99 research outputs found

    Breeding Arctic Terns Kill Lemmings

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    Arctic terns (Sterna paradisaea) are well known for exhibiting vigorous defense of nests at their breeding colonies. However, in 2008 we observed a previously unreported behavior by terns. We watched chick-rearing adult terns attacking collared lemmings (Dicrostonyx groenlandicus), which included repeatedly lifting them into the air and dropping them to the tundra until they died. Terns attack certain birds and mammals that intrude on their breeding territory but do not attack other species that are known to depredate eggs, suggesting that the ability of terns to discriminate threats is imperfect.Les sternes arctiques (Sterna paradisaea) sont bien connues pour la défense rigoureuse des nids de leurs colonies de reproduction. Cependant, en 2008, nous avons observé un comportement chez les sternes qui n'avait jamais été signalé auparavant. Nous avons vu des sternes adultes en train d'élever leurs petits s'attaquer à des lemmings à collerette (Dicrostonyx groenlandicus), notamment en les soulevant sans cesse dans les airs et en les laissant tomber sur la toundra jusqu'à ce qu'ils meurent. Les sternes attaquent certains oiseaux et mammifÚres qui s'infiltrent dans leur territoire de reproduction, mais elles ne s'attaquent pas aux autres espÚces qui s'adonnent à la déprédation d'oeufs, ce qui laisse croire que l'aptitude des sternes à discriminer les menaces est imparfaite

    New Longevity Record for Ivory Gulls (Pagophila eburnea) and Evidence of Natal Philopatry

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    Ivory gulls (Pagophila eburnea) have been listed as “endangered” in Canada and “near threatened” interna-tionally. In June 2010, we visited Seymour Island, Nunavut, Canada, where gulls were banded in the 1970s and 1980s. We recaptured and released two breeding gulls banded as chicks in 1983, confirming natal philopatry to this breeding colony. These gulls are more than 28 years old, making the ivory gull one of the longest-living marine bird species known in North America.La mouette blanche (Pagophila eburnea) figure sur la liste des espĂšces « en voie de disparition » sur la scĂšne canadienne et des espĂšces « quasi menacĂ©es » sur la scĂšne internationale. En juin 2010, nous sommes allĂ©s Ă  l’üle Seymour, au Nunavut, Canada, oĂč des mouettes avaient Ă©tĂ© baguĂ©es dans le courant des annĂ©es 1970 et 1980. Nous avons recapturĂ© et relĂąchĂ© deux mouettes reproductrices qui Ă©taient considĂ©rĂ©es comme des oisillons en 1983, ce qui nous a permis de confirmer la philopatrie natale de cette colonie de nidification. Ces mouettes blanches ont plus de 28 ans, ce qui en fait l’un des oiseaux aquatiques vivant le plus longtemps en AmĂ©rique du Nord

    Local Ecological Knowledge of Ivory Gull Declines in Arctic Canada

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    We gathered local ecological knowledge (LEK) on the ivory gull (Pagophila eburnea) from residents of three High Arctic communities in eastern Canada. This gull has always been uncommon, but Inuit had suggested that numbers of gulls were declining. LEK from Grise Fiord and Resolute Bay was clear and consistent, indicating that far fewer gulls are currently observed near the community compared to 25 years ago. The LEK from Arctic Bay was less consistent, although in general, community members thought that the species was less commonly observed. Observations from nonsystematic surveys by local wildlife officers corroborated the LEK data, and an aerial survey of the known colony locations on the Brodeur Peninsula (near Arctic Bay) found only one gull. Collectively, this information suggests that ivory gull populations are declining across the species' Canadian range. Systematic surveys will be needed to confirm these perceived declines.On a recueilli du savoir Ă©cologique local (SEL) sur la mouette blanche (Pagophila eburnea) auprĂšs de rĂ©sidents de trois communautĂ©s de l'ExtrĂȘme-Arctique situĂ©es dans l'est du Canada. Cette mouette a toujours Ă©tĂ© assez rare, mais, selon les Inuits, le nombre d'individus Ă©tait en dĂ©clin. Le SEL de Grise Fiord et de Resolute Bay Ă©tait clair et cohĂ©rent, rĂ©vĂ©lant qu'actuellement, le nombre de mouettes observĂ© prĂšs des communautĂ©s est bien plus faible qu'il y a 25 ans. Le SEL d'Arctic Bay Ă©tait moins unanime, mĂȘme si les membres de la communautĂ© pensaient en gĂ©nĂ©ral que l'espĂšce Ă©tait aperçue moins frĂ©quemment. Des observations tirĂ©es d'enquĂȘtes non systĂ©matiques menĂ©es par les agents locaux de la faune corroboraient les donnĂ©es du SEL, et des relevĂ©s aĂ©riens des emplacements connus de colonies situĂ©es sur la presqu'Ăźle Brodeur (prĂšs d'Arctic Bay) n'ont repĂ©rĂ© qu'une seule mouette. Ces renseignements conjuguĂ©s suggĂšrent que la population de la mouette blanche est en baisse dans tout le territoire canadien de l'espĂšce. Des enquĂȘtes systĂ©matiques seront nĂ©cessaires pour confirmer ce que l'on pense ĂȘtre un dĂ©clin

