157 research outputs found

    Intrepid white saviors - international development in contemporary travel writing

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    Drawing from tourism studies, travel literature, and cultural studies, this dissertation uses textual analysis to explore the implicit ideological agendas of international development in a selection of popular narratives written to describe efforts of Spanish individuals to combat poverty in “developing” countries: Pura vida (1998) by JosĂ© MarĂ­a Mendiluce, Una maestra en KatmandĂș (2002) by Victoria Subirana, Sonrisas de Bombay (2007) by Jaume Sanllorente, and Los colores de un sueño (2013) by Alba de Toro. This study provides a sociological framework for understanding the politics of production, distribution, and reception of such narratives and examines the discourse of individual altruism by juxtaposing the fields of mass tourism, international development and contemporary popular literature. Although development-themed narratives present themselves as depictions of charity work, they are also stories of touristic exploits. This dissertation explores how the colonial myth of the explorer is refurbished in narratives of altruistic development within the postmodern mood of “global consciousness”, which is triggered by globalization, commodification and a sense of uncertainty—factors that produce a relentless drive to “save the world”. Despite the postmodern gloss, however, these narratives exoticize “non-modern” scenarios in which the narrators (adventure development tourists) represent themselves as intrepid white saviors in the style of explorers, missionaries and survivors of the past. In this sense, these narratives depend on traditional travel literature tropes. The deliberate status of these popular narratives as commodities is highlighted, exposing their utility as marketing tools for NGOs. To this end, this dissertation connects the idea of “a good story” to a publishing objective. Reception is approached by exploring the role of interpellation: the subliminal ways in which readers become financial supporters within the context of “global consciousness” wherein altruistic impulses are commodified and incorporated into lifestyles. In this sense, literature plays a key role in formulating and naturalizing the discourse of development. This dissertation exposes the double mechanism at work in development-themed narratives: the pursuit of progressive development used to veil complicity with exploitation

    Magdalena Zdrada-Cok, “Tahar Ben Jelloun. HybriditĂ© et strategies de dialogue dans la prose publiĂ©e aprĂšs l’an 2000Ëź, Katowice, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu ƚląskiego, 2015, 264 p., ISBN 978-83-812-629-9 [recenzja]

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    Recenzja ksiÄ…ĆŒki Magdaleny Zdrady-Cok “Tahar Ben Jelloun. HybriditĂ© et stratĂ©gies de dialogue dans la prose publiĂ©e aprĂšs l’an 2000Ëź, Katowice, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu ƚląskiego, 2015

    Corps de la femme maghrébine : étude de la corporéité et de la sexualité féminines dans l'oeuvre romanesque de Leïla Marouane

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    Przedmiotem niniejszej publikacji jest analiza przedstawieƄ kobiecego ciaƂa w powieƛciach wspóƂczesnej algierskiej pisarki, LeĂŻli Marouane. Przez okres kolonizacji, ciaƂo kobiety, uznawane za symbol algierskoƛci, byƂo przedmiotem rozgrywek politycznych pomiędzy kolonizatorem a Algierczykami, w konsekwencji czego stawaƂa się ona ofiarą podwĂłjnej opresji. Wychodząc z tego zaƂoĆŒenia, autorka stawia sobie za cel zbadanie, w jaki sposĂłb wspóƂczesna maghrebska kobieta pozycjonuje się w stosunku do tego podwĂłjnego dziedzictwa kulturowego, zaƛ w centrum zainteresowania znajdują się kwestie związane z cielesnoƛcią i seksualnoƛcią kobiecą. Praca skƂada się z dwĂłch częƛci, z ktĂłrych pierwsza stanowi swoiste wprowadzenie w badany krąg kulturowy i poƛwięcona jest historii spoƂeczno-politycznej Algierii oraz historii maghrebskiej literatury kobiecej. W drugiej częƛci, zasadniczej, autorka skupia się na wybranej pisarce oraz jej dziele powieƛciowym, a następnie poddaje analizie zagadnienia cielesnoƛci i seksualnoƛci kobiecej.MAROUANE LeĂŻla, 1996 : La Fille de la Casbah. Paris, Éditions Julliard.MAROUANE LeĂŻla, 1998 : Ravisseur. Paris, Éditions Julliard.MAROUANE LeĂŻla, 2001 : Le ChĂątiment des hypocrites. Paris, Éditions du Seuil.MAROUANE LeĂŻla, 2005 : La Jeune Fille et la MĂšre. Paris, Éditions du Seuil.MAROUANE LeĂŻla, 2007 : La Vie sexuelle d’un islamiste Ă  Paris. Paris, Éditions Albin Michel.BORDELEAU Francine, 1998 : « L’écriture au fĂ©minin existe-t-elle ? ». Lettres quĂ©ÂŹbĂ©coises : la revue de l’actualitĂ© littĂ©raire, 92, 14–18. Disponible sur : https://www. erudit.org/culture/lq1076302/lq1185148/37885ac.pdf (consultĂ© le 14 dĂ©cembre 2015).CIXOUS HĂ©lĂšne, 1975 : « Le rire de la MĂ©duse ». L’Arc, 61, 39–54.CIXOUS HĂ©lĂšne, 1976 : « Le sexe ou la tĂȘte ? ». 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    “La quotidiennetĂ© de l’horreur” dans la littĂ©rature algĂ©rienne au fĂ©minin

