109 research outputs found

    Multiloop Superstring Amplitudes from Non-Minimal Pure Spinor Formalism

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    Using the non-minimal version of the pure spinor formalism, manifestly super-Poincare covariant superstring scattering amplitudes can be computed as in topological string theory without the need of picture-changing operators. The only subtlety comes from regularizing the functional integral over the pure spinor ghosts. In this paper, it is shown how to regularize this functional integral in a BRST-invariant manner, allowing the computation of arbitrary multiloop amplitudes. The regularization method simplifies for scattering amplitudes which contribute to ten-dimensional F-terms, i.e. terms in the ten-dimensional superspace action which do not involve integration over the maximum number of θ\theta's.Comment: 23 pages harvmac, added acknowledgemen

    Variability of Fragments of Nuclear Brca1 Gene, Exon 11, and Mitochondrial Cox1 Gene in House Mice Mus musculus

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    To clarify genetic differences between subspecies of the house mouse Mus musculus, their distribution, and hybridization, we first conducted a comparative analysis of variability of nucleotide sequences of fragments of the nuclear gene Brca1, exon 11 (2331 bp), and mitochondrial gene Cox1 (1260 bp) in 40 house mice from West and East Europe, Transcaucasia, Siberia, and Central and South Asia. Brca1 genotypes were divided into five main groups, which differed in a number of fixed substitutions. Genotypes of each group are characteristic for the certain geographical region and the following subspecies: M. m. musculus, M. m. domesticus, M. m. castaneus, and M. m. wagneri together with M. m. gansuensis; a fifth group corresponds to an unidentified subspecies or a distinct genetic form of M. musculus from India (Sikkim State). Besides the homozygous specimens, we revealed mice, which were heterozygous for all diagnostic loci simultaneously; these specimens were determined as hybrid. Hybrid mice were mainly found in the zones of contact of subspecies, but in some cases, quite far from one of the parent subspecies (possibly, due to transportation). In two hybrid mice (from Bakhtiari Province of Iran and Transbaikalia of Russia), unique Brca1 haplotypes were detected. It cannot be ruled out that, at least partly, they may be characteristic of the M. m. bactrianus and M. m. gansuensis subspecies, respectively. Thus, the results of the study showed that the nuclear Brca1 gene is a promising molecular genetic marker for the analysis of variability, differentiation, and hybridization of house mice as well for subspecific identification of M. musculus specimens. Despite more rapid evolution of the Cox1 gene, it is not well suited for discrimination of M.m. musculus, M. m. wagneri, M. m. gansuensis specimens and Transcaucasian representatives of M.m. domesticus due to introgression and long-term maintenance of foreign mitochondrial DNA in populations. However, Cox1 gene analysis (along with the diagnostics of animals by nuclear DNA) may be useful for estimation of population differences in M. m. castaneus and M.m. domesticus subspecies

    New stratigraphic data on the quaternary sediments in the Peschanaya River Valley, Northwestern Altai

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    © 2017 Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This paper presents new data on the structure and the lithological, pedological, paleontological, and paleomagnetic features of the Middle and Upper Quaternary sediments in the Peschanaya River valley, the foothills of northwestern Altai. Those horizons contain a loess-soil sequence and sediments relating to two Middle Pleistocene interglacials. On the basis of palynological characteristics of one of the Middle Pleistocene interglacials, the succession of fl oras during the respective stages is reconstructed. The Middle Pleistocene interglacial fl oras of Western Siberia are compared with that reconstructed on the basis of the Karama site, evidencing marked differences. The fl ora around Karama included broad-leaved taxa, which were absent during the Middle Pleistocene interglacials of Western Siberia, when apart from modern arboreal taxa, only cold-resistant broad-leaved ones were present (Tilia, Corylus, Ulmus, and Juglans). The Karama fl ora resembles the last Western Siberian thermophilic fl ora-Barnaul, which existed during the long climatic warming of the Early Pleistocene, corresponding to the Tiglian in northwestern Europe (2.23-1.59 Ma BP). Since the beginning of the Middle Pleistocene, interglacial fl oras of Western Siberia have resembled modern ones. In terms of phytocenotic and palaeoclimatic features, Middle Pleistocene interglacial environments of Western Siberia display a sharp contrast with those of Barnaul and Karama


