69 research outputs found
The native language learning in the General education system of the Russian Federation
In view of the urgency of preserving linguistic diversity in the world, the authors consider the current state of native languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation in the system of General education. The relevance of the research is confirmed by the analysis of publications carried out in the work. There is a controversy in the country about whether native languages should be included in the main educational program and whether it should be mandatory to study them. The study revealed negative trends associated with a decrease in the interest of students and their parents in learning their native languages, a decrease in the number of classes and the number of students who master the main educational program in their native language, choose it as an independent subject for study. The paper presents proposals aimed at popularizing the study of native languages in the General education system, which is the basis for their preservation and development
Снаоѓање за време на пандемија: Сфаќање на конфузниот одговор на Русија на КОВИД-19
This paper examines the Russian government response to Covid-19, which proved to be ineffective at keeping the virus under control and mitigating the negative socioeconomic effects of the pandemic. It argues that the causes of the Russian government’s suboptimal response to Covid-19 can be attributed to two main factors. First, the authoritarian and overly centralized structure of Russia’s political institutions, which prioritized political and economic considerations over public safety and inhibited genuine regional initiative, undermined the government’s ability to contain the pandemic. The regional heads often lacked the skills, financial resources and authority to implement the necessary policies and containment measures, resulting in disastrous developments in several Russian regions. Second, the Soviet legacies associated with a culture of non-disclosure and the inconsistent public health messaging during the pandemic, combined with limited social relief and economic support measures, contributed to the public mistrust in state institutions, indicating fraught relations between citizens and the state. This was reflected in public protests and popular resistance to government orders, including the widespread defiance of lockdown instructions, a refusal to wear masks in public places and low vaccination rates. Looking ahead, the long-term consequences of the current public health crisis could be deeply political, contributing to a further schism between the rulers and the ruled. Во овој труд се разгледува одговорот на руската влада на КОВИД-19, кој се покажа како неефективен во воспоставувањето контрола на вирусот и ублажувањето на негативните социоекономски влијанија од пандемијата. Според овој труд, причините за недоволно соодветниот одговор на руската влада на КОВИД-19 може да се припишат на два главни фактори. Прво, авторитарната и претерано централизирана структура на политичките институции на Русија, која им даваше приоритет на политичките и економските согледувања во однос на јавната безбедност и ја попречуваше вистинската регионална иницијатива, ја потисна способноста на Владата да ја сузбие пандемијата. Регионалните раководители честопати не поседуваа вештини, финансиски ресурси и овластување да ги спроведат потребните политики и мерки за сузбивање, што резултираше со катастрофални случувања во неколку руски региони. Второ, советските наследени практики поврзани со културата на неоткривање и неконзистентни пораки за јавно здравје за време на пандемијата, во комбинација со ограничените мерки за социјална помош и економска поддршка, придонесоа за недовербата на јавноста во државните институции, што укажува на затегнати односи меѓу граѓаните и државата. Ова се одрази во јавните протести и народниот отпор кон владините наредби, вклучувајќи го и широкото непочитување на инструкциите за затворање, одбивањето да се носат маски на јавни места и ниските стапки на вакцинација. Очекувањата за во иднина се дека долгорочните последици од тековната криза во јавното здравство би можеле да бидат длабоко-политички, што ќе придонесе за понатамошен раскол меѓу владетелите и владеените. 
Various astronomical objects show distinctive series of IR emission bands indicated as unidentified infrared emission bands. These features are nowadays mainly attributed to the IR fluorescence of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) even though an unambiguous identification of which PAHs are involved has not been possible yet. We present here a high-resolution IR absorption study of a number of jet-cooled polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the 3.3 m region obtained by IR-UV ion depletion techniques. The experimental spectra display many more bands than expected, and lead to the conclusion that the appearance of the spectrum is dominated by fourth-order vibrational coupling terms. This has far-reaching consequences since up till now the assignment of infrared emission features observed in different types of space objects in this wavelength region -and the conclusions drawn from these assignments on the evolution of interstellar gas- has relied heavily on harmonic quantum chemical calculations. We also observe that the presence of bay-hydrogen sites in a PAH leads to a shift of the overall spectrum to the high-energy side and to a broadening of the 3 m band. This observation provides an appealing explanation for previous speculations that the emission of 3 m band consists of two components. Moreover, it paves for using this structure to derive the composition of different objects
Avaliação do ambiente regional promovendo o desenvolvimento da atividade científica
The paper is devoted to the research of regional environment’s current state, that promoting development of scientific and technological activity in the Russian Federation’s subjects.For the study purposes we developed a system of primary indicators that characterizes the potential and the results of the functioning of the research and development sector in the regions. The information sources for forming the system of indicators are official statistics and systematized data from official sources that are freely available on the Internet.The Index of the regional scientific environment was calculated and the rating of the Russian Federation’s subjects was formed based on the method developed by the authors.The index structure corresponds to five key tasks identified in the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation.Approbation of the developed methodology was carried out on the materials of 85 subjects of the Russian Federation.
