1,524 research outputs found

    Measuring the galaxy power spectrum and scale-scale correlations with multiresolution-decomposed covariance -- I. method

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    We present a method of measuring galaxy power spectrum based on the multiresolution analysis of the discrete wavelet transformation (DWT). Since the DWT representation has strong capability of suppressing the off-diagonal components of the covariance for selfsimilar clustering, the DWT covariance for popular models of the cold dark matter cosmogony generally is diagonal, or jj(scale)-diagonal in the scale range, in which the second scale-scale correlations are weak. In this range, the DWT covariance gives a lossless estimation of the power spectrum, which is equal to the corresponding Fourier power spectrum banded with a logarithmical scaling. In the scale range, in which the scale-scale correlation is significant, the accuracy of a power spectrum detection depends on the scale-scale or band-band correlations. This is, for a precision measurements of the power spectrum, a measurement of the scale-scale or band-band correlations is needed. We show that the DWT covariance can be employed to measuring both the band-power spectrum and second order scale-scale correlation. We also present the DWT algorithm of the binning and Poisson sampling with real observational data. We show that the alias effect appeared in usual binning schemes can exactly be eliminated by the DWT binning. Since Poisson process possesses diagonal covariance in the DWT representation, the Poisson sampling and selection effects on the power spectrum and second order scale-scale correlation detection are suppressed into minimum. Moreover, the effect of the non-Gaussian features of the Poisson sampling can be calculated in this frame.Comment: AAS Latex file, 44 pages, accepted for publication in Ap

    One-point Statistics of the Cosmic Density Field in Real and Redshift Spaces with A Multiresolutional Decomposition

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    In this paper, we develop a method of performing the one-point statistics of a perturbed density field with a multiresolutional decomposition based on the discrete wavelet transform (DWT). We establish the algorithm of the one-point variable and its moments in considering the effects of Poisson sampling and selection function. We also establish the mapping between the DWT one-point statistics in redshift space and real space, i.e. the algorithm for recovering the DWT one-point statistics from the redshift distortion of bulk velocity, velocity dispersion, and selection function. Numerical tests on N-body simulation samples show that this algorithm works well on scales from a few hundreds to a few Mpc/h for four popular cold dark matter models. Taking the advantage that the DWT one-point variable is dependent on both the scale and the shape (configuration) of decomposition modes, one can design estimators of the redshift distortion parameter (beta) from combinations of DWT modes. When the non-linear redshift distortion is not negligible, the beta estimator from quadrupole-to-monopole ratio is a function of scale. This estimator would not work without adding information about the scale-dependence, such as the power-spectrum index or the real-space correlation function of the random field. The DWT beta estimators, however, do not need such extra information. Numerical tests show that the proposed DWT estimators are able to determine beta robustly with less than 15% uncertainty in the redshift range 0 < z < 3.Comment: 39 pages, 12 figures, ApJ accepte

    Time domain study of frequency-power correlation in spin-torque oscillators

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    This paper describes a numerical experiment, based on full micromagnetic simulations of current-driven magnetization dynamics in nanoscale spin valves, to identify the origins of spectral linewidth broadening in spin torque oscillators. Our numerical results show two qualitatively different regimes of magnetization dynamics at zero temperature: regular (single-mode precessional dynamics) and chaotic. In the regular regime, the dependence of the oscillator integrated power on frequency is linear, and consequently the dynamics is well described by the analytical theory of current-driven magnetization dynamics for moderate amplitudes of oscillations. We observe that for higher oscillator amplitudes, the functional dependence of the oscillator integrated power as a function of frequency is not a single-valued function and can be described numerically via introduction of nonlinear oscillator power. For a range of currents in the regular regime, the oscillator spectral linewidth is a linear function of temperature. In the chaotic regime found at large current values, the linewidth is not described by the analytical theory. In this regime we observe the oscillator linewidth broadening, which originates from sudden jumps of frequency of the oscillator arising from random domain wall nucleation and propagation through the sample. This intermittent behavior is revealed through a wavelet analysis that gives superior description of the frequency jumps compared to several other techniques.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures to appear in PR

    Quasi-local evolution of cosmic gravitational clustering in the weakly non-linear regime

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    We investigate the weakly non-linear evolution of cosmic gravitational clustering in phase space by looking at the Zel'dovich solution in the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) representation. We show that if the initial perturbations are Gaussian, the relation between the evolved DWT mode and the initial perturbations in the weakly non-linear regime is quasi-local. That is, the evolved density perturbations are mainly determined by the initial perturbations localized in the same spatial range. Furthermore, we show that the evolved mode is monotonically related to the initial perturbed mode. Thus large (small) perturbed modes statistically correspond to the large (small) initial perturbed modes. We test this prediction by using QSO Lyα\alpha absorption samples. The results show that the weakly non-linear features for both the transmitted flux and identified forest lines are quasi-localized. The locality and monotonic properties provide a solid basis for a DWT scale-by-scale Gaussianization reconstruction algorithm proposed by Feng & Fang (Feng & Fang, 2000) for data in the weakly non-linear regime. With the Zel'dovich solution, we find also that the major non-Gaussianity caused by the weakly non-linear evolution is local scale-scale correlations. Therefore, to have a precise recovery of the initial Gaussian mass field, it is essential to remove the scale-scale correlations.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Discrepancy between sub-critical and fast rupture roughness: a cumulant analysis

