140 research outputs found

    In Our Comfort Zone: 2 Years Post Tipasa from ILLiad

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    In the summer of 2016 we began our transition from ILLiad to Tipasa. ILLiad was a highly regarded and deeply loved program for our library staff. So, transitioning required a lot of examination in workflows, procedures, and processes. There were, of course, things we wish were different. However, there are many new and exciting opportunities that were available because of the transition. Many of which are loved by our internal staff and external faculty, staff, and students.This presentation will cover the challenges in the transition, what we did to overcome them, and what was different in comparison to ILLiad. It will relate what we loved about ILLiad to what we love about Tipasa. It will cover new features that we use frequently, and enhancements that we hope for in the future. Overall, it will highlight our journey, communication, and complete experience now that Tipasa is our way of practice and ILLiad is a memory. Presentation given at the 2019 OCLC Resource Sharing Conference.https://ir.una.edu/libfacpresentation/1034/thumbnail.jp

    Teaching Information Literacy & Research with Everyday Technology

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    Presentation highlighting information literacy instruction, specifically focused current technologies that students use in the real-world, given at the Association Supporting Computer Users in Education (ASCUE) Annual Conference.https://ir.una.edu/libfacpresentation/1018/thumbnail.jp

    Unlocking via Pivoting: The Transition of a Wildly Successful Library Familiarization Activity Online

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    This poster discusses the transition of a successful library familiarization escape room activity to a digital format for the fall 2020 semester. It details the transition of the escape and conveys difficulties and triumphs through the process. Assessment in comparison to what was previously attained for retention of concepts is discussed.https://ir.una.edu/libfacpresentation/1047/thumbnail.jp

    Creating a network: starting & strengthening local conversations on archival best-practices, collection preservations, and collection longevity.

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    Over the last year+, we have, through some grant funding, created a list of private, public, personal, etc. archival collections in our surrounding counties. While some lists might show 3-5 institutions of interest for archives in those counties, our lists have 30-40+ locations. Internally, we’re using those lists to start conversations on archival best-practices, collection preservations, collection longevity in its current environment, or donation, etc. It’s been eye-opening for us. We’d love to share how this came about, what we’re doing specifically, what we’re looking at moving forward, etc.https://ir.una.edu/libfacpresentation/1045/thumbnail.jp

    Liberalism, Faith, and the Virtue of Anxiety

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    Outreach at a Mid-Size Academic Library

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    Presentation at the Alabama Library Association (ALLA) Annual Convention.https://ir.una.edu/libfacpresentation/1028/thumbnail.jp

    Let\u27s Give them Something to Talk About: Textbook Affordability and OER

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    Florida Gulf Coast University and the University of North Alabama are both in their second year of Library Textbook Affordability Projects. Presenters will briefly share the structure of the programs at each of their institutions including how we obtained funding, enlisted the support of our campus bookstore and academic departments, identified the most-needed textbooks, set up and maintained the collection, and let students place holds for Reserve textbooks. They will share their successes and their challenges and how developing a robust textbook affordability program can support broader campus Open Education Resource goals. The presenters will facilitate a lively discussion about library-led initiatives to help students afford course textbooks and materials. We will share what worked and what didn’t work at our university libraries. All perspectives and approaches are welcome!https://ir.una.edu/libfacpresentation/1039/thumbnail.jp

    Off to a Roaring Start: Successes and Lessons from year One of OER and Textbook Affordability Initiatives

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    In 2018, the state higher education commission offered a series of informational programs to increase awareness and adoption of OER in colleges and universities. This spurred our university to include OER as part of the current strategic plan and to form a working group to create a sustainable program of OER education and adoption on campus. At the same time, the library was prioritizing the purchase of textbooks and other course material to increase both physical and electronic course reserves to help ease the burden of textbook costs for students.In this session, the presenters, one a librarian who is a member of the OER working group and the other the University Librarian who made TAI a priority, will discuss how they combined their efforts to support the launch of a faculty stipend program that includes money not just for traditional OER but also leverages library resources and fair use guidelines to support textbook affordability.This program, launched in May of 2020 has funded 15 projects to date, some using adoption/adaption/creation of OER, some using course reserves and e-resources, and some using a combination of OER and library resources.Though this first year has exceeded our expectations, we also learned lessons and adapted the program as we went along to better meet the needs of the students, faculty, and administration. We will discuss these lessons learned and how we plan to continue to refine and improve our program over the course of the next year.https://ir.una.edu/libfacpresentation/1046/thumbnail.jp

    Roaring Toward a New Future with our Repository of Open Access Research (RoOAR)

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    We decided at the University of North Alabama to investigate the transition of our repository to a different platform. We were interested in a few things: an open platform, access internally to make changes, cost-effectiveness, and something that was aesthetically pleasant. We think we found all of those and more in our partnership with Ubiquity Press. This presentation will cover our decision making process in choosing the new platform, the transition, and our next steps moving forward
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