7 research outputs found

    Tomas Sterns Eliot kritičar i Tomas Sterns Eliot pesnik

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    Ovaj rad se bavi recepcijom stvaralaštva anglo-američkog modernističkog kritičara i pesnika Tomasa Sternsa Eliota na srpskom govornom području u periodu od Drugog svetskog rata do današnjih dana. Po svojoj formi naslanja se na istraživanje obuhvaćeno magistarskim radom na temu „Moderna američka poezija na srpskom govornom području do 1995. godine (Edgar Li Masters, Robert Frost, Karl Sandberg, Volas Stivens, i. i. kamings, Hart Krejn, Langston Hjuz, Čarls Simić)“ a izraz je nastojanja da se popuni praznina u bibliografiji prevodne i interpretativne recepcije anglo-američke poezije modernizma, odnosno da se obezbedi jedno od mogućih viđenja uslova i pravaca prevodne i interpretativne recepcije T. S. Eliota u drugoj polovini dvadesetog veka. Erudita T. S. Eliot, za razliku od gore-pomenutih pesnika čije stvaralaštvo možemo da podvedemo pod nacionalno određenu struju moderne američke poezije, zahteva da bude sagledan u svoj svojoj veličini, ne samo kao pesnik, već i kao književni kritičar. Zaključci do kojih smo došli poređenjem dostupnih bibliografskih podataka ukazuju da su putevi recepcije uslovljeni na prvom mestu društveno-istorijskim, potom književnoistorijskim činiocima, i, na kraju, ličnim afinitetima naših prevodilaca i kritičara.The subject of this paper is the reception of the works of Thomas Stearns Eliot, a modern Anglo-American critic and poet, after World War II. Formally this paper relates to my master thesis „The Reception of the Modern American Poetry in Serbian till 1995 (Edgar Lee Masters, Robert Frost, Carl Sandburg, Wallace Stevens, i. i. cummings, Hart Crane, Langston Hughes, Charles Simic)“ with the aim to fill the gap in the bibliography of translational and critical reception of Anglo-American modern poetry, that is, to provide one of the possible perspectives on the conditions and streams of the translational and critical reception of T. S. Eliot after World War II. Erudite as he was, in contrast to the abovementioned poets whose works comprise nationally defined stream of the modern American poetry, T. S. Eliot is to be represented not only as a poet, but also as a critic. The conclusions in this paper are reached by contrasting available bibliographical data and show that the streams of the reception were determined primarily by socio-historical conditions, then by literary-historical conditions and, finally, by personal affinities of the translators and critics of T. S. Eliot’s works

    Predviđanje alfabeta lokalne strukture proteina primenom metoda istraživanja podataka

