234 research outputs found

    Choroidal abnormalities in Neurofibromatosis type 1

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    A 28-year-old man (Patient 1) and a 31-year-old woman (Patient 2), were referred to the eye clinic after dermatological finding of six and eight café-au-lait macules over 15 mm in maximum diameter, respectively

    Ocular manifestations in Gorlin-Goltz syndrome

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    Background: Gorlin-Goltz syndrome, also known as nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome, is a rare genetic disorder that is transmitted in an autosomal dominant manner with complete penetrance and variable expressivity. It is caused in 85% of the cases with a known etiology by pathogenic variants in the PTCH1 gene, and is characterized by a wide range of developmental abnormalities and a predisposition to multiple neoplasms. The manifestations are multiple and systemic and consist of basal cell carcinomas in various regions, odontogenic keratocistic tumors and skeletal anomalies, to name the most frequent. Despite the scarce medical literature on the topic, ocular involvement in this syndrome is frequent and at the level of various ocular structures. Our study focuses on the visual apparatus and its annexes in subjects with this syndrome, in order to better understand how this syndrome affects the ocular system, and to evaluate with greater accuracy and precision the nature of these manifestations in this group of patients. Results: Our study confirms the presence of the commonly cited ocular findings in the general literature regarding the syndrome [hypertelorism (45.5%), congenital cataract (18%), nystagmus (9%), colobomas (9%)] and highlights strabismus (63% of the patients), epiretinal membranes (36%) and myelinated optic nerve fiber layers (36%) as the most frequent ophthalmological findings in this group of patients. Conclusions: The presence of characteristic and frequent ocular signs in the Gorlin- Goltz syndrome could help with the diagnostic process in subjects suspected of having the syndrome who do not yet have a diagnosis. The ophthalmologist has a role as part of a multidisciplinary team in managing these patients. The ophthalmological follow-up that these patients require, can allow, if necessary, a timely therapy that could improve the visual prognosis of such patients

    Molecular insights and emerging strategies for treatment of metastatic uveal melanoma

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    Uveal melanoma (UM) is the most common intraocular cancer. In recent decades, major advances have been achieved in the diagnosis and prognosis of UM allowing for tailored treatments. However, nearly 50% of patients still develop metastatic disease with survival rates of less than 1 year. There is currently no standard of adjuvant and metastatic treatment in UM, and available therapies are ineffective resulting from cutaneous melanoma protocols. Advances and novel treatment options including liver-directed therapies, immunotherapy, and targeted-therapy have been investigated in UM-dedicated clinical trials on single compounds or combinational therapies, with promising results. Therapies aimed at prolonging or targeting metastatic tumor dormancy provided encouraging results in other cancers, and need to be explored in UM. In this review, the latest progress in the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of UM in adjuvant and metastatic settings are discussed. In addition, novel insights into tumor genetics, biology and immunology, and the mechanisms underlying metastatic dormancy are discussed. As evident from the numerous studies discussed in this review, the increasing knowledge of this disease and the promising results from testing of novel individualized therapies could offer future perspectives for translating in clinical use

    Self-sealing posterior scleral perforation in airgun ocular trauma, surgical tip: A case report

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    Background: Intraorbital metallic foreign bodies have varied clinical presentations. Here, we report the unusual case of intraoperative evidence of spontaneously healed posterior scleral perforation in a severe ballistic trauma without previous instrumental signs of penetrating wound and complete visual restoration after surgery. Case presentation: The patient was hit by several lead hunting pellets in the chest, abdomen, limbs, face and orbit. Computed Tomography (CT) images revealed the presence of a pellet within the orbitary cavity, close to the optic nerve, with no signs of penetrating ocular wound. While performing vitrectomy for severe vitreous hemorrhage, a point of strong adherence between a old hemorrhage and retinal surface was identified and managed conservatively, as it was attributed to trauma related-impact area. So, lead foreign body took an unusual trajectory impacting the globe and finally lodging back in the deep orbitary cavity, in absence of significant ocular injury and with visual prognosis preservation. Conclusions: Our findings provide further information on orbital injuries from airguns, a theme of growing popularity and concern. Intraoperative recognition of hardly removable old hemorrhagic clot as self-blockage site of posterior scleral penetrating trauma, allowed for surgical stabilization and minimal solicitation of the area to avoid inadvertent perforation