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    Algerian novelists of the 1990s, including Assia Djebar and Leïla Marouane, often devote their work to the plight of women, i.e. the victims of “the dark decade” fundamentalism with terrorism ravaging the country. Their testimony, transposed and sublimated by poetic art, makes it possible to describe the atrocities of war and is an inestimable homage to all those who have fallen in combat. The analysis of their narratives allows the author to describe what Charles Bonn calls the “everyday horror” of Algerian women

    Représentations stéréotypées de la femme célibataire chez Leïla Marouane et Kaouther Adimi

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    In this paper, the author analyzes the stereotypical representations of single woman from two French-language Algerian novels: Les Pierres dans ma poche by Kaouther Adimi and La fille de la Casbah by LeĂŻla Marouane. By using different literary techniques, the chosen writers formulate a severe criticism of contemporary Algerian society which, despite the hard-won liberties of the second sex, maintains the status quo by enclosing women in stereotypical social roles and by stigmatizing those who do not do not conform to societal standards

    A universal BMV-based RNA recombination system—how to search for general rules in RNA recombination

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    At present, there is no doubt that RNA recombination is one of the major factors responsible for the generation of new RNA viruses and retroviruses. Numerous experimental systems have been created to investigate this complex phenomenon. Consequently, specific RNA structural motifs mediating recombination have been identified in several viruses. Unfortunately, up till now a unified model of genetic RNA recombination has not been formulated, mainly due to difficulties with the direct comparison of data obtained for different RNA-based viruses. To solve this problem, we have attempted to construct a universal system in which the recombination activity of various RNA sequences could be tested. To this end, we have used brome mosaic virus, a model (+)RNA virus of plants, for which the structural requirements of RNA recombination are well defined. The effectiveness of the new homomolecular system has been proven in an experiment involving two RNA sequences derived from the hepatitis C virus genome. In addition, comparison of the data obtained with the homomolecular system with those generated earlier using the heteromolecular one has provided new evidence that the mechanisms of homologous and non-homologous recombination are different and depend on the virus' mode of replication

    Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in children

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    Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is a heterogenic syndrome characterized by an acute, life-threatening inflammation due to a highly stimulated but ineffective immune response. Depending on the etiology, HLH is divided into primary (genetic) and secondary (acquired) forms. Primary HLH can be divided into familial HLH and HLH associated with other genetic disorders. Secondary HLH usually occurs in the context of a severe infection, rheumatic disease, or malignancy. HLH in children is a rare condition characterized by nonspecific symptoms and poor prognosis. Novel diagnostic tools and therapeutic methods give hope to improve the survival of the patients

    Genetic aberrations in children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, their clinical and therapeutic significance

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    Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) is the most common paediatric malignancy. Despite the fact that the outcome of treatment of ALL in children has improved in the last decades, still as many as 20% of children will undergo treatment failure. Over the last years, there have been great efforts to characterize the genetic alterations of leukaemic cells, which could affect the clinical course of the disease and become new markers that may be targeted with novel therapies. Genomic profiling and sequencing studies have not only identified new subtypes of ALL (e.g. Philadelphia chromosome-like ALL, early T-cell precursor ALL) but also helped to understand the genetic basis of leukaemogenesis and predict treatment failure. Those efforts contributed not only to better risk stratification of children with ALL, but also to development of new tailored therapeutic strategies. So far, improvements in survival of children with Ph+ ALL (Philadelphia positive ALL) have been demonstrated due to combination of intensive chemotherapy with tyrosine kinase (TK) inhibitor (imatinib). There are also some pre- and clinical testing of other inhibitors (TK, FLT3, PI3K/mTOR, MEK) and specific antibodies (CD19 and CD22). Widespread use of modern diagnostic techniques at the early stage of the disease would enable rapid identification of children with a high-risk leukaemia and use of more intensive and tailored therapy