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    Proteins are linear biological polymers composed of amino acids whose structure and function are determined by the number and order of amino acids. The structure of the protein has three levels: primary, secondary and ter- tiary (three-dimensional, 3D) structure. Since the experimental determination of protein 3D structure is expensive and time-consuming, it is important to develop predictors of protein 3D structure properties from the amino acid sequence (pri- mary structure), such as 3D structure of the protein backbone. The 3D structure of the backbone can be described using prototypes of local protein structure, i.e. prototypes of protein fragments with a length of few amino acids. A set of local structure prototypes determines the library of local protein structures, also called the structural alphabet. A structural alphabet is defined as a set of N proto- types of L amino acid length. The subject of this dissertation is the development of models for the prediction of structural alphabet prototypes for a given amino acid sequence using different data mining approaches. As one of the most known, structural alphabet Protein Blocks (PBs) was used in one part of the doctorial re- search. Structural alphabet PBs consists of 16 prototypes that are defined using fragments of 5 consecutive amino acids. The amino acid sequence is combined with the structural properties of a protein that can be determined based on amino acid sequence (occurrence of repeats in the amino acid sequence) and results of predictors of protein structural properties (backbone angles, secondary structures, occurrence of disordered regions, accessible surface area of amino acids) as an input to the prediction model of structural alphabet prototypes. Besides the de- velopment of models for prediction of prototypes of existing structural alphabet, the analysis of the capability of developing new structural alphabets is researched by applying the TwoStep clustering algorithm and construction of models for the prediction of prototypes of new structural alphabets. Several structural alpha- bets, which differ in the length of prototypes and the number of prototypes, have been constructed and analyzed. Fragments of the large number of proteins, whose structure is experimentally determined, were used to construct the new structural alphabets.Proteini su linearni biološki polimeri sastavljeni od aminokiselina čiji broj i redosled određuju strukturu i funkciju proteina. Struktura proteina je defin- isana sa tri nivoa: primarnom, sekundarnom i tercijarnom (trodimenzionalnom, 3D) strukturom. Pošto je eksperimentalno određivanje 3D strukture proteina skupo i vremenski zahtevno, postoji potreba za razvojem programa koji na osnovu aminokiselinske sekvence (primarne strukture) predviđaju osobine 3D strukture, kao što je 3D struktura glavnog lanca proteina (eng. backbone). 3D struktura glavnog lanca proteina može da se opiše korišćenjem prototipova lokalne strukture proteina, tj. delova proteina od nekoliko uzastopnih aminokiselina. Skup defin- isanih prototipova lokalne strukture čini biblioteku lokalnih struktura proteina, koja se još naziva i strukturni alfabet (eng. structural alphabet). Svaki strukturni alfabet je definisan kao skup od N prototipova dužine L aminokiselina. Pred- met ove disertacije je pravljenje modela za predviđanje prototipova strukturnog alfabeta za zadatu aminokiselinsku sekvencu primenom različitih algoritama is- traživanja podataka. Kao jedan od najpoznatijih, strukturni alfabet Protenski blokovi (eng. Protein Blocks) je korišćen u jednom delu istraživanja u okviru dis- ertacije. Strukturni alfabet Proteinski blokovi se sastoji od 16 prototipova koji su napravljeni na osnovu delova proteina od 5 uzastopnih aminokiselina. Kao ulaz u model za predviđanje prototipova strukturnog alfabeta koriste se strukturne osobine proteina koje mogu da se odrede na osnovu aminokiselinske sekvence (lokacija ponavljajuće niske u aminokiselinskoj sekvenci) i rezultati predviđanja nekih strukturnih osobina proteina (uglovi glavnog lanca, sekundarne strukture, pojavljivanje neuređenih regiona, pristupačna površina). Pored razvoja modela za predviđanje prototipova postojećeg strukturnog alfabeta, u radu je izvršena i analiza mogućnosti razvoja novih strukturnih alfabeta primenom algoritma klas- terovanja TwoStep i pravljenje modela za predviđanje prototipova novih struk- turnih alfabeta. Radi analize, napravljeno je više strukturnih alfabeta sa različitim brojem prototipova i različite dužine prototipova. Za istraživanje novih strukturni alfabeta korišćeni su delovi velikog broja proteina čija je struktura eksperimen- talno određen

    Fatty Acid Data Analysis Unravels Skeletal Site and Age-Specific Features of Human Bone Marrow Adiposity

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    As adipose tissue (AT) undergoes metabolic reprogramming with age, we investigated skeletal site-specific and age-dependent lipid profile of bone marrow adipose tissue (BMAT). Acetabular and femoral BMAT, and gluteofemoral subcutaneous adipose tissue (gfSAT) were obtained from matched osteoarthritis patients. Patients were classified into two groups: younger (≤ 60 years) and aged (>60 years) adults. BMAT and gfSAT were explored by using thin layer/gas chromatography coupled with cellular and molecular assays. Data were interpreted and visualized by applying linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and hierarchical clustering of fatty acid (FA) composition. Statistics was estimated by nonparametric tests and Spearman’s rank correlation. Analyses of total lipids revealed significantly reduced triglyceride content in femoral (fBMAT) than in acetabular BMAT (aBMAT) and gfSAT. Frequencies of spontaneously released saturated palmitic (C16:0) and stearic acids (C18:0) were higher in fBMAT than in aBMAT and gfSAT (p=0.036 and p=0.046, n=8). Cluster heatmap and LDA showed that fBMAT differed to acetabular and gfSAT, while acetabular and gfSAT were more similar in FA profiles. FA profiles of AT depots varied with patient’s age. Contribution of palmitic acid was increased in aged group in all AT depots, while stearic acid declined in aged group in BMAT compartments only. fBMAT cellularity declined with age (r=-0.675, n=14, p=0.037). Additionally, the presence of CD45-CD31-CD34+CD24+ adipogenic progenitor (stem) cells was increased in fBMAT (0.46±0.03%) when compared to aBMAT (0.21±0.01%) depot. Femoral mesenchymal stem cells displayed pronounced adipogenesis comparing to their acetabular counterparts. Our findings suggest that specific lipid profile of fBMAT imposes adipogenic commitment of stem cells within this skeletal site.Book of abstract: 4th Belgrade Bioinformatics Conference, June 19-23, 202

