112 research outputs found

    Alder pollen season in selected cities of Poland in 2020

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    This paper presents the course of alder pollination season in Poland in 2020. The measurements were performed in Bydgoszcz, Bialystok, Lublin, Olsztyn, Opole, Piotrkow Trybunalski, Sosnowiec, Szczecin, Warsaw, Wroclaw and Zielona Gora. Volumetric method with the use of Volumetric Spore Trap (Burkard, Lanzoni) was implemented. Pollen season was defined as the period in which 95% of the annual total catch occurred. The alder pollen season in 2020 started about 10–30 days earlier compared to 2017–2019. The pollen season started first in Szczecin, Opole and Zielona Gora (in the second half of January). In the other cities alder pollen season started in first half of February. The highest daily pollen count was recorded in Lublin (1211 P/m3). In other cities the maximum concentrations ranged from 160 P/m3 in Sosnowiec to 465 P/m3 in Piotrkow Trybunalski. The highest alder pollen concentrations were detected in the first decade of March (March 1st–3rd). Only in Zielona Gora, Wroclaw, Opole and Sosnowiec the maximum concentration was recorded in the third decade of February. The annual pollen sum of Alnus in 2020 was even 5–10 times lower than in years 2019

    Grass pollen seasons in Poland against a background of the meteorological conditions

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    Artykuł dotyczy oceny sezonów pyłkowych Poaceae w Polsce w wybranych regionach. Celem pracy było przedstawienie wieloletniej zmienności początku, końca i długości sezonów pyłkowych traw oraz sezonowego indeksu pyłkowego (wartość SPI) w Polsce na tle warunków meteorologicznych. Badania były prowadzone w ośmiu miastach Polski, w okresie 1992-2014 (sezony 2003-2012 były wspólne dla wszystkich miast). Początek sezonu pyłkowego był względnie stały w okresie badawczym, sezony rozpoczynały się około 10 maja, nieco wcześniej w południowej części Polski. Koniec sezonu pyłkowego był bardziej zmienny w porównaniu do początku, jego termin wahał się od połowy lipca do połowy września. SPI wyraźnie zależał od temperatury i opadów w okresie kwiecień–sierpień. Dobowe stężenie maksymalne pyłku były odnotowywane pomiędzy końcem maja a pierwszą dekadą lipca, nie wykazano wyraźnej zależności pomiędzy dniem stężenia maksymalnego i warunkami pogodowymi, z wyjątkiem 2004 roku.The paper refers to the estimation of Poaceae pollen seasons in Poland in selected areas. The aim of the study was to present the long-term variability of the start, end and duration of grass pollen seasons and the seasonal pollen index (SPI) in Poland against a background of the meteorological conditions over pollen seasons. The study was performed in eight Polish cities in 1992-2014 (the common seasons were 2003-2012). Pollen season start was relatively stable in the studied period, the seasons began about the 10th of May, a bit earlier in the south part of Poland. Pollen season ends were more changeable in comparison to the season start and fluctuated from the middle of July to the middle of September. SPI clearly depended on temperature and precipitation in April-August. Daily maximum pollen concentrations were achieved between the end of May and the first decade of July and no evident relationship between this day and weather conditions was found, apart from 2004

    Co-occurrence of Artemisia and Ambrosia pollen seasons against the background of the synoptic situations in Poland

