556 research outputs found

    Globalisation and Its Implications for Agriculture, Food Security, and Poverty in Pakistan

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    The world trade liberalisation has been the major concern to almost all the international communities since very long due to the extensive trade restrictions imposed by the developed and industrial countries. These restrictions caused to create a very tough protectionist economic environment for all the countries [SESRTCIC (1995) and Chaudhary (2001)]. Pakistan is one of the founder members of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) since 1948 and a signatory of Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Agreement (MTA) with Word Trade Organisation (WTO). The Agreement made significant progress in three major areas i.e. market liberalisation which could add approximately one percent of world real GDP (US$212–274 billion) and 10 percent to world trade upon full implementation of the Agreement, strengthening of rule and institutional structure, particularly the creation of WTO, which could decide on dispute and impairment of trade rules and principles, and integration of new areas into the multilateral trading system such as general agreements on trade in services (GATS) and trade-related intellectual property rights (TRIPs), trade-related investment measures (TRIMs) and the traditionally sensitive and contentious sectors (agriculture, and textile and clothing) [Abidin (1994); GATT (1994) and IMF (1994)]. The classical economists explained the welfare benefits of globalisation (by the specialisation and widening of markets through trade). Trade can bring settlement by allowing countries to take benefit of their comparative advantage, harvest the profit of scale economies and ensure competition, greater variety and potentially, more stable markets and prices.

    Efek Suhu Terhadap Pembentukan Besaran Butiran Arang Karbon Tempurung Kelapa Sawit

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    Research has been carried out using x-ray diffraction analysis and analysis of Atomic Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDAX) on a sample of oil palm shell carbon. X-ray diffraction spectrum of a sample of oil palm shell carbon has an amorphous structure with two peaks in the energy intensity of 639 AU and 232AU (Arbitari Unit). The elements contained in the oil palm shell carbon containing elements other than carbon C amounted to 98.48% of other elementsthat are also contained 0.71% Si silicon. EDAX analysis of the percentage obtained on the building blocks of atomic carbon C is approximately 99.69% and 0.31% Si silicon. SEM analysis obtained by cross-sectional shape is irregular, so it can be concluded that oil palm shell carbon is amorphous, and visible changes in the peak position, width and height of the temperature difference diffractogramto the formation of massive carbon charcoal granules

    Constraint-based Query Distribution Framework for an Integrated Global Schema

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    Distributed heterogeneous data sources need to be queried uniformly using global schema. Query on global schema is reformulated so that it can be executed on local data sources. Constraints in global schema and mappings are used for source selection, query optimization,and querying partitioned and replicated data sources. The provided system is all XML-based which poses query in XML form, transforms, and integrates local results in an XML document. Contributions include the use of constraints in our existing global schema which help in source selection and query optimization, and a global query distribution framework for querying distributed heterogeneous data sources.Comment: The Proceedings of the 13th INMIC 2009), Dec. 14-15, 2009, Islamabad, Pakistan. Pages 1 - 6 Print ISBN: 978-1-4244-4872-2 INSPEC Accession Number: 11072575 Date of Current Version : 15 January 201

    Application of using Hybrid Renewable Energy in Saudi Arabia

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    One of the major world wide concerns of the utilities is to reduce the emissions from traditional power plants by using renewable energy and to reduce the high cost of supplying electricity to remote areas. Hybrid power systems can provide a good solution for such problems because they integrate renewable energy along with the traditional power plants. In Kingdom of Saudi Arabia a remote village called Al-Qtqt, was selected as a case study in order to investigate the ability to use a hybrid power system to provide the village with its needs of electricity. The simulation of this hybrid power system was done using HOMER software

    Efek Aditif Bi2o3 Terhadap Mikrostruktur Dan Koefisien Non Linear Varistor Zno.

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    The varistor ZnO has been made by using raw materials: ZnO (E-Merck) and additive 0 %, 2.5 %, 5%, 7.5%, and 10% wt. Bi2O3. The important property of varistor ZnO is coefficient of non linier () and it can give influence correlation between current I and voltage V


