190 research outputs found

    The Romanian Media - An Overview

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    The Romanian Media Sector from the last 17 years can be described as a dinamic one. In the current study, which is also a part of national report of the Grundtvig 2 project "The Influence of Media in Adult Education Development" 06-G2-94-TM-RO-C, we divided the media sector into: printed media, audio-visual media, media based on web and new media. Within this article, I tried to present a short history, state of the art, as well as the tendencies on short term, for each of them.newspapers, audiovizual media, media based on the web, new media

    Now we are 21: an overview of the longitudinal Life Chances Study

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    The Brotherhood of St Laurence’s longitudinal Life Chances Study started in Melbourne in 1990. The study has comprised ten stages, the most recent completed in 2012 when the children, who were born in 1990, were 21 years old.This paper presents an overview of the study by outlining the published findings of each stage. It is designed to enable readers to follow up the diverse topics covered over 21 years, to point to the findings and the policy implications that have emerged and to act as a guide for possible future analysis.The study was designed as a population study in an inner urban area. It sought to explore the life chances of a group of children who were born at the same time in the same place but into very diverse families. While the study sample is not representative of all Australian children, aspects of the experiences of these families are likely to be shared by many others. The study has continued to follow the families as they moved away from the inner suburbs.Readers can also turn to the original reports for their rich detail including the parents’ and young people’s own descriptions of their experiences as well as quantitative analysis. The reports of the early stages are available through the Brotherhood of St Laurence and some libraries. The reports of stages 6 onwards are available on the Brotherhood’s website (www.bsl.org.au)


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis struktur komunitas makrozoobenthos dan kondisi substrat pada ekosistem mangrove rehabilitasi dan non rehabilitasi di Kabupaten Simeulue. Pengukuran ekosistem mangrove menggunakan transek kuadrat 10 m x 10 m. Kelimpahan dan kepadatan Makrozoobenthos menggunakan transek kuadrat berukuran 1 m x 1 m. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ditemukan 18 spesies makrozoobentos yang terdiri dari 9 spesies dari kelas Gastropoda dan 9 spesies dari kelas Bivalvia. Pada lokasi Rehabilitasi komposisi Makrozoobentos di dominasi oleh Bivalvia yaitu 60 % sedangkan Gastropoda 40 %. Berbeda halnya pada lokasi Non Rehabilitasi makrozoobentos didominasi oleh kelas Gastropoda yaitu 69,2 % sedangkan Bivalvia 30,8 %. Kelimpahan makrozoobentos pada lokasi rehabilitasi lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan lokasi Non rehabilitasi. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa kelimpahan tertinggi terdapat pada stasiun 1 (rehabilitasi) yaitu 24,7 ind/m2. Struktur komunitas Makrozoobentos di lokasi mangrove rehabilitasi dan Non rehabilitasi tidak berbeda nyata. Indek keanekaragaman rata-rata disetiap stasiun berkisar 1,094-2,273 ; indeks keseragaman berkisar 0,641-0,970 ; indeks dominansi berkisar 0,201-0,586. Hasil menunjukan setiap stasiun masih dalam katagori moderat (stabil).Kata kunci : Simeulue, Mangrove Rehabilitasi, Mangrove Non rehabilitasi, Makrozoobentos