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    The Asteraceae family is one of the largest families, comprising 67 genera and 264 species in Poland. However, only a few genera, including Artemisia and Ambrosia are potential allergenic sources. The aim of the study was to estimate how often and to what degree Artemisia and Ambrosia pollen seasons co-occur intensifying human health risk, and how synoptic situations influence frequency of days with high pollen concentrations of both taxa. Artemisia and Ambrosia pollen data were collected, using the volumetric method, at 8 sites in Poland. Daily concentrations of Artemisia pollen equal to 30 grains or more and Ambrosia pollen equal to 10 grains or more were accepted as high values. Concentrations of more than 10 pollen grains were defined as high in the case of Ambrosia because its allergenicity is considered higher. High concentrations were confronted with synoptic situations. Analysis was performed on the basis of two calendars on circulation types of atmosphere in Poland (Niedźwiedź, 2006, 2015). Co-occurrence of Artemisia and Ambrosia pollen seasons is being found most often, when Ambrosia pollen season starts in the first half of August. If it happens in the last 10 days of August high pollen concentrations of Artemisia and Ambrosia do not occur at the same days. At three sites (Sosnowiec, Rzeszów, Lublin) high Ambrosia pollen concentrations during the Artemisia pollen season appear more often than in other sites under question. The high Artemisia pollen concentrations occur, when continental or polar maritime old air masses inflow into Poland. The impact of air masses on high Ambrosia pollen concentrations depends on site localizations. It is likely, that in the south-eastern part of Poland high Ambrosia pollen concentrations result from the pollen transport from east-south-south-westerly directions and the local sources. Co-occurrence of both taxa pollen seasons depends on the air masses inflow and appears more often in a southeastern part of Poland

    Grass pollen seasons in Poland against a background of the meteorological conditions

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    The paper refers to the estimation of Poaceae pollen seasons in Poland in selected areas. The aim of the study was to present the long-term variability of the start, end and duration of grass pollen seasons and the seasonal pollen index (SPI) in Poland against a background of the meteorological conditions over pollen seasons. The study was performed in eight Polish cities in 1992-2014 (the common seasons were 2003-2012). Pollen season start was relatively stable in the studied period, the seasons began about the 10th of May, a bit earlier in the south part of Poland. Pollen season ends were more changeable in comparison to the season start and fluctuated from the middle of July to the middle of September. SPI clearly depended on temperature and precipitation in April-August. Daily maximum pollen concentrations were achieved between the end of May and the first decade of July and no evident relationship between this day and weather conditions was found, apart from 2004

    The analysis of alder pollen count in selected Polish cities in 2007

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    Praca przedstawia przebieg sezonu pylenia olszy w wybranych punktach pomiarowych większych miast Polski w 2007 r. Pomiary wykonywano we Wrocławiu, Sosnowcu, Krakowie, Lublinie, Bydgoszczy, Warszawie i Szczecinie. Badania prowadzono metodą objętościową przy wykorzystaniu aparatów firmy Burkard i Lanzoni. Sezon pyłkowy wyznaczono jako okres, w którym w powietrzu występuje 95% rocznej sumy ziaren pyłku olszy. Pylenie olszy w 2007 r. rozpoczęło się z dużym przyśpieszeniem (1,5 do 2 miesięcy wcześniej) w stosunku do 2006 r. Najwcześniej pyłek olszy zarejestrowano w Sosnowcu, bo już 18 stycznia. Najpóźniej pyłek tego taksonu pojawił się w Warszawie, Bydgoszczy i Lublinie – dopiero w drugiej połowie lutego. Najwyższe wartości średniodobowych stężeń pyłku olszy odnotowano w Lublinie, gdzie 12 marca wystąpiło stężenie 829 z/m3 powietrza.This paper presents the course of alder pollination season in selected cities of Poland in 2007. The measurements were performed in Wroclaw, Sosnowiec, Krakow, Lublin, Bydgoszcz, Warszawa, and Szczecin. Volumetric method with the use of Volumetric Spore Trap (Burkard, Lanzoni) was implemented. Pollen season was defined as the period in which 95% of the annual total catch occurred. Pollen season of alder in 2007 started on the average 1.5 months earlier in comparison to 2006. The season started first in Sosnowiec (18 January). The highest 24-hour average pollen count was recorded in Lublin on 12 March (829 alder pollen grains/1m3)

    Artemisia pollen season in southern Poland in 2016

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    In the paper, mugwort pollen seasons observed in 2016 were compared in six cities of southern Poland, i.e. Cracow, Lublin, Opole, Sosnowiec, Wroclaw, and Zielona Gora. The investigations of airborne pollen concentrations were carried out with the volumetric method using Lanzoni and Burkard devices. In 2016, the earliest onset of the mugwort pollen season was noted in Lublin (13.07) and the latest beginning was reported in Wroclaw (24.07). High daily pollen concentrations were recorded between the third decade of July and the second decade of August. The highest annual pollen count and the greatest risk of development of allergies to mugwort pollen were noted in Opole and Zielona Gora. The highest daily concentrations for the taxon were recorded in all measurement stations in the first half of August. Maximum concentrations were noted in Wroclaw (84 P/m3) and Lublin (79 P/m3)

