41 research outputs found

    Proteomic analyses reveal distinct chromatin-associated and soluble transcription factor complexes.

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    The current knowledge on how transcription factors (TFs), the ultimate targets and executors of cellular signalling pathways, are regulated by protein-protein interactions remains limited. Here, we performed proteomics analyses of soluble and chromatin-associated complexes of 56 TFs, including the targets of many signalling pathways involved in development and cancer, and 37 members of the Forkhead box (FOX) TF family. Using tandem affinity purification followed by mass spectrometry (TAP/MS), we performed 214 purifications and identified 2,156 high-confident protein-protein interactions. We found that most TFs form very distinct protein complexes on and off chromatin. Using this data set, we categorized the transcription-related or unrelated regulators for general or specific TFs. Our study offers a valuable resource of protein-protein interaction networks for a large number of TFs and underscores the general principle that TFs form distinct location-specific protein complexes that are associated with the different regulation and diverse functions of these TFs

    A scoring system for the follow up study of nuclear receptor coactivator complexes

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    We have systematically isolated a variety of coactivator complexes from HeLa S3 cells using proteomic approaches. In the present report, we have evaluated twelve coactivator complexes involved in nuclear receptor-dependent gene transcription that have been purified by using an immunoprecipitation method. The twelve purified coactivator complexes are SRC-1, SRC-2, SRC-3, CBP, p300, CAPER, E6-AP, ASC-1, CoREST, CRSP3, CRSP2, and CDK7 containing complexes. We have identified 153 protein components associated with these coactivator complexes using mass spectrometry. In order to systematically characterize the functional roles for these components in nuclear receptor-dependent gene transcription and their investigative potential, we have developed a scoring system. This scoring system is comprised of biological and experimental parameters. The biological evaluation considers aspects such as intrinsic enzymatic activity of a protein component, cellular signaling processes in which protein components may be involved, associations with human disease, specific protein motifs, and the known biological roles of other interacting partners of the identified protein. In the experimental evaluation, we include parameters, such as the availability of research materials for the functional study of the identified protein component; such as full-length cDNA clones, antibodies, and commercially available knock-out embryonic stem (ES) cells. Each scoring parameter has been assigned an arbitrary number of points according to perceived relative importance. On the basis of this scoring system, we prioritized each of the protein components in terms of the likelihood of their importance for coactivator complex networking in nuclear receptor-dependent gene transcription

    Kinase inhibitor pulldown assay identifies a chemotherapy response signature in triple-negative breast cancer based on purine-binding proteins

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    UNLABELLED: Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) constitutes 10%-15% of all breast tumors. The current standard of care is multiagent chemotherapy, which is effective in only a subset of patients. The original objective of this study was to deploy a mass spectrometry (MS)-based kinase inhibitor pulldown assay (KIPA) to identify kinases elevated in non-pCR (pathologic complete response) cases for therapeutic targeting. Frozen optimal cutting temperature compound-embedded core needle biopsies were obtained from 43 patients with TNBC before docetaxel- and carboplatin-based neoadjuvant chemotherapy. KIPA was applied to the native tumor lysates that were extracted from samples with high tumor content. Seven percent of all identified proteins were kinases, and none were significantly associated with lack of pCR. However, among a large population of off-target purine-binding proteins (PBP) identified, seven were enriched in pCR-associated samples ( SIGNIFICANCE: The identification of pretreatment predictive biomarkers for pCR in response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy would advance precision treatment for TNBC. To complement standard proteogenomic discovery profiling, a KIPA was deployed and unexpectedly identified a seven-member non-kinase PBP pCR-associated signature. Individual members served diverse pathways including IFN gamma response, nuclear import of DNA repair proteins, and cell death

    Recovering Protein-Protein and Domain-Domain Interactions from Aggregation of IP-MS Proteomics of Coregulator Complexes

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    Coregulator proteins (CoRegs) are part of multi-protein complexes that transiently assemble with transcription factors and chromatin modifiers to regulate gene expression. In this study we analyzed data from 3,290 immuno-precipitations (IP) followed by mass spectrometry (MS) applied to human cell lines aimed at identifying CoRegs complexes. Using the semi-quantitative spectral counts, we scored binary protein-protein and domain-domain associations with several equations. Unlike previous applications, our methods scored prey-prey protein-protein interactions regardless of the baits used. We also predicted domain-domain interactions underlying predicted protein-protein interactions. The quality of predicted protein-protein and domain-domain interactions was evaluated using known binary interactions from the literature, whereas one protein-protein interaction, between STRN and CTTNBP2NL, was validated experimentally; and one domain-domain interaction, between the HEAT domain of PPP2R1A and the Pkinase domain of STK25, was validated using molecular docking simulations. The scoring schemes presented here recovered known, and predicted many new, complexes, protein-protein, and domain-domain interactions. The networks that resulted from the predictions are provided as a web-based interactive application at http://maayanlab.net/HT-IP-MS-2-PPI-DDI/