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    We study the roughness of a crack interface in a sheet of paper. We distinguish between slow (sub-critical) and fast crack growth regimes. We show that the fracture roughness is different in the two regimes using a new method based on a multifractal formalism recently developed in the turbulence literature. Deviations from monofractality also appear to be different in both regimes

    Scalar and vector modulation instabilities induced by vacuum fluctuations in fibers: numerical study

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    We study scalar and vector modulation instabilities induced by the vacuum fluctuations in birefringent optical fibers. To this end, stochastic coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations are derived. The stochastic model is equivalent to the quantum field operators equations and allow for dispersion, nonlinearity, and arbitrary level of birefringence. Numerical integration of the stochastic equations is compared to analytical formulas in the case of scalar modulation instability and non depleted pump approximation. The effect of classical noise and its competition with vacuum fluctuations for inducing modulation instability is also addressed.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figure

    Time scales in nuclear giant resonances

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    We propose a general approach to characterise fluctuations of measured cross sections of nuclear giant resonances. Simulated cross sections are obtained from a particular, yet representative self-energy which contains all information about fragmentations. Using a wavelet analysis, we demonstrate the extraction of time scales of cascading decays into configurations of different complexity of the resonance. We argue that the spreading widths of collective excitations in nuclei are determined by the number of fragmentations as seen in the power spectrum. An analytic treatment of the wavelet analysis using a Fourier expansion of the cross section confirms this principle. A simple rule for the relative life times of states associated with hierarchies of different complexity is given.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Parameter Estimation from Time-Series Data with Correlated Errors: A Wavelet-Based Method and its Application to Transit Light Curves

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    We consider the problem of fitting a parametric model to time-series data that are afflicted by correlated noise. The noise is represented by a sum of two stationary Gaussian processes: one that is uncorrelated in time, and another that has a power spectral density varying as 1/fγ1/f^\gamma. We present an accurate and fast [O(N)] algorithm for parameter estimation based on computing the likelihood in a wavelet basis. The method is illustrated and tested using simulated time-series photometry of exoplanetary transits, with particular attention to estimating the midtransit time. We compare our method to two other methods that have been used in the literature, the time-averaging method and the residual-permutation method. For noise processes that obey our assumptions, the algorithm presented here gives more accurate results for midtransit times and truer estimates of their uncertainties.Comment: Accepted in ApJ. Illustrative code may be found at http://www.mit.edu/~carterja/code/ . 17 page

    Role of homeostasis in learning sparse representations

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    Neurons in the input layer of primary visual cortex in primates develop edge-like receptive fields. One approach to understanding the emergence of this response is to state that neural activity has to efficiently represent sensory data with respect to the statistics of natural scenes. Furthermore, it is believed that such an efficient coding is achieved using a competition across neurons so as to generate a sparse representation, that is, where a relatively small number of neurons are simultaneously active. Indeed, different models of sparse coding, coupled with Hebbian learning and homeostasis, have been proposed that successfully match the observed emergent response. However, the specific role of homeostasis in learning such sparse representations is still largely unknown. By quantitatively assessing the efficiency of the neural representation during learning, we derive a cooperative homeostasis mechanism that optimally tunes the competition between neurons within the sparse coding algorithm. We apply this homeostasis while learning small patches taken from natural images and compare its efficiency with state-of-the-art algorithms. Results show that while different sparse coding algorithms give similar coding results, the homeostasis provides an optimal balance for the representation of natural images within the population of neurons. Competition in sparse coding is optimized when it is fair. By contributing to optimizing statistical competition across neurons, homeostasis is crucial in providing a more efficient solution to the emergence of independent components

    On Deterministic Sketching and Streaming for Sparse Recovery and Norm Estimation

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    We study classic streaming and sparse recovery problems using deterministic linear sketches, including l1/l1 and linf/l1 sparse recovery problems (the latter also being known as l1-heavy hitters), norm estimation, and approximate inner product. We focus on devising a fixed matrix A in R^{m x n} and a deterministic recovery/estimation procedure which work for all possible input vectors simultaneously. Our results improve upon existing work, the following being our main contributions: * A proof that linf/l1 sparse recovery and inner product estimation are equivalent, and that incoherent matrices can be used to solve both problems. Our upper bound for the number of measurements is m=O(eps^{-2}*min{log n, (log n / log(1/eps))^2}). We can also obtain fast sketching and recovery algorithms by making use of the Fast Johnson-Lindenstrauss transform. Both our running times and number of measurements improve upon previous work. We can also obtain better error guarantees than previous work in terms of a smaller tail of the input vector. * A new lower bound for the number of linear measurements required to solve l1/l1 sparse recovery. We show Omega(k/eps^2 + klog(n/k)/eps) measurements are required to recover an x' with |x - x'|_1 <= (1+eps)|x_{tail(k)}|_1, where x_{tail(k)} is x projected onto all but its largest k coordinates in magnitude. * A tight bound of m = Theta(eps^{-2}log(eps^2 n)) on the number of measurements required to solve deterministic norm estimation, i.e., to recover |x|_2 +/- eps|x|_1. For all the problems we study, tight bounds are already known for the randomized complexity from previous work, except in the case of l1/l1 sparse recovery, where a nearly tight bound is known. Our work thus aims to study the deterministic complexities of these problems