The study’s obtained results are visualized using the map of intensity of the development of the regional scientific environment.Recommendations for the development of the regional scientific environment and scientific and technological activities in the regions have been developed based on the results obtained in the study.The study’s results can be used for the purposes of regional management of the science sector’s development.El documento está dedicado a la investigación del estado actual del entorno regional, que promueve el desarrollo de la actividad científica y tecnológica en los temas de la Federación de Rusia.Para los fines del estudio, desarrollamos un sistema de indicadores primarios que caracteriza el potencial y los resultados del funcionamiento del sector de investigación y desarrollo en las regiones. Las fuentes de información para formar el sistema de indicadores son estadísticas oficiales y datos sistematizados de fuentes oficiales que están disponibles gratuitamente en Internet.Se calculó el índice del entorno científico regional y se formó la calificación de las asignaturas de la Federación de Rusia en función del método desarrollado por los autores.La estructura del índice corresponde a cinco tareas clave identificadas en la Estrategia para el Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico de la Federación de Rusia.La aprobación de la metodología desarrollada se llevó a cabo en los materiales de 85 sujetos de la Federación de Rusia.Los resultados obtenidos del estudio se visualizan utilizando el mapa de intensidad del desarrollo del entorno científico regional.Las recomendaciones para el desarrollo del entorno científico regional y las actividades científicas y tecnológicas en las regiones se han desarrollado sobre la base de los resultados obtenidos en el estudio.Los resultados del estudio pueden utilizarse para los fines de la gestión regional del desarrollo del sector de la ciencia.O documento é dedicado à investigação do estado atual do ambiente regional, que promove o desenvolvimento da atividade científica e tecnológica nos assuntos da Federação Russa.Para os propósitos do estudo, desenvolvemos um sistema de indicadores primários que caracteriza o potencial e os resultados da operação do setor de pesquisa e desenvolvimento nas regiões. As fontes de informação para formar o sistema de indicadores são estatísticas oficiais e sistematizadas de fontes oficiais disponíveis gratuitamente na Internet.O índice do ambiente científico regional foi calculado e a qualificação dos sujeitos da Federação Russa foi formada de acordo com o método desenvolvido pelos autores.A estrutura do índice corresponde a cinco tarefas-chave identificadas na Estratégia para o Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico da Federação Russa.A aprovação da metodologia desenvolvida foi realizada nos materiais de 85 sujeitos da Federação Russa.Os resultados obtidos no estudo são visualizados utilizando o mapa de intensidade do desenvolvimento do ambiente científico regional.As recomendações para o desenvolvimento do ambiente científico regional e as atividades científicas e tecnológicas nas regiões foram desenvolvidas com base nos resultados obtidos no estudo.Os resultados do estudo podem ser utilizados para os propósitos da gestão regional do desenvolvimento do setor de ciências
Современное состояние и проблемы научных коммуникаций на русском языке на пространстве стран СНГ
The results of the study include the consequences of the researchers survey from the CIS countries, that made it possible to identify the prevalence of scientific communications in Russian language in the CIS countries. Russian-language communications in the field of science, which origins are associated with the times of the USSR, provide an opportunity for the development of integration between countries. As a result of the study, the authors made conclusions on the degree of use of the Russian language in the field of science in various CIS countries, including for publishing articles, preparing dissertations, holding conferences, and informal communication. As a result of the survey and the authors’ analytical work, key problems associated with scientific communications in Russian in the CIS space were identified, and measures for their solution were proposed.Los resultados del estudio incluyen los resultados de una encuesta de investigadores de los países de la CEI, que permitió identificar la prevalencia de las comunicaciones científicas en ruso en los países de la CEI. Las comunicaciones en idioma ruso en el campo de la ciencia, cuyos orígenes se asocian con los tiempos de la URSS, brindan una oportunidad para el desarrollo de la integración entre países. Como resultado del estudio, se sacaron conclusiones sobre el grado de uso del idioma ruso en el campo de la ciencia en varios países de la CEI, incluso para publicar artículos, preparar disertaciones, celebrar conferencias y comunicarse de manera informal. Como resultado de la encuesta y del trabajo analítico de los autores, se identificaron los problemas clave asociados con las comunicaciones científicas en ruso en el espacio de la CEI y se propusieron medidas para su solución.Os resultados do estudo incluem os resultados de uma pesquisa com pesquisadores dos países da CEI, que permitiu identificar a prevalência de comunicações científicas em russo nos países da CEI. As comunicações em língua russa no campo da ciência, cujas origens estão associadas aos tempos da URSS, proporcionam uma oportunidade para o desenvolvimento da integração entre os países. Como resultado do estudo, foram tiradas conclusões sobre o grau de uso da língua russa no campo da ciência em vários países da CEI, incluindo a publicação de artigos, a preparação de dissertações, a realização de conferências e a comunicação informal. Como resultado da pesquisa e do trabalho analítico dos autores, foram identificados os principais problemas associados às comunicações científicas em russo no espaço da CEI, e foram propostas medidas para sua solução.