of 15 to 20 ml. An end-to-side gastrojejunostomy was performed with circular stapler No. 25. The length of the Roux-en-Y loop was 125 to 150 cm. In all patients, a biopsy was taken from the liver and routine cholecystectomy was performed. Follow-up was as long as 36 months. A barium study was performed in all patients at 5 days after surgery. Mortality and postoperative morbidity rates were 0.5% and 4.75%, respectively, mainly due to anastomotic leak in 10 patients (2.5%). Hospital length of stay was 7 days for 95% of the patients. Follow-up data for longer than 12 months were available in 184 patients. There was excess body weight loss of 70% at 24 and 36 months, and there was an inverse correlation among preoperative body mass index and the loss of weight. Anemia was present in 10%, and incisional hernia was present in 10.2%. At 1 year after surgery, the BAROS index demonstrated very good or excellent index in 96.6% of the patients. Gastric bypass with resection of the distal excluded segment has results very similar to those of gastric bypass alone but eliminates the potential risks of gastric bypass such as anastomotic ulcer, gastrogastric fistula, postoperative bleeding due to peptic ulcer and gastritis, and the eventual future development of gastric cancer. It is also possible to perform via laparoscopy, as we started to do recently

    Glucose tolerance alterations and frequency of metabolic syndrome among patients with non alcoholic fatty liver disease

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    Background: Non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is associated to diabetes mellitus, obesity, disturbances in serum lipid levels, insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. Aim: To assess glucose tolerance and the presence of metabolic syndrome among patients with biopsy proven NAFLD. Patients and methods: Serum lipid levels, hepatic function tests were measured and an oral glucose tolerance test was performed in 46 patients (mean age 45±12 years, 36 females) without history of diabetes mellitus and with steatosis in a liver biopsy. Results: Mean body mass index of the sample was 37 ±12 kg/m2. Seventeen percent had pure steatosis, 78% had steatohepatitis with or without fibrosis and 50% had fibrosis in the liver biopsy. Glucose intolerance and diabetes was found in 57% and 15% of cases, respectively. The presence of steatohepatitis was higher in diabetics, compared with subjects with glucose intolerance or a normal glucose response (43, 38 and 8%, respectively, p <0.0001). Ninety three percent had a metabolic syndrome and the proportion of biopsies with fibrosis was higher among subjects with more than three diagnostic criteria for metabolic syndrome compared with those with three or less criteria (59 and 46%, respectively, p <0.05). Conclusions: Glucose intolerance, diabetes and metabolic syndrome are common among patients with NAFLD, even when they are not obese

    Optimization of human hepatocyte cultures for citotoxicity studies

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    Los cultivos de hepatocitos entregan un valioso acercamiento al estudio de las funciones metabólicas específicas del hígado, evaluación de citotoxicidad. No existen líneas humanas inmortales con función normal. La inmortalización de hepatocitos humanos con el método UCHT1(medio de cultivo condicionado por células tumorales de tiroides) permitirá prolongar la sobrevida y función de estos, siendo útil para evaluar funcionalidad y citotoxicidad. Objetivo: Optimizar el cultivo de hepatocitos humanos. Metodología: En cultivos primarios de hepatocitos humanos, se agregó medio UCHT1 cultivando en superficies de colágeno, polilisina, gelatina y matrigel. Como control positivo, se utilizó línea Gherschenson (GER) para evaluar curva de crecimiento y producción de Glucógeno (PAS). Se evaluó citotoxicidad (LIVE/DEAD) en hepatocitos GER expuestos a Metotrexato (10, 100 y 1000 mM) a 24, 48 y 72 hrs. Resultados: Se realizó 3 cultivos primarios. Fue efectiva la utilización de Polilisina y Colágeno. Duración 8 meses. No se ha realizado la curva de crecimiento, ni evaluación de funcionalidad en hepatocitos humanos. La línea GER tiene un crecimiento exponencial (tiempo duplicación: 36 hrs). Se observó producción de glucógeno en condiciones de diferenciación hasta 120 hrs. La citotoxicidad por Metotrexato tiene una curva dosis dependiente, significativa en todas las concentraciones (p<0,001) (CL50 a 1000 mM a 24 hrs). Conclusiones: Se logró establecer una línea primaria de hepatocitos humanos. La polilisina y el colágeno han optimizado el establecimiento de cultivos primarios. El método PAS permitió evaluar producción de glucógeno (diferenciación). Los valores de citotoxicidad demostraron un efecto dosis dependiente en las condiciones experimentales. Logrando estandarizar el método para evaluación futura de líneas celulares humanas