85 research outputs found

    Guide star catalogue data retrieval software 2

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    The Guide Star Catalog (GSC), being the largest astronomical catalog to date, is widely used by the astronomical community for all sorts of applications, such as statistical studies of certain sky regions, searches for counterparts to observational phenomena, and generation of finder charts. It's format (2 CD-ROM's) requires minimum hardware and is ideally suited for all sorts of conditions, especially observations. Unfortunately, the actual GSC data is not easily accessible. It takes the form of FITS tables, and the coordinates of the objects are given in one coordinate system (equinox 2000). The included reading software is rudimentary at best. Thus, even generation of a simple finder chart is not a trivial undertaking. To solve this problem, at least for PC users, GUIDARES was created. GUIDARES is a user-friendly program that lets you look directly at the data in the GSC, either as a graphical sky map or as a text table. GUIDARES can read a sampling of GSC data from a given sky region, store this sampling in a text file, and display a graphical map of the sampled region in projected celestial coordinates (perfect for finder charts). GUIDARES supports rectangular and circular regions defined by coordinates in the equatorial, ecliptic (any equinox) or galactic systems

    Binary Stars and the Mass—Luminosity Relation

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    Observational types of binary stars for which components dynamical masses could be determined, are discussed. These data serve as a unique source for construction of the mass-luminosity relation, a fundamental law, which is especially important for getting of the initial mass function, which in turn fully determines structure and evolution of stellar systems.В работе обсуждаются наблюдательные типы двойных звезд, для компонентов которых возможно определение динамических масс. Такие данные являются уникальным источником для построения соотношения «масса светимость» фундаментального закона, использующегося, в частности, для получения начальной функции масс, которая, в свою очередь, полностью определяет структуру и эволюцию звездных ансамблей

    Observations of two unusual eclipsing binaries, FN CAM and AG VIR

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    Based on the results of classification of eclipsing binaries, we have compiled a list of stars that are promising objects for future study. We have started an observational campaign with telescopes of the Kourovka Observatory, Russia and present the first results of this work.Ministry of Education and ScienceRussian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 14-02-31056

    Catalogues of variable binaries in the BDB, Binary star DataBase

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    База данных двойных звезд BDB, http://bdb.inasan.ru, объединяет данные каталогов двойных звезд всех наблюдательных типов. Мы описываем включение каталогов двойных переменных звезд в структуру базы данных.The BDB, Binary star DataBase http://bdb.inasan.ru combines data of the catalogues of binary stars of all observational types. We describe the implementation of catalogues of binary variable stars into the database structure.Работа выполнена при частичной поддержке гранта РФФИ 16-07-01162 и программы Президиума РАН №28 «Космос: исследования фундаментальных процессов и их взаимосвязей»

    Фазозарождение кремния на стеклоуглероде в расплаве KF-KCl-K2SiF6

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    Silicon nucleation process was invesigated in melt KF-KCl-K2SiF6 on glassy carbon substrates at 675 ºС by chronoamperometric method. Using data of the chronoamperograms the linear dependence I – τ3/2 was constructed. That fact testified the progressive nucleation mode of silicon. As seem from SEM micrographs silicon crystals obtained by a single pulse had different sizes, that also confirmed the progressive nucletion mode.Методом хроноамперометрии изучено зарождение кремния на стеклоуглеродной подложке в расплаве KF-KCl-K2SiF6 при температуре 675 ºС. Выявлено прогрессивное фазозарождение кремния. Из SEM-микрофотографий зародышей кремния, выращенных на стеклоуглеродной подложке в потенциостатическом режиме в интервале потенциалов от –0.005 до –0.03 В в расплаве KF-KCl-K2SiF6 при Т = 675 ºС, видно, что в условиях одного эксперимента они имеют размеры, различающиеся в несколько раз, что подтверждает прогрессирующий характер возникновения зародышей кремния. Показано, что когда к рабочему электроду при прочих равных условиях прикладывается более отрицательное значение потенциала относительно кремниевого электрода сравнения, то количество сформировавшихся зародышей на поверхности электрода растет