    Rise in occupational welfare benefit schemes

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    Across Europe, the financial crisis is fostering the emergence of new social and economic needs, which clash with unavoidable cutbacks on public expenditure. In this context \u2018occupational welfare\u2019 benefits provided by employers that complement/substitute the public welfare system have recently become a highly debated issue, both in theory and practice. Scholars try to set the boundaries of the phenomenon, while companies witness its fast-paced development. Political and social parties operate in the midst of this ferment, as industrial relations play a crucial role in the promotion of occupational welfare benefits through collective bargaining

    New insights on the diagnosis and management of malignant tumors of the ocular surface

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    Tumors of the ocular surface encompass a wide spectrum of conditions involving the conjunctiva and cornea, ranging from benign lesions to life-threatening malignancies. These tumors are rare; however, they are commonly seen in the ophthalmological clinical practice as a group. The diagnosis of ocular surface tumors is mostly based on clinical evaluation of the conjunctiva and cornea and subsequent histologic confirmation. Recently, non-invasive diagnostic approaches including anterior segment high-resolution OCT (HROCT), showed promising results for their use as adjuvant for histology in case of suspicious lesions. The present review focused on the main malignant ocular surface tumors, including ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN), melanocytic epithelial tumors, and conjunctival lymphoma, with the aim of discussing the epidemiological, clinical, and histopathological features, as well as to provide insights into classification and staging. In addition, the latest advances in the treatment of ocular surface tumors were reviewed, including the use of topical chemotherapy, which is gaining increasing acceptance over surgical tumor removal as it prevents surgery-related side effects and tumor recurrences

    X-linked dominant RPGR gene mutation in a familial Coats angiomatosis

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    Background: Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) is the most frequent retinal hereditary disease and every kind of transmission pattern has been described. The genetic etiology of RP is extremely heterogeneous and in the last few years the large application of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) approaches improved the diagnostic yield, elucidating previously unexplained RP causes and new genotype-phenotype correlations. The objective of this study was to reevaluate a previously reported family affected by Coats’-type RP without genetic diagnosis and to describe the new genetic findings. Case presentation: Cohort, prospective, and single-center observational family case. Three individuals of a family, consisting of a mother and four sons, with a Coats phenotype were revaluated after 25 years of clinical follow-up using visual acuity tests, ophthalmoscopy, Goldmann visual field, electroretinography (ERG), and spectral domain-optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). Specifically, a RP NGS panel was performed on one member of the family and segregation analysis was required for the other affected and unaffected members. NGS analysis disclosed a RPGR (Retinitis Pigmentosa GTPase Regulator) gene truncating variant segregating with the phenotype in all the three affected members. RPGR mutations are reported as causative of an X-linked RP. Conclusions: This is the first reported family with a Coats’-type RP associated to a RPGR mutation and segregating as a dominant X-linked disease, confirming the hypothesis of the genetic origin of this condition and expanding the phenotypic spectrum of diseases caused by RPGR gene mutations. The Authors suggest RPGR gene screening mutations in patients presenting this phenotype

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of BNT162b2 primary vaccination and booster dose to SARS-CoV-2 in eliciting stable mucosal immunity

