7 research outputs found

    A Study on Socio-Economic Status of Mango Growers in Bijnor District of Western Uttar Pradesh

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    Mango is a tropical and subtropical fruit crop grown in India over an area of 2258.13 thousand hectares with production of 21822.32 metric tons. The total area under mango cultivation in Uttar Pradesh is 265.62 thousand hectares with 4551.83 metric tons production 2017-18. In Bijnor district of Uttar Pradesh, mango grown 5.91 thousand hectares area with 118.09 metric tons production of mango in the same period. Mango grown in diverse agro climatic conditions faces differential biotic and abiotic stress limiting the production and productivity of mango that in influenced the economic condition of mango Growers. The purpose of the present study was to examine the socio-economic status of mango growers in Bijnor district of Western Uttar Pradesh. The result of the analysis shows that 39.09 percent of respondent fall within the age range of 46 to 60 years,  general caste (53.64 percent), education level-literate (50.91 percent), family type-joint family (69.09 percent), family member-4 to 6 members (67.27), land holding size-above 5 hectare (50.91 percent), irrigation facilities-own (84.55 percent), 58.18 percent of respondents were engaged in farming activities only and 25.00 percent respondent were doing farming with business.  38.18 percent respondent got more than Rs 300000.00 annual income,  36.82 percent respondent have their own pumping set and electric motor and 53.64 respondent has not participated in any technical programme