47 research outputs found

    Zika Virus- Emergence, Evolution, Pathology, Diagnosis, and Control: Current Global Scenario and Future Perspectives- A Comprehensive Review

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    This review converses the Zika virus which has attained global concern due to its rapid pandemic potential and impact on humans. Though Zika virus was first isolated in 1947, till the recent large-scale outbreak which occurred in Micronesia, in 2007, the virus was placed into the innocuous pathogen category. The World Health Organization on 1 February 2016 declared it as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.\u27 Of the note, American as well as Pacific Island strains/isolates is relatively closer to Asian lineage strains. The African and American strains share more than 87.5% and 95% homologies with Asian strains/isolates, respectively. Asian strains form independent clusters, except those isolated from China, suggesting relatively more diversity than African strains. Prevention and control are mainly aimed at the vector population (mosquitoes) with Aedes aegypti being the main species. Surveys in Africa and Asia indicated seropositivity in various animal species. However, so far its natural reservoir is unknown. There is an urgent need to understand why Zika virus has shifted from being a virus that caused mild illness to unforeseen birth defects as well as autoimmune-neurological problems. Unfortunately, an effective vaccine is not available yet. Availability of cryo-electron microscopy based on 3.8 angstrom resolution revealing mature Zika virus structure and the probable virus attachment site to host cell would provide critical insights into the development of antiviral treatments and vaccines

    Occurrence of multiple combinations of G and P types of group A bovine and human rotaviruses in Uttarakhand and Nagaland states, India

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    The present study describes the distribution of RV in bovine and human population from Uttarakhand and North eastern region of India. Group A rotavirus (RVA) was detected in 17.33% and 15.68% diarrhoeic cases from bovine and humans, respectively. All bovine RVA isolates were long electropherotypes whereas, in human RVA isolates both long and short electropherotypes were detected. Genotyping by multiplex RT-PCR revealed presence of G3 and G10 genotypes in bovine and G1 and G3 in humans. Among P types, P[1] and P[11] in bovine and P[4] and P[8] in human were detected. The G and P type combinations present were G3P[11], G10P[1], G3P[1]P[11],  G10P[1]P[11],  G3G10P[1]P[11], G3G6G10P[1] and G3G6G10P[11] in bovine, while G1P[4], G3P[8] and G1G3P[8] in human samples

    Genomic Diversity of CRESS DNA Viruses in the Eukaryotic Virome of Swine Feces

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    Replication-associated protein (Rep)-encoding single-stranded DNA (CRESS DNA) viruses are a diverse group of viruses, and their persistence in the environment has been studied for over a decade. However, the persistence of CRESS DNA viruses in herds of domestic animals has, in some cases, serious economic consequence. In this study, we describe the diversity of CRESS DNA viruses identified during the metagenomics analysis of fecal samples collected from a single swine herd with apparently healthy animals. A total of nine genome sequences were assembled and classified into two different groups (CRESSV1 and CRESSV2) of the Cirlivirales order (Cressdnaviricota phylum). The novel CRESS DNA viral sequences shared 85.8–96.8% and 38.1–94.3% amino acid sequence identities for the Rep and putative capsid protein sequences compared to their respective counterparts with extant GenBank record. Data presented here show evidence for simultaneous infection of swine herds with multiple novel CRESS DNA viruses, including po-circo-like viruses and fur seal feces-associated circular DNA viruses. Given that viral genomes with similar sequence and structure have been detected in swine fecal viromes from independent studies, investigation of the association between presence of CRESS DNA viruses and swine health conditions seems to be justified

    Physico-chemical litter amendments and their impact on broiler chicks’ performance

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    The objective of the study was to compare the effects of alternative litter treatments on litter quality, growth, carcass traits and welfare of broiler chicks. Day old, commercial broiler chicks (180) having similar body weight range were randomly allocated to two different types of litter treatments, viz. treated litter at the rate of 120°C (T1) and litter treated with sodium bisulfate 25 g/sq. ft. (T2) along with the control group without any litter treatment (T0). Birds of all the treated groups performed better in terms of growth, feed intake and FCR, etc. Cake formation was frequent, highest in T0 followed by T1 and T2 groups which in turn affected the frequency of undesirably poor sanitary outlook of the birds. Significantly lower EPG (E. coli count per gram) count while a numerically lower microbial load of the faecal samples was noted in the T2 than T1 and control. This implied the change in the pH and acidification of litter materials prevented the growth of coccidia and microbial load in the litter, thus making the litter more suitable for bird welfare. It was concluded that chemical litter amendments had a beneficial effect on overall growth performance, carcass characteristics, health and welfare of broiler chicks

    Advances in Developing Therapies to Combat Zika Virus: Current Knowledge and Future Perspectives

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    Zika virus (ZIKV) remained largely quiescent for nearly six decades after its first appearance in 1947. ZIKV reappeared after 2007, resulting in a declaration of an international “public health emergency” in 2016 by the World Health Organization (WHO). Until this time, ZIKV was considered to induce only mild illness, but it has now been established as the cause of severe clinical manifestations, including fetal anomalies, neurological problems, and autoimmune disorders. Infection during pregnancy can cause congenital brain abnormalities, including microcephaly and neurological degeneration, and in other cases, Guillain-Barré syndrome, making infections with ZIKV a substantial public health concern. Genomic and molecular investigations are underway to investigate ZIKV pathology and its recent enhanced pathogenicity, as well as to design safe and potent vaccines, drugs, and therapeutics. This review describes progress in the design and development of various anti-ZIKV therapeutics, including drugs targeting virus entry into cells and the helicase protein, nucleosides, inhibitors of NS3 protein, small molecules, methyltransferase inhibitors, interferons, repurposed drugs, drugs designed with the aid of computers, neutralizing antibodies, convalescent serum, antibodies that limit antibody-dependent enhancement, and herbal medicines. Additionally, covalent inhibitors of viral protein expression and anti-Toll-like receptor molecules are discussed. To counter ZIKV-associated disease, we need to make rapid progress in developing novel therapies that work effectually to inhibit ZIKV

