15 research outputs found

    Complex logistics audit system

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    Complex logistics audit system is a tool for realization of logistical audit in the company. The current methods for logistics auditare based on “ad hok” analysis of logisticsl system. This paper describes system for complex logistics audit. It is a global diagnosticsof logistics processes and functions of enterprise. The goal of logistics audit is to provide comparative documentation for managementabout state of logistics in company and to show the potential of logistics changes in order to achieve more effective companyperformance

    System design for evaluation of company production strategy

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    This paper describes the way how to evaluate the company production strategy, which is one of the most important elements, onthat company has to be concentrated during its existence. As a means for gaining the data for evaluation were used in the analyticalforms, which are exploring each area of production strategy in detail by using different kinds of questions. This article describes also theway how to evaluate these analytical forms

    Number of conveyor belts optimization regarding to its type and logistical parameters in mining industry

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    Material transportation by belt conveyers is widely used in many industrial branches including mining plants. Belt conveyingdevelopment during the last year was oriented mainly on construction of belts. The consequence of this is the improvement of itsmanufacture qualities bringing down the costs for their exchange and maintenance.Despite the fact that there are some theoreticalcalculations based on a standards it is common in the industry that the belt is not properly selected or it is overdesigned or number of itstypes is too large what can lead to increased costs for its storage. The paper describes the optimization of number of belt types in miningcompany SIDERIT, s. r. o. Nižná Slaná by the method of modernization and unification of belts under practical skills and projectingbased on theoretical calculations

    Definition of basic and supporting parts of Alfa foils, a.s. planning system

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    Aggregate planning cummulates into one target capacity, materials, economy and technology rules with aim to minimizesubjective approaches at the production plan designing and utilization of automatic (pseudoexpert) system for making productionplanning. Optimalization, equalizing and adaptation of customers capacity requests to production capacity possibilities is very bigproblem in many Slovak firms

    Period definning for creation of production planning of firm Alfa Foils, a.s.

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    The problem of production plannts creation of ALFA FOLIE, a.s. firm defines three basic absences:• Capacity request, results from orders, sometime exceed capacity possibilities which evokes disturbance of goods delivery timekeeping,• Coorditation between market and production is insufficient,• Realization of production planning is based on subjectives access of operatore

    The logistic principles for fast flexible strategy design of the company in crisis time

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    The article deals with design of the logistic principles enabling an enterprise to create a strategy flexible in terms of business and marketing and stable and steady in terms of manufacturing. In order to create a strategy model the following principles can be applied: shortening the period of capacity planning combined with flexible planning, syncro -mrp (Material Required Planning) principle, the application of forecasting in capacity planning, creation with partners of one of the cooperation forms such as supply chain, demand chain, lean supply chain, agile supply chain, leagile supply chain, and using the dbr (Drum Buffer Rope), aps (Advanced Planning System) and scp (Supply Chain Planning) systems. The article describes application of this principle for model design of the flexible strategy for Chemosvit fólie a. s. company, and the results of this application in the crisis time 2009-2011

    Company strategy in the crisis period

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    Tyt. z nagłówka.Bibliogr. s. 51.W artykule zaprezentowano rozwiązania logistyczne umożliwiające przedsiębiorstwom tworzenie elastycznych strategii biznesowych i marketingowych oraz stabilnych w środowiskach produkcyjnych. Do utworzenia modelu strategii mogą być stosowane następujące zasady: krótsze okresy planowania zdolności w połączeniu z elastycznym planowaniem, zasada Syncro-MRP, stosowanie prognozowania w planowaniu operacyjnym, utworzenie z partnerami jednej z form współpracy w łańcuchu dostaw, łańcuchu popytu, odchudzonym łańcuchu dostaw, zwinnym łańcuchu dostaw oraz wykorzystanie systemów klsy DBR, APS i SCP.The article deals with the logistic strategies enabling an enterprise to create a strategy flexible in terms of business and marketing and stable in terms of manufacturing. In order to create a strategy model the following principles can be applied: shorter periods of capacity planning combined with flexible planning, SYNCRO - MRP principle, the application of forecasting in operative planning, creation with partners one of the cooperation form as supply chain, demand chain, lean supply chain, agile supply chain, leagile supply chain, and using the DBR, APS and SCP systems.Dostępny również w formie drukowanej.SŁOWA KLUCZOWE: SYNCRO-MRP, planowanie zdolności, prognozowanie, łańcuch dostaw, łańcuch popytu, odchudzony łańcuch dostaw, zwinny łańcuch dostaw, DBR, APS, SCP. KEYWORDS: SYNCRO-MRP, capacity planning, forecasting, supply chain, demand chain, lean supply chain, agile supply chain, leagile supply chain, DBR, APS, SCP

    Algorithms of capacity balancing of printing machineries for Alfa Foils, a.s. planning system

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    Basic absence for orders income is not definning of rules for their evaluation. It is very important todefine necessary rules and define competence of each workers, that influence production planning, itmeans to define competence of planning workers and their trade or firm position

    Planning and control of mine production by heuristics models

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