12 research outputs found


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    The aim of this paper was to analyze the spatiotemporal variations of cases of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 in Argentina. A space-time permutation scan statistic was performed to test the non-randomness in the interaction between space and time in reported influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 cases. In 2009, two clusters were recorded in the east of Buenos Aires Province (May and June) and in the central and northern part of Argentina (July and August). Between 2011 and 2012, clusters near areas bordering other countries were registered. Within the clusters, in 2009, the high notification rates were first observed in the school-age population and then extended to the older population (15-59 years). From 2011 onwards, higher rates of reported cases of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 occurred in children under five years in center of the country. Two stages of transmission of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 can be characterized. The first stage had high rates of notification and a possible interaction with individuals from other countries in the major cities of Argentina (pattern of hierarchy), and the second stage had an increased interaction in some border areas without a clear pattern of hierarchy. These results suggest the need for greater coordination in the Southern Cone countries, in order to implement joint prevention and vaccination policies

    Screening for subtelomeric chromosome abnormalities in children with idiopathic mental retardation using multiprobe telomeric FISH and the new MAPH telomeric assay.

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    Subtelomeric chromosomal abnormalities are emerging as an important cause of human genetic disorders. The scope of this investigation was to screen a selected group of children with idiopathic mental retardation for subtelomeric anomalies using the multiprobe telomeric FISH method and also to develop and test a new assay, the MAPH telomeric assay, in the same group of patients. The new MAPH telomeric assay uses the recently published MAPH methodology that permits the measurement of locus copy number by hybridisation with a specifically designed set of probes located at the end of human chromosomes. Seventy patients with idiopathic mental retardation have been screened using the established multiprobe telomeric FISH assay and the new MAPH telomeric assay, for all telomeres. One patient with de novo 8p subtelomeric deletion was identified. The new MAPH telomeric assay confirmed the same results in both normal and abnormal samples. This is the first description of the use of MAPH methodology to detect chromosomal imbalances near the telomeres in idiopathic mentally retarded patients. The new MAPH telomeric assay offers a new, fast, accurate and cost effective diagnostic tool to detect chromosomal imbalances near telomeres in mentally retarded patients, as well as the characterisation of known chromosomal abnormalities, spontaneous recurrent miscarriages, infertility, hematological malignancies, preimplantation genetic diagnosis, and other fields of clinical and research interests

    Immunoglobulin A: A next generation of therapeutic antibodies?

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    Although immunoglobulin (Ig) A is commonly recognized as the most prevalent antibody subclass at mucosal sites with an important role in mucosal defense, its potential as a therapeutic monoclonal antibody is less well known. However, IgA has multifaceted anti-, non- and pro-inflammatory functions that can be exploited for different immunotherapeutical strategies, which will be the focus of this review

    The Hematopoietic Cytokine Receptors

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