    Bile Facilitates Human Norovirus Interactions with Diverse Histoblood Group Antigens, Compensating for Capsid Microvariation Observed in 2016–2017 GII.2 Strains

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    Human norovirus (HuNoV) is the leading cause of global infectious acute gastroenteritis, causing ~20% of reported diarrheal episodes. Typically, GII.4 strains cause 50–70% of yearly outbreaks, and pandemic waves of disease approximately every 2–7 years due to rapid evolution. Importantly, GII.4 dominance is occasionally challenged by the sudden emergence of other GII strains, most recently by GII.2 strains which peaked in 2016–2017, dramatically increasing from 1% to 20% of total HuNoV outbreaks. To determine if viral capsid evolution may account for the sudden rise in GII.2 outbreaks, Virus Like Particles (VLPs) of two 2016–2017 GII.2 strains were compared by antigenic and histo blood group antigen (HBGA) binding profiles to the prototypic 1976 GII.2 Snow Mountain Virus (SMV) strain. Despite >50 years of GII.2 strain persistence in human populations, limited sequence diversity and antigenic differences were identified between strains. However, capsid microvariation did affect HBGA binding patterns, with contemporary strains demonstrating decreased avidity for type A saliva. Furthermore, bile salts increased GII.2 VLP avidity for HBGAs, but did not alter antigenicity. These data indicate that large changes in antigenicity or receptor binding are unlikely to explain GII.2 emergence, in contrast to the pandemic GII.4 strains, and indicate that host factors such as waning or remodeling of serum or mucosal immunity likely contributed to the surge in GII.2 prevalence

    Complete breeding failures in ivory gull following unusual rainy storms in North Greenland

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    Natural catastrophic events such as heavy rainfall and windstorms may induce drastic decreases in breeding success of animal populations. We report the impacts of summer rainfalls on the reproductive success of ivory gull (Pagophila eburnea) in north-east Greenland. On two occasions, at Amdrup Land in July 2009 and at Station Nord in July 2011, we observed massive ivory gull breeding failures following violent rainfall and windstorms that hit the colonies. In each colony, all of the breeding birds abandoned their eggs or chicks during the storm. Juvenile mortality was close to 100% at Amdrup Land in 2009 and 100% at Station Nord in 2011. Our results show that strong winds associated with heavy rain directly affected the reproductive success of some Arctic bird species. Such extreme weather events may become more common with climate change and represent a new potential factor affecting ivory gull breeding success in the High Arctic

    Variable sea-ice conditions influence trophic dynamics in an Arctic community of marine top predators

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    Sea-ice coverage is a key abiotic driver of annual environmental conditions in Arctic marine ecosystems and could be a major factor affecting seabird trophic dynamics. Using stable isotope ratios of carbon (ÎŽ13C) and nitrogen (ÎŽ15N) in eggs of thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia), northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis), glaucous gulls (Larus hyperboreus), and black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla), we investigated the trophic ecology of prebreeding seabirds nesting at Prince Leopold Island, Nunavut, and its relationship with sea-ice conditions. The seabird community of Prince Leopold Island had a broader isotopic niche during lower sea-ice conditions, thus having a more divergent diet, while the opposite was observed during years with more extensive sea-ice conditions. Species' trophic position was influenced by sea ice; in years of lower sea-ice concentration, gulls and kittiwakes foraged at higher trophic levels while the opposite was observed for murres and fulmars. For murres and fulmars over a longer time series, there was no evidence of the effect of sea-ice concentration on species' isotopic niche. Results suggest a high degree of adaptation in populations of high Arctic species that cope with harsh and unpredictable conditions. Such different responses of the community isotopic niche also show that the effect of variable sea-ice conditions, despite being subtle at the species level, might have large

    Divergent pathogenetic outcomes in BALB/c mice following Omicron subvariant infection