    Complete Genome Sequence of a Genotype G23P[37] Pheasant Rotavirus Strain Identified in Hungary

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    We investigated the genomic properties of a rotavirus A strain isolated from diarrheic pheasant poults in Hungary in 2015. Sequence analyses revealed a shared genomic constellation (G23-P[37]-I4-R4-C4-M4-A16-N10-T4-E4-H4) and close relationship (range of nucleotide sequence similarity: VP2, 88%; VP1 and NSP4, 98%) with another pheasant rotavirus strain isolated previously in Germany

    Određivanje i validacija novih početnica za učinkovitu genotipizaciju životinjskih rotavirusa G3.

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    The present study describes the problem of genotyping failures of animal rotaviruses with existing and in-use G3 genotyping primers. To overcome the problem, published and in-use G3 typing primers with sequences of VP7 genotyping regions from human and animal G3 rotavirus isolates were evaluated. The sequence alignment analysis showed that existing in-use G3 primers exhibit higher complementarities with rotavirus isolates of G6, G8 and G10 genotype specificities. The existing G3 primers showed up to 9 nucleotide mismatches with the animal origin rotavirus isolates of G3 genotype specificity. The modified G3 genotyping primers yielded positive amplification in all the G3 isolates of animal origin, with no incorrect amplification with any other group A rotavirus genotypes viz. G6 and G10. We advise the use of the proposed primers in molecular surveillance studies to discover the truly dominant genotypes of rotaviruses in animals.U radu je opisan problem neuspjeha genotipizacije životinjskih rotavirusa s dosadašnjim početnicama za genotipizaciju G3. Za rješavanje tog problema vrednovane su objavljene i rabljene početnice za G3 sa sekvencijama za VP7 područja genotipizacije izolata rotavirusa podrijetlom od ljudi i životinja. Analiza poravnanja sekvencije pokazala je da rabljene početnice G3 pokazuju veću komplementarnost s izolatima rotavirusa genotipa G6, G8 i G10. Postojeće početnice G3 bile su u devet nukleotida nepodudarne s rotavirusima G3 životinjskog podrijetla. Preinačene početnice za genotipizaciju G3 pokazale su se uspješnima za umnožavanje sva tri izolata G3 podrijetlom od životinja bez pogrješnog umnožavanja bilo kojeg genotipa skupine A rotavirusa odnosno G6 i G10. Preporučuje se upotreba predloženih početnica u molekularnim istraživanjima za dokaz uistinu dominantnih genotipova rotavirusa u životinja

    World Society for Virology first international conference: Tackling global virus epidemics

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    This communication summarizes the presentations given at the 1st international conference of the World Society for Virology (WSV) held virtually during 16–18 June 2021, under the theme of tackling global viral epidemics. The purpose of this biennial meeting is to foster international collaborations and address important viral epidemics in different hosts. The first day included two sessions exclusively on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. The other two days included one plenary and three parallel sessions each. Last not least, 16 sessions covered 140 on-demand submitted talks. In total, 270 scientists from 49 countries attended the meeting, including 40 invited keynote speakers.Peer reviewe

    A Comprehensive Review on Equine Influenza Virus:Etiology, Epidemiology, Pathobiology, Advances in Developing Diagnostics, Vaccines, and Control Strategies

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    Among all the emerging and re-emerging animal diseases, influenza group is the prototype member associated with severe respiratory infections in wide host species. Wherein, Equine influenza (EI) is the main cause of respiratory illness in equines across globe and is caused by equine influenza A virus (EIV-A) which has impacted the equine industry internationally due to high morbidity and marginal morality. The virus transmits easily by direct contact and inhalation making its spread global and leaving only limited areas untouched. Hitherto reports confirm that this virus crosses the species barriers and found to affect canines and few other animal species (cat and camel). EIV is continuously evolving with changes at the amino acid level wreaking the control program a tedious task. Until now, no natural EI origin infections have been reported explicitly in humans. Recent advances in the diagnostics have led to efficient surveillance and rapid detection of EIV infections at the onset of outbreaks. Incessant surveillance programs will aid in opting a better control strategy for this virus by updating the circulating vaccine strains. Recurrent vaccination failures against this virus due to antigenic drift and shift have been disappointing, however better understanding of the virus pathogenesis would make it easier to design effective vaccines predominantly targeting the conserved epitopes (HA glycoprotein). Additionally, the cold adapted and canarypox vectored vaccines are proving effective in ceasing the severity of disease. Furthermore, better understanding of its genetics and molecular biology will help in estimating the rate of evolution and occurrence of pandemics in future. Here, we highlight the advances occurred in understanding the etiology, epidemiology and pathobiology of EIV and a special focus is on designing and developing effective diagnostics, vaccines and control strategies for mitigating the emerging menace by EIV