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    The waning effectiveness of the primary vaccination for SARS-CoV-2 led to administration of an additional booster dose (BD). The efficacy of the BD in stimulating humoral systemic immune response is well established, but its effectiveness on inducing mucosal immune reaction has not yet been reported. To address this issue, we evaluated SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody responses in the serum, saliva, and tears after BNT162b2 (Pfizer/BioNTech, New York, NY, USA) vaccination and BD, as well as after SARS-CoV-2 infection. After two doses of BNT162b2 vaccine, we observed specific serum IgG in 100% and IgA in 97.2% of subjects, associated with mucosal response in both salivary samples (sIgA in 97.2% and IgG(S) in 58.8%) and in tears (sIgA in 77.8% and IgG(S) in 67.7%). BD induced a recovery of the systemic humoral response and of tear sIgA when compared to 6 months of follow-up titers (p < 0.001; p = 0.012). However, sIgA levels in both tears and saliva were significantly lower following BD when compared to patients with prior SARS-CoV-2 infection (p = 0.001 and p = 0.005, respectively). Our results demonstrated that administration of BD restored high serum levels of both IgG and IgA but had a poor effect in stimulating mucosal immunity when compared to prior SARS-CoV-2 infection

    Hyperpigmented spots at fundus examination: a new ocular sign in neurofibromatosis type I

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    Background: Neurofibromatosis Type I (NF1), also termed von Recklinghausen disease, is a rare genetic disorder that is transmitted by autosomal dominant inheritance, with complete penetrance and variable expressivity. It is caused by mutation in the NF1 gene on chromosome 17 encoding for neurofibromin, a protein with oncosuppressive activity, and it is 50% sporadic or inherited. The disease is characterized by a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations, mainly involving the nervous system, the eye and skin, and a predisposition to develop multiple benign and malignant neoplasms. Ocular diagnostic hallmarks of NF1 include optic gliomas, iris Lisch nodules, orbital and eyelid neurofibromas, eyelid café-au-lait spots. Choroidal nodules and microvascular abnormalities have recently been identified as additional NF1-related ocular manifestations. The present study was designed to describe the features and clinical significance of a new sign related to the visual apparatus in NF-1, represented by hyperpigmented spots (HSs) of the fundus oculi. Results: HSs were detected in 60 (24.1%) out of 249 patients with NF1, with a positive predictive value of 100% and a negative predictive value of 44.2%. None of the healthy subjects (150 subjects) showed the presence of HSs. HSs were visible under indirect ophthalmoscopy, ultra-wide field (UWF) pseudocolor imaging and red-only laser image, near-infrared reflectance (NIR)-OCT, but they were not appreciable on UWF green reflectance. The location and features of pigmentary lesions matched with the already studied NF1-related choroidal nodules. No significant difference was found between the group of patients (n = 60) with ocular HSs and the group of patients (n = 189) without ocular pigmented spots in terms of age, gender or severity grading of the disease. A statistically significant association was demonstrated between the presence of HSs and neurofibromas (p = 0.047), and between the presence of HSs and NF1-related retinal microvascular abnormalities (p = 0.017). Conclusions: We described a new ocular sign represented by HSs of the fundus in NF1. The presence of HSs was not a negative prognostic factor of the disease. Following multimodal imaging, we demonstrated that HSs and choroidal nodules were consistent with the same type of lesion, and simple indirect ophthalmoscopy allowed for screening of HSs in NF1

    T Cells Recognizing a Peptide Contaminant Undetectable by Mass Spectrometry

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    Synthetic peptides are widely used in immunological research as epitopes to stimulate their cognate T cells. These preparations are never completely pure, but trace contaminants are commonly revealed by mass spectrometry quality controls. In an effort to characterize novel major histocompatibility complex (MHC) Class I-restricted β-cell epitopes in non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice, we identified islet-infiltrating CD8+ T cells recognizing a contaminating peptide. The amount of this contaminant was so small to be undetectable by direct mass spectrometry. Only after concentration by liquid chromatography, we observed a mass peak corresponding to an immunodominant islet-specific glucose-6-phosphatase catalytic subunit-related protein (IGRP)206-214 epitope described in the literature. Generation of CD8+ T-cell clones recognizing IGRP206-214 using a novel method confirmed the identity of the contaminant, further underlining the immunodominance of IGRP206-214. If left undetected, minute impurities in synthetic peptide preparations may thus give spurious results
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