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    Following the emergence of B.1.1.529 Omicron, the SARS-CoV-2 virus evolved into a significant number of sublineage variants that possessed numerous mutations throughout the genome, but particularly within the spike glycoprotein (S) gene. For example, the BQ.1.1 and the XBB.1 and XBB.1.5 subvariants contained 34 and 41 mutations in S, respectively. However, these variants elicited largely replication only or mild disease phenotypes in mice. To better model pathogenic outcomes and measure countermeasure performance, we developed mouse adapted versions (BQ.1.1 MA; XBB.1 MA; XBB.1.5 MA) that reflect more pathogenic acute phase pulmonary disease symptoms of SARS-CoV-2, as well as derivative strains expressing nano-luciferase (nLuc) in place of ORF7 (BQ.1.1 nLuc; XBB.1 nLuc; XBB.1.5 nLuc). Amongst the mouse adapted (MA) viruses, a wide range of disease outcomes were observed including mortality, weight loss, lung dysfunction, and tissue viral loads in the lung and nasal turbinates. Intriguingly, XBB.1 MA and XBB.1.5 MA strains, which contained identical mutations throughout except at position F486S/P in S, exhibited divergent disease outcomes in mice (Ao et al., 2023). XBB.1.5 MA infection was associated with significant weight loss and ∌45 % mortality across two independent studies, while XBB.1 MA infected animals suffered from mild weight loss and only 10 % mortality across the same two independent studies. Additionally, the development and use of nanoluciferase expressing strains provided moderate throughput for live virus neutralization assays. The availability of small animal models for the assessment of Omicron VOC disease potential will enable refined capacity to evaluate the efficacy of on market and pre-clinical therapeutics and interventions

    Virus–Host Interactions Between Nonsecretors and Human Norovirus

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    Background & Aims: Human norovirus infection is the leading cause of acute gastroenteritis. Genetic polymorphisms, mediated by the FUT2 gene (secretor enzyme), define strain susceptibility. Secretors express a diverse set of fucosylated histoblood group antigen carbohydrates (HBGA) on mucosal cells; nonsecretors (FUT2-/-) express a limited array of HBGAs. Thus, nonsecretors have less diverse norovirus strain infections, including resistance to the epidemiologically dominant GII.4 strains. Because future human norovirus vaccines will comprise GII.4 antigen and because secretor phenotype impacts GII.4 infection and immunity, nonsecretors may mimic young children immunologically in response to GII.4 vaccination, providing a needed model to study cross-protection in the context of limited pre-exposure. Methods: By using specimens collected from the first characterized nonsecretor cohort naturally infected with GII.2 human norovirus, we evaluated the breadth of serologic immunity by surrogate neutralization assays, and cellular activation and cytokine production by flow cytometry. Results: GII.2 infection resulted in broad antibody and cellular immunity activation that persisted for at least 30 days for T cells, monocytes, and dendritic cells, and for 180 days for blocking antibody. Multiple cellular lineages expressing interferon-γ and tumor necrosis factor-α dominated the response. Both T-cell and B-cell responses were cross-reactive with other GII strains, but not GI strains. To promote entry mechanisms, inclusion of bile acids was essential for GII.2 binding to nonsecretor HBGAs. Conclusions: These data support development of within-genogroup, cross-reactive antibody and T-cell immunity, key outcomes that may provide the foundation for eliciting broad immune responses after GII.4 vaccination in individuals with limited GII.4 immunity, including young children

    Norovirus Infection in Young Nicaraguan Children Induces Durable and Genotype-Specific Antibody Immunity

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    There are significant challenges to the development of a pediatric norovirus vaccine, mainly due to the antigenic diversity among strains infecting young children. Characterizing human norovirus serotypes and understanding norovirus immunity in naĂŻve children would provide key information for designing rational vaccine platforms. In this study, 26 Nicaraguan children experiencing their first norovirus acute gastroenteritis (AGE) episode during the first 18 months of life were investigated. We used a surrogate neutralization assay that measured antibodies blocking the binding of 13 different norovirus virus-like particles (VLPs) to histo-blood group antigens (HBGAs) in pre- and post-infection sera. To assess for asymptomatic norovirus infections, stools from asymptomatic children were collected monthly, screened for norovirus by RT-qPCR and genotyped by sequencing. Seroconversion of an HBGA-blocking antibody matched the infecting genotype in 25 (96%) of the 26 children. A subset of 13 (50%) and 4 (15%) of the 26 children experienced monotypic GII and GI seroconversion, respectively, strongly suggesting a type-specific response in naĂŻve children, and 9 (35%) showed multitypic seroconversion. The most frequent pairing in multitypic seroconversion (8/12) were GII.4 Sydney and GII.12 noroviruses, both co-circulating at the time. Blocking antibody titers to these two genotypes did not correlate with each other, suggesting multiple exposure rather than cross-reactivity between genotypes. In addition, GII titers remained consistent for at least 19 months post-infection, demonstrating durable immunity. In conclusion, the first natural norovirus gastroenteritis episodes in these young children were dominated by a limited number of genotypes and induced responses of antibodies blocking binding of norovirus VLPs in a genotype-specific manner, suggesting that an effective pediatric norovirus vaccine likely needs to be multivalent and include globally dominant genotypes. The duration of protection from natural infections provides optimism for pediatric norovirus vaccines administered early in life