Результаты исследования включают результаты опроса исследователей из стран СНГ, который позволил выявить уровень распространенности научных коммуникаций на русском языке в странах-участниках СНГ. Русскоязычные коммуникации в сфере науки, истоки распространения которых связаны с временами существования СССР, обеспечивают возможность развития интеграции между странами. В результате исследования сделаны выводы о степени использования русского языка в сфере науки в различных странах СНГ, в том числе для публикаций статей, подготовки диссертаций, проведения конференций, неформального общения. В результате опроса и аналитической работы авторов были выделены ключевые проблемы, связанные с научными коммуникациями на русском языке на пространстве СНГ, и предложены мероприятия для их решения
Интегральный экспресс-анализ институциональной и правовой готовности субъектов Российской Федерации к реализации приоритетов научно-технологическое развития
The implementation of the strategy of scientific and technological development of Russia, adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2035, requires fundamental changes not only in the sphere of production, but also in the management system of scientific and technological development. At present, technological modernization is becoming the most important condition for the preservation of economic independence and national security of the country. An important role in solving these problems belongs to the regions. The article is devoted to the scientific and methodological issues of studying the level of institutional and legal readiness of the subjects of the Russian Federation to implement the priorities of the country's scientific and technological development. An own method has been developed for assessing the level of readiness of regions for the implementation of tasks defined by the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development, which consists in calculating the integral index reflecting both the institutional and regulatory potential of the territories. Testing of the developed methodology was carried out on the materials of 85 subjects of the Russian Federation. The results of the study can be used in the process of theoretical and applied research in the field of evaluation of the scientific and technological potential of regionsLa implementación de la estrategia de desarrollo científico y tecnológico de Rusia, adoptada por el Gobierno de la Federación Rusa para el período hasta 2035, requiere cambios fundamentales no solo en la esfera de la producción, sino también en el sistema de gestión del desarrollo científico y tecnológico. En la actualidad, la modernización tecnológica se está convirtiendo en la condición más importante para la preservación de la independencia económica y la seguridad nacional del país. Un papel importante en la solución de estos problemas pertenece a las regiones. El artículo está dedicado a las cuestiones científicas y metodológicas del estudio del nivel de preparación institucional y legal de los sujetos de la Federación de Rusia para implementar las prioridades del desarrollo científico y tecnológico del país. Se ha desarrollado un método propio para evaluar el nivel de preparación de las regiones para la implementación de las tareas definidas por la Estrategia para el Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico, que consiste en calcular el índice integral que refleja el potencial institucional y normativo de los territorios. La prueba de la metodología desarrollada se llevó a cabo en los materiales de 85 sujetos de la Federación Rusa. Los resultados del estudio se pueden utilizar en el proceso de investigación teórica y aplicada en el campo de la evaluación del potencial científico y tecnológico de las regionesA implementação da estratégia de desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico da Rússia, adotada pelo governo da Federação Russa para o período até 2035, requer mudanças fundamentais, não só na esfera da produção, mas também no sistema de gestão do desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico. Atualmente, a modernização tecnológica está se tornando a condição mais importante para a preservação da independência econômica e segurança nacional do país. Um papel importante na solução desses problemas pertence às regiões. O artigo é dedicado a questões científicas e metodológicas de estudar o nível de prontidão institucional e jurídica dos sujeitos da Federação Russa para implementar as prioridades do desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico do país.