    Tomas Sterns Eliot kritičar i Tomas Sterns Eliot pesnik

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    Ovaj rad se bavi recepcijom stvaralaštva anglo-američkog modernističkog kritičara i pesnika Tomasa Sternsa Eliota na srpskom govornom području u periodu od Drugog svetskog rata do današnjih dana. Po svojoj formi naslanja se na istraživanje obuhvaćeno magistarskim radom na temu „Moderna američka poezija na srpskom govornom području do 1995. godine (Edgar Li Masters, Robert Frost, Karl Sandberg, Volas Stivens, i. i. kamings, Hart Krejn, Langston Hjuz, Čarls Simić)“ a izraz je nastojanja da se popuni praznina u bibliografiji prevodne i interpretativne recepcije anglo-američke poezije modernizma, odnosno da se obezbedi jedno od mogućih viđenja uslova i pravaca prevodne i interpretativne recepcije T. S. Eliota u drugoj polovini dvadesetog veka. Erudita T. S. Eliot, za razliku od gore-pomenutih pesnika čije stvaralaštvo možemo da podvedemo pod nacionalno određenu struju moderne američke poezije, zahteva da bude sagledan u svoj svojoj veličini, ne samo kao pesnik, već i kao književni kritičar. Zaključci do kojih smo došli poređenjem dostupnih bibliografskih podataka ukazuju da su putevi recepcije uslovljeni na prvom mestu društveno-istorijskim, potom književnoistorijskim činiocima, i, na kraju, ličnim afinitetima naših prevodilaca i kritičara.The subject of this paper is the reception of the works of Thomas Stearns Eliot, a modern Anglo-American critic and poet, after World War II. Formally this paper relates to my master thesis „The Reception of the Modern American Poetry in Serbian till 1995 (Edgar Lee Masters, Robert Frost, Carl Sandburg, Wallace Stevens, i. i. cummings, Hart Crane, Langston Hughes, Charles Simic)“ with the aim to fill the gap in the bibliography of translational and critical reception of Anglo-American modern poetry, that is, to provide one of the possible perspectives on the conditions and streams of the translational and critical reception of T. S. Eliot after World War II. Erudite as he was, in contrast to the abovementioned poets whose works comprise nationally defined stream of the modern American poetry, T. S. Eliot is to be represented not only as a poet, but also as a critic. The conclusions in this paper are reached by contrasting available bibliographical data and show that the streams of the reception were determined primarily by socio-historical conditions, then by literary-historical conditions and, finally, by personal affinities of the translators and critics of T. S. Eliot’s works

    Predviđanje alfabeta lokalne strukture proteina primenom metoda istraživanja podataka