    Prospects for the use of a <i>Bacillus subtilis</i> metabolites-based feed additive in dairy farming

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    Laboratory and field experiment on use of the feed additive based on Bacillus subtilis endo- and exometabolites for the cows in different physiological periods are described in the paper. The feed additive impact on main body systems of the tested cows (n = 30), milk production parameters, growth rate of the calves (n = 18) born to the said cows were examined. The feed additive was added to the diets for the cows of test groups, 15 g per cow. The feed additive was found to have a positive effect on immunohematological and metabolic processes in postpartum cows. Neutrophils’ phagocytic activity increased by 12.5% and 14.6% in the animals of test group 1 and test group 2, respectively, as compared to that one in control animals (42.8 ± 1.9%). Neutrophil absorbency increased by 2.5 times, 3.2 times and 2.1 times in the animals of test group 1, test group 2 and control group, respectively. The proportion of T-lymphocytes in blood of animals in test group 1 and test group 2 was 44.5 and 48.9%, respectively, proportion of T-lymphocytes in blood of control animals equaled to 37.5%. Trend for increase in total protein concentration in cow sera owing to increase in albumin fraction was observed in postpartum period: it was 72.91 ± 3.45 g/l in test group 1; 75.54 ± 4.12 g/l in test group 2; 70.95 ± 4.25 g/l in control group. Average daily milk yield in cows of test group 1, test group 2 and control group for the 150 days of lactation was 24.50 ± 1.86 kg; 25.33 ± 1.45 kg and 22.75 ± 4.41 kg, respectively. Higher growth rate was reported for the calves born to the cows received the diet supplemented with the said feed additive. Heifers of test group 1 and test group 2 have reached body weight of 193.51 ± 5.76 and 195.33 ± 3.76 kg and in control group – of 187.33 ± 4.98 kg within 6 months. Feed additive based on endo- and exometabolites of Bacillus subtilis is recommended for cow diets for highly productive dairy herd creation and food-producing animal welfare maintenance

    Silicon phase origin on glassy carbon in KF-KCl-K2SiF6 fusion

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    Silicon nucleation process was invesigated in melt KF-KCl-K2SiF6 on glassy carbon substrates at 675 ºС by chronoamperometric method. Using data of the chronoamperograms the linear dependence I – τ3/2 was constructed. That fact testified the progressive nucleation mode of silicon. As seem from SEM micrographs silicon crystals obtained by a single pulse had different sizes, that also confirmed the progressive nucletion mode

    Time Domain Astronomy: Use of Photometric Surveys for Study of Eclipsing Binaries

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    Долгопериодические затменные двойные — ценный источник данных для расчета звездных масс. Такие объекты имеют достаточное количество как фотометрических, так и спектральных данных для определения их параметров и дальнейшего анализа. Нами реализуется проект по изучению долгопериодических массивных затменных двойных с целью определения масс их компонентов и уточнения соотношения «масса — светимость» для звезд умеренных и больших масс. Мы описываем суть проекта в общих чертах, более подробно останавливаясь на использовании фотометрических обзоров в наших исследованиях. Представлены результаты анализа фотометрических данных исследуемых объектов, а также демонстрируется несколько случаев, когда анализ данных из обзоров позволяет получить значения орбитальных периодов, заметно отличающиеся от известных ранее.Long-period eclipsing binaries are a valuable source of data for calculating stellar masses. Such objects have a sufficient amount of both photometric and spectral data for determining their parameters and further analysis. We are implementing a project to study long-period massive eclipsing binaries in order to determine their component masses and refine the mass-luminosity relation for stars of high and intermediate masses. We describe our project in general terms, focusing in more detail on the use of photometric surveys in our studies. We present the results of photometric data analysis for the objects we study and besides demonstrate several cases when the data analysis makes it possible to obtain values of orbital periods that differ noticeably from those previously known