565 research outputs found


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    Frontinus and Domitian: the politics of the Strategemata

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    Frontins Darstellung von Domitian als vorbildliche Figur in den Strategemata zeigt seine Teilhabe an der Propaganda für Domitians Krieg gegen die Chatten im Jahr 83, in dem er auch diente. Frontin schrieb die Strategemata in diesem Kontext (und nicht später), um aus dieser Propaganda und seiner eigenen Nähe zu Domitian Kapital zu schlagen und seinen eigenen Status als Autorität auf dem Gebiet der Militärstrategie zu steigern. Nach Domitians Tod schloss sich Frontin den lautstarken Reaktionen von Zeitgenossen wie Plinius oder Tacitus nicht an. Als wichtiger Faktor in Trajans Kaisererhebung war Frontin zu mächtig, um sein Verhalten in der Vergangenheit rechtfertigen zu müssen.Frontinus’ presentation of Domitian as an exemplary figure in the Strategemata demonstrates his participation in the propaganda for Domitian’s Chattan war of 83, in which he also served. Frontinus composed the Strategemata in this context (rather than later) to capitalise on that propaganda and his own proximity to Domitian to enhance his status as an authoritative author on military strategy. Frontinus did not fall in with the vocal reaction of contemporaries such as Pliny and Tacitus to Domitian after his death. Instrumental in Trajan’s accession, Frontinus was too powerful a figure to need to excuse his past conduct.tbaLa présentation de Domitien comme une figure exemplaire que fait Frontin dans ses Strategemata démontre son implication dans la propagande impériale dans la campagne contre les Chattes de 83, campagne à laquelle il a également participé. Frontin rédigea les Strategemata dans ce contexte (plutôt que plus tard) et profita de cette propagande et de sa proximité avec Domitien pour mettre en valeur son statut d’auteur d’autorité en matière de stratégie militaire. Frontin n’est pas associé aux réactions vocales pour Domitien après sa mort, comme ce fut le cas pour ses contemporains Pline et Tacite. Contribuant à l’ascension de Trajan, Frontin était une figure trop puissante pour devoir justifier ses actions passées.tb

    Consumption of Bats (Myotis spp.) by Raccoons (Procyon lotor) During an Outbreak of White-Nose Syndrome in New Brunswick, Canada: Implications for Estimates of Bat Mortality

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    Across their range, Raccoons (Procyon lotor) will opportunistically exploit bats (Chiroptera) roosting in caves as a source of food. During a significant mortality event associated with white-nose syndrome (WNS) at a cave in eastern Canada, we estimate that Raccoons consumed 3169–3827 dead and dying Little Brown Bats (Myotis lucifugus) and Northern Long-eared Bats (M. septentrionalis) infected with white-nose syndrome, equivalent to 62.0–74.9% of the total bat mortality at this site. However, the generally small dispersal distances of Raccoons and their reduced activity during the period when bats are hibernating suggest that Raccoons are likely not a significant vector for moving the fungus associated with white-nose syndrome, Geomyces destructans, between most caves at this latitude. Nevertheless, since we show that significant numbers of bats can be consumed in hibernacula through opportunistic feeding by Raccoons, estimates of in-cave mortality due to white-nose syndrome should incorporate any evidence of consumption of bats by Raccoons and other predators

    Two New Oriental Phoridæ

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    Three New North American Species of the Genus Agromyza (Diptera)

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    Concussion return-to-play behaviour of South African Rugby Union (SA Rugby) Youth Week players: a pilot study

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    Introduction: BokSmart has disseminated Graduated Return-to-Play (GRTP) guidelines for concussions management to all, but specifically coaches, in South Africa. Medical clearance before returning to play (RTP) is poorly adhered to in the GRTP steps. This study explored barriers to compliance with medical clearance prior to RTP.Methods: Players who suffered a concussion during the 2014/2015 South African Rugby Youth Week Tournaments were followed-up telephonically until RTP. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to explore enablers/barriers to seeking/not seeking medical clearance before RTP.Results: Of those who did not seek medical clearance (47%), 80% indicated that the player/parent or coach felt this was unnecessary. Of those who did seek medical clearance, 65% reported they were instructed to do so either by the tournament doctor who diagnosed the injury or by the school coach.Conclusion: Besides coaches, parents and medical doctors have an important influence on players’ RTP behaviour. The findings of this pilot study need to be repeated in a larger cohort.Keywords: injury management, head injury, youth, football, South Afric
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