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    Proteins are linear biological polymers composed of amino acids whose structure and function are determined by the number and order of amino acids. The structure of the protein has three levels: primary, secondary and ter- tiary (three-dimensional, 3D) structure. Since the experimental determination of protein 3D structure is expensive and time-consuming, it is important to develop predictors of protein 3D structure properties from the amino acid sequence (pri- mary structure), such as 3D structure of the protein backbone. The 3D structure of the backbone can be described using prototypes of local protein structure, i.e. prototypes of protein fragments with a length of few amino acids. A set of local structure prototypes determines the library of local protein structures, also called the structural alphabet. A structural alphabet is defined as a set of N proto- types of L amino acid length. The subject of this dissertation is the development of models for the prediction of structural alphabet prototypes for a given amino acid sequence using different data mining approaches. As one of the most known, structural alphabet Protein Blocks (PBs) was used in one part of the doctorial re- search. Structural alphabet PBs consists of 16 prototypes that are defined using fragments of 5 consecutive amino acids. The amino acid sequence is combined with the structural properties of a protein that can be determined based on amino acid sequence (occurrence of repeats in the amino acid sequence) and results of predictors of protein structural properties (backbone angles, secondary structures, occurrence of disordered regions, accessible surface area of amino acids) as an input to the prediction model of structural alphabet prototypes. Besides the de- velopment of models for prediction of prototypes of existing structural alphabet, the analysis of the capability of developing new structural alphabets is researched by applying the TwoStep clustering algorithm and construction of models for the prediction of prototypes of new structural alphabets. Several structural alpha- bets, which differ in the length of prototypes and the number of prototypes, have been constructed and analyzed. Fragments of the large number of proteins, whose structure is experimentally determined, were used to construct the new structural alphabets.Proteini su linearni biološki polimeri sastavljeni od aminokiselina čiji broj i redosled određuju strukturu i funkciju proteina. Struktura proteina je defin- isana sa tri nivoa: primarnom, sekundarnom i tercijarnom (trodimenzionalnom, 3D) strukturom. Pošto je eksperimentalno određivanje 3D strukture proteina skupo i vremenski zahtevno, postoji potreba za razvojem programa koji na osnovu aminokiselinske sekvence (primarne strukture) predviđaju osobine 3D strukture, kao što je 3D struktura glavnog lanca proteina (eng. backbone). 3D struktura glavnog lanca proteina može da se opiše korišćenjem prototipova lokalne strukture proteina, tj. delova proteina od nekoliko uzastopnih aminokiselina. Skup defin- isanih prototipova lokalne strukture čini biblioteku lokalnih struktura proteina, koja se još naziva i strukturni alfabet (eng. structural alphabet). Svaki strukturni alfabet je definisan kao skup od N prototipova dužine L aminokiselina. Pred- met ove disertacije je pravljenje modela za predviđanje prototipova strukturnog alfabeta za zadatu aminokiselinsku sekvencu primenom različitih algoritama is- traživanja podataka. Kao jedan od najpoznatijih, strukturni alfabet Protenski blokovi (eng. Protein Blocks) je korišćen u jednom delu istraživanja u okviru dis- ertacije. Strukturni alfabet Proteinski blokovi se sastoji od 16 prototipova koji su napravljeni na osnovu delova proteina od 5 uzastopnih aminokiselina. Kao ulaz u model za predviđanje prototipova strukturnog alfabeta koriste se strukturne osobine proteina koje mogu da se odrede na osnovu aminokiselinske sekvence (lokacija ponavljajuće niske u aminokiselinskoj sekvenci) i rezultati predviđanja nekih strukturnih osobina proteina (uglovi glavnog lanca, sekundarne strukture, pojavljivanje neuređenih regiona, pristupačna površina). Pored razvoja modela za predviđanje prototipova postojećeg strukturnog alfabeta, u radu je izvršena i analiza mogućnosti razvoja novih strukturnih alfabeta primenom algoritma klas- terovanja TwoStep i pravljenje modela za predviđanje prototipova novih struk- turnih alfabeta. Radi analize, napravljeno je više strukturnih alfabeta sa različitim brojem prototipova i različite dužine prototipova. Za istraživanje novih strukturni alfabeta korišćeni su delovi velikog broja proteina čija je struktura eksperimen- talno određen

    A structural entropy index to analyse local conformations in intrinsically disordered proteins: IDP PBs

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    International audienceSequence – structure – function paradigm has been revolutionized by the discovery of disordered regions and disordered proteins more than two decades ago. While the definition of rigidity is simple with X-ray structures, the notion of flexibility is linked to high experimental B-factors. The definition of disordered regions is more complex as in these same X-ray structures; it is associated to the position of missing residues. Thus a continuum so seems to exist between rigidity, flexibility and disorder. However, it had not been precisely described. In this study, we used an ensemble of disordered proteins (or regions) and, we applied a structural alphabet to analyse their local conformation. This structural alphabet, namely Protein Blocks, had been efficiently used to highlight rigid local domains within flexible regions and so discriminates deformability and mobility concepts. Using an entropy index derived from this structural alphabet, we underlined its interest to measure these local dynamics, and to quantify, for the first time, continuum states from rigidity to flexibility and finally disorder. We also highlight non-disordered regions in the ensemble of disordered proteins in our study

    Data set of intrinsically disordered proteins analysed at a local protein conformation level

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    International audienceIntrinsic Disorder Proteins (IDPs) have become a hot topic since their characterisation in the 90s. The data presented in this article are related to our research entitled “A structural entropy index to analyse local conformations in Intrinsically Disordered Proteins” published in Journal of Structural Biology [1]. In this study, we quantified, for the first time, continuum from rigidity to flexibility and finally disorder. Non-disordered regions were also highlighted in the ensemble of disordered proteins. This work was done using the Protein Ensemble Database (PED), which is a useful database collecting series of protein structures considered as IDPs. The data set consists of a collection of cleaned protein files in classical pdb format that can be readily used as an input with most automatic analysis software. The accompanying data include the coding of all structural information in terms of a structural alphabet, namely Protein Blocks (PBs). An entropy index derived from PBs that allows apprehending the continuum between protein rigidity to flexibility to disorder is included, with information from secondary structure assignment, protein accessibility and prediction of disorder from the sequences. The data may be used for further structural bioinformatics studies of IDPs. It can also be used as a benchmark for evaluating disorder prediction methods