    Turning 21: Life chances and uncertain transitions

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      Traditionally, the transition from school to work has been important for young adults, and turning 21 was recognised as the marker of adulthood in Australia, when young people had jobs—and even families of their own. Social and economic changes over the past 30 years or so have made the transition from school to work more complex and less clear-cut. This report documents the factors that shape the lives of 123 young participants in the Life Chances Study, as they turn 21. Key points •    Stereotypes about young people obscure the diverse and complex lives of 21-year-olds. This diversity is shaped by family income, gender, ethnic background and resources. The 21-year-olds included university and TAFE students, full-time and part-time workers, young parents and jobseekers. Many were both studying and working. •    Those with fewer resources were more likely to identify as adults. They faced challenges that those with more resources could avoid. While some welcomed adulthood, others felt the burden of responsibilities. •    21-year-olds continued to rely on their families for advice, and emotional and financial support. The unequal access to resources reinforced inequalities because even though most had jobs, many still relied on their parents’ financial support—if they could. •    Disadvantage need not be intergenerational. Disadvantage or advantage persisted for some families, but not for all. Childhood in a low-income family did not necessarily condemn children to continuing disadvantage. •    Definitions of a ‘successful’ transition must take into account young people’s multiple activities and their wellbeing. Most 21-year-olds aspired to full-time employment. In this study, most of those who did not have a job and were not studying or in training had caring duties or mental health issues. Labelling these young people as ‘disengaged’ does not sufficiently capture their level of activity or wellbeing. •    Transitions for 21-year-olds are uncertain, but the social and economic resources needed to address this uncertainty are not evenly distributed. Those from high-income backgrounds with strong social supports had greater ‘choice’ while negotiating their pathways than those from lower income backgrounds. •    Policies need to address multidimensional disadvantage. The findings have implications for addressing socioeconomic inequalities as well as for targeted career and vocational guidance. Background The Life Chances Study is a unique longitudinal study initiated by the Brotherhood of St Laurence in 1990 to explore the impacts of family income and associated factors on children over time. It commenced as a study of 167 infants born in inner Melbourne and has followed the families as they have moved elsewhere. In stage 10 of the study we surveyed 123 young people and their parents to see how they were dealing with the important transitions towards adulthood. We also undertook 25 interviews to explore their situations in more depth

    On choosing the place : the open Wiccan rituals in the city of Warsaw

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    Numerous contemporary Pagan groups conduct their ritual ceremonies outside, communing with nature. The following essay describes my research in a small, eclectic group following the Wiccan wheel of the year in Warsaw, Poland. I focus on the places used by the group, applying Edward Casey’s phenomenological approach to understand an encountered place. Three locations are presented, each of them in the bosom of nature, yet within the city borders. I particularly examine what constitutes a good ritual place according to the group members. My initial supposition was that technical aspects would prevail: privacy, accessibility and proximity of the four elements. However, the participant observation and semi-structured interviews proved that the main reason behind choosing the right place was based on the experience and the interpretation of the feeling evoked by the place: namely, whether the atmosphere was right and the entities dwelling there were seen as welcoming or no

    16th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions EASR 2018 "Multiple Religious Identities" University of Bern,17-21 June 2018

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    The European Association for the Study of Religion was established during an inaugural meeting on 2 May 2000 in Krakow, Poland. Henceforth, its objective has been to promote the academic study of religions through the international collaboration of scholars normally resident in Europe and whose research is connected to the subject of religion. The 16th annual conference of the European Association for the Study of Religion, combined with the Regional Conference of the International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR) took place in Switzerland, in the lovely city of Bern, at the Institut für Religionswissenschaft of the Universität Bern (University of Bern). This year’s main theme focused on multiple religious identities

    Spirit possession and emotional suffering in "The Tale of Genji" and its selected adaptations : a study of love triangle between Prince Genji, Lady Aoi and Lady Rokujō

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    The Tale of Genji, renowned novel written by lady Murasaki Shikibu in the beginning of the 11th century, continues to inspire various artists through the centuries. Many motifs have been adopted or reinterpreted within other works of art, yet the scene of spirit possession - when wife of prince Genji, lady Aoi, is possessed by the spirit of her lover, lady Rokujō - seems to be exceptionally inspiring. This article traces those adaptations of The Tale, where the possession is highly signi- ficant: including classic nō play, modern nō play and film versions. The relations between the characters are carefully investigated, along with their emotions and motives: both in the original text and its adaptations. The key conclusion shows that in all analysed works it is not the actual possession and its mechanism that matters the most, it if for the emotions of the characters, their development and complicated relations with one another