    Ekstrakt z brzozy brodawkowatej Cortex Betulae, jako ĆșrĂłdƂo substancji aktywnych biologicznie

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    For centuries birch extract has been a remedy for various skin problems. It is related to the fact that birch extract contains four or ve cycle triterpenic compounds including betulin, lupeol as well as betulinic and oleanolic acids. ese compounds have bioactive properties, thanks to which they may be applied not only in cosmetology but also in prevention and treatment of many skin diseases, including cancers. As medical research shows, triterpenes trigger the apoptosis process of cancerous cells and at the same time they toxically aect healthy cells. e mechanism of triterpene antioxidant properties is based on activating the enzyme system of an organism responsible for neutralisation of free radicals. anks to its antibacterial and antifungal properties, birch bark extract can be used in products protecting skin against microorganisms. Its bioactive substances regulate functions of the immune system, improve the immune response and stimulate self-healing properties of the body. Birch extract also reduces the risk of skin inammations. Chemical composition of dry birch bark extract is dependent on the conditions of extraction, particularly its time and type of solvent. In the extraction process alcohols or other organic solvents are mostly used due to the strong lipophilic nature of triterpenes. e content of triterpenic compounds in dry birch bark extract accounts for 70%, which makes this plant raw material an extremely rich source of substances belonging to this group.Ekstrakt z kory brzozy stanowi od wiekĂłw remedium na rĂłĆŒnorakie dolegliwoƛci skĂłrne. WiÄ…ĆŒe się to z zawartoƛcią w nim cztero- lub pięciocyklicznych związkĂłw triterpenowych, między innymi betuliny, lupeolu oraz kwasĂłw betulinowego i ole-anolowego. Związki te wykazują dziaƂanie biologicznie czynne, dzięki czemu mogą znaleĆșć zastosowanie nie tylko w kosmetyce, ale rĂłwnieĆŒ w prolaktyce i leczeniu wielu chorĂłb skĂłry, w tym rĂłwnieĆŒ nowotworĂłw. Jak pokazują badania naukowe, triterpeny wywoƂują proces apoptozy komĂłrek nowotworowych, nie wykazując przy tym dziaƂania toksycznego w stosunku do zdrowych tkanek. Z kolei mecha-nizm dziaƂania przeciwutleniającego triterpenĂłw oparty jest na aktywacji systemu enzymatycznego organizmu odpowiedzialnego za neutralizację wolnych rodnikĂłw. Aktywnoƛć przeciwbakteryjna oraz przeciwgrzybicza ekstraktu z kory brzozy umoĆŒliwia zastosowanie go w preparatach chroniących skĂłrę przed dziaƂaniem drobnoustrojĂłw. Substancje aktywne wyciągu z kory brzozy regulują funkcje ukƂadu odpornoƛciowego, wzmacniają odpowiedĆș immunologiczną i stymulują czynnoƛci samonaprawcze organizmu. Ekstrakt brzozowy ogranicza rĂłwnieĆŒ stany zapalne skĂłry. SkƂad suchego ekstraktu z kory brzozy zaleĆŒy od warunkĂłw procesu ekstrakcji, a szczegĂłlnie jej czasu i rodzaju zastosowanego rozpuszczalnika. Do ekstrakcji stosuje się najczęƛciej alkohole lub inne organiczne rozpuszczalniki, ze względu na silnie lipolowy charakter triterpenĂłw. Zawartoƛć związkĂłw triterpenowych w suchym ekstrakcie z brzozy sięga 70% masowych, co czyni ten surowiec roƛlinny niezwykle bogatym ĆșrĂłdƂem związkĂłw z tej grupy

    Lipophagy and lipolysis status in lipid storage and lipid metabolism diseases

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    This review discusses how lipophagy and cytosolic lipolysis degrade cellular lipids, as well as how these pathway ys communicate, how they affect lipid metabolism and energy homeostasis in cells and how their dysfunction affects the pathogenesis of lipid storage and lipid metabolism diseases. Answers to these questions will likely uncover novel strategies for the treatment of aforementioned human diseases, but, above all, will avoid destructive effects of high concentrations of lipids—referred to as lipotoxicity—resulting in cellular dysfunction and cell death