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    Hal yang paling penting dalam konsep pendidikan agama islam adalah adanya sebuah konsep fitrah manusia. Fitrah manusia tidak selalu identik dengan teori kertas kosong atau tabularasa, sebab kata tabulrasa seperti yang di praktekkan oleh john locke yang hanya melihat manusia itu seperti kertas putih, ibarat kertas yang belum di coret, sehingga pengaruh lingkungan itu sangat berdampak dan adanya pendidikan menjadi hal yang sangat penting. Di dalam fitrah manusia terdapat potensi bawaan yang dibawa oleh manusia yakni potensi daya atau kekuatan untuk bisa menerima sebuah tauhid atau agama islam maka dari itu dalam adanya lingkungan dan keluarga sangat mempengaruhi dan strategis dalam mengembangkan fitrah manusia itu sendri, dengan artian kalau anak di arahkan kepada hal yang positif dan baik maka akan terarah dan menjadikan dirinya sebegai penerus bangsa regenerasi bangsa yang cinta damai, tentram, inklusif, dan terus mengembangkan. Hal tersebut Menunjukkan bahwa Manusia dengan segala potensinya, sanggup merealesasikan apa yang sudah menjadi keinginannya, proses mengembangkan kemampuan yang dimiliki melalui pendidikan tidak menjadi jaminan dalam membentuk krakter dan bakat menuju insan yang baik dan menjadi kebanggaan dan disenangi oleh semuanya terlebih di cintai penciptanya, maka dari hal itu adanya sebuah pendidikan agama Islam selalu memberikan hal yang baru dan selalu mewarnai hidup kita sesuai dengan potensi yang dimiliki oleh manusia itu sendri

    Analisa Pengaruh Inti Koil terhadap Medan Magnetik dan Muatan pada Kapasitor dalam Rangkaian Seri Lc

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    Magnetic field that produced by coils changes its value significantly when the coil core made from air replaced by ferromagnetic (Fe), paramagnetic (Cu) and diamagnetic (Al) materials. In this research the value of magnetic field was measured as a function of coil's turns (N), Applied Current (I) and the distance From the center of the coil as the coil's core changed from air to Fe, Cu, and Al. Number of turns of the coils was varied namely 50, 100, and 150 with length of 4.2 cm and diameter of 3.2 cm. Next, the coil and a capacitor were connected with a series circuit in which the value of the capacitance of the capacitor is 4700 ÎĽĆ’. Magnetic field that produced by the coils were measured using Pasco Magnetic Probe PS- 2162 . While the voltage were measured using volt meter. From the result of the research it was found that the average value of magnetic field (N = 50 turns) for constant current of (2A) increased by 127 % and 13.59 % when the core coil (air) replaced by iron and copper respectively. While for alumunium, the value of the magnetic field was reduced by 45.56 % from air core. Theoretically, the value of charges on the capacitor and current flow in the circuit as a function of time oscillated in the form of sinusoidal. The charges on the capacitor at t=0 had its maximum value that was 9.4 x 10-4 Coulomb, the current in the circuit reached its maximum value that was 5.08 Ampere at t = 10 s

    How has Outsourcing Human Resource (HR) Services within National Health Services (NHS) Impacted upon Staff Turnover and Wider Local Economy in UK?

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    This paper critically investigates how outsourcing human resource (HR) services within National Health Services (NHS) have affected staff turnover and wider local economy of UK. Interviews were structured with the view to investigate this issue. The research shows that despite the pressure of outsourcing by Department of Health (DoH), NHS acute trusts are reluctant to outsource their HR functions. Those who outsourced have done this with some strategic planning. Reverse trend of outsourcing has also been observed. Outsourcing HR functions have not lost as many jobs as it was expected. No direct relationship was observed in the wider local economy and outsourcing in NHS trusts. According to findings of the research HR outsourcing has not drastic effects on wider local economy if observed on small scale

    Globalisation and Its Implications for Agriculture, Food Security, and Poverty in Pakistan

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    The world trade liberalisation has been the major concern to almost all the international communities since very long due to the extensive trade restrictions imposed by the developed and industrial countries. These restrictions caused to create a very tough protectionist economic environment for all the countries [SESRTCIC (1995) and Chaudhary (2001)]. Pakistan is one of the founder members of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) since 1948 and a signatory of Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Agreement (MTA) with Word Trade Organisation (WTO). The Agreement made significant progress in three major areas i.e. market liberalisation which could add approximately one percent of world real GDP (US$212-274 billion) and 10 percent to world trade upon full implementation of the Agreement, strengthening of rule and institutional structure, particularly the creation of WTO, which could decide on dispute and impairment of trade rules and principles, and integration of new areas into the multilateral trading system such as general agreements on trade in services (GATS) and trade-related intellectual property rights (TRIPs), trade-related investment measures (TRIMs) and the traditionally sensitive and contentious sectors (agriculture, and textile and clothing) [Abidin (1994); GATT (1994) and IMF (1994)]. The classical economists explained the welfare benefits of globalisation (by the specialisation and widening of markets through trade). Trade can bring settlement by allowing countries to take benefit of their comparative advantage, harvest the profit of scale economies and ensure competition, greater variety and potentially, more stable markets and prices. The free movement of capital directs resources towards their more productive use
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