    Gambaran Pengelolaan Gangguan Integritas Kulit/Jaringan Pada Pasien Post Op Debridement Atas Indikasi Ulkus DM Pedis Dextra Di Desa Lungge Kabupaten Temanggung

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    Diabetes melitus adalah penyakit kronis yang ditandai dengan tingginya kadar gula darah akibat dari tidak adekuatnya insulin dengan komplikasi seperti munculnya ulkus yang berakibat gangguan integritas kulit/jaringan. Gangguan integritas kulit/jaringan merupakan kerusakan lapisan kulit dermis dan epidermis serta kerusakan jaringan meliputi membran mukosa, kornea, fasia, otot, tendon, tulang, tulang rawan, kapsul sendi dan ligamen. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk menggambarkan pengelolaan gangguan integritas kulit/jaringan pada pasien post op debridement atas indikasi ulkus diabetes melitus.Metode yang digunakan adalah memberikan pengelolaan gangguan integritas kulit/jaringan pada pasien. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pendekatan studi kasus melalui proses keperawatan yang meliputi pengkajian, analisa data, diagnosa, intervensi, implementasi, dan evaluasi. Tindakan keperawatan yang diberikan yaitu perawatan luka untuk luka ulkus pada pasien.Hasil pengelolaan didapatkan gangguan integritas kulit/jaringan teratasi. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu pasien mengatakan luka dibagian punggung kaki kanan sudah berkurang dan menutup, panjang luka 3 cm, lebar 2cm kedalaman 0,5 mm dengan kriteria hasil integritas kulit dan jaringan meningkat dengan kriteria hasil kerusakan lapisan kulit kriteria (3) sedang dan kemerahan kriteria (1) menurun.Saran bagi pasien yaitu dengan meningkatkan peran serta pasien dan keluarga untuk menjaga pola hidup sehat seperti rajin olahraga, cek gula darah rutin, pola makan yang sehat, dan melakukan perawatan kulit dengan baik sehingga mencegah terjadinya komplikasi diabetes melitus

    Gambaran Pengelolaan Gangguan Integritas Kulit/Jaringan Pada Pasien Post Op Debridement Atas Indikasi Ulkus DM Pedis Dextra Di Desa Lungge Kabupaten Temanggung

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    Diabetes melitus adalah penyakit kronis yang ditandai dengan tingginya kadar gula darah akibat dari tidak adekuatnya insulin dengan komplikasi seperti munculnya ulkus yang berakibat gangguan integritas kulit/jaringan. Gangguan integritas kulit/jaringan merupakan kerusakan lapisan kulit dermis dan epidermis serta kerusakan jaringan meliputi membran mukosa, kornea, fasia, otot, tendon, tulang, tulang rawan, kapsul sendi dan ligamen. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk menggambarkan pengelolaan gangguan integritas kulit/jaringan pada pasien post op debridement atas indikasi ulkus diabetes melitus.Metode yang digunakan adalah memberikan pengelolaan gangguan integritas kulit/jaringan pada pasien. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pendekatan studi kasus melalui proses keperawatan yang meliputi pengkajian, analisa data, diagnosa, intervensi, implementasi, dan evaluasi. Tindakan keperawatan yang diberikan yaitu perawatan luka untuk luka ulkus pada pasien.Hasil pengelolaan didapatkan gangguan integritas kulit/jaringan teratasi. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu pasien mengatakan luka dibagian punggung kaki kanan sudah berkurang dan menutup, panjang luka 3 cm, lebar 2cm kedalaman 0,5 mm dengan kriteria hasil integritas kulit dan jaringan meningkat dengan kriteria hasil kerusakan lapisan kulit kriteria (3) sedang dan kemerahan kriteria (1) menurun.Saran bagi pasien yaitu dengan meningkatkan peran serta pasien dan keluarga untuk menjaga pola hidup sehat seperti rajin olahraga, cek gula darah rutin, pola makan yang sehat, dan melakukan perawatan kulit dengan baik sehingga mencegah terjadinya komplikasi diabetes melitus
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