    Validation Studies for Single Circulating Trophoblast Genetic Testing as a Form of Noninvasive Prenatal Diagnosis

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    It has long been appreciated that genetic analysis of fetal or trophoblast cells in maternal blood could revolutionize prenatal diagnosis. We implemented a protocol for single circulating trophoblast (SCT) testing using positive selection by magnetic-activated cell sorting and single-cell low-coverage whole-genome sequencing to detect fetal aneuploidies and copy-number variants (CNVs) at ∼1 Mb resolution. In 95 validation cases, we identified on average 0.20 putative trophoblasts/mL, of which 55% were of high quality and scorable for both aneuploidy and CNVs. We emphasize the importance of analyzing individual cells because some cells are apoptotic, in S-phase, or otherwise of poor quality. When two or more high-quality trophoblast cells were available for singleton pregnancies, there was complete concordance between all trophoblasts unless there was evidence of confined placental mosaicism. SCT results were highly concordant with available clinical data from chorionic villus sampling (CVS) or amniocentesis procedures. Although determining the exact sensitivity and specificity will require more data, this study further supports the potential for SCT testing to become a diagnostic prenatal test

    A defective mechanosensing pathway affects fibroblast-to-myofibroblast transition in the old male mouse heart

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    Summary: The cardiac fibroblast interacts with an extracellular matrix (ECM), enabling myofibroblast maturation via a process called mechanosensing. Although in the aging male heart, ECM is stiffer than in the young mouse, myofibroblast development is impaired, as demonstrated in 2-D and 3-D experiments. In old male cardiac fibroblasts, we found a decrease in actin polymerization, α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), and Kindlin-2 expressions, the latter an effector of the mechanosensing. When Kindlin-2 levels were manipulated via siRNA interference, young fibroblasts developed an old-like fibroblast phenotype, whereas Kindlin-2 overexpression in old fibroblasts reversed the defective phenotype. Finally, inhibition of overactivated extracellular regulated kinases 1 and 2 (ERK1/2) in the old male fibroblasts rescued actin polymerization and α-SMA expression. Pathological ERK1/2 overactivation was also attenuated by Kindlin-2 overexpression. In contrast, old female cardiac fibroblasts retained an operant mechanosensing pathway. In conclusion, we identified defective components of the Kindlin/ERK/actin/α-SMA mechanosensing axis in aged male fibroblasts

    Identification of novel CDK9 and Cyclin T1-associated protein complexes (CCAPs) whose siRNA depletion enhances HIV-1 Tat function

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    Abstract Background HIV-1 Tat activates RNA Polymerase II (RNAP II) elongation of the integrated provirus by recruiting a protein kinase known as P-TEFb to TAR RNA at the 5′ end of nascent viral transcripts. The catalytic core of P-TEFb contains CDK9 and Cyclin T1 (CCNT1). A human endogenous complexome has recently been described – the set of multi-protein complexes in HeLa cell nuclei. We mined this complexome data set and identified 12 distinct multi-protein complexes that contain both CDK9 and CCNT1. We have termed these complexes CCAPs for CDK9/CCNT1-associated protein complexes. Nine CCAPs are novel, while three were previously identified as Core P-TEFb, the 7SK snRNP, and the Super-Elongation Complex. We have investigated the role of five newly identified CCAPs in Tat function and viral gene expression. Results We examined five CCAPs that contain: 1) PPP1R10/TOX3/WDR82; 2) TTF2; 3) TPR; 4) WRNIP1; 5) FBXO11/CUL1/SKP1. SiRNA depletions of protein subunits of the five CCAPs enhanced Tat activation of an integrated HIV-1 LTR-Luciferase reporter in TZM-bl cells. Using plasmid transfection assays in HeLa cells, we also found that siRNA depletions of TTF2, FBXO11, PPP1R10, WDR82, and TOX3 enhanced Tat activation of an HIV-1 LTR-luciferase reporter, but the depletions did not enhance expression of an NF-κB reporter plasmid with the exception of PPP1R10. We found no evidence that depletion of CCAPs perturbed the level of CDK9/CCNT1 in the 7SK snRNP. We also found that the combination of siRNA depletions of both TTF2 and FBXO11 sensitized a latent provirus in Jurkat cells to reactivation by sub-optimal amounts of αCD3/CD28 antibodies. Conclusions Our results identified five novel CDK9/CCNT1 complexes that are capable of negative regulation of HIV-1 Tat function and viral gene expression. Because siRNA depletions of CCAPs enhance Tat function, it is possible that these complexes reduce the level of CDK9 and CCNT1 available for Tat, similar to the negative regulation of Tat by the 7SK snRNP. Our results highlight the complexity in the biological functions of CDK9 and CCNT1.</p