    Betula pollen season in southern Poland in 2016

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    The paper presents a comparison of birch pollen seasons in 2016 in study sites located in the southern part of Poland: Zielona Gora, Opole, Wroclaw, Sosnowiec, Cracow, Lublin, and Guciow in the Roztocze National Park. The pollen concentrations were measured with the volumetric method using Burkard or Lanzoni pollen samplers. The annual pollen sum was calculated for each measurement site. In 2016, the birch pollen season started at a similar time, i.e. between 4th and 6th April in all the localities. The highest annual sums and maximum pollen concentrations were recorded in Lublin and Guciow. The maximum concentrations of birch pollen were noted from 5th and 15th April, with the highest value in Lublin, i.e. 8573 P/m3 (14.04)

    Mugwort pollen season in southern Poland and Lviv (Ukraine) in 2015

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    The aim of the study was to compare the pollen season of the mugwort in Zielona Gora, Opole, Wroclaw, Sosnowiec, Cracow, Lublin, Guciow (Roztocze National Park) and Lviv. Measurements of pollen concentrations were performed with the volumetric method (Burkard or Lanzoni pollen sampler) in Poland and using the Durham trap in Lviv. Maximum pollen concentrations were observed in all measurement sites in the period between 2nd and 15th August. The highest concentration, the highest annual sum of pollen grains, and the highest risk of pollen allergy due of the presence of high concentrations of mugwort pollen grains in the air were recorded in Zielona Gora, Lublin, and Opole

    Corylus pollen season in southern Poland in 2016

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    The aim of the study was to compare the hazel pollen season in 2016 in Zielona Gora, Opole, Wroclaw, Sosnowiec, Cracow, Lublin, and Guciow (Roztocze National Park). Due to the mild winter, the hazel pollen season in Zielona Gora and Opole began very early, i.e. in the third decade of December 2015. In the other cities, the onset of the pollen season was noted between 30th January and 7th February. In a majority of the cities, the maximum daily pollen concentrations were recorded in the period between 7th and 10th February. The highest seasonal peak was reported from Lublin and the lowest – in Guciow and Wroclaw. The highest risk of allergy related to the persistence of high concentrations of airborne hazel pollen was noted for Zielona Gora, Lublin, and Cracow

    Poplar pollen in the air of selected Polish cities in 2014

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    W pracy przedstawiono przebieg sezonu pylenia topoli w wybranych miastach Polski w 2014 r. Pomiary wykonano w Zielonej Górze, we Wrocławiu, w Sosnowcu, Krakowie, Lublinie, Warszawie, Olsztynie i Szczecinie. Badania prowadzono metodą wolumetryczną przy zastosowaniu aparatów typu Burkard i Lanzoni. Sezon pyłkowy wyznaczono metodą 95% rocznej sumy ziaren pyłku. Najwcześniej pyłek topoli zarejestrowano w Zielonej Górze (26 lutego), najpóźniej zaś w Lublinie (13 marca). Najwyższe wartości stężeń średniodobowych pyłku zanotowano w Lublinie (909 ziaren/m3), najniższe – w Krakowie (93 ziarna/m3).This paper presents the course of poplar pollination season in selected cites of Poland in 2014. The measurements were performed in Zielona Gora, Wroclaw, Sosnowiec, Cracow, Lublin, Warsaw, Olsztyn and Szczecin. The research was carried out by means of the volumetric method with the use of Burkard and Lanzoni Spore Trap. The duration of the pollen seasons was defined as the period in which 95% of the annual total catch occurred. The pollen seasons of poplar started first in Zielona Gora (26th of February), the latest in Lublin (31st of March). The highest concentration values were recorded in Lublin (909 grains/m3) and the lowest in Cracow (93 grains/m3)