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    Methods of the quantitative analysis tasks of critical informatization objects survivability which are based on an assessment of damages at influence of destabilizing factors are considered. The interrelation of material, functional and structural damages is shown. The assessment of functional damage of KIOI is offered to be carried out on the basis of a method of the analysis of casual structures (systems) on productivity.Рассмотрены методы количественного анализа живучести критически важных объектов информатизации, базирующиеся на оценке ущербов при воздействии дестабилизирующих факторов. Показана взаимосвязь материального, функционального и структурного ущербов. Предложено осуществлять оценку функционального ущерба КВОИ на основе метода анализа случайных структур (систем) по производительности

    Optimization of the drainage system of overburden dumps using geofiltration modeling

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    The article describes the assessment of the predicted water flows at the site of the projected rock dumps, which was carried out using geofiltration modeling. When developing the model, we used actual data on capacities, filtration coefficients and water capacity, roof and sole marks of the selected aquifers, precipitation infiltration, as well as the projected dumps are located on the slope surfac

    Gaudin Model, Bethe Ansatz and Critical Level

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    We propose a new method of diagonalization of hamiltonians of the Gaudin model associated to an arbitrary simple Lie algebra, which is based on Wakimoto modules over affine algebras at the critical level. We construct eigenvectors of these hamiltonians by restricting certain invariant functionals on tensor products of Wakimoto modules. In conformal field theory language, the eigenvectors are given by certain bosonic correlation functions. Analogues of Bethe ansatz equations naturally appear as Kac-Kazhdan type equations on the existence of certain singular vectors in Wakimoto modules. We use this construction to expalain a connection between Gaudin's model and correlation functions of WZNW models.Comment: 40 pages, postscript-file (references added and corrected


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    Weight reductions, the use of natural materials, and ease of disposal are signs of environmental friendliness in building structures. This article studies designs with indicated features. It also pro-vides the results of experimental studies of U-shaped reinforced concrete frames with pre-stressed reinforcement in posts and beam-column. The specific features of the frame construction are linear pre-stressed wire-rope reinforcement, connections of beam-column joint with a post, and connec-tions with pre-cast reinforced concrete units bearing the moment of flection with foundation mat. The authors analyze the results of measuring the deformation capacity of such connections and their displacement due to vertical deal load


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    The use of a method of joining the random structures (systems) on the productivity for the analytical estimation of the vitality of critically important object is examined. It’re given mathematical expressions for enumerating the productivity of object and its elements the determination of the statistical characteristics of the functions of the random arguments within the framework of the classical probability theory. It’s shown that the major advantages of the utilized method, which being somewhat bulky for the object, their consisting small number of elements, practically is not complicated with their unlimited growth and increase in the dimensionality of system.Рассмотрено использование метода сопряжения случайных структур (систем) по производительности для аналитической оценки живучести критически важного объекта. Приведены математические выражения для вычисления производительности объекта и его элементов определением статистических характеристик функций случайных аргументов в рамках классической теории вероятности. Показаны основные преимущества используемого метода, который, являясь несколько громоздким для объекта, состоящего их небольшого числа элементов, практически не усложняется при неограниченном их возрастании и увеличении размерности системы

    Electrocardiographic diagnostics of cardiovascular pathology in athletes of youth sports schools

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    Objective: to evaluate the data of cardiac screening to identify cardiac pathology and determine sports participation among in athletes of Youth Sports Schools in five districts of St. Petersburg. Materials and methods: 9847 young athletes (average age 13.8 ± 4.9 years, 6127 men) were included in the study during 8 months. Clinical protocol uncluded the collection of complaints, anamnesis, family anamnesis, physical examination, ECG in 12 leads. If necessary, Holter monitoring, echocardiography, and an exercise test were performed. Results: typical ECG changes were registered in 60.4% of athletes, borderline in 0.05% and pathological in 3.69%. All athletes with pathological changes were excluded from the training and competitive process for the period of in-depth medical examination. In the end, two athletes were not allowed to continue participation in sport (2 with stressful ventricular arrhythmias). There was not any lethal outcomes for the entire period of the study. Conclusions: cardiological screening using the routine ECG method remains the main tool for identifying a possible pathological substrate and assessing the risk of sudden cardiac death. Early detection of cardiac arrhythmias and conduction disturbances allow to take measures to prevent sudden cardiac death