Um método próprio foi desenvolvido para avaliar o nível de prontidão das regiões para a implementação de tarefas definidas pela Estratégia de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, que consiste em calcular o índice integral refletindo tanto o potencial institucional como regulatório dos territórios. O teste da metodologia desenvolvida executou-se nos materiais de 85 sujeitos da Federação russa. Os resultados do estudo podem ser utilizados no processo de pesquisa teórica e aplicada no campo da avaliação do potencial científico e tecnológico das regiões.Реализация стратегии научнотехнологического развития России, принятой Правительством РФ на период до 2035 года, требует осуществления кардинальных изменений не только в сфере производства, но и в системе управления научнотехнологическим развитием. В настоящее время технологическая модернизация становится важнейшим условием сохранения экономической независимости и национальной безопасности страны. Важная роль в решении данных задач принадлежит регионам. Статья посвящена научно-методическим вопросам исследования уровня институциональной и правовой готовности субъектов Российской Федерации к реализации приоритетов научнотехнологического развития страны. Разработана собственная методика оценки уровня готовности регионов к реализации задач, определенных Стратегией научнотехнологического развития, заключающаяся в расчете интегрального индекса, отражающего как институциональный, так и нормативно-правовой потенциал территорий. Апробация разработанной методики проведена на материалах 85 субъектов Российской Федерации. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы в процессе теоретических и прикладных исследований в области оценки научно-технологического потенциала регионов
Современные подходы к оценке массовых открытых онлайн-курсов и их реализация на примере курсов для изучения русского языка
Los autores sistematizaron los enfoques modernos para evaluar los cursos en línea públicos masivos basados en Fuentes oficiales y publicaciones en la Prensa abierta. Se destacaron los criterios de evaluación más importantes, en virtud de los cuales se estableció su propia técnica de autor. Se ha utilizado para evaluar y clasificar los cursos en línea abiertos masivos en ruso, cuyos resultados se dan en el trabajo.The authors systematized modern approaches to assessing massive open online courses based on official sources and publications in the open press. The most significant evaluation criteria were identified. The own author's methodology was formed based on this criteria. The methodology was used to evaluate and rank the massive open online Russian language courses, which results are in this paper.Авторы систематизировали современные подходы к оценке массовых открытых онлайн-курсов на основании официальных источников и публикаций в открытой печати. Были выделены наиболее значимые критерии оценки, на основании которых была сформирована собственная авторская методика. Она была использована для оценки и ранжирования массовых открытых онлайн курсов по русскому языку, результаты которой приведены в работе
Оценка результатов реорганизации научных организаций в Российской Федерации
The article provides an overview of the study results of the scientific organizations’s reorganization in the Russian Federation, that was made at the federal level, starting in 2013, and was associated with the mergering of a number of research institutes for various reasons. As a result of the study, it was found out that most of the new structures were formed by joining smaller organizations to larger research centers located in territorial proximity and performing work in close scientific fields. In some cases, mergering of scientific organizations was due to the need to ensure an interdisciplinary approach to research.
As a result of the assessment of key performance indicators of scientific organizations before and after the reorganization, it was concluded that at present the positive trends are not fully visible, while in some cases there is an increase in key performance indicators. The authors concluded on the need for additional research, covering the assessment of the quality level of achieved results, as well as the dynamics of indicators within 3-5 years after the restructuring.El artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio sobre la reorganización de organizaciones científicas en la Federación de Rusia, que se llevó a cabo a nivel federal, a partir de 2013, y se asoció con la unificación de varios institutos de investigación por diversos motivos. Como resultado del estudio, se encontró que la mayoría de las nuevas estructuras se formaron al unir organizaciones más pequeñas a centros de investigación más grandes ubicados en las proximidades y realizando trabajos en campos científicos cercanos. En algunos casos, la asociación de organizaciones científicas se debió a la necesidad de garantizar un enfoque interdisciplinario de la investigación. Como resultado de la evaluación de los indicadores clave de rendimiento de las organizaciones científicas antes y después de la reorganización, se llegó a la conclusión de que, en la actualidad, las tendencias positivas no son totalmente visibles, mientras que en algunos casos hay un aumento en los indicadores clave de rendimiento. Los autores concluyen sobre la necesidad de investigación adicional, que cubra la evaluación del nivel de calidad de los resultados alcanzados, así como la dinámica de los indicadores dentro de los 3-5 años posteriores a la reestructuración.Статья представляет собой результаты исследования вопросов реорганизации научных организаций в Российской Федерации, которая осуществлялась на федеральном уровне, начиная с 2013 года, и была связана с объединением ряда научно-исследовательских институтов по различным основаниям. В результате исследования было установлено, что большинство новых структур было образовано путем присоединения небольших организаций к более крупным научно-исследовательским центрам, расположенным в территориальной близости и выполняющим работы по близким научным направлениям. В ряде случаев объединении научных организаций было обусловлено необходимостью обеспечения междисциплинарного подхода в исследованиях. В результате оценки ключевых показателей деятельности научных организаций до и после реорганизации были сделаны выводы о том, что на текущий момент не в полной мере заметны положительные тренды, при этом в ряде случаев отмечается рост ключевых оценочных показателей. Авторы делают вывод о необходимости проведения дополнительного исследования, охватывающего оценку качественного уровня достигнутых результатов, а также динамики показателей в течение 3-5 лет после проведения реструктуризации
How to improve researchers' communication, collaboration and commercialization of R&D in regions?
The article presents a comprehensive analysis of the current state of the Russian Federation’s regions in terms of the created conditions for cooperation between research teams and the commercialization of scientists’ results of intellectual activity. The authors made an analysis of the estimated indicators, as well as the calculation of the integral index characterizing the given indicators. Case studies of the most developed regions are presented. The resulting conclusions can be the basis for the development of a regional environment that promotes scientific activity
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